Chapter 96

"Have you made an appointment to meet her?" After a period of buffering, Yan Feimo finally came to his senses, and then hid the excitement on his face and asked solemnly.

"Not yet, but I have already asked people from the customer department to contact, and there should be results soon."

"You don't need to interfere in this matter. When the time is set, let me know and I will discuss it with her personally."

The assistant stared blankly at Yan Feimo for a while, wondering why his attitude changed so quickly, and he felt that he was a little weird at this moment, because for a big company like Feiyang, such a thing It doesn't matter at all, there is no need for him to go out in person, but as a subordinate, some words and questions can only be kept in his heart, so in the end he only answered reassuringly: "Okay."

The branch of WELLWORD Group in City C has just been established, so there are not many people. Several core members are transferred from the headquarters like Yu Xiaoxi, and except for her, they all love oriental culture or are keen to change the working environment. foreigners.

"Beautiful Single. M, good afternoon." Lisa greeted Yu Xiaoxi in a very impure Mandarin.

"Good afternoon, Lisa." Yu Xiaoxi stopped typing on the computer and responded politely.

"Single. M, the account manager of Feiyang Group called you just now, saying that their company has a call call for you to answer, and the relevant information has been faxed." Lisa's beautiful blue eyes are shining, sexy Her thick lips moved, and then she put a stack of documents in front of Yu Xiaoxi.

"Feiyang?" Hearing these two words, Yu Xiaoxi's complexion changed slightly. Although it has been more than two months since she returned to City C, she still avoided the two words as much as possible, and she didn't want to have anything to do with it. , now she just wants to live her life peacefully and do what she wants to do.

"Yes, the largest company in City C." Seeing Yu Xiaoxi's shocked face, Lisa thought she was so excited because she was too shocked or too surprised, so she quickly affirmed.

"Oh, go push it for me, just say that I've been very busy recently and don't have time." Yu Xiaoxi quickly recovered her complexion, flipped through the file given by Lisa in a dull manner, and then said lightly.

Hearing Yu Xiaoxi's words, Lisa's envious eyes immediately faded away, and then she asked incomprehension: "Why, this is a very good opportunity to perform, if you can seize it , maybe in the near future, you will be as famous in City C as you are in Toronto." Lisa blurted out fluent English in a hurry, and in her opinion, they can get the favor of the city's biggest company just after arriving in City C. It is very rare, if Yu Xiaoxi can grasp this opportunity well, then their market in City C will open up soon.

"I know you must feel that it is a pity that such a rare opportunity is lost, but you know, the most important thing for a designer is inspiration and interest. I am not interested in this list, rather than what I will make when the time comes. , It’s better to push it, so as not to smash our signboard, what do you think, Lisa?” How could Yu Xiaoxi not know how beneficial this order will be to the company, if it is the first business, it can cooperate with Feiyang , and if the task is successfully completed, the company's prospects will be limitless, but the woman's selfishness does not allow her to do so. Although she has been learning to let herself be calm and calm, the wound of memory cannot be erased.

"I believe in your ability. Your design has always been perfect, so Single. M, don't let such a good opportunity go to waste." Lisa's blue eyes looked directly at Yu Xiaoxi's Motong, Overwhelmed with anticipation.

Yu Xiaoxi smiled in relief, and raised her eyebrows thoughtfully. She also understood that Lisa was doing it for her own good, but she really didn't want to face anyone in Fei Yang again. Automatic DELETE, which has become a habit: "Thank you, Lisa, I really can't take this list. If you feel sorry, you might as well try it. Your design is bold and novel, very meaningful to the times , I think it would be very good if you go." Yu Xiaoxi is telling the truth, when they were in Toronto, they interviewed on the same day, went to work on the same day, and they were also colleagues. They were originally competitors, but The two have strong and soft personalities, one is straightforward and the other is pure, and the design styles are different, so the two have not regarded each other as enemies, but have a very good relationship.

"I want to take it too." Lisa said the truth, with a hint of helplessness on her face: "But Feiyang said that the two villas were bought by Mr. Minos, and you will do the interior design."

"Mr. Minos?" Hearing these three words, Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help raising her eyes to Lisa, with some disbelief in her tone.

"Yes, who doesn't know that Mr. Minos' eyes are higher than the top, and my works were criticized by him back then, so how dare you challenge his majesty? I think you are the only one in our company who can catch his eyes, so Ah, Single. M, you’d better go ahead honestly.” When Lisa said this, she was not without disappointment. Although Minos is not a designer in the same field as them, he is very important in the field. Jing Xiangli, everyone who knows him knows that he is terribly picky. In the past, Lisa admired him very much, so she showed him a few of her design works, but in the end, she left while she was happy, and left when she was disappointed. Anyway, from then on, Lisa felt a little creepy whenever she heard Minos, so although she was very interested in trying this list, because of the name of Minos, she had to choose to give up.

Yu Xiaoxi didn't answer right away, but simply read the materials again, and after a while, she turned to Lisa who was still standing by and asked, "Who is the person in charge at Feiyang's side?" In terms of personal matters, Yu Xiaoxi really doesn't want to have anything to do with Feiyang, but she has to sell Minos's face, because she can have today's achievements, and in the end, she is inextricably linked with Minos If it weren't for his insightful eyes back then, she might just be a housewife today, without a career at all, so Yu Xiaoxi has always been grateful for his kindness.

"At first, I heard that a manager named Guo Wei was in charge. Later, I heard that he is going to get married soon, so all the work in hand has been handed over. I haven't got the exact news yet, but generally speaking, it should be related to it. Department manager or supervisor." Lisa's face was full of curiosity, and she didn't understand why Yu Xiaoxi cared about this issue.

(End of this chapter)

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