Chapter 68

"I know all of this, but can feelings be judged by these? I have already forgiven our past, I don't blame her, and I don't hate her anymore. I just hope we don't get involved. Am I wrong? ? I admit that she has done a lot for me, but those are not what I want. If I can choose, I would rather she not do anything." Make a creaking sound.

"Don't get involved, what are you talking about? Didn't you hear it? You all have children, and the children are all six years old. You can just watch her live like this with the children for the rest of her life?" Yan Fei Mo's decibel instantly increased a lot, his face and eyes were full of hostility.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Guo Wei's heart was in a mess. He already felt that the love and the person he loved were completely far away from him at this moment. I can't get it back.

"What else can I do, of course I'm married, do you still want to renege on your debt?"

"Impossible." Guo Wei firmly refused, "I don't love her, marrying her will only hurt her."

"But Feifei loves you." Yan Feimo didn't want to worry about it so much. The problem before him was that Yan Feifei had Guo Wei's child, and the two were unmarried men and women. Marriage was the only solution. Method.

"Feimo, don't force me." Guo Wei looked at Yan Feimo with unusual despair in his eyes.

"Second brother, you don't have to worry about my affairs." At this moment, Yan Feifei appeared in front of the two of them in hospital clothes, her face was pale and haggard.

"You have lied to me for so many years, do you want to continue to suffer like this alone? Now that the person involved is in front of you, this matter should be settled." Yan Feimo took it for granted that Guo Wei should be responsible.

"The child is powerful. No matter what, I don't feel bitter. Second brother, don't force him anymore. Even if he doesn't marry me, I won't blame him. As long as he is not married, I will keep waiting. I want He married me willingly." After finishing speaking, Yan Feifei gave Guo Wei an affectionate look, and then comforted him, "Wei, I didn't mean to threaten you with Rou'er, my feelings for you have always been frank and direct, and I don't want to What are you hiding, if I don't wait until the day I put on my wedding dress in this life, I won't regret it, at least you gave me the best gift."

Guo Wei didn't speak anymore, because he didn't know what to say, just like what Yan Feimo said, Yan Feifei now is really a different person compared to back then, and everything she did for him, it's not moving. It's fake, but he has already installed a person in his heart, and there is no room for another relationship.

"Okay, you can settle this matter yourself." Yan Feimo had no choice but to compromise in the end. He knew Yan Feifei and Guo Wei's temper well. Even though he wanted to match up, how can outsiders intervene in matters such as feelings? Got it, and he didn't want the company to lose a talent because of his selfishness, and he didn't want to cut off his right-hand man.

Things between Guo Wei and Yan Feifei gradually calmed down, but after the accident, the relationship between the two became extraordinarily subtle and strange.Guo Wei no longer deliberately avoids Yan Feifei, and of course he will not take the initiative to find her. The two of them just greet her habitually when they meet, but it is obvious that Guo Wei's change has made Yan Feifei feel much better.As the third party, Yan Feimo was a little secretly happy when he saw the improvement of the relationship between the two. Although he hoped that they could be better, but he couldn't intervene, so he had to be a spectator and wait and see.

A few days later at noon, Yan Feimo was stranded in the office due to business. When he was about to leave and had lunch with Yao Yun, his cell phone rang suddenly. It was Guo Wei's call.

"Where are you now?" Guo Wei's voice was very low, which made Yan Feimo feel ominous.

"In the office, I'm about to have lunch with Yun'er, what's the matter?"

On the other end of the phone, Guo Wei seemed to be hesitating. After hesitating for a long time, he said in a calm voice, "Wait for me for a while, I have something very important to tell you." Guo Wei immediately hung up the phone.

Yan Feimo was a little puzzled, and then looked at his watch. Fortunately, the time agreed with Yao Yun was still half an hour away, otherwise he would have left immediately.

"What's important?" Because it was boring to wait, Yan Feimo tidied up his desk by the way. When Guo Wei came in, he was about to put a folder into the cabinet.

"This is your medical examination report, it" Guo Wei bit his lip, but the words stuck in his throat and never came out.

"Am I terminally ill?" Looking at Guo Wei's hesitant expression, Yan Feimo couldn't help thinking about the worst.

"No." Guo Wei lowered his head, and finally lifted it up again after a while, then gently closed his eyes and said with some embarrassment: "The doctor said that there is something wrong with your sperm, and you have lost your fertility."

"What?" After hearing these words, Yan Feimo's brain exploded, the folder in his hand was not stable, and it fell to the ground with a 'slap...', Mo's eyes looked straight at Guo Wei , the expression on his face was very ugly, with self-evident pain.

"I know this news is hard for every man to accept." Guo Wei didn't want to explain too much, because no matter how he comforted Yan Feimo, it would be an invisible harm to Yan Feimo.

"Did the hospital make a mistake? There were no problems during the physical examination last year." After all, he was a person in the shopping mall, and Yan Feimo quickly regained his rationality, but doubts flickered in his eyes.

"This won't work. I was afraid that it was a problem with the hospital, so I went to the relevant doctor, and the hospital has already made a guarantee." Guo Wei said and handed the physical examination form to Yan Feimo: "There are It’s very clear about your physical condition, of course, if you don’t believe it, you can go for a thorough examination, if it’s really the responsibility of the hospital, we can use legal means to defend our rights.”

If it weren't for Guo Wei's careful work, Yan Feimo would definitely have another physical examination according to his suggestion, but even Guo Wei said such a thing, he had to accept this fact, when his hand touched the card with his name on it When he was reporting his experience, he suddenly felt congested, as if the meridians of his whole body were being violently poked by some sharp weapon, and the pain was unspeakable.

"Am I no longer a normal man?" Yan Feimo slumped down on the office chair, and asked a question after a long time, because infertility seems to him like an old man. The eunuch is extremely humiliating.

(End of this chapter)

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