Chapter 31

"But just now I heard Xiaoqi playing games outside just now." When Jing Sihan said these words, his eyes glanced at Yu Xiaoxi inadvertently.In fact, he has been back for a long time, but he only heard Wang Ma say that Jing Yunqi and the tutor were doing homework in the room, so she never disturbed her, but unfortunately, he caught all the conversations between Jing Yunqi and Yu Xiaoxi.

"Brother, let me down." Jing Yunqi said as he fell off Jing Sihan's arms, then slipped his small hand into Jing Sihan's big palm, and pulled him to Yu Xiaoxi: "Brother, is she My new teacher is Yu Xiaoxi."

"Mr. Jing." At this moment, Yu Xiaoxi's face was blushing. He didn't know how much he had heard of the conversation between her and Jing Yunqi just now, and what he was thinking in his heart. Could he be the same as Yan Feimo? I am playing hard to get.What's even more tragic is that he found out that he was not doing business, but was playing games with his younger brother. Presumably, his impression of her at this moment should be extremely bad.

"Hello." Jing Sihan said two words lightly, with no expression on his face, and he couldn't find any flaws.

"Brother, did I mention you to Xiaoxi just now? But Xiaoxi said that she has never seen you." At this moment, Jing Yunqi's small face was full of satisfaction and excitement, and his bright big eyes kept observing the gap between the two adults. interaction between.

"Really?" Jing Sihan's eyes fell on Yu Xiaoxi again, and finally there were some subtle changes on his face.

Yu Xiaoxi caught the little bit of doubt in Jing Sihan's eyes very quickly, and it was inevitable that she felt a little bitter, but now she didn't intend to explain, some things would only get darker and darker, not to mention the lessons learned from the past.

"Yes." Jing Yunqi answered quickly, and then looked at Jing Sihan seriously with a small face: "Brother, do you have a girlfriend now?"

"Whether my brother has a girlfriend or not won't affect my brother's love for Xiaoqi, so Xiaoqi doesn't have to worry that my brother will look down on my brother." Jing Sihan rubbed Jing Yunqi's hair with his hands, skillfully avoiding his question .

Jing Yunqi pushed Jing Sihan's hand off his forehead, glanced at Yu Xiaoxi, and said, "That's not what I meant."

"Okay, no matter what you mean, let's eat first. Wang Ma has been waiting for a long time. I will take you to the playground in the afternoon." After finishing speaking, he ignored Jing Yunqi and turned to Yu Xiaoxi: "Yu Miss, you can leave work early today."

"Brother, take Xiaoxi with you, okay?" Jing Yunqi was so happy that he was about to jump up. Going to the playground with Jing Sihan was something he had been looking forward to for a long time, but now he has another wish, which is to wish Xiaoxi Xi can be with his brother.

"It just so happens that I'm going to school this afternoon to help a friend get a document." Jing Sihan's words, Yu Xiaoxi took it for granted as a dismissal order, so she found a way for herself very 'practical'.


"Okay, let's go eat, or my brother won't take you there." Before Jing Yunqi could finish speaking, Jing Sihan pushed him out the door.

Seeing the two figures disappearing outside the door, Yu Xiaoxi shrugged her shoulders, let out a long sigh of relief, then went out with her bag, greeted Wang Ma and went home.

"Xiaoxi, don't you need to be a tutor today?" Ruan Lingjia came out of the bedroom wearing pajamas and slippers, yawning, and asked curiously when she looked up at the wall clock on the wall in the hall. She came back from get off work these two days Seeing that Yu Xiaoxi was still at home, she felt puzzled, but because of the heavy work pressure these days, she didn't ask.

"Well, it's over." Yu Xiaoxi kept staring at the computer screen in front of her, and replied perfunctorily.

After returning home the afternoon before yesterday, she called Mama Wang to resign. Although Mama Wang tried to persuade her again and again, she had made up her mind, so Mama Wang didn't bother her in the end.

"I will have an interview later. I may come back later. If you are hungry, there are cold noodles in the refrigerator. You can just eat it and wait for me to come back." Yu Xiaoxi turned off the computer and got up. body.

"Xiaoxi, I said you might as well go to the design institute with me. These few days, without your cooking, I have lost three catties. If this continues, I will be skinny." Knowing that it was a waste of words, Ruan Lingjia still couldn't help but want to mess around.

"Free weight loss treatment, how great." Yu Xiaoxi ignored it, and entered the room with the computer in her arms.

"But there are so many things to do in the design institute now, I'm afraid my physical strength won't be able to bear it."

Ruan Lingjia continued to complain, when suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Go and open the door." Yu Xiaoxi said to Ruan Lingjia as she changed her shoes.

"Didn't you just pay the rent, water and electricity?" Ruan Lingjia muttered and walked to the door, then pushed the door open reluctantly: "Who is it?"

Before the end sound fell, Ruan Lingjia was petrified when she saw the face in front of her...

How many times she dreamed of him in her dreams, how many times she imagined him standing in front of her so real, how many times she would be fascinated by his charming smile on the cover of a certain magazine, how many times For the first time, he would stay up all night because of hearing about his affair with a certain actress or supermodel.

That day when she said she wanted him, it might have been a joke to Yu Xiaoxi, but only she knew what kind of firmness that was.

If she hadn't bought that magazine by accident, if she hadn't read his message by accident, if she hadn't found the familiarity in his smile by accident, she wouldn't have believed that there is a kind of waiting that can really achieve positive results.

Perhaps at this moment, he has already forgotten the girl who lost his way ten years ago. It may be similar to the shoulders and big palms in the evening. He has given countless girls to him. Perhaps to him, she is just a passing water. Wuhen's dispensable episode was not even considered a passer-by, but she could still clearly recall the temperature of his palm that night.

"Excuse me, does Miss Yu Xiaoxi live here?" Maybe it's because he has seen too many such scenes, so Jing Sihan didn't show any special expression to Ruan Lingjia's reaction.

"Oh, Xiao...Xiaoxi, yes... yes." Ruan Lingjia stammered, then quickly retreated to the door to make way for Jing Sihan, but her heart ached at this moment for a moment.

"Thank you." Jing Sihan stepped in without saying too much.

Today, he is still dressed in casual clothes, but not as casual as the day before yesterday. His whole body is dominated by gray, which gives people a very stable feeling, without the leisurely and unrestrained feeling in daily life.

"Lingjia, who's here?" At this time, Yu Xiaoxi was already dressed in formal attire, packed her bag and was ready to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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