Chapter 70

"Have another glass." Yan Feimo raised his neck and drank the wine in the glass, and said to the blurred figure in front of him, he had already forgotten which glass it was.Endless bitterness hit his heart wave after wave like a raging wave, and Guo Wei's words kept lingering in his ears, like sharp needles with poison, piercing every part of his body. One acupuncture point made him miserable and indescribably painful.He wanted to tell Yao Yun about this matter, after all, marriage is the happiness of two people, but he was afraid of getting an answer that would disappoint him, so on the coastline of selfish love and self-esteem, his reason collapsed, and then It's a few glasses of XO.

The night was getting darker, and the early autumn mist filled the entire starry sky of C City. Yan Feimo in the bar was lying on the bar counter with a glass in his hands and fell asleep, his face and body were covered with wine stains, and he was muttering something, The whole person looked completely different from his usual image, less clean, more handsome, more bleak and helpless.

"Mo, wake up..." Guo Wei gently patted Yan Feimo's face and called out, because he was looking for him urgently in the afternoon, and when he asked everyone, including Yao Yun, they said they hadn't seen him, so he knew Yan Feimo Feimo must have been unable to figure it out, and came out to vent, but he didn't expect to be drunk like this this time. When Yao Yun left, he was drunk, but he was still a little conscious, but now, he has completely become a puddle. mud.

Seeing Yan Feimo's appearance, Guo Wei had no choice but to take a long breath, and then exhausted all his strength to help him up from the chair, and then got him into the car with the help of the bar attendant.

Guo Wei looked at Yan Feimo who was lying drunk on the back seat, thought for a moment, sighed again, and then started the engine.

"Why did you bring him here?" When Guo Wei took Yan Feimo to the small foreign building, opened the door with his key, and was about to help him back to the room, suddenly a graceful figure came down from upstairs, There is no anxiety or worry about being a girlfriend in the words.

Hearing the voice, Guo Wei didn't answer immediately, but raised his face to look at the source of the sound. When he met Yao Yun's face, he couldn't help being taken aback. He never thought that she would get such preferential treatment from Yan Feimo, because Yan Feimo's grandfather used to live in this house, so Yan Feimo cherishes it very much and never stays in this house, not to mention him, even his own sister Yan Feifei doesn't have this privilege, so it can be seen that Yan Feimo To what extent did she love Yao Yun?

"This is his home, where should I go if I don't come here?" I didn't like Yao Yun at first, so after a moment of consideration, Guo Wei answered the words angrily.

Seemingly aware of her gaffe, Yao Yun immediately restrained the trace of disgust in her expression, put on a kind expression and explained: "Don't get me wrong, because he doesn't live here recently, so I'm just curious."

Guo Wei ignored him and helped Yan Feimo into the room.

"Is he drunk?" Yao Yun followed behind them, smelling alcohol, so she asked pretending to be concerned.

Guo Wei's expression was still indifferent and calm, and then he said intentionally: "What are you doing there? As his girlfriend, don't you know what to do now?" Seeing the indifferent expression on Yao Yun's face, Guo Wei couldn't help but get angry , I have always felt that Yan Feimo is worthless.

"Oh, I'm going to fetch water now." Yao Yun noticed Guo Wei's attitude immediately. Although she was reluctant, she obediently turned around and went into the bathroom, then returned to the room with a basin of hot water, and then put down the water Basin, stunned for a while, seeing Guo Wei looking at her silently, so she suppressed her disgust again, untied Yan Feimo's shirt with trembling fingertips, and then pretended to wipe it seriously for him.

"What's the matter with you, why do you drink so much?" Yao Yun knew that Yan Feimo's drinking capacity was always good, because there were often necessary entertainments, and he would never allow himself to get drunk in principle. But looking at him in front of her, she couldn't believe her eyes, so she was sure that something must have happened to him.

"It's nothing, just encountered a little trouble in business." Naturally, Guo Wei would not tell Yao Yun the real answer, so he prevaricated.

The woman's intuition told her that it would definitely not be as simple as business affairs. Although Yan Feimo was sometimes paranoid, he had never made any major mistakes in business affairs. This is why Feiyang has been prosperous for a long time since he took over. One of the reasons is that Guo Wei refused to tell, so she didn't ask any more questions.

"The company still has some things to deal with. I'll go back first. You can take care of him. If there is any emergency, remember to call me." Although he was still a little worried, some official arrangements required him, so he have to leave.

"Well, good." Yao Yun seemed to be neglected to communicate with Guo Wei, so she just nodded lazily.

Guo Wei glanced at Yan Feimo on the bed, and finally went out with a little worry.

After Guo Wei's figure disappeared completely, Yao Yun's eyes turned back to Yan Feimo's body, looking coldly at his sleeping face and shirtless upper body with sharp eyes. The plot came to mind, so she turned her beautiful eyes, put her chin on her jade finger, sat on the edge of the bed, touched Yan Feimo's waist with both hands, and then pulled his belt away with a sound of 'whoosh...', and then pulled him off. Clothes are also removed...

The night was dark, the moonlight was bright and clear, and strands of light shone on the screen window, casting a hazy shadow in the bedroom. On the large double bed, Yan Feimo and Yao Yun were sleeping in each other's arms, but one was awake, the other was confused, the other had a heart, and the other had a heart. unintentional...

The morning of early autumn brought the residual heat of the summer to wake up the person in the dream, and let Yan Feimo, who had been sleeping all night, return to reality from escaping. When the ray of autumn light stimulated his eyes At that time, he subconsciously sat up from the bed.Then reflexively rubbed his temples with the index fingers of both hands.

"Feimo, you woke up, do you feel better?" In front of the dressing table, Yao Yun was arranging her appearance, and saw Yan Feimo wake up through the mirror, so she immediately turned her face and asked pretending to be concerned. I have to say yesterday The night did give her a very good opportunity to kill three birds with one stone. Although she felt disgusted by the smell of him, for her purpose, she was willing to endure it.

"I, what's wrong with me, where are my clothes?" Hearing Yao Yun's voice, Yan Feimo realized that he was actually clean, but when he removed the thin quilt, he saw that the bed was in a mess, I couldn't help being startled by that dazzling red spot, and then looked at Yao Yun involuntarily: "Could it be that we were last night?"

(End of this chapter)

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