Chapter 2
Ah Jiu went back to her room and changed her clothes before turning to the courtyard of Su Wenche, the patriarch of the Su family. Su Wenche and his wife Chu Yao had been waiting in the house for a long time, smiling as they watched their daughter jump into the house briskly.

"Ah Jiu, come here." Chu Yao beckoned her daughter to come over, and hugged her casually, her spiritual sense had scanned her once, before she nodded in relief, and said to her husband, "It's okay."

Although the daughter is very beautiful, since she entered Taoism, her cultivation level has been promoted too quickly. Su Wenche and his wife are always afraid that their daughter's progress will be too fast, and her character will not be able to keep up, so that she will leave some hidden wounds, which will hinder her future practice.Su Wenche's wife, Chu Yao, came from one of the Three Wonderful Schools, Worldwide Booksea, which has always passed on the knowledge of medicine to the world. Chu Yao is the daughter of the owner of this Worldwide Booksea. Proficient, it would be best for her to check her daughter.

While Su Wenche was relieved, he also had time to tease his little daughter, "Jiu, you have been promoted again, what do you want?" The higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is for the offspring, especially for female cultivators.Moreover, it is not the combination of a well-qualified male cultivator and a female cultivator that can produce a genius.The question of aptitude is random and cannot be controlled by humans.However, big clans like the Su family and the Bai family who have been cultivating for many generations will always have their own secret methods to make their descendants more outstanding.

Su Wenche and Chu Yao got strong when they went out to practice, and later they walked together, developed feelings, and became Taoist couples.The two had two sons and one daughter, and the distribution was even. Chu Yao gave birth to her eldest son, Su Zimu, at the later stage of her golden elixir, and her second son, Su Ziqian, when her golden elixir was fully consummated. But he didn't want to give birth to another daughter when he was a baby, and that was Ah Jiu.For this youngest daughter, the husband and wife loved her like a treasure, and named her Su Ruo. Because she was the ninth among the sisters, everyone in the family called her Ah Jiu.

Now Su Zimu has entered the family secret realm to practice with the elders, Su Ziqian has indeed entered the world of books, and has gone to practice medicine with his grandfather. Both sons are not at home.

After hearing what her father said, Ah Jiu's eyes lit up, she tilted her head, and said crisply: "I want to eat the dim sum made by my mother."

Sure enough, the head of the Kun family of the Su family has always been jealous since he was a child, Su Wenche shook his head with a wry smile.Ah Jiu is good at everything, but she is a little too obsessed with three meals a day.Although the Su family has the ability to allow their daughter to eat food such as Linggu, but these things seem to be nothing now, and it is not good to eat too much.

But when he saw his little daughter blinking her big eyes and looking at him with a charming expression, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he could only sigh: "Madam, thank you for your hard work." Yao did it by himself.Only she knows how to cook food is the best for her little daughter.

Chu Yao pursed her lips and smiled. In her opinion, her daughter has never used those pills to assist her cultivation, but she just likes to eat some food like Linggu, which is still very good.Besides, since she entered the Tao, she has used less food and the like, especially recently, and only after she has advanced, will she act like a baby and ask her to do it.

Although her daughter had no other request, Su Wenche still gave her daughter a plain gauze dress as a reward for her advancement.Plain gauze cicadas are as thin as the wings of a cicada, and as light as a cloud of smoke. The most wonderful thing is that the same transparent cicadas will show different colors when worn by everyone, and there is never a duplicate.The main material of Susha Chanyi is the cicada wings of the third-level spirit beast Binghuo Cicada as the main material. Because of the characteristics of the main material, it can resist fire and water. Shachanyi has always been the first in terms of defense.It's a pity that Susha Chanyi can only be used in the early stage of Golden Core, and Mianqiangqiang can be used in the middle stage of Golden Core, and it will not be enough in the later stage.Even so, Susha Chanyi is also the first choice for vestments in the eyes of female cultivators in the eastern level of comprehension.However, only the Su family can refine it in the entire East Pole cultivation world, and only three pieces are produced every 50 years, and they are never sold. It is definitely a treasure with a price but no market.

Ah Jiu took the ball of gauze and shook her hands casually. Seeing the transparent cicada clothes slowly turning into pure white, she opened her eyes curiously: "Father, it's possible that this dress is alive, it knows I like to wear white clothes, so I become white?" For Ah Jiu, female heroes, sword celestial beings, etc., are all dressed in white clothes, so when she found herself reborn in this world of cultivating immortals , it is natural to use white for my usual clothes.

What about this, Su Wenche, the dignified monk of the Empress Yuan Dynasty and the current Patriarch of the Su family, smiled mysteriously, blinked at his little daughter, and slowly uttered two words: "Guess!"

Ah Jiu was stunned for a while, ignoring her father's bad taste, and put the clothes on her body directly, turned around in a circle, and nodded with satisfaction: "The color is very correct, this dress is very smart."

Su Wenche gritted his teeth. Ever since he was a child, this girl has never responded once to satisfy his father. Bad girl, let your father satisfy the pleasure of teasing a charming girl!
Chu Yao watched the father and daughter's reaction, and secretly laughed. She gently smoothed her daughter's hair, "Ah Jiu, you have already refined the fifth level of Qi, and you can sacrifice this clothes by yourself." Daughter At birth, Excalibur recognizes its master, and her daughter will definitely embark on the road of sword cultivation.Sword cultivators have always only cultivated one sword in their life. With their daughter's weapons, they can only prepare armor.

"Well, Auntie, I'll go now." Ah Jiu has also been curious about Susha Chanyi for a long time, and I can get one today, so naturally I have to go back and study it carefully.Ju said that the clothes are not only fire-proof, waterproof and shock-resistant, but most importantly, the automatic dust removal is not easy to be damaged, so she can be more free in future fights.

Su Wenche watched his daughter's small figure go further and further away, and the gentle smile on his face was replaced by sternness.

"Wen Che, you are..." Chu Yao has been with her husband for a long time, so she is naturally familiar with his temper, and he is obviously angry with his appearance.Su Wenche is a monk after the Yuan Dynasty, and he is only one step away from entering the stage of separation and integration. Needless to say, self-control, except for his little girl, it is not easy to make him emotional, let alone angry.

Su Wenche's emotions were only fluctuating occasionally, but for a moment, his heart was already calm. He signaled to his wife to talk later, and then raised his voice and ordered: "Go and invite the second younger brother and younger sister to come over."

The eldest son of the Su family, Su Wenjun, is the eldest son of Uncle Su Wenche, and the father of Su Lin and Su Xin. Su Wenche already knows what happened in the martial arts arena just now.Su Lin's aptitude is also outstanding among the children of this generation, but recently she has been more and more focused on jealousy and competition, and her practice has stopped, which makes Su Wenche very disappointed.You must know that for a cultivating family, the upbringing of the descendants is the most important thing. Only when the children of the Su family are united can the Su family continue from generation to generation, instead of fighting among the descendants like other cultivating families, causing the family wither.

Every child of the Su family who has spiritual roots is very precious, even if they are mixed with five spiritual roots.Su Lin's thoughts have gone further and further away. As the patriarch and Su Lin's elders, Su Wenche hopes that Su Wenjun and his wife can enlighten Su Lin well. The most important thing is to be strong.

(End of this chapter)

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