Chapter 91

"Oh" Hearing Yu Xiaoxi's voice, Yufan immediately jumped off Jing Sihan's body, and then winked mischievously at Jing Sihan.

"Brother, you are too partial. Ever since Xiaoxi got these two little radish heads, you have become more indifferent to me. It's fine if you don't hug me, and you even help them bully me. I really can't stay in this family." Now, I think if you and Xiaoxi get married, I will be kicked out." Jing Yunqi shrugged his shoulders pretending to be angry, and then his eyes wandered between the two. Over the years, he has been He tried his best to create opportunities for them, but no matter how he fueled it, the fire just didn't burn well, leaving him watching and worrying.

"Then tell me, where do you want to live? I'll find you a house." Jing Sihan sat next to Jing Yunqi, then patted his head and said, "You're such a grown-up, and you're as knowledgeable as them. Are you ashamed?"

"Brother, don't turn your elbows out. It's your brother and me who are being bullied. Don't look at these two little kids who are only five years old. They are capable of bullying people." Jing Yunqi complained, while From time to time, he winked at Yufan and Yuxin.

"You have the nerve to say that you are 13 years old, and you can't even handle two five-year-old children. Are you ashamed?" Jing Sihan jokingly said, in fact, why didn't he know, Jing Yunqi It's because he likes these two children so much, that's why he plays with them. It's just that boys of this age are bloody and rebellious, and the two children are too smart, so Jing Yunqi always gets angry with himself .

"Brother, you are not kind. Xiaoxi hasn't married you yet, and you bully me like this. If I get married, will I become the most worthless person in this family?" Xi voted, he really hoped that she could answer him at this time and give Jing Sihan a yes.

Maybe Jing Yunqi has made too many similar jokes over the years, so Yu Xiao chose to automatically block it. After the two children and Jing Yunqi went to play separately, Yu Xiaoxi finally mustered up the courage to face Jing Si. Han said, "Sihan, there is something I want to discuss with you."

"Tell me something."

Then the two sat down opposite each other across the transparent glass coffee table.

"I want to go back to China." Yu Xiaoxi pulled the hair on the side of her ears, then raised her face, her eyes were full of expectation, waiting for his approval.

"Why?" Jing Sihan's face suddenly became a little sad. Although this is not the first time she discussed this matter with him, he still felt very upset when he heard those four words. He didn't want her Escaping from his monitoring range, let alone whether there is an invasion of foreign love rivals, Yan Feimo alone is a very terrible threat. It is said that since the news of his infertility spread six years ago, he has not been close to women. He only focused on his work, so Feiyang has almost become a myth in C City in the past six years, and he has also left behind the MOD that kept pace with it back then.

Yu Xiaoxi lowered her brows, pondered for a while, and then said very seriously: "Sihan, although you have taken good care of our mother and son all these years, and I like life here, I don't belong here after all. Moreover, both children have reached the age of school. Western culture is good, but I still hope they can return to China and receive Eastern education. My thinking may seem a bit moderate to you, but this is my mood as a mother. Hope you understand."

"I don't object to your going back. I just think the time is not yet ripe. Wang Ma is much slower now than before. If you leave, Yun Qi's life will definitely be affected. If you let him go back together, I'm afraid The tragedy of six years ago will happen again, so, Xiaoxi, wait a little longer, and when Yun Qi becomes an adult, I will definitely take you back to City C, okay?" In six years, he can still be as close as a family, then In another five years, they will definitely become a real family. As long as they get married and return to City C, they will have no worries.

In the past, in order not to embarrass Jing Sihan, and because the child was still young, she would always compromise silently, but this time for the sake of the child, she could only refuse with all her heart: "Sihan, I can understand your feelings as a brother , but I also hope that you will fulfill my wish of being a mother, Yun Qi is now 13 years old, he is sensible and understanding, and he will not be like six years ago, so you can rest assured in the days without me."

"You mean to abandon Yun Qi?" Jing Sihan's face was sad, and his eyes were full of injuries.

"No, you got it wrong. I love Yunqi. This is an indisputable fact. But he will grow up eventually, and I will definitely leave. You want him to stay here forever, but I have to go back to China. Our thoughts have already changed." There is a disagreement, so even if it is not now, there will be a day, so why should you be persistent with such a meaningless attachment?" Yu Xiaoxi knew that it was a bit ungrateful to say these words, but for the sake of her children, she had to do so.

"Then why not wait until that day? You know what Xiaoqi will think if you leave at this time, I hope you can think about him more." Jing Sihan understands that Jing Yunqi is a very powerful bargaining chip to tie Yu Xiaoxi, It is also the reason why he has been able to keep her over the years.

"Sihan, sometimes I really want to tell you that it is not a bad idea to let Yun Qi return to China. Although Western culture is relatively suitable for him, it does not mean that he should abandon the excellent culture of his own country. Things, and you said that MOD will let him take over at that time. I think it is ill-considered for you to instill Western ideas in him. Have you ever thought that once his ideas are completely Westernized and fixed, wait until he takes over? After all, the differences between cultures are not small." In fact, after going abroad, Yu Xiaoxi doubted that it was just a trivial matter of fighting between children, and Jing Sihan was so resolute. Was it too arbitrary for Yunqi to go abroad, but at that time, Jing Yunqi's injury made her worry, so she didn't think about it too much, and Jing Yunqi's illness recovered well later, so she didn't ask any more questions. .

"We've been learning the Western business management model, and I don't think there will be any problems." Jing Sihan insisted, but he began to feel uneasy, because this was the first time in six years that Yu Xiaoxi had shared this original with him. It's not that the question asked was discussed so sharply.

"It's good to have been studying, but it has to be combined with the actual situation of the company. You can learn the essence, but it doesn't mean you have to accept it all." Yu Xiaoxi is also stubborn in her own thinking: "Of course I have never run a company, and I don't know the specific process. What is it like, but I don’t think this kind of education is all good for Yun Qi. However, you are his brother and have much more experience in managing companies than me. If you still decide to let him stay Come down, then I have no objection. But Sihan, I hope you will not be bitten by a snake once, afraid of well ropes for ten years, and blindly help Yunqi make decisions. After all, he is not young now, and sometimes ask him more. I sincerely hope that Yun Qi can be very good, but if you still insist on your idea, then I am sorry that there is no way to stay with him. I have already applied to the company to return to China, so Sihan, sorry, this time please Respect my choice."

(End of this chapter)

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