Chapter 97

"Okay, I see." Although she was afraid for a moment just now that she would be approached by one of Yan Feimo and Guo Wei, but after hearing what Lisa said, she finally felt relieved, because it was a big deal for Fei Yang. It's not an important thing, and she thinks that six years have passed, Yan Feimo should regard her as a passerby, and the news of Guo Wei and Yan Feifei's marriage has been occupying the commercial newspapers for the past few days. Headlines, though she doesn't care, have heard about it, so overall, she's safe.

"Does that mean you've already taken it?" Lisa asked with certainty.

"Mr. Minos has already called the roll call. Dare I not answer?" Yu Xiaoxi asked with her lips curled up, and then took a sip from the glass on the table.

"Okay, I'll call Fei Yang right away and let them set a time for the negotiation." Lisa's heart finally settled, and she turned around to leave, but she turned around before taking two steps. : "Single. M, how are the two little guys in your family?"

"It's still the same as before, naughty, yelling for me to take them out to play every day, but you see how I have time now, fortunately, they are already in preschool now, and there are teachers to help take care of them, so I can save a lot of worry " Mentioning the two sons, Yu Xiaoxi felt as if she had endless words.

"They are really cute, Single. M, you are so blessed." Not many people outside know that Yu Xiaoxi is a single mother. Lisa only knows because she has worked with Yu Xiaoxi for a long time. of.

"Thank you." Yu Xiaoxi replied with a smile. She never doubted that Yuxin and Yufan were the best gifts God gave her. But generally speaking, she is still very content. Whenever she is in a bad mood, she is full of energy when she thinks of her two children.

"Are you free this weekend?" Lisa asked again.

"Well, what's the matter, Lisa, is there anything else?" Yu Xiaoxi thought that what she said just now was just an insignificant courtesy, so she didn't take it to heart.

"Oh, it's like this. The playground in Zhiqing Resort under Feiyang is open to the public this Saturday. There are family package discounts. I heard that there are various facilities for children to play. I suggest you take them to see it. Children are keen on this." After Lisa finished speaking, she added: "You can also bring your handsome Chinese man in MR scene."

"Lisa, Mr. Jing is my friend, not my boyfriend." This is not the first time Yu Xiaoxi has explained this to Lisa. Although she is a little tired, he still doesn't want others to misunderstand her relationship with Lisa. The relationship between Jing Sihan.

Lisa shrugged, blinked her innocent blue eyes and said, "But I think you are a good match."

"It seems to match but it doesn't necessarily match, just like when you said that dress suits me very well, but it doesn't look good on me, right?" Yu Xiaoxi asked back.

"Single. M, you are the smartest Chinese woman I have ever met. Your words are always so reasonable. I am astonished. I will learn more from you in the future." Lisa's face is full of admiration from time to time color.

"If you stay for a long time, you will find that Chinese women are much smarter than me. Our motherland is a country with thousands of years of cultural heritage. You can learn a lot here, and I also believe that slowly You will fall in love with this country and this city." Yu Xiaoxi said seriously to Lisa.

"Is this why you gave up such good treatment in Toronto and strongly demanded to come back?" Yu Xiaoxi was already well-known in Canada, so in order to keep her, the company gave her a very good treatment, but she was very persistent in her request return home.

Yu Xiaoxi rested her chin on her hands, nodded her head in thought, and said, "This is a reason, because this is my country, no matter how good Canada is, I can't forget my origins, just like you, I think no matter How much you like it here in the future, you will want to go back one day."

"Yes, Single. M, you are right again, this is not my motherland after all, I will definitely go back when I have learned Chinese culture thoroughly, but Single. M, I will not forget you, you Will always be my best friend."

"Okay, don't be sensational, I'm so sour, go to work." Yu Xiaoxi said with a smile, seeing the sincere expression on Lisa's face, her mood improved a lot for a while, and she also knew that Lisa would apply Coming to City C has something to do with her, so she also hopes from the bottom of her heart that she can get the country she wants to pursue in this country that does not belong to her.

Starbucks was playing elegant and classical piano music. Yan Feimo was sitting by the window with a little excitement on his face. While stirring the coffee in front of him, he watched the passing cars outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Today is the day when he and Yu Xiaoxi agreed to discuss business matters, because he was afraid that Yu Xiaoxi would still hold grudges against him, so the company's answer to Yu Xiaoxi was the department manager who came here, and he never thought that he would use the Meeting her in this way, he didn't know what kind of identity he should face her at the moment of reunion, but the moment he learned of her return, he seemed to feel that his heart that had been silent for six years came alive. The urge to see her was getting stronger and stronger, so that he had to use this opportunity to get close to her.

About a quarter of an hour later, Yu Xiaoxi's figure finally appeared outside the coffee door. Today, she is wearing a black and white plaid shirt, a blue knee-length skirt, her long hair is coiled high behind her head, and earrings Two small white bead flowers, the whole person seems to have lost the youthfulness of six years ago, and replaced it with the maturity and intellectuality of her age. In just this moment, Yan Feimo in the position is completely She was stunned, because the impression of Yu Xiaoxi in her mind was still the pure and beautiful appearance six years ago, so when he saw her now, if it wasn't because she felt so familiar to him, he would have doubted himself Is there something wrong with his eyes? This is also the first time in six years that he has experienced the beauty of a woman. She is so beautiful that she is not only amazed and ecstasy, but also shocked. Moreover, this kind of beauty is not only in appearance and clothing, but also The temperament and charm emanating from her body.

Yu Xiaoxi didn't see Yan Feimo at the first time, but looked around the entire coffee shop with her eyes, then raised the watch on her wrist to look, and found that she was not late, so she walked into the room again After a few steps, she didn't realize what was going on until her eyes met Yan Feimo's in an instant, so she couldn't help but stop the steps she had just taken, but after a short period of consideration, she finally returned to Yan Feimo. Feimo walked away, although Yan Feimo's appearance surprised her, and she didn't know why Feiyang changed people temporarily, although once she saw him, she would involuntarily feel a sense of fear, but now she is no longer Just like six years ago, the long-term social experience let her know how to maintain her dignity and how to adapt to the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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