Chapter 186

Hearing these words, Yu Xiaoxi seemed to hear her own heartbroken voice. These days, she has been unable to make up her mind to talk to him about the dissolution of the engagement. It is undoubtedly because of his meticulous care and care for herself and her children in the past six years. The wholehearted help, the reason why she thinks of him first when the child encounters difficulties is because she still trusts him and relies on him, but these words, the only thing left in her heart for him A insistence was abruptly broken: "Sihan, I'm sorry, I'm just worried about Fanfan. Since you think so, then I won't bother you." Now she really found out that there was a huge gap between them. chasm, and too great a distance.

"I'm sorry, is it useful? Hehe, don't bother me, you have been bothering me for six years, Yu Xiaoxi, without you, I can still find other women, but without me, you will be alone. Oh, I almost forgot , doesn’t your child still have a father? Since he’s gone, go find Yan Feimo, why are you looking for me, I don’t have his father, it’s none of my business!” Jing Sihan’s eyes were red, He had already drunk the bottom of his wine, but at this moment his consciousness was completely confused, and he just instinctively wanted to vent the dissatisfaction that had been accumulated in his heart for a long time.

These words are tantamount to a blow to Yu Xiaoxi, although she doesn't know why Jing Sihan's mood is so abnormal today, but her intuition tells her that these are words from the bottom of his heart, although it is undeniable that in the past six years, He was very good to the two children, but at this moment, she finally understood that he never regarded her children as his own.Maybe she should have thought of it a long time ago, this is just a manifestation of his love for the house and the house, no man will have such a big belly, maybe now he is tired of her, so he is ready to give her a relief, although thinking about it At this moment of clarifying the truth, she was very hurt, but remembering how kind he had been to her in the past six years, she still said sincerely: "Okay, Sihan, I understand, I won't trouble you again in the future, thank you six I will take care of me and my children during the year, and I will learn to solve any problems by myself in the future." Yu Xiaoxi didn't wait for Jing Sihan to speak, and hung up the phone, but the moment she closed the phone, her Tears flowed from her eyes, because she knew that some things would never come back, and the tacit understanding and affection between them would also dissipate in this bleak late autumn night.

The night was getting darker and colder, Yu Xiaoxi felt helpless and helpless for the first time, but fortunately at this moment, she finally understood that she didn't wait until the point of no return, but she didn't expect to leave the scene Sihan, she will be so useless, she can't do anything except being depressed. After searching for half the night, there is still no news of her son. In fact, she also really wants to follow what Jing Sihan said, go to Yan Feimo and ask him for help , but she didn't want to let herself form a second dependence, so in desperation, she had no choice but to call the police, and then prayed that the child would be safe and sound.

In Yu Xiaoxi's helpless situation, the phone rang, it was Yan Feimo's call, she hesitated for a while, and finally answered it.

"Xiaoxi, where are you now?" Yan Feimo's voice was anxious, filled with worry.

"Fanfan hasn't found it yet, I'm going crazy." Women are fragile after all, so when she heard Yan Feimo's voice in this helpless moment, she couldn't help shedding two lines of helpless tears.

"Xiaoxi, don't cry, just listen to me, tell me your current address, I will pick you up, and we will save Fanfan now." Yan Feimo didn't have much words to comfort Yu Xiaoxi, I don't intend to explain what happened too clearly.

"What's wrong with Fanfan?" Hearing Yan Feimo's words, Yu Xiaoxi immediately wiped away tears, and then asked very anxiously, because there was a very prominent word in his words just now: help.

"I don't have time to talk to me now, tell me where you are, and I'll pick you up." In fact, after Yu Xiaoxi called him to ask about his son, he asked someone to help find the child, but Like Yu Xiaoxi, she didn't get any valuable clues.So when that phone call came in, he finally understood what was going on, but he didn't expect him to appear in this way...

Yan Feimo's anxious tone made Yu Xiaoxi dare not ask more, because now, the most important thing is the child, so she immediately told him her current exact location, and then waited for Yan Feimo to come.

Not long after, two rapid orange lights shot from a distance, and then a black Bentley stopped in front of Yu Xiaoxi.

"Get in the car." Yan Feimo leaned sideways and struggled to open the car door for Yu Xiaoxi with his left hand, his face was full of anxiety and melancholy.

"I'll just do it myself." Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help but cast her eyes on Yan Feimo's hand that was still in plaster, and suddenly felt a sore feeling in her heart, she held the car door with both hands and said to Yan Feimo: " Sit down and let me drive."

"It's okay, you sit down, I can do it, I don't have time now." Yan Feimo couldn't help but feel warm in his heart for Yu Xiaoxi's casual concern, but he didn't think too much about his son who was still in danger. Indulge in this warmth.

Yu Xiaoxi was no longer stubborn, because her son's safety was the top priority, so she bent down and got into the car, and then closed the door.

"What's wrong with Fanfan? Where are we going?" Not long after the car started, Yu Xiaoxi finally couldn't help but speak.

"Fanfan was kidnapped." Yan Feimo turned the steering wheel with an unusually quiet and serious voice. When he received Yan Feiming's threatening call, his heart almost jumped out.

"Kidnapped? Who is it, and why did you kidnap Fanfan?" Yu Xiaoxi was shocked, and she could not help but clenched her fists together, because she is not a big shot, and she has never offended anyone in work or life, so she doesn't care. It may be because of money or revenge, so I don't understand the kidnapper's intentions and motives.

Yan Feimo stared straight ahead. Originally, he didn't want to tell anyone about the intricate relationship between him and Yan Feiming, but now it has threatened his child, which made him have to take the past All the grievances and grievances were settled, so he hesitated for a long time before replying in a slow voice: "His name is Yan Feiming, and he is my half-brother."

Hearing these words, Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help but startled. Although she never knew that he had another brother, she could feel that there must be a deep hatred between them, because through the faint light in the car, Yu Xiaoxi Xiaoxi saw the worry on Yan Feimo's face.And if there were no festivals, Yan Feiming would not kidnap Yufan at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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