Chapter 7 On the Road
On the second day, during the morning exercise, when Su Lin and Su Xin met again, they found that each other's cultivation base had improved, and they were stunned for a moment.So Su Wenjun was very happy, "Hey, Xinxin has also advanced, it's not bad, Xinxin should relax for the past two days."

Su Lin has always disliked Su Xin, but when she found out that she had also been promoted by two levels, when she reached the fifth level of Qi training, her joy of being promoted dissipated a lot.She calmly nodded to her father, "Father, I'm going to practice swords." She had already thought it through yesterday, Kunlun is about to open the mountain gate, and the fourth uncle has already reached the golden elixir of great perfection , but suppressing their cultivation base, to guide them must have something to do with Kunlun's acceptance of disciples, so it must be right to listen to him.I hate myself for trying to figure it out, no wonder Su Xin, who has always liked practicing alchemy and drawing talismans, practiced sword obediently every morning.

There were three little girls missing in Wuyi Hall, and it felt like a lot of people were missing, especially Su Wan and Su Ling, who often stayed with the sisters, were not used to it.In the evening, the little sisters got together, and after Su Wan and Su Ling congratulated Su Lin and Su Xin, Su Ling said with a bitter face: "You have all advanced, only my cultivation level is the lowest. It seems that this time I go back to Kunlun , will definitely be brushed down.”

Su Wan's and Su Ling's fathers were ranked third in the Su family, and their aptitude was considered to be in the middle and lower reaches among the Su family brothers.The qualifications of the two sisters, Su Wan, are neither good nor bad, just like their father. Compared with the two sisters, Su Wan is not as good as Su Ling, but she has a higher level of cultivation than Su Ling after practicing for a longer time.Generally, if their sisters can't enter Kunlun, they will practice at home. After the foundation is established, they will marry other families.

Of the girls of the same generation as Ah Jiu, there are nine people who have spiritual roots and can enter the ranking. Ah Jiu is the youngest one. Three of the first four sisters are married, and only one is now in Kunlun Yuxu Peak, building a foundation. four floors.It is said that he has a good relationship with Yuxu Peak's eldest disciple of Daoist Yuxu, maybe it won't be long before the Su family will marry another girl.

Ah Jiu and Su Ling had the most contacts. Although sometimes she felt that Su Ling talked too much, which annoyed her, she still liked this elder sister very much.Looking at Su Ling's troubled face, she said, "Fourth Uncle, it shouldn't be difficult to pass the ladder in the Kunlun entry test. No matter what, you just have to grit your teeth and walk to the end. Hmm..."

"Fourth Uncle also said that after passing the initial test, you will have to stay in the outer sect for two years before you can enter each peak." Ah Jiu happily told her sisters what Su Wenhao told her.

Su Ling pouted, "Fourth Uncle is the most partial."

"Well, who told you not to practice swords." Ah Jiu shrugged.

"Who's girl used a sword to slash and chop with others, and she can only practice one sword in her life, and no other magic weapon can do it, so Taoism is the best."

"No matter what you cultivate, you have to fight with others. Why not choose the one who fights the most, at least you will lose less."

"...Ah Jiu..." Su Ling gritted her teeth, and roared with a ferocious face, "Girls don't always think about fighting, that's something that stinky men like."

Ah Jiu was dressed like Su Ling, she didn't want to fight anymore, she just muttered strangely: "Is there a distinction between men and women in fights? It's so strange..."

"You are strange..."

The worry-free childhood between the little sisters will eventually pass, and the three months will come in a blink of an eye. Since Su Wenhao went to retreat in the family's secret place, this time it is Su Wenjun who leads the team to send the Su family children to Kunlun.

Early in the morning, the sun had just exposed half of its face, and the dewdrops were still shining colorful lights on the leaves. A huge and exquisite spirit boat had been parked on the martial arts field in the front yard. The exquisite runes on the boat became the family emblem of the Su family.

Seventeen young men and women stood neatly in front of the boat, saying goodbye to their parents and relatives.

Su Wenche put his arms around his little daughter just now and gave instructions, repeating all the precautions.After giving instructions, seeing that it was almost time, he slightly raised his voice, "Okay, it's getting late, let the children get on the boat. Second brother, thank you for your hard work this time."

Su Wenjun clasped his hands in salute, and boarded the boat first, but he didn't see how he made a gesture, his body rose steadily, and slowly landed on the bow.

Su Wenche laughed and stretched out his robes. The seventeen young men and women felt their bodies lighten up and their eyes blurred. When they regained consciousness, they were already on the boat. It’s over, it’s up to you to make your own way ahead.”

Su Ling pulled Ah Jiu's sleeve, her eyes sparkled, and she said with admiration, "Ah Jiu, Uncle is really amazing."

"Cultivate well, sooner or later, you will be so powerful."

"Ah Jiu... don't always say the same things as my mother..."

"Well... after the third uncle conceives a baby, he will be the same as my father."

"Bad Jiu, I'm ignoring you." Su Ling stomped her feet and dragged her sister to run to visit the spirit boat.

Su Lin didn't speak, she found a room a long time ago, and went to practice. Su Xin looked at Ah Jiu and asked softly, "Ah Jiu, are you going to visit the spirit boat or go to practice."


Su Xin bit her lip, "Then let's go together."

"Whatever." Ah Jiu felt that it didn't matter, and she planned to sleep first before talking.It's just that Su Xin obviously doesn't like having someone by her side when she is practicing, so why does she want to be with herself this time?After a while, Ah Jiu understood what Su Xin meant.She frowned, and said bluntly, "Eighth Sister, I've already said everything that Fourth Uncle told me, and I didn't hide anything."

"This..." Su Xin knew that Su Wenhao treated Ajiu better than they. She always felt that Su Wenhao must have told Ah Jiu a lot of precautions in private, especially the entrance exam. He didn't reveal anything, it's just that Ah Jiu didn't want to say anything.She was thinking about seeing if she could say something when there were only two of them around today, but she didn't expect Ah Jiu to say that.She smiled awkwardly, "It's my sister who is thinking too much, Ah Jiu, you should practice."

Su Xin watched Ah Jiu close his eyes and settle down, his heart fluttered, and his guesses about the entry test were endless. He always felt that Kunlun, the first door in the East Pole, would never be so simple. There must be various tests.What to do, although she is already at the sixth level of Qi training, she is not very proficient in many techniques.In particular, she has three spiritual roots, wood, water, and soil, among which the earth element is the most pure, but she has seldom practiced the earth element spells, and she is not familiar with wood and water elements.But the attack power of wood and water is not strong, which is a headache for her.I don't know if I can get more familiar with it on the way to Kunlun.

After scaring herself for a long time, Su Xin decided to go to her father and ask him to teach her again.

Su Xin closed the door and went out. When she went to Su Wenjun's room, she saw that Su Lin was also here.She smiled and said hello: "My sister is here too."

Su Lin snorted and ignored her. She just chased Su Wenjun and asked, "Father, what happened to the ladder? Just tell your daughter."

When Su Xin heard this, he also looked at his father expectantly. Su Wenjun smiled mysteriously: "No, this is something you have to experience by yourself, we can't talk about it."

"Can't say?" Su Xin's mind turned quickly, "Is there any rule in Kunlun?"

Su Wenjun laughed out loud, patted Su Xin's head and praised: "Xinxin is still smart, the head has orders, and no one is allowed to say anything about the entrance exam."

Su Lin has never been used to the affectionate appearance of Su Wenjun and Su Xin's father and daughter. She stood up with a cold face, and said stiffly: "I'm going to practice." Then she opened the door and left without looking back.

Su Xin felt a little wronged: "Father, is my sister angry again?"

Su Wenjun sighed, stroked his beloved daughter's hair, and comforted her: "Xinxin has been wronged, your sister has a stubborn temper, just wait until she thinks about it."

Su Xin nodded, with a little anxiety on her pretty face: "I know, father, I don't want to be angry with my sister. After all, it was my mother, my brother and I who robbed my mother's husband and my sister's father. "

Seeing such a sensible Su Xin, Su Wenjun couldn't help but hug her into his arms, "Xinxin, I am also your mother's husband and your father, how could it be robbery?" Su Lin's indifference and Su Xin's caring In stark contrast, Su Wenjun felt that the concubine could teach the children more than the wife.

Su Lin didn't go back to her room, but found a place at the stern and sat down, looking at the blue sky outside the protective cover and the floating clouds passing by the boat from time to time, her heart was full of grievances and dissatisfaction.

"Sixth Sister?" Ah Jiu wanted to find a place to practice her sword, but when she turned to the stern, she found Su Lin who was staring blankly at the sky, and she called out in confusion.

Su Lin came back to her senses, stood up quickly, and habitually turned her face cold, "Ah Jiu, what are you doing here?"

Raising the sword in his hand to Su Lin, Ah Jiu said: "Practice the sword!"

Su Lin bit her lip, and just about to speak, Ah Jiu said, "Sixth Sister, I've said everything I need to say, and I don't know the rest."

Facing Ah Jiu's clear eyes, Su Lin said after a while, "Since that's the case, Sixth Sister believes you." After speaking, she planned to go back to her room.

When she was about to turn the corner, Ah Jiu said, "Sixth Sister, you should have a good talk with Second Uncle, no one likes a child born to their father and someone else, it's normal."

"..." Su Lin paused and left without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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