Chapter 6 Advancement
Watching Bi Shiniang leave Su Zhai, Chu Yao has already planted the spiritual plant pot made of Wenyu, a small tree full of jasper that she gave to her daughter, and plans to put it in the house for her daughter.At this moment, the aura around him seemed to be attracted, rushing towards the ancestral hall frantically.

Thinking of Su Lin who was introspecting in the ancestral hall today, the three of them looked serious. Su Wenche immediately swept his consciousness towards the ancestral hall. After a while, he relaxed and smiled slightly: "It's okay, Su Lin seems to be I have some insights, and I am advancing."

Su Wenhao smiled, "I got enlightened? I said earlier that Liu girl's understanding is the best in this generation, except for Ah Jiu. She really lived up to our usual teachings, and she opened up her knots so quickly."

Chu Yao has always been careful, she looked at Su Wenhao carefully, and asked with a smile: "Fourth brother, what did you say to Lin'er this afternoon?"

"Oh, I can't hide anything from my sister-in-law's eyes. Today, I'm afraid that the sixth girl will be stubborn, and the second sister-in-law is expecting too much. If she says something ugly, Arlene won't be able to accept it, and it will have the opposite effect, so I will go talk to them." Mother and daughter talked."

"The effect is good. The fourth brother's thought was not in vain." Su Wenche looked at his younger brother with satisfaction, you should care about me as a family, I love you, respect and love each other, only by uniting as one can the family continue better.

Su Wenhao thought about when he told Su Lin and his daughter about Ah Jiu's remarks in the afternoon, they looked stunned, and couldn't help bending their lips into a smile, "Speaking of it, I still have to thank Ah Jiu. Although her emotion is childish, it is also thought-provoking. .”

"Ah Jiu, what did you say again?" Chu Yao felt like she wanted to touch her forehead and sigh. This little girl was usually very well-behaved and introverted, but her blunt and outspoken nature was also very troublesome.

Su Wenhao studied Ah Jiu's remarks in the afternoon very seriously, and finally concluded: "Ah Jiu's sword practice is considered correct."

"..." Su Wenche and Chu Yao looked at each other speechlessly. A seven-year-old girl has thoughts of domestic violence. Is it good or bad?Unanimously, the husband and wife sympathized with Bai Qi, who would become their son-in-law.

"Go and see Arlene." Su Wenche never let go of his attention to Su Lin. He noticed that more and more spiritual energy was gathering in the ancestral hall, and even formed a white mist around Su Lin.He was a little happy, but also a little worried. It seemed that Su Lin's epiphany might not be as simple as just raising one level of cultivation.She has been on the fifth level of Qi training for nearly two years, and this improvement in mood is likely to allow her to advance from the middle stage of Qi training to the second level of Qi training.

Chu Yao, who is also a Nascent Soul cultivator, and Su Wenhao, who will be promoted to a Nascent Soul cultivator, are equally sensitive to aura. Chu Yao smiled at her husband, "Husband and fourth brother go first, I'll go see Ah Jiu."

The two Su Wenche brothers looked at the jade basin that was still in Chu Yao's hand at the same time. The small green tree became more and more warm and moist just now. Just looking at it like this, they can feel the peace of mind.It seems that not only the spirit fruit is different, but even this small tree is not simple.Su Wenche nodded slightly to his wife, and left with his younger brother.

Chu Yao watched her husband leave, then turned and went into her daughter's house.She was not surprised to find that Ah Jiu's small figure was standing inside the house waiting for her.

"Aniang." Ah Jiu saw Chu Yao coming in, leaned into her arms, looked curiously at the jade basin she put on the ground with her big bright eyes, "This is that stupid peach blossom knot fruit?"

"Heh... this is the fruit that Bi Shiniang bore when she was an adult. It can calm the mind the most. The Ningshen Pill cultivated from it is the best medicine for warming and nourishing the mind." Chu Yao supported her daughter's hair, She said softly, "It seems that Bi Shiniang likes our Ah Jiu very much, she can even give you a piece of her body."

The more Ah Jiu looked at the little green tree, the more he liked it. He stretched out his soft and tender hands to caress the little tree, and said casually: "I'm also very good to that stupid peach blossom. Give her a drop every time."

Chu Yao was taken aback, is her daughter so sensitive to the aura of the monster race? "Ah Jiu, when did you find out that the peach tree in the yard is wrong?"

"I've known it a long time ago. That peach blossom is stupid, and sometimes she even laughs secretly. I heard it." Ah Jiuai touched this small fruit and then touched it uncomfortably. Do you know if the fruit of the stupid peach blossom is delicious? Will this little tree grow up, bloom, and bear fruit in the future?" At this point, she wrinkled her little nose, "I hope it won't be like that stupid peach blossom. It only came to fruition once."

"Since that's the case, let's take care of Ah Jiu." Chu Yao thought about Su Lin who was still promoted, and finally pinched her daughter's tender face, "Ah Jiu, rest early, I'll go see your sixth sister. "

"Don't worry, Auntie, Sixth Sister is getting better soon." Aniang sent Chu Yao to the door, and said one more thoughtful word.

Chu Yao was really surprised this time, "How did Ah Jiu know?"

"The spiritual energy that went out for a walk has come back, just like when my breakthrough was about to end." Ah Jiu tilted her head, summing up her feelings.

It turns out that at such a young age, the daughter can already sense the aura in such a subtle way?I think she only had such a subtle feeling after she had already arrived at Jindan.Chu Yao smiled gratifiedly, she was indeed the new Master of Kun Sword of the Su family.

Chu Yao smiled and rushed to the front of the ancestral hall, and sure enough, she saw that the door of the ancestral hall was wide open, and Su Lin had already come out, talking to her husband and others.Su Wenjun and his wife had already arrived, and Su Lin's mother couldn't stop the joy in her eyes.

When Zhao Zhiqing saw Chu Yao approaching, she hurriedly stepped forward to salute, and earnestly asked: "Sister-in-law, please take a look at Lin'er's health, she has been promoted to the seventh level of Qi training, I am afraid that she will be too aggressive and leave hidden dangers. "

Chu Yao had seen Su Lin as early as the first time she came here, and said with a smile: "Siblings and sisters don't have to worry, Arlene is fine."

Su Wenche looked at his niece gently, "You have already advanced, so the punishment can be ignored, calm down these few days, and stabilize your realm." After speaking, he said to Su Wenjun and his wife: "Let Arlene relax for a few days, don't rush to let her She practiced."

Su Wenjun was also very happy when his daughter was promoted to two ranks at once, nodding his head again and again, and showing a lot of tenderness towards his wife.

Su Lin saw it in her eyes and remembered it in her heart. The idea of ​​becoming stronger became more and more deep in her mind.

The night slowly returned to calm. It was rare for Su Wenjun and his wife to get along peacefully for one night. Su Lin also slowly settled down with a smile.No one knew that this night, another person in the Su family was also promoted, but she broke through in another dimension, so no one in the Su family knew about it.This person is Su Xin. After Su Lin advanced, she also broke through to the sixth level of Qi training.When she habitually thought that her cultivation had been adjusted to the fourth level of Qi training, she couldn't help hesitating for a moment when she thought of her father's words in the afternoon, and finally fixed her cultivation at the fifth level of Qi training.

(End of this chapter)

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