Chapter 3 Mindfulness

"Brother, sister-in-law." After Su Wenjun and his wife Zhao Zhiqing saluted Su Wenche and his wife, they sat down on the chairs on one side.

Su Wenjun was the first to speak: "Brother, what is the purpose of calling Wenjun here today?"

"Fourth brother, come in." Su Wenche first said something to the outside, and saw Su Wenhao who was dressed in green clothes come in, and then said to Su Wenjun: "Let Wenhao talk."

Su Wenjun looked at his younger brother and said with a smile: "Fourth brother, didn't you go to teach the children in the family today, why, you have already left?"

After Su Wenhao bowed to his brother and sister-in-law, he sat down opposite Su Wenjun.He smiled before saying anything, with a bit of apology on his face: "Second brother, second sister-in-law, Su Lin was punished by me today." He mainly said this to second sister-in-law Zhao Zhiqing.Su Wenjun and Zhao Zhiqing have been married for a long time, and their children are not prosperous. Over the years, they only had one daughter, Su Lin.However, when Su Wenjun went to northern Anhui to deal with a newly discovered spiritual stone mine more than ten years ago, he took Zhang Yiyi, the daughter of a small local cultivator family, as his concubine. But they are very destined to have children. Not long after they married Su Wenjun, they gave birth to a daughter, Su Xin, who gave birth to Su Wenjun's only son five years ago.Zhao Zhiqing was originally resentful towards her husband for taking concubines, and was very indifferent towards Zhang Yiyi and Su Xin. After Zhang Yiyi gave birth to a son, she even regarded her daughter Su Lin as her only support.Su Wenhao fined Su Lin today, but Su Wenjun is okay to say, I'm afraid that the second sister-in-law will not follow her.

As expected, when Zhao Zhiqing heard that her daughter was being punished, her face immediately sank, and she asked coldly: "Fourth brother, I don't know what mistake Lin'er made to make someone as good-natured as fourth brother angry. "

Su Wenjun glanced at his wife, "Why are you talking to your fourth brother? Since Lin'er was punished, she must have done something wrong."

Zhao Zhiqing's face was pale, and she couldn't help but slapped the table and stood up: "What am I talking about, I'm just asking my daughter what mistake she made, what's wrong?"

Su Wenjun was about to scold his wife, but was interrupted by Chu Yao: "Second brother, Youdao is to teach your son face to face, and teach your wife behind your back. Your younger brother and sister have been with you for a hundred years, so you should also think about the relationship between husband and wife and give her some face." .”

Zhao Zhiqing sneered and said: "Now he is all thinking about his beautiful concubine and beloved son, how can he still think about our relationship as a husband and wife, even Lin'er, his own daughter, has been thrown aside." Thinking of yesterday, her husband will raise Lingyu Giving it to that little brat, my heart was full of hatred.It is obvious that Yu Lin'er is the only one who needs to raise the spirit. A brat who hasn't even started to draw Qi into his body is of any use. He is so partial.

Su Wenjun frowned, and sternly shouted: "Speaking of what to do, Lin'er learned from you. She has never focused on the righteous way. She is self-willed and arrogant. It has been almost two years since the fifth level of Qi refining, and she has not even made any progress. Look. Look at Xinxin, although her spiritual root is not as good as Lin'er, she has always been well-behaved and sensible, and her practice is hardworking, and now she is at the third level of Qi Refining..."

Mentioning Su Xin, Su Wenhao interjected before Zhao Zhiqing changed his face: "Second brother, your Xinxin has some kind of romance, the hidden breath jade on her body is pretty good, she has already cultivated the fifth level of qi, but she only shows that she has a lot of energy. Three layers of air."

For Su Wenhao, who he likes more between Su Lin and Su Xin is undoubtedly Su Lin.Su Lin is a bit unruly and willful, but she is also straightforward and cute, with a transparent mind.And Su Xin, at a young age, knew how to keep secrets from his family, and always acted obediently and obediently, which really shocked him.

In other words, this Su Xin really thinks that the hidden breath jade on her body is so useful, and no one in the Su family can see her true cultivation?She underestimated the Su family too.

"Fifth...fifth level of Qi training?" Su Wenjun had never doubted his well-behaved little daughter, and today he was surprised by his younger brother's exposure of this matter.

"I just said that little girl followed her mother with all her heart..." Zhao Zhiqing sneered, before she finished speaking, her husband interrupted, "If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb." Su Wenjun Seeing his wife mentioning the mean and indifferent appearance of his youngest daughter, he had another thought in his heart.Is it because his wife treated Yiyi's mother and son badly, which made Xinxin hide her chance and cultivation?
Seeing Su Wenjun's expression, Su Wenche knew what was going on in his heart, sighed secretly, and said, "Second Brother, Second Brother and Sister, I called you husband and wife over today for the sake of Lin'er and Xinxin. They have deviations in their temperaments. , Lin'er is too angry, while Xinxin is too cautious and suspicious. If you don't correct it early, it will be useless to your future practice. After all, it is the child of the second brother and the descendant of the Su family. You husband and wife should take care of it." Brother's family affairs Well, as an older brother, he doesn't like to talk too much, so he can only persuade his younger brother in private.The matter of taking concubines is, after all, his fault for his younger siblings.How can a person who aspires to the great avenue take concubines and maidservants like ordinary people, causing restlessness in the house.With that time, it would be great to practice more and increase your cultivation base.

"Yes, Second Brother, Lin'er has learned a set of Seven Star Swords for a year, but she still made mistakes this morning. It can be seen that she didn't focus on cultivation this year." Su Wenhao is really sorry, Su Lin is single Water spirit root, logically speaking, the cultivation level shouldn't grow so slowly. "I punished her to go to the ancestral hall for a month of self-examination...Second sister-in-law, don't be annoyed, no matter how much trouble you and the second brother make, the child's future is the most important thing. Lin'er is impatient, let her practice more, there will be no harm." harm."

Zhao Zhiqing was only quarreling with her husband, but she was not a person who discriminated between good and evil, so she stopped talking after hearing this.

Su Wenjun cupped his hands in shame and said, "Big Brother, Fourth Brother, you bother me."

"My brothers are all for our children." Su Wenche and Su Wenhao laughed at the same time.

Seeing that the conversation had come to an end, Chu Yao laughed loudly and said, "When are you little girls going to overhear, come in!"

As her words fell, several pink or blue girls ran in with smiles, and the last one was a little girl in pure white gauze.

"I've seen Uncle, Aunt, Uncle, Aunt, and Uncle." The little girls saluted first when they entered the door, and their crisp voices made people feel much happier.

Chu Yao first smiled and said, "Is she here to intercede for Lin'er?"

Su Wan, who was dressed in light blue, was the first to laugh and said, "Well, let's beg Sixth Sister to spare her from being locked up for a few days."

Su Ling, who was wearing a pink dress, also leaned over and took Chu Yao's hand, and said coquettishly, "Auntie, you'd better, beg fourth uncle, don't shut up sixth sister for a few days, we have made an appointment, wait for me When it’s my birthday, we’re going to go to the back mountain to catch the fire spirit fox together.”

"You little sisters are in a good relationship." Chu Yao put her arms around Su Ling and sat beside her. She raised her eyes and saw the little daughter standing obediently beside her husband. Seeing a little impatience in her eyes, she knew that she was raped by these little girls. Pulled. "Your fourth uncle opened his mouth. Punishment is indispensable, but Auntie can agree to let Lin'er come out on Xiao Qi's birthday."

Seeing that Su Wan and Su Ling couldn't say anything, they secretly gave Ah Jiu winks.

At that time, Ah Jiu didn't want to care about it, and she didn't like Fifth Sister and Seventh Sister's wordy words. She tilted her head and thought for a while: "Don't let Fifth Sister out, just lock us all in." In her opinion, The fifth sister and the seventh sister just want to play with the sixth sister. Since it is to play, where is it not to play?Just like her, can swords be made anywhere.

"Ah Jiu..." Sure enough, she shouldn't have been dragged here, Su Wan and Su Ling were so depressed, someone rushed to ask for a tight lock.

(End of this chapter)

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