Chapter 67

"Don't challenge my bottom line in this way." Guo Wei clenched his fists with both hands, his eyes were full of fire.

"Wei, what kind of person am I? You should be clear. I won't hide myself. I will be what I should be. Not only did I not tell you about Rou'er, my mother and my second brother don't know about it." Yan Feifei glanced at Yan Feimo, and then turned to Guo Wei: "Rou'er is like you, with a good temper, gentle and kind, knowledgeable and reasonable, and she must be a cute girl when she grows up."

"Don't say it, no, how is it possible?" Guo Wei shook his head, his feet softened, and he couldn't help but take two steps back. Although Yan Feifei had acted carelessly before, she never lied, so he was afraid.

"Wei, if you don't believe me, I can bring Rou'er back from Australia immediately." Guo Wei's reaction was expected by Yan Feifei, and she also understood what such news meant to him, but if she didn't say it, She will never be able to, she and Guo Wei are the same kind of people, they are both terribly stubborn and obsessed with feelings, so this is her only chance: "Wei, if it wasn't for having a child, how could I have been so stubborn for so many years?" If I didn’t come back, if I didn’t want to keep our children, how could I quit school so resolutely and go abroad.”

I remember that year, Yan Feifei was in the third year of high school. At that time, she was as arrogant as a little princess, domineering and savage, with an extreme personality, plus she was beautiful, with excellent grades in science, and her eyes were so high that she couldn't live without her eyes. Here, except for Yan Feimo, all men are incompetent.

As the saying goes, one thing falls one thing, that day was her misfortune, but what a blessing it was.That day because he scored in the top four in the college basketball league, Yan Feimo was happy for a while, so he took his college classmate Guo Wei home, and Yan Feifei was also there.In order to kill his sister's limelight, Yan Feimo told her that Guo Wei was the number one scholar in science in their class. With just this sentence, Yan Feifei's desire to challenge was aroused, and then he posted a post to Guo Wei without any explanation. Originally Guo Wei didn't intend to take part in the challenge, but he had no choice but to be ridiculed and ridiculed by Yan Feifei that day, and Yan Feimo was always on the sidelines to fuel the flames, so in the end he had to have a competition with her, and the questions were all online. Twenty questions were randomly selected from the science competition question bank. In the end, it took Guo Wei an hour and a half, but Yan Feifei spent two hours to solve it. Guo Wei's answers were all correct, but she was wrong. .

After that battle, Yan Feifei's arrogance was killed, and her disdain for Guo Wei turned into admiration, and then turned into a fanatical pursuit, but Luohua was intentional and ruthless, no matter what method Yan Feifei used, Guo Wei would remain indifferent , and repeatedly stated that he would not have thoughts about her and let her give up.

After being rejected countless times, Yan Feifei's eldest lady finally lost her temper and her self-esteem was severely hit. So one afternoon, in the name of Yan Feimo, she tricked Guo Wei into a hotel outside their school, and borrowed The waiter gave him various medicines, and after Guo Wei passed out, he tied his limbs with ropes. When he woke up, he found that all his clothes had been removed by Yan Feifei. What made him speechless was that she was not wearing anything, and before he had time to question her, Yan Feifei began to kiss every part of his body from top to bottom, it was useless to let him scream and struggle, and even What's annoying is that when he finally broke a rope, his body suddenly became hot and restless.

On that day, Guo Wei was raped by Yan Feifei. She forced his first time and his dignity as a man. Of course, she also gave him a woman's first night. On that day, after Guo Wei woke up, the whole People are abnormal, Yan Feifei was frightened by Guo Wei's state at that time, so she quickly called Yan Feimo.

When he finally knew what had happened, Yan Feimo was furious, and scolded Yan Feifei for being ignorant. Originally, women were at a disadvantage in such a situation, but at that moment, Yan Feimo sympathized with Guo Weilai, and regretted it all the time own actions.After the incident, Guo Wei seemed to have lost his soul for a whole month. He didn't think about tea and food. At the same time, Yan Feifei also suffered a lot because of this. He apologized to Guo Wei many times, but he ignored him. Then Guo Wei finally recovered. , but as soon as she saw Yan Feifei, she hid, but Yan Feifei suddenly dropped out of school two months later, and then went to Australia. Although she was separated from Guo Wei, she never left anything behind during those years in Australia. As for Guo Wei's news, except for herself, no one knows the reason for her leaving.

"Wei, Rou'er needs you. She is eager to have a complete family like other children, with parents who love her."

"It can't be like this, you are lying to me." Guo Wei suddenly lost his composure and yelled, and he couldn't help inserting his five fingers into his hair. Facing this kind of thing, he could no longer bear it. This news was like a bomb that knocked him All dreams are shattered.

"Are you still a man?" Guo Wei's reaction aroused Yan Feimo's anger. He stepped forward and lifted Guo Wei's collar. He complained for her six-year-old child.

"Second brother, let go, don't use your power." Seeing Yan Feimo attacking Guo Wei, Yan Feifei hurriedly stepped forward to persuade the fight, and defended it with all her strength.

"I'm going to wake him up." Yan Feimo didn't hit a single place, and waved his hand with a punch. In fact, only he knew that the reason was not only because of this child, but also the woman he loved just now. Feimo didn't go to confirm it, but he could feel it, because that day he saw extraordinary tenderness in Guo Wei's eyes that day.

However, when the punch landed, Yan Feifei quickly hugged Guo Wei, and then the force naturally hit her on the forehead, and then her center of gravity drooped, and she fell limp in Guo Wei's arms... …

"What are you going to do now?" In the corridor of the hospital, Yan Feimo and Guo Wei stood side by side, with a touch of sadness on their faces, especially Guo Wei, who seemed to be lost after hearing the news. The backbone, the defense line of reason completely collapsed, and the self-confidence built up in seven years collapsed at this moment.

"I don't know." Guo Wei let out a long breath, and his eyes could not help but close slightly.

"Wei, although Feifei was at fault for that matter first, isn't she making up for what she did to you? She has been changing for you for so many years, because you said she was not ladylike enough, so she forced herself Wearing a skirt, because you said she can't write, she studied calligraphy and poetry in Australia for two years, knowing that you like to collect things like photo albums, she traveled all over the country to find them for you, and tried different ways to get them. You are happy, she used to be powerful, but now she has become completely unlike her because of you. She put her self-esteem under her feet, let you trample on her, and degraded to do everything she can for you. Today for you, she can meet my fist, I think if one day you ask her to die for you, she will be desperate, don't you think you have never been moved at all?" Yan Feimo couldn't help getting excited.

(End of this chapter)

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