Chapter 93

"Xiaoxi, actually you know what's in your heart. I want you to stay, but you don't want you to see him. After all, he is the father of two children. I don't want you to have anything to do with him anymore. I'm just telling you this today because I Afraid, afraid of losing, Xiaoxi, do you know? Losing after cherishing is always more painful than not knowing how to cherish when you have it." Jing Sihan understood that his question just now was too sensitive, in order to avoid worrying things from happening, so Hastily explained.

"You think too much, he and I are just passers-by, and the child belongs to me alone, and has nothing to do with anyone." Yu Xiaoxi emphasized with her face up, and she didn't want to correct Jing Sihan's inner thoughts anymore, because for the As for feelings, everyone has their own attachments, and if they want to give up, they can only figure it out by themselves.After Yu Xiaoxi finished speaking, she walked up the stairs.

Knowing that there was no way to change her decision, Jing Sihan had no choice but to compromise: "Xiaoxi, maybe you are right, Xiaoqi should also accept the culture of his country properly, since you insist on going back, then take it with you. Let's go together, Chi."

The schedule for returning home was set in two weeks.

When they learned that they were about to leave Toronto and go to C, the two little guys couldn't help but get excited and couldn't fall asleep for several days. The environment always has inexplicable longing and curiosity, and Jing Yunqi gave his approval after hearing the news. Although the disaster six years ago caused him a lot of suffering, that little wish was born in his heart. The buds have sprouted and the roots have taken root. If there is a chance, he must compare with that boy named Min Linluo to see who is more powerful now.

"Mom, are we going far away?" Yu Xin blinked a pair of beautiful eyelashes, looking at Yu Xiaoxi who was packing things and asked.

"Well, it's far away, and it takes more than ten hours to fly, so Xinxin must be obedient and don't run around, you know?" Yu Xiaoxi asked.

"Why did we leave here?" Yu Xin sat beside Yu Xiaoxi, resting her chin with both hands, her eyes showed suspicion that she didn't belong to his age group.

Yu Xiaoxi stopped the movements of her hands, turned to face her son, thought for a while, and then replied, "Because that is our real home." Yu Xiaoxi didn't know if he could understand what she said, but she You can only express yourself in the simplest and most straightforward words.

"Is that place better than here?" Although he was looking forward to going to a strange city, he still liked this place very much.

"Each has its own way, well, I believe Xinxin will definitely like it there." In Yu Xiaoxi's concept, Toronto and City C are not comparable.

"Oh." Yu Xin snorted softly, and then couldn't stop asking: "Then Mom, is Dad also at the place we are going to?"

Hearing the word father, Yu Xiaoxi was stunned for a moment, and after a while she said harshly: "Don't talk nonsense, Xinxin, you and Fanfan are just mother's treasures, without a father." This is no longer It was the first time that Yuxin asked about her father in front of her. Although Yu Xiaoxi was prevaricating like this every time, she knew that as she got older, such angry words could not cover up the truth, but now she didn't want to Explain that because children of this age are too sensitive and fragile, she is afraid of hurting them.

"But all the children in the kindergarten have fathers?" Yuxin lowered her head after speaking, her face was full of frustration. Although he and Yufan were twins, his mind was much more delicate and sensitive than Yufan's, and he Because he could feel that Jing Sihan was not very kind to him, so his feelings for him were a little more distant than Yufan's.

"Xinxin, don't ask about Dad anymore, or Mom will get angry." Yu Xiaoxi didn't know how to use the best way to get her son to stop this topic, but in order to avoid hurting his weak heart, she had to use The threatening tone made him stop asking.

"Okay, mom, don't be angry, I just don't ask, then mom, will you marry Uncle Jing?" When this question was asked, Yuxin's face was full of seriousness.

"Huh?" Yu Xiaoxi was stunned again. Although he knew that Yuxin had always been better than Yufan at observing words and emotions, and he could tell that Jing Sihan obviously preferred the younger son, but regarding the matter between her and Jing Sihan, the two The child rarely asks questions, and only occasionally jokes with Jing Yunqi: "Does Xinxin want Mommy to marry Uncle Jing?"

"If mom really likes Uncle Jing and is willing to marry him, Xinxin will call him daddy from now on. It's just mom, I still hope mom can be with my real dad."

"How could Xinxin have such a strange idea?" Yu Xiaoxi was very puzzled.

"I overheard Mom and Uncle Jing's conversation that day." Yuxin didn't want to lie, she lowered her head and whispered, "Mom, I know I'm wrong, but Uncle Jing mentioned Dad that day, I just want to know... "I didn't want to make Yu Xiaoxi angry, so Yuxin faltered and didn't say what she said later.

Hearing what her son said, Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help being stunned, then stared at Yuxin in a daze, speechless, she had always taught them to be honest, but she told her child such a big lie, For the first time in front of her son, she felt a little ashamed. No matter how much she felt wronged in this matter, she couldn't explain it to the child's questioning, so she could only say in an adult tone: "Xinxin, Don't children understand the affairs of adults?"

"Oh, I see." Seemingly feeling Yu Xiaoxi's embarrassment, Yuxin lowered her head obediently.

"Okay, let's go play with Fanfan, mom still needs to tidy up your things." Not wanting her son to ask any more questions, Yu Xiaoxi had no choice but to push him away.

Yuxin looked at Yu Xiaoxi for a few seconds, then turned and left the room with a little disappointment after not getting an answer.

On the day of departure, Jing Sihan specially asked for leave. The moment he moved Yu Xiaoxi's things out of the house, he felt uneasy. The reason why he agreed that day was because he knew that he I can't stop it, so I can only obey. Fortunately, she was so firm in denying Yan Feimo, which made him worry less. His considerations were firstly that what Yu Xiaoxi said was right, that one cannot forget one's roots, it was suitable but not necessarily applicable, and secondly, Jing Yunqi was his bargaining chip, someone Yu Xiaoxi would never hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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