Chapter 73

Yan Feimo saw that the two of them looked at him together, and he was startled for a moment. In fact, what they said just now made sense. Although Yao Yun was once known as a top student in school, after all, he lacked work experience. What's more, it doesn't make sense to hold such an important position, but since he agreed to her, he naturally couldn't tolerate him breaking his promise, so he suppressed the timidity in his heart, clenched his fist with one hand, and said slowly: "I think Yun'er is more suitable for this position. She is also a financial accountant, and her grades were very good in school." Yan Feimo knew that the latter compliment was hardly convincing, but it was also the only evidence for him to recommend her.

"Absolutely not." Yan Feifei and Guo Wei said almost in unison. After they finished speaking, they felt embarrassed, and then looked at each other. In the end, Guo Wei recovered his expression first: "Mo, this kind of thing can't be emotional, what kind of financial manager is that?" I think you know better than me about the nature of the work. If it is in other departments, it may be necessary to discuss it, but this is absolutely not possible, not to mention her lack of experience and experience. , it will take her a long time to understand and learn, and a company as big as Feiyang spends tens of millions on any project, if she accidentally makes a wrong number, who will bear the responsibility?"

"You have seen Yun'er's learning ability in college, so if she wants to learn the basic things quickly, and Yun'er has always been careful in doing things, she will definitely strive for perfection. Besides, she is my girlfriend. Naturally, for the sake of Feiyang and for my consideration, I will definitely not allow myself to make mistakes, and of course, if there is such an event, I will take full responsibility." He knew that these words were not enough to be used as a bargaining chip to recommend Yao Yun, but in order to persuade Guo Wei and Yan Feifei, that's all he could say.

"You're just child's play. Feiyang is not a vegetable market. Anyone can enter. If she Yao Yun is really capable, then let her follow the company's recruitment process, starting from the staff. If one or two years later, She does have that ability, I have absolutely nothing to say, but she doesn't have that diamond, so why should she take on this porcelain job? Besides, it's not impossible for her to be in the top position, she must have at least three years of work experience in other big companies, Or only with impressive grades." Hearing that the candidate was Yao Yun, Yan Feifei suddenly became angry and furious. She had always opposed Yan Feimo's relationship with Yao Yun, but this time Yan Feimo actually did it for the sake of it. She broke the company's routine, which made her even more angry.

Although Yan Feifei lost her composure and her tone was too sharp, she had to say that what she said was reasonable, so Guo Wei advised: "Feimo, I advise you to reconsider this matter. As a rule, the position of financial director can only be decided after the discussion of the board of directors. If you do this, let alone the two of us, I don’t think other shareholders will agree. And to be honest, although what you just said is also reasonable, but study Strong ability does not necessarily mean strong work ability. These are two different things. It is a fact that she has no work experience. If she is placed in such a position, what will happen to those employees who have been working for Feiyang for so many years but have not been promoted? If someone in the department is dissatisfied and uses some small tricks, then it will be pointed out that there will be no big troubles. Moreover, as Feifei said just now, if she really intends to advance Feiyang, why not let her start at the grassroots level? , as long as her ability is recognized by everyone, I will never say anything at that time, so do you want to think about it again?" Guo Wei said it very objectively, and also analyzed the relationship of interests very clearly.

"It was my suggestion to let her take over the position of finance director." Yan Feimo immediately complained for Yao Yun, and he was also out of selfish considerations, because if Yao Yun's grade is too low, it will be more difficult for him to control her actions. That's why he blurted out subconsciously at that time, completely ignoring the issues Guo Wei and Yan Feifei said.

"Do you still have any brains? You are still the president of the company. Is this a joke? Let you do it like this." When Jing Yanfeimo said this, Yan Feifei became even more angry, and her pretty face was full of tears in an instant. It is angry red.

"Fortunately, you still know that I am the president. Could it be that as the president, you can dictate the arrangement of a position in the company?" Yan Feimo was immediately annoyed. He had a stomach for what happened yesterday. He has no place to vent his anger, and today he has to be criticized by his own sister.

"Mo, Feifei and I are both out of consideration for the interests of the company. It's not that you don't know Feifei's temper. Now is not the time for you to fight. I think you are indeed hasty in your decision on this matter. Feelings It can't be confused with official business, so it's better to be cautious." Watching the siblings quarreling, Guo Wei could only understand it with reason and move it with emotion, hoping that Yan Feimo would change his mind.

"Why, I'm so distressed, I haven't married you yet." Yan Feimo was furious, which made Guo Wei angry.

"What are you talking about? We are reasoning with you. Do you need such a smug person? The company is not your bargaining chip in love. You can do whatever you want. If you want that woman to join the job, you must first get past me." Let me talk about it again, if you want to join Feiyang, you can, first submit the introduction, and then arrange an interview, otherwise, don’t even think about it, financial manager, we will talk about it in two years.” Yan Feimo’s ridicule of Guo Wei intensified Yan Feifei’s anger for a while, and she The pitch of his voice increased a lot in an instant.

"Why, don't you forget how you became the director? Have you submitted a brief introduction? Has anyone interviewed you? What qualifications do you have to criticize others?" Although he knew that he was wrong, the man had face It must not be lost, and Yan Feimo refused to show weakness, exposing Yan Feifei's background.

As soon as these words came out, Yan Feifei was stunned immediately, her face was flushed, her eyes were bloodshot, and her chest was panting sharply because of anger, then she looked directly at her with fiery almond eyes, and her voice was sonorous and forceful He retorted: "I am a shareholder of Feiyang, and I have 5.00% of Feiyang's shares in my hand. I am qualified based on this alone. What does she have?"

"That is to say, as long as I give her 5.00% of the shares, she can join the job, right?" Yan Feimo took advantage of the loophole in Yan Feifei's words, and Mo Mou was not convinced. One of the ways to live with Yao Yun, especially if such an unfortunate thing happened to him, he thought that if Yao Yun could join the company, they would spend more time together and their relationship would quickly heat up.

(End of this chapter)

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