Chapter 41

"Mo, in fact, you know in your heart that it is impossible for you to be together. Instead of torturing yourself so hard, why don't you let each other live?" Guo Wei persuaded with good words, and patted Yan Feimo's shoulder.

It was originally a sentence from the heart, but to Yan Feimo's ears, it was extremely harsh. Except for Yao Yun, he could discuss with Guo Wei, or even compromise, but this matter was absolutely impossible: "Wei , I have always regarded you as my best friend, but you have touched my bottom line again and again, you clearly know what Yun'er means to me, but what do you mean by asking me to let go?"

"I'm doing it for your own good. I just don't want you to hurt yourself. Yao Yun is not as innocent as you imagined." Guo Wei still tried to persuade him, although he knew that the weight was lighter than a feather, but he couldn't help looking at Yan Fei Mo has been obsessed with this.

"I have eyes, I can see by myself, why do you say that Yun'er is not so pure, do you understand her like me?" Yan Feimo didn't say anything, he absolutely didn't allow anyone to blaspheme Yao Yun , she is the goddess in his mind, the purest angel he has ever met in this life.

"Do you dare to say that you really know Yao Yun? How much do you know about her? Have you investigated her past? Do you know what her purpose is for approaching you?" Guo Wei asked a few questions in one breath, thinking Pulling Yan Feimo back from the edge of the cliff, although he has always been resolute and resolute in official affairs, but in this relationship, he really got into a dead end: "Besides, you have been together in college for two years, and she has never said anything personally. You admitted that you are her boyfriend, don't you doubt it at all?"

"Enough, I don't know why you said these words to me today, but I want to tell you that Yun'er was my girlfriend before. This is an indisputable fact. In the future, she will become my wife , this will also be unchangeable, no matter what the reason is for your prejudice against her, I hope that after we get married, you can politely call her sister-in-law." Yan Feimo's eyes were extremely firm, and his tone was also strong and yet Definitely.

"Mo, you should wake up. That woman doesn't love you at all. The reason why she stayed with you during college was because of Feiming. Don't be fooled by her appearance."

Hearing the word Feiming, Yan Feimo was stunned for a moment, and piercing silver lights radiated from his two black pupils: "What did you say, say it again."

"I saw her and Feiming in Melbourne. They have a very close relationship." Originally, Guo Wei wanted to tell him that Yao Yun and Yan Feiming had already lived together, but he was afraid that Yan Feimo would not be able to bear the blow, so he said it tactfully Some more: "I was on the same flight as them when I came back today."

Yan Feimo shook his head, looked at Guo Wei suspiciously, his feet suddenly softened, he couldn't help but took two steps back, and murmured: "No, it's impossible, you must be wrong."

"Mo, forget it, she doesn't deserve your infatuation for her at all." Seeing that Yan Feimo was finally moved, Guo Wei struck while the iron was hot, and put both hands on Yan Feimo's shoulder, trying to drag him back at this moment. Come to reality.

"I don't believe that she is not such a person." Yan Feimo's expression was very hurt, and then he pushed Guo Wei fiercely: "What kind of heart do you have, why do you want to slander Yun'er so much?"

"Mo, stop being so stubborn. Can't you feel whether a woman loves you or not? The reason I'm telling you this is because I'm afraid that her sudden return will hurt Fei Yang, so you should be wary. After all, the entanglements between you and Feiming have never been resolved." Guo Wei finally expressed his deepest thoughts, even though he knew that Yan Feimo was always jealous of others mentioning Yan Feiming in front of him. Three words, but for him, for Feiyang, he can only dare to touch his Ni Lin.

Yan Feimo was stunned again, his expression became extremely cold, and his eyes began to glow with resentment. Yan Feiming was his elder brother, and he was also a person he was ashamed of in his life, because Yan Feiming was his father. An illegitimate child born to another woman before marrying his mother, ten years ago, when Yan Feiming appeared in Yan's family, there was a gap between them, and then it became more and more severe with age, until three years A few days ago, his father and Yan Feiming's mother were killed in a car accident at the same time, and the relationship between their brothers entered a heated stage. Later, in order to fight for Feiyang, the two fought even more. Finally, with the help of his mother , Yan Feimo finally sat on the throne of Feiyang's president, forcing Yan Feiming to travel to other countries without hearing from him, so when he heard the name Yan Feiwu again, he became sensitive, and when Guo Wei took Yao When Yun and Yan Feiming got together, his feelings were even more unacceptable.

The spacious office suddenly became extremely quiet. Neither of them spoke any more, they just looked at each other quietly, thinking about each other, until the phone rang: "President, there is a lady named Yao Yun looking for you downstairs, you Do you want to see me?" As soon as Yan Feimo pressed the speakerphone, he sent a message that caught him off guard...

"See, you go and pick her up right now." Yan Feimo was so excited for a while, Guo Wei's words just now were all forgotten, because this was the first time Yao Yun came to him on his own initiative, so the joy in his heart was not at all irrepressible.

"Wei, did you hear that Yun'er came to me, and she came to me on her own initiative? Do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?" After Yan Feimo hung up the phone, she looked like a seven or eight-year-old girl. The child grabbed Guo Wei's arms and shook them vigorously. At this moment, he was eager to get other people to accompany him to witness.

"Mo, can you be more sober? I think she must have ulterior motives this time. It is very likely that it is for Feiming. You must know that although Feiming does not have the executive power of Feiyang, he has [-]% of Feiyang's power. Ten percent of the shares, you must not follow Yao Yun's advice, or the consequences will be disastrous." Guo Wei did not satisfy Yan Feimo, but poured cold water on him abruptly.

Before Guo Wei's words fell, Yan Feimo pushed hard with his hand on his arm, then looked at him coldly, and said indifferently and seriously: "Yun'er is coming up soon, I don't want to argue with you now , but I hope you don't mention this matter again, I have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, so don't worry about my private affairs in the future."

Guo Wei opened his mouth, wanting to speak, but when he saw Yan Fei Mo's green and cold face, he couldn't help swallowing the words that were already on the tip of his tongue: "I still have a project in hand, I'm going out first "He knew that the current Yan Feimo would not listen to what he said, so instead of trying to annoy him, it would be better to give him a period of time to calm down.

(End of this chapter)

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