Chapter 92

"Is there no room for negotiation at all?" Jing Sihan's heart turned cold for an instant, his face was covered with frost, and the coldness was overwhelming. Seeing the rare determination on Yu Xiaoxi's face, he knew that he had been trying to maintain it The umbrella may be lost.

Yu Xiaoxi bit her lip, then closed her eyes and nodded: "Sihan, I know that doing this will make you sad and disappoint Yun Qi, but please forgive my selfishness."

"Then, if it's not because of Xiaoqi, but I ask you to stay, will you agree?" As soon as Jing Sihan finished speaking, he couldn't help leaning forward, and stroked the back of Yu Xiaoxi's hand with his big palm, with a smile on his face. It's full of a man's expectations for a woman. In the past six years, their relationship has become very close. Even when they go out together, others will naturally regard them as a couple. It's just that their time together is very limited, so it involves emotional topics He also understood that Yu Xiaoxi had always known what he thought of her, but she avoided it because of the child, and she had hinted to him several times that she only regarded him as an elder brother, so many times He always wanted to ask her what was on her mind, but every time the words came to his lips, he would swallow them back, because he was afraid that if he said the words too bluntly, her rejection would be more thorough, so he was hesitating for a while , In weighing, trying to find a better opportunity to grasp.

Jing Sihan's sudden action startled Yu Xiaoxi, looking at Jing Sihan's expectant eyes, it was impossible not to be touched, but she felt that her affection for Jing Sihan hadn't deepened yet. She is so familiar with Ruan Lingjia's temper that she can abandon her friendship with Ruan Lingjia. In addition, on the phone, she often hints that she should not fall in love with Jing Sihan, so she has been restraining her feelings for Jing Sihan. emotion.

"Sihan, don't do this." Yu Xiaoxi pulled out her hand, lowered her eyebrows, bit her lip, and didn't make another sound.

"Xiaoxi, why?" Jing Sihan's heart was burned again, but he was still unwilling. Looking at her embarrassed expression, he suddenly felt that he was such a failure, and nothing had changed in six years: "Xiaoxi, Don't you understand my feelings for you after all these years?"

"Sihan, I'm sorry..." Yu Xiaoxi continued to purse her lips, and after a long time she raised her eyes firmly: "I don't think we are suitable, so..."

"Why? Xiaoxi, you have seen these years. I treat Xinxin and Fanfan as my own children. As long as you want, I don't mind what the outside world thinks. I am willing to be their father, so you don't have to worry about anything. "

"It has nothing to do with the kids."

"It's not because of the child, that's why, it's because I'm not good enough for you or because you treat him..." Yu Xiaoxi's refusal, from a man's sensitive point of view, he took it for granted that she still had hope for Yan Feimo ?
"Who is he?" Yu Xiaoxi was a little baffled. Although there were many men in Toronto who had pursued her, she had never given anyone a chance, so Yu Xiaoxi felt a little confused about the man Jing Sihan was talking about. baffling.

"Xiaoxi, he hurt you like that six years ago. If you rejected me because of him, then I'm really disappointed in you."

"Sihan, what are you talking about?" Yu Xiaoxi finally came to her senses, a faint disappointment appeared on her face, she never thought that Jing Sihan would think of her like that: "Six years ago, I didn't have him in my world. , not now, I just think we are more suitable to be family members, and I will only regard you as my elder brother forever."

"Six years, Xiao Xi, even a piece of ice should melt, brother? Ha ha, do you think I will spend six years in exchange for the title of brother?" It wasn't because of Yan Feimo, Jing Sihan He felt relieved a little, but he couldn't understand Yu Xiaoxi's reason for refusing.

Facing Jing Sihan's questioning, Yu Xiaoxi felt guilty. Although she understood that it was not her fault, but he wasted six years, after all, it was because of her: "Sihan, why don't you try Are you looking around you more? Maybe you will find a girl who is more suitable for you than me, but I am really not as good as you think." Although she didn't think that Jing Sihan and Ruan Lingjia were a good match, she really He really didn't want to choose between him and Ruan Ling, and he didn't dare to tell him that there was such a hurdle, because people are selfish when it comes to love. If Jing Sihan knew that Ruan Lingjia had been in love with him for so long, he would definitely go to her. To be clear, the friendship between them may be broken, and she doesn't want to gamble the uncertain love with the friendship she has always been proud of.

"Xiaoxi, I haven't said a single ambiguous word to you in these years. I'm afraid you will think I'm frivolous because of my previous scandals, but listen to this sentence today. Since the day I was sure I fell in love with you From the beginning, I couldn't see anyone anymore, so if you can't give me a reasonable explanation, I won't give up."

"Sihan, why are you bothering?" Yu Xiaoxi was very helpless, then rolled up the broken hair that fell beside her ear and said, "Actually, I think our relationship is very good."

"But I don't want to stop there, Xiaoxi, you know, we are all people without a family, why don't we form a beautiful family?"

"Sihan, don't force me anymore, we are really not suitable." Yu Xiaoxi sighed persistently, this is the first time they have brought something that has been hidden for so long to the table so frankly, maybe it is Because she has passed the age of shock and shyness, facing Jing Sihan's confession, Yu Xiaoxi is not as timid and afraid as she was back then.

"Okay, Xiaoxi, I can continue to wait, but you answer me a question? Do you love me a little bit?" Jing Sihan finally asked the deepest question in his heart, and he knew the answer whether it was Yes or no, the relationship between them will be very awkward in the future, but he is eager to know where he is in her mind.

Yu Xiaoxi was stunned for a moment, then raised her face, looked at Jing Sihan, her heartbeat accelerated at this moment, because she didn't know how to answer, love is for sure, but this love hasn't reached enough to make her give up The height of other things, so she dare not say love, and she understands that if she nods, then Jing Sihan's hope for her will never be shattered, she can refuse again and again, but she can't bear to watch He was disappointed again and again, and if she denied her feelings, she felt that she was too self-deceiving, so in the end she had to avoid Jing Sihan's expectant gaze, and changed the subject: "Sihan, it doesn't matter whether I have feelings for you or not." It's important, it's important that you understand that I only regard you as a brother, and I have to sort out some things and go upstairs first. When the company's date is settled, I will tell you when to return to China, and I will also arrange specific matters Well, you don't have to worry, if you decide to let Xiaoqi stay, then I will find a suitable time to tell him, I hope he understands me." After Yu Xiaoxi finished speaking, she stood up, turned and walked towards the stairs go.

(End of this chapter)

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