Chapter 32

"Miss Yu, it's me." Jing Sihan answered without any explanation.

Familiar voice, semi-familiar face, strange feeling, seeing Jing Sihan, Yu Xiaoxi was also stunned for a while, not understanding why he came.

"Is there anything wrong with President Jing?" Yu Xiaoxi glanced at Ruan Lingjia, feeling a little jealous in her heart. She didn't intend to hide this matter from her, but when she knew the truth, she was already determined to resign, so she felt that there was no need to make a fuss. .

"Let's find another place to talk." Concerned about Ruan Lingjia's presence, Jing Sihan didn't immediately explain why he came.

Yu Xiaoxi looked at the time, nodded and replied, "I have an interview at three o'clock."

"I won't keep you too long." Jing Sihan said concisely, and then stepped out the door.

Yu Xiaoxi's gaze stayed on Ruan Lingjia for a few seconds, and then followed Jing Sihan out the door.

In Starbucks, classical and elegant piano music is swaying, and the afternoon sun shines brightly through the clean floor-to-ceiling windows.

In the northwest corner of the room, Yu Xiaoxi and Jing Sihan were sitting opposite each other, and the iced coffee cup in front of them was dripping with drops of water.

"President Jing just say what you want, I'm in a hurry." Yu Xiaoxi also guessed roughly, the purpose of his trip is undoubtedly related to Jing Yunqi.

"Xiao Qi has been shutting himself in the room since yesterday, refusing to come out." Jing Sihan stirred the coffee, with a worried and melancholy expression on his face.

"Children, it's inevitable to play with one's temper, just persuasion." Yu Xiaoxi turned her face out of the window, pretending not to care.

"You are the first teacher that Xiaoqi recognized. I think you should understand his temper these few days." Jing Sihan sat up straight, his voice was a little hoarse, which was different from any time before, and his hands The coffee spoon in it kept stirring in the same direction.

"I'm sorry, President Jing, I've already resigned from Wang Ma, and Yun Qi is very smart and doesn't need a tutor at all." Hearing Jing Yunqi's current situation, Yu Xiaoxi was not worried, but since many things have been decided, You can't give yourself a reason to be softhearted.

"But he needs you." These few words Jing Sihan said with certainty: "He is still young, I don't have much time to accompany him, Wang Ma is old and can only take care of his daily life. "

"Don't you doubt my character, or in other words, you don't think I have any plans for you?" Yu Xiaoxi didn't beat around the bush this time, but chose to go straight to the point.

Jing Sihan was numb for a moment, and then smiled lightly: "I don't care about your character, nor what your plans are, and I have nothing to do with it. I came to see you today, and I just do my part for my younger brother as an older brother." responsibility."

Such an answer was completely unexpected by Yu Xiaoxi, Jing Sihan neither denied that she had a problem with her character, nor affirmed her.

"Aren't you afraid that a teacher with bad conduct will teach Yun Qi badly?" Without getting Jing Sihan's exact attitude, Yu Xiaoxi had a hard time getting over it.

"As you said just now, Xiao Qi is very smart. Although he is only seven years old, he still has the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and most people can't influence him." Jing Sihan picked up his coffee and took a sip: " It's not too late now, go and see him."

"I'm sorry, I've already said it before, I have an interview later." Although Jing Sihan had already explained the reason and reason for coming, Yu Xiaoxi still didn't intend to compromise after some mental struggle.

"As long as you can go back, I can pay you three times the salary that this company gives you." Jing Sihan put down the coffee, clasped his hands together, with a serious and solemn expression.

Hearing this sentence, Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help but let out a sneer, and stood up directly: "Many things cannot be solved with money." At this moment, Yu Xiaoxi finally discovered that the things in the bones of rich people are The same, she is self-righteous and pretentious, so she is unwilling to negotiate with Jing Sihan any more.

"When Xiaoqi starts school, you can come to MOD to work." Jing Sihan hesitated for a while, and threw out an extremely attractive condition.

"President Jing, I hope that before I hate you to the point of loathing you, don't let me hear such words again. After Feiyang, I can go to MOD. If I am not hired by MOD, I still have other things. Choice, city C is so big, I can support myself wherever I go, even if city C can't accommodate me, there are still cities A, B, and D... As long as you have the ability, you won't be starved to death. You don’t necessarily have to go to Feiyang and your MOD.” At this point, Yu Xiaoxi paused for a while, and then continued: “I’m sorry about Yun Qi, please say sorry to him for me. From the beginning, I knew that the student Mr. Song was talking about was you, and I would definitely not provoke Yun Qi."

When Yu Xiaoxi said these words, her whole face was reddened, and this emotion was entirely due to the unresolved grudge against Yan Feimo.

To this day, she doesn't have the slightest affection for Yu Xiaoxi, a delicate and expensive man like Yan Feimo and Jing Sihan, so she no longer bothers to bear with them.

Although in the past few days of getting along, she has also developed some feelings for Jing Yunqi, but this does not mean that she will give up her principles for that shallow friendship.

"Sorry, I'm leaving first." Yu Xiaoxi also stopped looking at Jing Sihan, picked up her bag and turned around resolutely.

However, before she could take a step, a big palm grabbed her arm: "As a teacher, do you need others to do even an apology?" Jing Sihan was stunned by Yu Xiaoxi's righteous words just now. A moment of distraction, wandering through the flowers for so many years, what kind of women he has never seen, even if they don't speak, just a small gesture, he knows what they want to do, so for Yu Xiaoxi's staunch attitude, his heart It seemed to be shocked for an instant.

In fact, his previous attitude towards Yu Xiaoxi was just indifference. Her character and intentions have nothing to do with him. His life has always been under his control. If he wants someone to intervene, he will not defend himself. If he doesn't want to be disturbed, it's impenetrable.

The purpose of looking for Yu Xiaoxi today is very simple, that is, to hope that she can continue to serve as Jing Yunqi's tutor, but I didn't expect that those harmless words just now would make me so disgusted, and it is obvious that she has already begun to reject herself.

"Why don't you take your hand off first." Yu Xiaoxi asked coldly, staring at the five fingers pinching her arm.

When he turned from a stranger to a resistance to a certain person, all his actions would make her hate him.

(End of this chapter)

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