Chapter 95

"It sounds like this is the case. If this is the case, then Manager Guo is really pitiful."

"What's so pitiful, even if this matter is true, I think Director Yan is the one who suffers. I just don't understand why they waited until this time to get married."

"I know this, because Manager Guo and President Yan will take over the position of Vice President Fei Yang immediately after they get married."

"Why have we never heard of such a big thing?"

"It's just that there was a regular organizational meeting among the senior leaders, but it hasn't been announced to the public. It may be that the sudden personnel changes will cause bad public opinion on the wedding of the two. How do we know what the superiors think?"

"Why do you think our president hasn't gotten married yet? I haven't heard that he has a girlfriend. If Manager Guo will be appointed as the vice president, it will really make people wonder if Feiyang will change hands in the future?" Female A Continue to gossip.

"How many years have you been in Feiyang?" Beston asked thoughtfully.

"It's been almost two years, what's the matter?"

"No wonder you don't know." Knowles immediately said in a voice: "Actually, this is already well known in the industry. Six years ago, our president was dumped by a woman. It is said that the reason was that he could not have children. Don't talk nonsense."

"So that's the case. No wonder I said that the president is like an insulator, and he doesn't call women at all. At first, I wondered if he was a little shou. Alas, it's a pity that a good face turned out to be a piece of waste."

"Hey, keep your voice down, look over there, the president is here."

The three of them immediately fell silent, and couldn't help looking towards the door, only to see Yan Feimo and his assistant walking in from the outside.

"President, the playground in Zhiqing Resort will open to the public this Saturday. It was originally planned that Manager Guo would go to cut the ribbon, but now Manager Guo's schedule seems to have changed, so I don't know which department the president will arrange for the manager. Go?" The assistant was making a work report with Yan Feimo while walking, because since the discovery of the incident six years ago, Yan Feimo has become a workaholic, except for eating and sleeping. Numb yourself by letting go.

"Well, I see. Take a look at my schedule. If there is time, I'll go there in person." Yan Feimo said as he entered the elevator.After waiting for six years, Guo Wei and Yan Feifei finally came together. For the sake of his sister, Yan Feimo had to take over all the work of Guo Wei alone, because now there is almost nothing in his life except his family and Feiyang. Moving things, so as long as the family is happy, he is satisfied.

"There will be a regular meeting from 10:30 am to [-]:[-] am, and there will be a signing ceremony at [-]:[-] am, so I'm afraid there is no way to make room." The assistant looked at the schedule on the file and followed into the elevator.

"Advance the regular meeting to eight o'clock." Yan Feimo said decisively.

"Oh, good." Regarding Yan Feimo's tight arrangement of his work and rest time, the assistant is sometimes really worried about whether his body can bear it. It's just because Yan Feimo scolded him once for persuasion, so he never Not daring to raise objections, often only submissively agreeing.

"Does the planning department have any special arrangements for this matter?"

"Yes, this time we will launch package activities for families and groups, so there should be many parents bringing their children to come, and we have also sent invitations to managers and presidents of some other large companies, hoping to It works best on-site.”

"Well, very good, remember to tell the security department that the security measures must be strict."


While discussing business matters, the two walked quickly into the office.

"You will be fully responsible for the affairs of the resort during this period. Manager Guo may need a longer vacation, and he will not take care of the personnel and customer affairs at that time. If it is not a particularly important situation , you don’t need to report to me.” Yan Feimo said while opening the folder.

"Okay, President, I will work hard to do a good job." It was a great honor to be released from Yan Feimo, and the assistant showed a happy smile inadvertently.

"By the way, how is Mr. Minos' plan to buy two villas in Zhiqing community going?" Yan Feimo didn't focus on a document, and then raised his face to look at the male assistant in front of him , Because of the incident six years ago, he replaced the former female secretary with a male assistant.

"Oh, it's almost done. Mr. Minos' assistant has come to look at it, and he is very satisfied with the style and environment of the house." The assistant quickly replied.

"Mr. Minos is the chief designer of our upcoming new product, so no matter what request he puts forward, he must try his best to meet it." Yan Feimo said and put the file aside, perhaps because he felt tired, so he moved his body Leaning on the office chair, he couldn't help rubbing his temples with two fingers.

"This will definitely happen. Mr. Minos doesn't have any particularly harsh conditions. He just requires that the interior design must be done by a female designer named Single. M from Canada's WELLWORD company." The assistant said and began to open the pocketbook he carried with him. folder, and then took out a document and put it in front of Yan Feimo: "This is Single. M's personal information, please take a look, because this Single. M has only a few more creative designs in Canada, so it's not People in the industry don't know much about her, and she is very low-key, so I haven't collected much personal information about her. I heard that she has been in Toronto, so we sent someone from the company to contact her. , but it is said that not long ago, she has returned to City C, and I heard that WELLWORD is preparing for a branch in City C, and she was sent here as the chief designer." The assistant explained in detail.

"Single. The name M sounds strange. If she doesn't understand Chinese, you can contact her." Hearing this name, Yan Feimo's first reaction was that she was a foreign woman.

"Oh, she is Chinese. She just immigrated to Canada six years ago, so she changed her name." The assistant quickly explained, and then added after thinking for a while: "I heard that she has a very close relationship with the president of MOD, Jing Sihan. , there are rumors that they are dating."

"Huh?" Hearing Jing Sihan's name, Yan Feimo couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows and eyes. Although he still has some business contacts with MOD, and there are many opportunities to contact him in business affairs, there have been a lot of romantic news about Jing Sihan in the past few years. But there are almost none, so it is called Single for this. M's woman, Yan Feimo couldn't help being interested, so he lowered his eyebrows and looked at her personal information, but when his eyes saw 'Single. M, Chinese name: Yu Xiaoxi' in this column, his heart seemed to be suddenly shocked by electricity, and his whole body couldn't help trembling. But it is full of mixed flavors.Since Sihan finished those words six years ago, he had snuffed out the last bit of hope in his heart. He thought it was impossible to see her again in this life, but he never thought that she would come back.

(End of this chapter)

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