Chapter 39

At this moment, Ruan Lingjia didn't know what to do. The result was completely beyond her expectations. She never thought that Yu Xiaoxi would be pregnant with twins, let alone that the consequences of the operation would be so serious.

"Xixi, let's go back first, this matter came too suddenly, we need some time to think it through." Now is not the time to make a decision immediately, if a mistake is made, it will be an irreparable pain for Yu Xiaoxi .

"Okay." Yu Xiaoxi had no choice but to suspend her thoughts, because the facts were in front of her, and it was useless to escape, and as the party involved in the matter, she had lost her sense of direction and judgment in the whole world.

Along the way, Ruan Lingjia and Yu Xiaoxi didn't speak, the two sudden news entangled their thoughts like thousands of silks, making them breathless.

"Xixi, I think you should abort the child." Back at the residence, Ruan Lingjia immediately brought up the topic as soon as the two entered the room. She also made this decision after much deliberation.

"Why?" Thinking about having an operation, the doctor's words could not help but ring in my ears.Yu Xiaoxi's heart trembled involuntarily, her eyes opened wide, full of doubts.

"First, you are still young, if you give birth to the child, your future will be completely bound; second, the father of the child is unknown, which means that you have to raise them alone, not to mention the issue of child support , you don’t have a stable job now, it’s even difficult to support yourself, not to mention you have to have two more mouths, and once the child is born, you won’t be able to work at all for at least three years, where does your economy come from? Third, if you carry two oil bottles, the road ahead will be very difficult, unless you never marry in this life, otherwise, it will be very difficult to find a good man to marry. Fourth, if you conceive before marriage, if The birth of a child will inevitably lead to a lot of gossip. Faced with the double pressure of society and family, how can you stand? So Xixi, I don’t want your life to be ruined by your child.” Ruan Lingjia’s words, although very sharp, but But objectively, she was really putting herself in Yu Xiaoxi's shoes.

"But Lingjia, if I have an operation, and in the end, as the doctor said, I will be infertile for life and unable to have children. As a woman, what is the point of living this life?" Giving birth is the most beautiful moment in every woman's life, and Being a mother is the best proof and affirmation of myself.

"The doctor just said that it is possible, which means that it does not necessarily cause that result."

"I don't want to make fun of my body." Yu Xiaoxi's attitude was very firm. Although Ruan Lingjia's words just now were very objective and reasonable, compared to being a normal woman, the weight is still a little lighter.

"But you are making fun of your own happiness." Ruan Lingjia was also stubborn, and continued to lobby: "Women are not machines, why do they have to have children. Besides, there are many DINKs in society now, and people live forever. Why bother to stick so much, just be happy, why let two children ruin your life?"

"I just want a complete life." Yu Xiaoxi insisted.

"Having a child will ruin the rest of your life. What's the point? I hope you don't gamble with fate." Ruan Lingjia's tone became strong. She didn't know that Yu Xiaoxi would live too hard in the future.

"This time I have to take a gamble. If happiness is obtained by sacrificing the pride of a child and a woman's life, then I would rather not. Lingjia, I have already decided that I will give birth to them." Yu Xiaoxi also passed through It took a long time of ideological struggle to make up my mind, and I gritted my teeth to make a decision.

"Xixi, do you know what you're talking about? Have you thought about the consequences? Once the child is born, you have no way out. Don't be so willful, okay?" Xiaoxi's decision is very unacceptable.

"I'm sober now and I know what I'm talking about."

"No, you can't have them." Ruan Lingjia's attitude became firm: "It must be removed."

"You have no right to ask me, they are my children." The decibel of Yu Xiaoxi's voice also increased a lot.

"But you're my best friend, and it's my duty to do so."

"This is my private matter, you have nothing to do with it."

"I have to care, Xixi, not to mention how difficult your life will be in the future, have you ever thought about what kind of situation they will face after they are born? Children without fathers will be called wild species by others, do you understand ?" Ruan Lingjia still refused to back down, and her words became more sharp

"Who said my children don't have a father? They're not wild species." She was often called that by her peers because she was abandoned by her parents when she was a child, so she had a deep taboo against the word wild species in her heart.

Hearing Yu Xiaoxi's words, Ruan Lingjia's eyes instantly shot a sharp light: "Xixi, do you know who that man is?"

Ruan Lingjia stared intently at Yu Xiaoxi's face, with a frightening flame in her pupils. Although Yu Xiaoxi's words could be regarded as a legitimate response to self-defense, Ruan Lingjia, as a best friend, could already see that it was not her. and her tone is so firm, so she can conclude that Yu Xiaoxi must know who the culprit is.

Yu Xiaoxi bit her lip, turned her face to the side, did not answer, but tears flooded her eyes involuntarily, she thought that everything with Yan Feimo was over, but she did not expect two When the child came, facing Ruan Lingjia's persecution, she didn't know how to answer. If she said it, with her temper, she would definitely ask Yan Feimo to take responsibility, but if she didn't say it, how would she face the next step? What could have happened, is she really capable of raising two children without being married?

"Xixi, what are you talking about, who is he?" Seeing that Yu Xiaoxi kept silent, Ruan Lingjia was furious for a moment, and both hands could not help climbing on Yu Xiaoxi's shoulders, her voice was serious and calm.

"I don't know." Yu Xiaoxi inserted five fingers into her hair, her heart was in a mess, she didn't know how to organize her words.

Yu Xiaoxi's weak attitude aroused Ruan Lingjia's strong dissatisfaction: "The matter has come to this point, do you still want to hide it? Since you don't want to remove the child, you have to find the child's father. There is no emotion, the child is his, and he must take responsibility."

Yu Xiaoxi shook her head, her heart trembled suddenly when she thought of Yan Feimo.That face was simply her nightmare, she hoped that she would never want to see him in this life, but the two pieces of meat in her belly were his masterpiece, so she couldn't escape that circle of demons no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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