Chapter 40

"Xixi, what can't be said, who is he that can make you so taboo?" Looking at Yu Xiaoxi's face gradually pulled down, Ruan Lingjia already realized that there must be something special about that man.

"Lingjia, I beg you, don't ask, okay? I want to think about it alone." Yu Xiaoxi begged.

"There's nothing else to think about now." Ruan Lingjia became angrier as she spoke, she really wanted to go crazy with Yu Xiaoxi's soft attitude.

Seeing Ruan Lingjia's extremely excited and angry face, Yu Xiaoxi could only bite her lip and said, "Lingjia, I can't say it yet."

"I can't say now, but when will it be? Do we have to wait for the child to be born?" Ruan Lingjia's anger only increased, and she wished she could pry Yu Xiaoxi's mouth open.

Yu Xiaoxi lowered her eyebrows and said nothing, but her heart was overwhelmed and she was in extreme pain.

"Well, since you refuse to say it, then go to the hospital with me now, I will never just watch you destroy yourself like this." Ruan Lingjia was very angry, and she stepped forward and grabbed Yu Xiaoxi's wrist. , and then dragged her hard and walked out.

"Lingjia, let go quickly, it hurts so much." Yu Xiaoxi forcefully broke Ruan Lingjia's hand away, tears had already started to flow from her eyes.

"Then tell me quickly, my Xixi was not like this before, and I don't want to see my Xixi being bullied like this." Ruan Lingjia's tears also flowed out as she said, she is a friend who can't see her A wronged person, so when Yu Xiaoxi blindly shielded that man, she felt very uncomfortable, so she couldn't control her emotions for a while.

"Lingjia, don't force me, okay? I'm in a mess right now, let me think about it, think about it, is it okay?" Tears slid down her face and splashed on the ground drop by drop, throwing all her Pain is dissolved in it.

"Do you still consider me a friend? Is there a secret between us?" Ruan Lingjia's tone changed from hard to soft, but there was another kind of coercion inside.

"I..." Yu Xiaoxi lowered her head, not daring to look into Ruan Lingjia's eyes. After living together for so many years, they rarely kept anything between them, so facing Ruan Lingjia's accusation, Yu Xiaoxi felt that she was wronged, but Thinking of what might happen after Ruan Lingjia learned that Yan Feimo was that man, she couldn't help feeling uneasy, so after struggling for a long time, she finally said slowly: "Lingjia, can you leave this matter alone? I want to talk to him alone first." This is the only excuse she can use to keep Ruan Lingjia steady.

Ruan Lingjia was stunned for a while, looked at Yu Xiaoxi's embarrassed face, and finally had to compromise: "Well, I'll give you three days, and I want a result after three days, if you haven't solved it by then, you have to tell me ,who is he."

"Okay." Yu Xiaoxi replied weakly, thinking of going to Yan Feimo, her already turbulent heart became even more contradictory at this moment.

Feiyang Building, CEO Office.

Yan Feimo was looking at the document when suddenly the phone rang.

Seeing the incoming call, the resolute lines on his face softened: "Wei, what's the matter?"

In order to avoid Yan Feifei, Guo Wei never returned to the headquarters, and even reported the work status by his subordinates, and rarely contacted him actively.

"Are you in the office?" After many days, Guo Wei's voice sounded unusually sad.

"Well, yes, I'm looking at the case with SKAY. How about you?" Yan Feimo put his body weight on the back of the chair and replied casually, and he was only talking to Guo Wei. At that time, he will not use two things at once.

"I'm outside your office right now."

Although it was just a simple sentence, it was enough to change Yan Feimo's face. During this period of time, without Guo Wei's assistance, he felt a little struggling, and he couldn't adapt to other people at all.

Yan Feimo immediately got up to open the door for Guo Wei. Seeing the familiar face outside the door, Yan Feimo had the urge to hug him, but in the end, the urge turned into a fist and hit Guo Wei on the shoulder: "You boy! Finally came back."

Guo Wei smiled, but there was some vicissitudes in that smile, and he didn't speak.

"Come in first." Yan Feimo was a little surprised by Guo Wei's abnormal expression, judging from his previous experience, this kind of situation would only happen when he encountered something bad.

"Wei, what's the matter, you don't look normal, did something happen? Could it be related to Feifei?" After closing the door, Yan Feimo got straight to the point.

Guo Wei hesitated for a while, looked at Yan Feimo, and after a long time of deliberation, he said slowly: "Yao Yun is back."

When he said this, Guo Wei's expression was extremely serious, and there seemed to be a feeling in his eyes that was difficult to release. These days, he has been hesitating whether to tell Yan Feimo about this matter, if he is not afraid of something that will make him unable to With the situation under control, he will definitely bury this news in his stomach forever. Instead of waiting until then, it is better to vaccinate Yan Feimo in advance to make him mentally prepared.

"Wei, what are you talking about? Yun'er is back. Where is she? How are you doing now?" Hearing Yao Yun's name, Yan Feimo was extremely excited, feeling like he was several years younger suddenly. The face that haunted him once again appeared in front of him. For so many days, in order not to think of Yao Yun, not to touch the miscellaneous pain in his heart, he worked desperately and tried his best to let himself learn to forget.Although she resolutely left without any explanation to him, he didn't hate her at all. The love deposited in his heart, instead of dissipating with time, accumulated deeper and thicker.

He knew that she would definitely come back, and would come back for him. Originally, he was prepared to wait for a long time, but he never thought that she would come back so fast and so suddenly.

"She's fine, you don't have to worry." Seeing Yan Feimo's unusual expression and the joy that couldn't be concealed, Guo Wei's heart became heavier.

"Wei, what's wrong with you?" Finally, after Guo Wei said this, Yan Feimo felt something was wrong with him.

"It's nothing." Guo Wei said lightly, hesitated for a while, and couldn't help adding another sentence: "Mo, forget about her, you are not suitable."

"Wei, what did you say?" Yan Feimo's expression darkened immediately. He has never failed in anything he insisted on since he was a child, especially emotionally. As long as he recognizes Yao Yun, there will be no failure. People can take her place in his heart, even if there are countless people who object, who say they are not suitable.

(End of this chapter)

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