Chapter 214

It turned out that Yao Yun once went out to eat in a similar restaurant, because the place was relatively remote, the public security was very bad, and unlucky enough to meet a group of gangsters, the group of people saw her beautiful and naturally wanted her He bullied her, and when she panicked, Yan Feiming, the hero in her life, appeared, he helped her repel the little gangsters, and sent her back to school safely, so from then on, she Falling in love with him, and when she accidentally saw Yan Feimo who looked seventy percent like him, she naturally approached him, and then there was the following story.And the reason why she wanted to take over this restaurant was just to bury her unbearable past, and she also told Yan Feimo and Yu Xiaoxi that Yan Feiming had been jailed for kidnapping since that day, and she heard that because she couldn't stand the There is already a problem with the restraint of her nerves, so she will no longer pose a threat to their family, and although she hates him for ruining her life, after all, he is the only person she has ever loved in this life, so she will manage it well. This restaurant, atones for him.

Yao Yun's persistence moved both Yu Xiaoxi and Yan Feimo. Although she did many wrong things for Yan Feimo back then, facing her confession at this time, they have decided to forgive her, because everyone has their own. She was stupid for love, not to mention that she also paid a heavy price for her actions.

After handing over the restaurant to Yao Yun, Yu Xiaoxi and Yan Feimo returned to Yan's house. At this time, Yang Yinqing had truly accepted her, and after a few days of contact with her, she slowly discovered that she was getting more and more serious. It's good to have more and more, so the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law did not appear as Yan Feimo expected. It was very harmonious. Sometimes, the three women would join forces to make fun of him, which made him often want to go crazy, so he didn't know it. Unknowingly, two camps formed in the family, one was the patriarchal camp headed by him, and the other was the feminist camp headed by his mother.And there is a very strange mutual generation and mutual restraint relationship between them. For example, Guo Wei is against Yan Feifei, the two children are against Yang Yinqing, Yu Xiaoxi is against Guo Wei, and he is against Yu Xiaoxi, but at the same time he is controlled by his mother.So this big family is full of laughter every day, and occasionally one or two cold jokes will be made, which makes everyone laugh.

Just when Yu Xiaoxi and Yan Feimo's wedding date was approaching, an unexpected guest came to Yan's family suddenly.

When seeing Jing Yunqi, Yu Xiaoxi was still a little embarrassed, because she knew that he had always wanted her to marry Jing Sihan, and she had betrayed him, even though she understood that there is no right or wrong in love, but She always felt sorry for him.

"Yunqi, why are you here?" Yu Xiaoxi summoned up her courage and approached Jing Yunqi.

There was a trace of pain in Jing Yunqi's eyes. He was very frustrated that he didn't see his brother marrying Yu Xiaoxi, but after all, he accepted foreign culture, so he could understand Yu Xiaoxi's choice, so he replied Said: "Congratulations, Xiaoxi." The wedding of Yan Feimo and Yu Xiaomian has become news that everyone in C City knows, so he naturally knows about it.

"Thank you." Yu Xiaoxi nodded slightly, she didn't say any more, but she still felt guilty in her heart. If it wasn't for him back then, she wouldn't have been favored by Jing Sihan, and her child wouldn't have been so good. growing conditions.

"Xiaoxi, I came today to say goodbye to you." Jing Yunqi looked at Yu Xiaoxi with both eyes and seemed to understand her thoughts, so he said, "Xiaoxi, you don't have to apologize, I won't blame you, you It's your choice, your wish, although I really hope that you may live with me forever, but everyone has their own right to pursue happiness, you can't stay with me forever, and maybe my brother really doesn't suits you."

"Thank you, Yunqi." Jing Yunqi's understanding made Yu Xiaoxi feel very comforted.

"My brother is going to move the company's headquarters to Canada. We may not be back for a long time, so..." Jing Yunqi stepped forward to hug Yu Xiaoxi, and then said with tears: " But Xiaoxi, I will miss you, you are someone I will never forget in my life."

"I won't forget you either." Yu Xiaoxi touched Jing Yunqi's head, and tears flowed down her cheeks. Although Jing Yunqi didn't say why Jing Sihan suddenly decided to move the company's headquarters to Canada, But she must be inseparable from her, because this place has too many memories of him and too many pains, so sometimes, if you don't want to remember, then forgetting is the best choice.

"Okay, Xiaoxi, I have to go, my brother is still waiting for me outside." Jing Yunqi broke away from Yu Xiaoxi's arms, then looked into Yu Xiaoxi's eyes and said, "I wish you happiness, Xiaoxi, wait until I When I grow up, I will definitely come back to see you."

"Bon voyage, goodbye." Yu Xiaoxi sent Jing Yunqi to the door, looked at the familiar figure in the car from a distance, and felt a trace of inexplicable sadness in her heart, until the car disappeared in the dusty sky. In her vision.

In the days that followed, Yu Xiaoxi began to get busy with the wedding, and gradually forgot the sadness that Jing Yunqi had brought to her.

"Xixi, do you have time? Can we meet up?" The day before the wedding, Yu Xiaoxi received a call from Ruan Lingjia. Her voice and the address on the phone made her feel very strange.

"What's the matter?" Yu Xiaoxi's voice was very formal. Although she could understand Ruan Lingjia's emphasis on sex over friends, she knew that the innocence between them would never return to the past.

"Is it too late to apologize now?" From Yu Xiaoxi's tone, Ruan Lingjia already understood that Yu Xiaoxi didn't want to see her very much, and also knew that her momentary self-confidence not only hurt her, but also hurt herself in the end. The friendship that took four years to accumulate was completely torn apart.

Hearing this sentence, Yu Xiaoxi was stunned, because Jing Sihan chose to leave, which already showed that there was no result between them, so she knew why she was looking for her at this time, so she replied after a moment of deliberation : "I accept your apology, it's just Lingjia, we can't go back." She has no way to treat her as a best friend after going through so many things. She can't be so generous, so she doesn't want to be hypocritical.

The other side of the phone was very quiet for a moment. After a long time, Ruan Lingjia said slowly: "I'm sorry, Xixi, I wish you happiness." Then she hung up the phone. The matter was told to Yu Xiaoxi to ask for her understanding and forgiveness, but after hearing Yu Xiaoxi's reply, she suddenly realized, because no matter love or friendship, it is impossible to repair once impurity is infiltrated, and even if she Even if there are difficulties, it cannot be at the expense of sacrificing their friendship. After all, she is still wrong in this matter. She has always been too self-centered and did not get Jing Sihan's love. He has always attributed the reason to Yu Xiao Xi, but she has never found the reason from herself, so at this moment, she felt that she really did not deserve her forgiveness, and that day when Jing Sihan told her that he had only loved one woman in his life, she felt Understand what I have lost...

(End of this chapter)

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