Chapter 4 Small talk
Ah Jiu frowned, with a puzzled look on his face, "Seventh Sister, anyway, you and Fifth Sister just want to play with Sixth Sister, why not play?"

"..." After listening to Ah Jiu's words, Su Ling almost died of anger. She simply stopped, put her hands on her hips, and said with a small face: "Do you know that self-examination in the ancestral hall will seal your cultivation, where It's so hot during the day and so cold at night, Sixth Sister is imprisoned, maybe how sad it is!"

"You also heard what Uncle Fourth said just now. The Sixth Sister was punished for her own good, and it will be beneficial to her future practice..." At this point, Ah Jiu seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Su with big clear eyes full of expectation. Sister Ling, "Fifth Sister, Seventh Sister, and Fourth Uncle said that going to the ancestral hall for self-examination is beneficial for future practice, and it must be beneficial not only for Sixth Sister, but also for us. Why don't we go and ask Father and Mother again, Go in with Sixth Sister too."

Su Ling's face turned dark immediately, "You cultivator, I'm going to go on your own, so I don't want to blame myself." After finishing speaking, she took her sister's hand, turned around and ran away, muttering : "Sister, let's go, ignore this little lunatic."

Ah Jiu blinked, tilted her head, she couldn't understand, why did they avoid things that were obviously beneficial to her?She finally concluded in a low voice: "Well, Fifth Sister and Seventh Sister are both stupid..."

"Pfft..." Su Wenhao couldn't help but laughed out loud.

"Fourth Uncle?" Ah Jiu's big eyes were full of question marks, and he would be able to shatter pills into babies soon, shouldn't he go to practice?How do you still have time to go shopping?
Su Wenhao pinched her face angrily, "Although Fourth Uncle is not as smart as a little girl like you, he is not stupid either. Don't use that word on me."


Su Wenhao picked Ah Jiu up and walked towards her small courtyard, saying softly, "Ah Jiu, in three months time, the Kunlun Sect should open its gates again and recruit more disciples. It's just that the fourth uncle should go into seclusion tomorrow. , I’m afraid I can’t send you there. I have something to pay attention to, and I’ll tell you now.” Su Wenhao has never had a couple of monks, and naturally he has no children. He has always loved Ajiu as his own daughter.He originally came from the sect of Zhenjun Shouyi of Northern Kunlun, and he is a famous swordsman in the Kunlun School, and he is more dedicated to teaching Ah Jiu than Su Wenche.

"Well," Ah Jiu nodded, she moved her body a little awkwardly, it's really embarrassing to be hugged and walked at such a big age.But the fourth uncle is obviously unlikely to let her down, so he can only divert his attention: "Fourth uncle, everyone said that the Kunlun entry test is to pass the ladder, is the ladder high that day? Is it in mid-air? How long? Is it used What do you do? Does passing the ladder pass the test if you pass it? It’s so simple, why is it so scary for everyone to pass it on?”

"This... Fourth Uncle doesn't need to tell you, Ah Jiu will know when the time comes." Su Wenhao was thinking about Kunlun's entry test, which tested a person's patience and whether he could endure loneliness.After all, most of the road of practice still needs to be walked alone. If you can't bear the loneliness, you can't talk about aspiring to the avenue.

"Hey, what else does fourth uncle want to tell me?" It's not about the entrance exam, what else is there to say?You must know that she is basically regarded as a disciple of Kunlun, and even the master is appointed by default.Known as Kunlun No. 1 Master Yunxiao, he accepted her as his personal disciple as early as the day she succeeded in drawing Qi into her body at the age of six. The Yuqing Liangyi swordsmanship she practices every day was taught by her senior brother Bai Qi on behalf of her teacher of.

The Yuqing Liangyi swordsmanship and the Shangqing Liangyi swordsmanship were specially revised by Master Yunxiao for his two personal disciples, Bai Qi and Su Ruo, after comprehending the Taiqing Liangyi swordsmanship. Taiqing Liangyi Sword Art.The Yuqing Liangyi swordsmanship has a total of ninety-nine and 81 styles, which are suitable for practice in the Qi training period and the foundation building period. The tactic is too mysterious, and the power of the law of heaven and earth is already implied in it. It is not suitable for Su Ruo and the others who have just entered the Tao. It is an excellent skill to practice after Yuanying.

Su Wenhao chuckled and said, "Didn't your brother tell you that no matter what your aptitude is, you have to practice in the outer sect for the first two years after entering Kunlun, and you will have the opportunity to enter the inner sect after two years. Of course, if you If you succeed in establishing the inner foundation, you can also enter the inner sect to apprentice in advance."

"All... have to practice in the outer sect?" Didn't the book say that those with good aptitude and connections can directly enter the inner sect? Why is the Kunlun sect so different that they all go to the outer sect to work hard?It was really the first time Ah Jiu heard such a statement, and her small mouth was half-opened in surprise.

The two had arrived at Ah Jiu's small yard at this time, Su Wenhao randomly picked a place to sit on the stone bench under the peach tree, and sat down on Ah Jiu's lap, his smiling eyes looked at her full of doubts Eye. "Kunlun's entry test was not difficult at the time, and most people with a firm mind can pass it. However, their character still needs to be further tested. No matter how good their aptitude is, their quality is not good, and the Kunlun School will not accept them. Of course , and another point, it is to let you little dolls who come from cultivation families learn to be self-reliant."

"Oh." Ah Jiu nodded, it turned out that not everyone can join the Kunlun School.In addition to picking aptitude, people also have to pick character. It's not really like the underworld, just accept anyone.

Su Wenhao took out a small purse and hung it lightly on Ah Jiu's waist, "This is a space bag, and I put all the things I might use in it. Ah Jiu just needs to practice hard, don't run around with others, The Kunlun faction is not always a safe place."

"Hey, shouldn't sect be the safest place? How can there be danger?"

"Every year, people go beyond their limits to catch monsters in the forest, but they are eaten by monsters. So..." Su Wenhao raised his eyebrows at Ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu nodded again and again: "Fourth Uncle, I remember, he won't just run around with people."

"Your sisters are not allowed to go to you, especially Su Xin, Ah Jiu must be careful about her." In the last sentence, Su Wenhao sent it to Ah Jiu's ears with spiritual power, and he always felt the sense of disobedience in this niece. very strong.

Ah Jiu asked with a bitter face, "Are Su Lin and Su Xin going together this time?" The two sisters are not on good terms, they often fight, and Su Lin obviously can't pinch Su Xin.

"Of course, the Su family is going to have sixteen or seven children this time."

"At that time, Sixth Sister was very pitiful." Ah Jiu said out of nowhere, which surprised Su Wenhao. He thought that Ah Jiu would prefer the well-behaved Su Xin, rather than the often critical Su Lin.

"Originally, when the second uncle married the second aunt, he should treat others well. The second aunt tried her best to give birth to the sixth sister with her damaged cultivation, but he brought another woman back while the second aunt was raising her body. It was really good. Not authentic." Ah Jiu has always hated men looking for mistresses. He has already embarked on the road of cultivation, and it is his responsibility to marry a wife and have children for the family. Can't get involved in women's sex clearly, how promising can such a man be?It is said that he can fly, no ghost will believe it. "However, the second aunt did not do well in the end. It was the second uncle who was sorry for her. The eighth sister and the thirteenth brother were not wrong, so why did you take all the anger out on them. If I were the second aunt, I would practice hard and wait until I cultivated After Wei is taller than my second uncle, I will either kick him and find another one, or beat him every day to vent my anger."

"..." Su Wenhao stroked his forehead speechlessly, is their Su family going to have another little violent madman?

(End of this chapter)

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