Chapter 215

The wedding of Yu Xiaoxi and Yan Feimo has written the history of C City, and their perfect combination has become the love myth in the hearts of many idiots and women. Men are envious that Yan Feimo can marry such a virtuous and beautiful wife, women They are jealous that Yu Xiaoxi can marry a diamond king like Yan Feimo. On the contrary, the two parties are extremely calm, only immersed in their own happiness, with only each other in their eyes, completely ignoring the envy, jealousy and hatred from the outside world. eyes.

After the wedding ended, it was the honeymoon trip. Perhaps because there was still a debt in her heart, Yu Xiaoxi chose Yunnan without hesitation. Coincidentally, when she was in Shangri-La, she happened to meet Xiao Qifeng. Knowing what happened between Yu Xiaoxi and Yan Feimo and marrying him, Xiao Qi sincerely wished them well and became their tour guide. He has been divorced, and after he came to Yunnan, he found that the plants and trees here are very beautiful, and the people are very warm, so he fell in love with this place naturally, and then he became a free tour guide here , to introduce the local customs to the tourists who traveled the day before yesterday.Seeing that Xiao Qifeng seemed very satisfied with his current life, Yu Xiaoxi felt relieved.

After returning from Yunnan, Yan Feimo did not go home directly, but chose a narrow path.

"Feimo, where are we going?" Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help asking curiously, looking at the strange scenery outside the window through the car window.

"I'll know when we get there." Yan Feimo smiled mysteriously, then continued to drive, and even hummed a little song.

It was rare that Yan Feimo was in such a happy mood, so Yu Xiaoxi couldn't bear to disturb his good mood, so she had to suppress her curiosity and wait for the destination.

Not long after, the car drove into a yard, got out of the car, and saw the repainted house in front of her eyes, the chicken pecking rice, and the peppers all over the yard, Yu Xiaoxi finally thought It was only because Yan Feimo chose a path that she hadn't taken before that she didn't realize where it was.

"Why, you won't forget, right?" Yan Feimo asked, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around Yu Xiaoxi's shoulder, looking at the four words 'Zhiqing Villa' shining in the setting sun.

"How could it be possible to forget?" Yu Xiaoxi also cast her eyes on those four words and replied, here, they met by chance, here, they both took each other's first time, here, they left It is impossible to forget the imprint of this life.

"Go in and have a look." Yan Feimo then pushed Yu Xiaoxi's body and walked into the room.

"Mr. Yan, Mrs. Yan." It's still the same aunt, with the same simple and honest smile, but now her Mandarin is much more fluent.

Hearing what the aunt said, Yu Xiaoxi knew that this was what he had arranged in advance.

"Excuse me, is the room I requested ready?" Yan Feimo nodded, and then went straight to the point.

The aunt looked enthusiastic, and then handed a key to Yan Feimo: "Room 6."

"Thank you." Yan Feimo got the key, and went upstairs with Yu Xiaoxi in his arms.

Yu Xiaoxi looked at everything in the villa, and found that for so many years, except for the renovation of the outer wall, everything inside was still the same, and when Yan Feimo held the key to Room 6, her heart couldn't help but tense , because she can predict what will happen next, although what should happen these days has already happened, but thinking of going here to relive the lost past, her heart is still beating like a girl Huaichun stand up.

The facilities in the room are still the same as six years ago, almost unchanged. The only thing that has changed is that the hero and heroine are awake at the moment.

"Xiaoxi..." Just when Yu Xiaoxi's thoughts were still in the memory, Yan Feimo's lips were already printed on her neck, and her hands began to wander around her body.

"Feimo..." Yu Xiaoxi's body temperature rose instantly, and then panted heavily, calling Yan Feimo's name.

"Let's get back what we lost for the first time." After speaking, his lips were tightly fused with hers, and after a while, the two of them fell into the waves of the climax.

Since the mistake of that year, it is doomed that they will be entangled because of mistakes, and finally come together because of mistakes, so if one day your love goes off the rails, then please believe that maybe this is what really belongs to you Happiness!

(End of this chapter)

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