Chapter 5 Ten Niangs
The night in the early spring is especially a bit cold, as if there is a light smoke that seems to be absent, covering the extraordinarily quiet house garden under the night.Under the peach tree full of enchanting beauty, a little girl stared blankly at the petals fluttering in the wind, lost in thought.The full moon in the sky seemed to have traces of blood, and the light was a bit coquettish, and even the falling flowers were stained a little bewitching.

Ah Jiu quietly looked at the falling flowers dancing in the wind. A woman who couldn't see her face seemed to appear in front of her. She stepped on strange dance steps and danced a gorgeous sword dance. The circle implies endless and mysterious sword intent.

It's just that the figure is vague and not hidden, as if separated by a light veil, the more you think about it, the more you can't see clearly.Ah Jiu couldn't help but feel concentrated, and even couldn't help but feel that his spiritual consciousness came out, and his spiritual power started to rotate by itself.

At this time, the flowers fell more quickly, and the fragrance in the air gradually became more intense. Seeing that Ah Jiu's clear eyes had gradually lost their luster, the person hiding in the dark couldn't help but want to make a move after all.

Suddenly, Ah Jiu's small body jumped up out of thin air, pinched the sword formula in his hand, a sword light lit up, and he slashed straight at the peach tree, full of sword energy and awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

"The little girl who is too powerful is really unlikable." A sweet and intoxicating female voice sounded, and the peach tree that was supposed to be split into two under the sword turned into a charming woman in a light red dress, standing lightly. Twenty steps away from Ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu didn't talk too much, with a sullen little face, she stared straight at the charming woman opposite, while the woman smiled charmingly at the same time, she also burst into a very beautiful smile, especially with a little baby fat On the small face, shallow dimples appear on the cheeks.

The charming woman stared blankly at her for a moment, and suddenly frantically flashed the sword light that struck behind her again.She pointed at Ah Jiu in disbelief and said, "You actually attacked!"

The sword light circled around Ah Jiu, and obediently stopped on her little hand.At this time, the woman who was chased and hacked twice really saw the sword in the little girl's hand.The black hilt, the water-like body of the sword, occasionally reveals a ray of light, and the long tassels are covered with fiery red pearls.No matter from which direction you look at it, the sword in the little girl's hand is very ordinary, completely lacking in the agility just now.

Ah Jiu blinked, and asked puzzledly: "You want to confuse me secretly, isn't it normal for me to hit you? How do you call it a sneak attack?"

The woman in red was at a loss for words for a while, she curled her long hair with her slender fingers, and smiled coquettishly: "Little sister, sister likes you very much, let's go with sister."

"You're getting old, maybe you're older than my grandfather, are you willing to be my sister?" Ah Jiu gave her a disgusted look.

"Who's getting old? The little girl is really disgusting. Let my sister teach you what to say and what not to say!" Straight to grab Ah Jiu's head.

As early as when her figure moved lightly, Ah Jiu had already retreated quickly, and the long sword in his hand sliced ​​straight towards the woman's hand.

The woman seemed to know how powerful the sword in Ah Jiu's palm was, so she didn't dare to touch it head-on. She made a feint, dodged the long sword, and grabbed Ah Jiu's head again.

This time, Ah Jiu didn't care about the jade hand that grabbed her head, and slashed straight at the woman's head with a straight sword. The sound of Fengming.

The person hiding in the dark, unconsciously covered his eyes with his hands, and moaned to himself: This girl is using a sword as a knife!

The woman in red was forced to retreat by the sword light, and Ah Jiu also took advantage of the situation to distance herself from her, curled her mouth, and said softly: "I'm so old, it's no wonder that even a little girl like me You can't even lie." After finishing speaking, he didn't bother to talk to the woman any more, and turned around and walked into the house. Before entering the door, he suddenly turned his head to face several hidden places, wrinkled his little nose: "Father, Aunt Fourth Uncle, don’t be like Tibetan gophers, I already knew you were here, take this stupid peach blossom demon away, he has stayed in my yard for many years, and he can’t even grow peaches.”

The woman in red couldn't hold back her coquettish smile anymore, and shouted at Ah Jiu with her hands on her hips: "How stupid am I!"

Ah Jiu turned her head, and glanced at her sympathetically: "I have practiced the Yuqing Liangyi Sword for three years, and you have also watched it for three years, and you can still learn it wrong. What is it that is not stupid?" After finishing speaking, She sighed like a grown-up, and muttered, "You're so old and angry, no wonder you can't even pretend to be a peach tree."

Watching Ah Jiu's small figure disappear by the door, the woman in red jumped and shouted: "According to the calculation in our clan, I'm a girl, I'm an adult, and I'm not a young girl!"

"Pfft..." Su Wenhao laughed.

When Su Wenche looked at the pale pink face of the woman in red, he coughed lightly, suppressed his smile, cupped his hands and said, "Ten Niang, thank you very much tonight."

The daughter is about to enter Kunlun, and from now on she will be like a little eagle, fluttering its wings and flying high, and the parents will no longer be able to protect her.However, as a parent, I always worry about my daughter.This world is full of temptations and dangers. After much deliberation, he found the Bixian clan, who are naturally good at creating illusions and deceiving people's hearts, and guarded his daughter's garden, so that she could, at the most appropriate time, Create a little trouble for the little girl.

Who would have thought that the wish was good, the girl in his family didn't act according to the script at all, and even spoiled the girl from the Betao clan, so the father could only come out to clean up the mess for his daughter.

"Hmph, the three things you promised Patriarch Su that day, are you done today?" Without facing Ah Jiu, Bi Shiniang quickly cleared up her emotions, with a charming smile on her face again, just saying what she said But you are very welcome.

"Of course." Su Wenche casually threw a jade-like leaf.

Bi Shiniang beckoned lightly, and the leaves whirled and flew into her hands, and they disappeared without a trace.Bi Shiniang, without further words, turned around and planned to leave the Su family.When she was about to leave, she suddenly turned around, gritted her teeth, stretched out her hand gently, and a small tree with three emerald green peaches appeared in her hand, and threw the small tree at Su Wenche, "Tell your family A little girl who doesn't know much, girls can also bear peaches, hum!" After finishing speaking, she disappeared directly.

Su Wenhao couldn't help laughing out loud at this time, "Bishiniang must have been mad by Ah Jiu."

Su Wenche carefully looked at the small green tree in his hand, and his face straightened: "It turned out to be the fruit that Bi Shiniang bore when she was an adult."

"What..." Su Wenhao stopped laughing and took a closer look. Sure enough, he saw a faint golden thread entangled on the green peach. He smiled and stroked his chin: "It seems that Bi Shiniang is also very wrong heart?"

(End of this chapter)

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