Chapter 1
A waning moon, a few dark stars have not yet set, and faint red clouds are gradually rising in the sky.The breeze is blowing, and the flowers are falling into rain. On the martial arts arena, a vortex of heaven and earth aura forms around a girl dressed in white, and crazily penetrates into her body. As the long sword in her hand slantly crosses the last circle, Slowly receding, the fluctuation of spiritual energy gradually calmed down, and finally dissipated.

"Crack...crack...crack" three clear high-fives sounded, and at some time, a man in Tsing Yi was standing by the side of the martial arts arena. He was about thirty years old, with long eyebrows and fine eyes, and a smile on his lips. He was very amiable. .He said gently: "Smooth starting and turning, smooth sword intent. Ah Jiu, you have acquired the three flavors of this Liangyi sword."

The girl on the field turned around gently and saluted the blessed body of the man in Tsing Yi. She was only six or seven years old, her skin was as fine as snow, her eyebrows were green feathers, her eyes were like horizontal waves, her nose and cherry lips were beautiful, and she was beautiful and graceful. fairy boy.But she saw her cherry lips parted slightly, and her voice was like a clear spring: "Fourth uncle is good." After saluting, she did not see how she moved, the sword in her hand disappeared, and she stood quietly on the martial arts arena, seeming to hear the man's praise Too much, and I didn't take half of it to heart.

The man in Tsing Yi shook his head slightly, walked up to the girl, stretched out his hand lovingly to rub her little head, bent halfway, met her clear eyes with his slender eyes, and said with a soft smile, "Ah Jiu, congratulations, you've been promoted again!" I have reached the first level, and I have already practiced Qi at the fifth level."

The little girl seemed to have just realized it. She tilted her head and smiled coquettishly. Two pointed canine teeth protruded quietly, making her pretty face a little playful and cute. She stretched out her hand to hold her. The man's big hand shook cutely, "I got up this morning to practice the sword. When I was doing the last stance, I felt that the spiritual power was running more smoothly after this change, and then suddenly broke through."

"Ah Jiu is amazing. It's only been more than half a year since you started to draw Qi into your body. If you continue like this, Fourth Uncle will cry." The man in Tsing Yi picked up the girl, held it high in the air, and turned a few times circle, which made her giggle out loud, and then put her down, patted her little head, "You really deserve to be the Lord of Excalibur."

At this time, the sun had already revealed half of his face, and many disciples who got up early to practice came to the martial arts field one after another. When they saw the man in Tsing Yi, they all saluted respectfully, "Fourth Brother!" "Fourth Uncle!" "Fourth Uncle!" uncle!"

The men in Tsing Yi nodded gently one by one.

"Ah Jiu, you got up so early again." An eleven or twelve-year-old girl in a pink dress quickly walked up to the man and the girl in Tsing Yi, saluted the man first, "Hello, fourth uncle." Then turned Facing the girl with his head wrinkled his nose: "We agreed to practice sword together today, Ah Jiu, you get up early again."

"Seventh Sister woke up too late." The girl blinked, and said very pertinently: "I have a fixed time to practice sword every day, and Seventh Sister knows it too, so don't force yourself if you can't get up." Ah Jiuqi No matter in the previous life or in this life, the girls around her like to go in groups no matter what they do, and they have to go arm in arm even to go to the bathroom, but she always feels that this is a waste of time.I thought that the little girls in the world of cultivating immortals could be a little different, but I don't know, there is not much difference here.

"Ah Jiu, just tell me if you don't like practicing sword with me." The girl in the pink dress snorted unhappily, "Fourth Uncle, I'm off to morning practice." After speaking, she turned her head and left.

Does that make you angry?Ah Jiu pursed her red lips, a little puzzled.Wei Wei raised her head to look at the man beside her, and asked hesitantly: "Fourth Uncle, Seventh Sister is angry?" She didn't say anything, she just told the truth, the little girl's mind was really hard to guess.She nodded vigorously in her heart. Sure enough, it was right to get up an hour earlier every day and avoid practicing swords with these sisters, and she will stick to it in the future.

Su Wenhao, the man in Tsing Yi, laughed softly: "Well, Xiao Qi is mad at you, what is Ah Jiu going to do?"

Ah Jiu blinked, and said decisively: "Just be angry, it will be fine in two days." Anyway, Seventh Sister is already angry, even if she goes to coax her now, she will not care about herself, it is better to have that time Practice more for a while.I heard from my senior brother that after she builds her foundation, she can fly with her sword.Regarding this point, she was quite looking forward to it.

"Ah Jiu, you have just been promoted, and your realm is unstable. Don't be too busy practicing. It's fine to go play or go shopping." Su Wenhao pinched his little niece's tender face, "Your promotion, your parents don't care about it." Don’t you know? Go and show off to your eldest brother and sister-in-law.”

Ah Jiu's eyes lit up, she has advanced, and she can ask A Niang to cook a lot of delicious snacks for her.

All the thoughts were written on that little face, Su Wenhao scratched her nose in a funny way, "Go now."

"Well, goodbye, fourth uncle." Ah Jiu turned around and left with brisk steps.

Su Wenhao shook his head and sighed, the Master of Kun Sword in the Su family area is not only outstanding in appearance, but also extremely assiduous in cultivation, but this temperament is too natural, needless to say, simple, and his way of thinking is very straight, It looks so easy to turn.

On the martial arts arena, there was another person whose eyes were chasing Ah Jiu's back.While Su Xin danced the sword, she was distracted and sighed secretly. Ah Jiu has advanced again, and her cultivation level is already the same as her own. Sure enough, a genius is a genius.

"Su Xin!" With a cold snort, a dark force landed on her body. Su Wenhao, who came back to his senses, noticed Su Xin's distraction at the first time, and casually parted a finger wind to warn her.

Su Xin stuck out her tongue secretly. Although the fourth uncle is gentle, he has always been very strict on the issue of cultivation.She didn't dare to be distracted any more, she sank her mind into the way of the sword, and danced slowly with each move.

Su Wenhao folded his hands behind his back and glanced at the disciples on the field. The smile on his face had long faded away, his thin lips were tightened, and he shouted sharply: "Su Lin, you have been practicing the Seven Star Sword for a year, and you can still make mistakes! That way, you won't have to use it tomorrow."

The movements of Su Lin's hands froze, and there was no anger on her delicate face, "Fourth Uncle, I am a Daoist, and I don't want to be a swordsman like Xiaojiu. Why do you want to practice swords? This is not a waste Time!" When Xiao Jiu was mentioned, he naturally thought of the boy who had made a marriage contract with her.If Xiaojiu hadn't been born back then, or Excalibur hadn't recognized her as the master, as the most beautiful of the Su family's generation, she should be Bai Qi's fiancée.

Su Wenhao laughed angrily, "Taoism cultivator! But Qu Qu practiced Qi at the fifth level, and dare to call it a cultivator? He hasn't even entered the school yet. If you are not a child of the Su family, I wouldn't even bother to look at you!" Yes, it is already Su Wenhao, a Jindan Dzogchen monk, can be the master of the peak even among the first Kunlun sect in the East Pole.In general cultivation sects, it should be considered an elder level.In the Su family, he is also a person with authority.It's just that if the family wants to prosper, the teaching of the descendants is the most important.Therefore, these Jindan monks will take turns to teach the children who have spiritual roots in their families.

Su Lin bit her red lips, her tears were already shining, her eyes stared straight at Su Wenhao, why she refused to admit her mistake. The 14-year-old girl is showing her charm, and her stubborn appearance is very pleasing to the eye.

It's a pity that Su Wenhao is her own uncle, and he doesn't have the slightest bit of pity and pity. When he stretched out his sleeves, the coercion of the high-ranking monks made Su Lin immediately kneel on the ground.He glanced at Su Lin lightly: "Go to the ancestral hall and reflect on yourself for a month."

Su Lin's body trembled, and she finally regretted it.Going to the Su family's ancestral hall to introspect, is to seal the cultivation level and kneel for a month.She is not a physical trainer, needless to say kneeling for a month, she wouldn't be able to survive even a day. "Four...Uncle..." Qi Qi Ai Ai opened his mouth, wanting to admit his mistake, but a little unwilling, he just called out, not knowing how to proceed.

Seeing her like this, Su Wenhao felt disappointed, and left without saying anything.

(End of this chapter)

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