Chapter 69

"No." Guo Wei quickly vetoed: "You are still a normal man, but you are not fertile."

"Can't even have children, can he be considered a normal man?" Yan Feimo closed his eyes in pain. He once hoped that one day he would enter the palace of marriage with Yao Yun, and then have one or several children, but The physical examination sheet in front of him shattered all his longings and yearnings.

"At the very least, you can still give your beloved woman 'sex' blessing, not to mention that there are many people in DINK now, Mo, this is the end of the matter, so don't think too much about it." Guo Wei understands the pain in Yan Feimo's heart, but the face For this kind of problem, he really has more than enough energy.

"Not being able to give birth is different from not wanting to give birth. Don't stand up and talk without back pain. Your child is six years old now. Of course you don't understand how I feel now." Yan Feimo's emotions were a little out of control, obviously Knowing that Guo Wei is sincerely consoling, but now he has depression in his heart and wants to vent, he has no way to accept such a fact.

"You know I don't mean that." Looking at Yan Feimo's painful expression, Guo Wei simply replied, because he didn't want Yan Feimo to bring the topic to him and Yan Feifei again. He has a daughter, and his thoughts have become contradictory and struggling. He wants to be selfish for the sake of feelings, but he has no way to deny the fact that he and Yan Feifei have a child: "I think you need time to calm down. I wanted to tell you about your cause of disease, but I don’t think it’s necessary in your state.” Guo Wei turned around after speaking, and then walked towards the door.

"Wait." Yan Feimo finally recovered in time. He couldn't accept it calmly, but the reality couldn't help him to deceive himself. He needed a reason and a strong explanation, why in just one year, his Physical conditions can change so much.

Guo Wei then stopped in his tracks, knowing that Yan Feimo was no longer trying to get into a corner, so he slowly turned around to face him.

"What's the reason?" Yan Feimo asked while biting his bleeding lip.

"Did you have any abnormal reactions during this period, such as fatigue, lethargy, lack of energy, vomiting?" Guo Wei did not answer Yan Feimo's question directly, but asked himself.

Yan Feimo pondered for a while, then nodded: "Yes, I always feel listless and weak, and I really want to rest." Hearing Guo Wei's question, Yan Feimo recalled his physical condition during this period. He used to work very hard, working overtime and staying up late, but these days, let alone working overtime, he fell asleep at eight or nine o'clock every night, and felt tired when he got up.

"Then have you ever been in contact with any special metal substances or chemicals?" Guo Wei continued to ask.

"Huh?" Yan Feimo frowned, and answered after a long time: "No."

"Think about it carefully." Guo Wei seemed a little unwilling. His pair of black dragon eyes were full of encouragement. He hoped to find out the root cause of Yan Feimo's disease as soon as possible, so as to prescribe the right medicine.

"Really not, you know, my diet and daily life have always been relatively regular, and I am not good at changing, if there is anything unusual, I will naturally find out in time."

Guo Wei nodded, the depression in his heart was unresolved, he was a little helpless, finally he had to let out a sigh of relief and said: "The doctor said that it may be caused by the recent exposure to strong radiation, so you should try to think clearly, because if you continue like this If not, your body may be alienated, not only the reproductive function will have problems, but even your other physical and physiological functions.”

"I haven't changed my mobile phone for three years." Yan Feimo couldn't help thinking about his daily necessities, because the mobile phone stored Yao Yun's number and some photos of their past, so Yan Feimo has been reluctant to change: " Computers are all pasted with protective films against radiation, so it shouldn't be the reason?" Yan Feimo couldn't understand.

"The things you mentioned are not the biggest threat, and they are not enough to cause such great harm, so I asked if I have been in contact with any strange metals or radioactive chemicals." Yan Feimo couldn't find the reason, Guo Wei Also at a loss.

"Definitely not." Yan Feimo thought for a while, and then replied firmly.

"Well, since you are so sure, I can't say anything more. I suggest you go to the hospital for another comprehensive examination. There may be other reasons, which will save us from guessing here."

"Hmm." Yan Feimo answered one word calmly, not knowing whether to agree or reject.

"Then I'll go first."

After Guo Wei left, Yan Feimo took the physical examination form and looked at it quietly. Although the doctor's words on it were in their usual style, he couldn't understand them, but he already understood the meaning. Spirit had a discussion with Guo Wei, but only he knew that it was forced by him. He couldn't let Guo Wei see his cowardice, and he couldn't let anyone except them know that he had obtained such a kind that made everyone A disease that every man is ashamed of, that is his dignity.

But what should he tell Yao Yun now?When do you say it?If she knew that he couldn't give her a complete family, would she still be willing to marry him?
Once he was sure that Yao Yun loved him as much as he loved her, but now he doubted himself, and this doubt stemmed from his inferiority complex.

Yan Feimo thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt empty, and the more he was blocked, many things about the future, about him and Yao Yun were entangled, filling his head, so that he missed the appointment for the first time, I also ignored the phone ringing again and again.

He knew it was Yao Yun's call, but for the first time he was cowardly, he was afraid of that soft and boneless voice, and he couldn't see her affectionate jade-like eyes, so he struggled, struggled, and contradicted, so Always prudent and well-measured, he lost his mind for the first time and chose to drink away his sorrows, temporarily forgetting and escaping.

Although the bar in the afternoon lacks the arrogance and indulgent atmosphere of the night, it still has an atmosphere of feasting and luxury, the superb skills of the bartenders at the bar, the hot sex dances of the dancers on the dance floor, and the From time to time, the bunny girl who invites drinks around with a wine glass fully interprets the unique industry culture of the entire bar.

Outside the bar, Yan Feimo was holding a tall cup, his eyes glowed blood red due to the effect of alcohol, looking at the half cup of liquid left in the cup in a daze, the collar of his white shirt was open, revealing a The arrogance and unruly nature of a man.

(End of this chapter)

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