Chapter 72

"Don't worry, I'm here, this kind of thing won't happen. You prepare your entry materials and report to the HR department in two days." Not wanting to see her disappointed expression, Yan Feimo immediately gave her the answer.

"Feimo, you're so kind." After Yao Yun finished speaking, she wrapped her arms around Yan Feimo's neck, and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

Yan Feimo was overwhelmed by her sudden tenderness. This was the first time Yao Yun kissed him so passionately. His body couldn't help feeling hot, but it was soon annihilated by the cold water of reality, and then slightly With restraint, he planted a kiss on her forehead: "I'm going to work, good boy."

"Be careful on the road."

The conversation between the two is like a newlywed couple, ambiguous and sweet, but this is just an inappropriate scene, there will always be a time when the song ends, when the hypocritical mask will be torn off, and the truth will be revealed Appearing in the sun, no one can escape...

Feiyang Building, the CEO's office, Yan Feimo crossed his fingers and leaned back elegantly on the office chair, his face was full of the seriousness of a business leader, as if what happened yesterday no longer existed, his eyes were full of The clear light looked at Guo Wei and Yan Feifei who were sitting on the sofa.

"Second brother, why did you ask us to come here?" Yan Feifei asked, but the corner of his eye couldn't help but hit Guo Wei, although in order not to get too close to her, he still chose a position far away from her , but she is very relieved that he is not deliberately avoiding him now, but today Yan Feimo suddenly found herself and Guo Wei together, for some reason, it made her a little curious.

"Mo, just tell me if you have anything to do. I still have a few important personnel files that need to be processed." Although the seats are far away from Yan Feifei, Guo Wei is still a little uncomfortable, and he does not reject it during this time. She, however, does not mean acceptance.

"I came here to discuss something with you." Yan Feimo said, sitting up, picked up a few recommendation forms on the table, glanced at them, and said solemnly: "It's about the financial manager. Candidates."

"I think Ye Lifen is pretty good. She comes from finance and accounting. She works carefully and is extremely responsible for her work. She has been working in the financial department since she joined Feiyang. She is very familiar with Feiyang's business model and other aspects, and her performance is quite good. , I don’t think there will be any problem if she takes over.” Yan Feifei quickly put forward her own point of view, gently pulled the broken hair that fell by her ear, and continued to add: “Of course Feng Minxiao It's not bad, although others are not smooth enough, but they are strong in principle, so you can rest assured if you let him take care of the finances."

"Well, I agree with the director's opinion. These two are more suitable candidates in my opinion. Ye Lifen is capable and experienced, Feng Minxiao has principles in doing things, and each has his own strengths. Of course, in comparison, I personally still I agree with Ye Lifen, because during the absence of the chief financial officer, she took care of the financial affairs on her behalf. The financial statements she made were very detailed, and there were very few mistakes, and she was very popular in the department. I think she has this ability. Although Feng Minxiao also has a financial background, after all, he has been engaged in research and development. I am afraid that he will be transferred suddenly. He will not be able to adapt in a short time. There will be some problems in handling the relationship between superiors and subordinates." Guo Wei also expressed his point of view objectively and methodically. As the head of the personnel department, he should consider Feiyang in line with the principle of responsibility and make the best use of everything. , people show their talents.

"It's rare that the two of you have such a tacit understanding today." Yan Feimo picked up the water glass on the table, took a sip of water, said something unrelated to the matter, then put down the glass, put his elbows on the table, interlocked his fingers, and continued He said unhurriedly: "I have read the information of both of them. Yes, they are indeed more suitable successors under the current situation. But this time I decided to cancel the company's internal promotion mechanism and use external recruitment."

"Why?" Guo Wei was the first to question, and then looked at Yan Feimo incomprehensibly: "Feiyang always focuses on internal promotion, and only considers external recruitment when the company really has no suitable candidates. If this situation does not exist, why use external recruitment?” Because external recruitment will discourage the work enthusiasm of the company’s internal personnel, and if the externally hired personnel lack work experience, it will take a long time to adapt. It is very risky for the company to put someone in such an important high position as the chief financial officer. At the same time, it takes a lot of manpower and financial resources to hire someone from outside. Generally, large companies generally do not have full confidence. will do so.

"That's right, second brother, it's not that Feiyang doesn't have suitable people, and the chief financial officer is an important position. Isn't it too risky to hire an outsider?" Yan Feifei also raised doubts, although she will always unconditionally agree with Guo Wei's opinions. Support, but she has no selfishness in this matter, and she expresses her position entirely from a business standpoint.

"You two are quite on the same page now, I think it's time to consider a wedding." Yan Feimo took another sip of water unhurriedly, taking the opportunity to tease naturally.

"Second brother, we are discussing business matters now." Although Yan Feimo's words made her heart move for no reason, but to avoid embarrassing Guo Wei, she immediately put an end to the topic: "We are all here For Fei Yang’s sake, the company now has several relatively large cases, and the expenditures are all calculated in tens of millions. The checks on the financial budget and settlement must be someone we know and trust, otherwise the consequences of mistakes will be unimaginable.”

"Since you want to hire outsiders, I would like to know who you recommend. If his (her) ability is well-known in the industry and is indeed better than the two we just mentioned, I think it is not impossible. Think about it.” From Guo Wei’s point of view, Yan Feimo is not a person who is ignorant of the importance, he and Yan Feifei are out of consideration for Feiyang, and Yan Feimo will naturally not joke about Feiyang’s prospects and interests, and there are also external employment Its own benefits, firstly, it can prevent the formation of respective networks within the group, and secondly, it helps the company to introduce excellent talents from outside, so he decided to listen to Yan Feimo's opinion.

"Well, second brother, if the person you recommend is qualified for this position, I agree." Yan Feifei also agreed. After all, she has only been in the company for a few months, and she hasn't contacted many people. It is not as comprehensive and accurate as Guo Wei thought.

(End of this chapter)

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