The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 101 Chapter 104

Chapter 101 Chapter [-]

"Nephew and son-in-law?" Mo Zhengyao was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that Su Ruo had been engaged since childhood, and that his future Taoist partner would be Bai Qi from Amaterasu's Bai family. "It's not easy for him to find here."

Ming Yan snorted, and muttered: "If it wasn't for the Qiankun Sword, he wouldn't be able to find it even if he was exhausted." When it came to the Qiankun Sword, he boasted sincerely: "The sword in Su Ruo's hand is really extraordinary. When I take the initiative to protect the lord, even I will frighten him."

Chu Xuan gave him a sideways glance, and said in a soft voice, "Every magic weapon is always more useful to an evildoer like you."

An evildoer made Ming Yan jump his feet in anger, "Isn't it the same with your husband?"

Chu Xuan nodded, "It's true that he is also a monster, but Erhei is raised at home, so it's different from you."

The domestic fox's face darkened instantly, but when Chu Xuan looked over, it twisted into a smiling face, a look that I am proud of being a domesticated one.

Chu Xuan stretched out her hand, and Mo Yuyao grew two pointed, fluffy fox ears knowingly, and lowered her head to her hand. Chu Xuan rubbed Mo Yuyao's ears, and at the same time glanced at Xiao Jiu's beautiful body. The fur and eyes are so green that Xiao Jiu can't help but shrink back, and the amber fox eyes are full of fear.

Ming Yan hugged her, and rubbed her head comfortingly, "Good boy, I won't let her get close to you again." Thinking of the way his little fox was pressed down by this woman just now, and he slapped his hands up and down, he Just a lot of anger.

"Hmph." Chu Xuan curled her lips, pulled her husband, and said with a gentle smile: "Change back, let's go pick up Ah Qi." You are not allowed to come here, I just want to bring several people in, and I will piss you off. Stinky snake!Tell you not to allow me to get close to Xiao Jiu.

With a bitter face, Mo Yuyao turned back into a fat fox again under Ming Yan's gloating smile, and was hugged by his wife.Well, rubbing against a soft and towering place, sighed contentedly, if you lose face, you can lose face, it's all from your own family, and you didn't throw it in front of outsiders.

Bai Qi brought his second elder brother, Bai Sui, to the small valley again, and every time he returned here without success.

Bai Sui carefully took out a small spoon, slowly injected spiritual energy, and ascended to the space. With both hands, he was typing complicated formulas quickly and slowly, and the spoon gradually became bigger and spun in the air.With a serious expression on his face, the formula in his hand became faster and faster, the spoon turned faster and faster, and then stopped suddenly.The spoon pointed to the mountain wall covered with vines, emitting a soft light.

Bai Yan's face was filled with joy, "This is it."

Bai Qi showed no expression on his face, but his eyes were full of excitement. After 30 years of searching, he finally had the result.

He took two steps forward, and was waiting to borrow the strength of the seven fights to break the restraint, when he saw the vines parting by themselves. A woman in a light blue dress was holding a black fox as fat as a ball, leisurely. Walked out freely.

Bai Qi and Bai Sui looked at the woman with vigilance in their eyes, and saw her smile extremely gentle and docile, and raised her hand to greet Bai Qi: "Nephew and son-in-law!"

Bai Qi and Bai Sui were a little stunned. Who is this woman calling?Bai Yan glanced at his brother next to him, and was quite sure that the woman was greeting him just now.

"Nephew and son-in-law, I am your third aunt." Chu Xuan introduced her identity in a good mood, then picked up the ball in her arms, and said with a smile: "This is your third uncle!"

Damn, Bai Yan didn't curse out loud, who are you, the third aunt?How dare you point at a fat fox and ask our Xiaoqi to call her uncle, don't wait for such a bully!
Just as he was about to speak, he was stopped by Bai Qi. His younger brother, who was so proud to the core, respectfully saluted as a junior, and actually called out, "Third Aunt, Third Uncle." Nima, this Really unscientific, is he dreaming or dreaming?
Bai Yan asked, "Xiaoqi, this is..."

"A Ruo's aunt." If he and A Ruo hadn't heard her mention it when they were chatting, she had a third uncle who was a nine-tailed fox, and she had just seen a half-slap-sized one hanging around the woman's waist. The little jade gourd is just a token of the world's scholars, and he will probably be angry and directly draw his sword at each other.

Chu Xuan nodded, not ignoring Bai Qi's gaze towards her waist, and felt better about this niece and son-in-law.If it hadn't been for hearing that he had been looking for A Ruo for 30 years without interruption, and hadn't been entangled with that woman during A Ruo's disappearance, she wouldn't have come out to see him, let alone take him in to find A Ruo.

Well, all the women you sent were photographed back?Chu Xuan tugged at Mo Yuyao's ear.

Mo Yuyao nodded, and replied quite helplessly: Eight arms were broken, six were disfigured, and finally three of them were quick enough to cut off their hair. The sword qi scratched the skin a little.In general, 18 people went there, the whole army was wiped out, and none of them came back intact.

Chu Xuan was even more satisfied. The girls she was looking for before were all photographed, and she was blocked even from going to Kunlun, so she didn't see anyone at all.

Bai Qi never expected that his attitude would allow him to escape the biggest test in the process of marrying a wife.

Mo Yuyao also didn't understand what his wife meant, "If you test your niece and son-in-law like this, aren't you afraid that he will run away with a woman and make your niece sad?"

Chu Xuan brushed her hair at that time, and said casually: "At the beginning, it was he who put on a smiling face every day and smiled at everyone, which caused the peach blossoms and my baby. If he didn't change it or say it, how dare he After running away with a woman, my mother drugged him and made him vomit whenever he sees a woman for the rest of his life."

Mo Yuyao shrank her neck, thinking of her miserable days back then, she didn't dare to say anything more.

"Come on, come with me." Chu Xuan waved at Bai Qi and walked back and forth.

Bai Qi followed behind without saying a word, and some monks of Zhang Er couldn't figure it out. After collecting the seven buckets, he followed Bai Qi curiously and walked into the most mysterious sky eye in the [-]-mile mountain. .

"What a pure spiritual energy." Upon entering the Heavenly Eye, Bai Rong took a deep breath uncontrollably, "If you practice here, your speed will be much faster."

Knowing that he was about to meet Su Ruo, Bai Qi had a very good heart, and smiled at the moment, "It's good or bad, the cultivation base is too fast, and the state of mind can't keep up. Instead, it's better to be solid step by step in an ordinary place."

"However, it is good to retreat here to break through the bottleneck and advance."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Bai Yan squinted his eyes, "Where there is a gain, there is a loss, and it is applicable wherever it is placed. By the way, Xiao Qi, this is probably the eye of the sky!"

Chu Xuan, who was walking in the front, turned her head and smiled and said, "That's right, this is the mysterious eye of the sky in the Ninety Thousand Mountains."

"Wow... It is said that if you enter the sky eye, you will have countless artifacts, immortal artifacts, exercises, secret medicines, divine flowers and fairy grasses." He said discouragedly: "Sure enough, legends are legends."

Chu Xuan burst out laughing, "You are so funny, you are a perfect match for my little niece. Are you married? If you are not married, let's get married! Then you will have all the things you want."

Bai Sui staggered and almost fell to the ground. He looked at Bai Qi with ambiguous meaning. Your daughter-in-law's third aunt is fine, since they will marry you as soon as they meet!

Chu Xuan seemed to have a good sense of Bai Zhen, so she slowed down and walked side by side with the two of them.She tilted her head and looked at Bai Ren carefully, and saw his honey-colored skin and muscles, his facial features were extremely strong, the corners of his lips were naturally raised, and his face was full of sunshine and vigor, especially his smile was very contagious.

"It's not bad, young man." After reading it, she nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly stretched out her hand to squeeze Bai Rong's shoulder, "Not bad, he looks very strong." Her eyes turned around on his chest, "It's not bad." She is worthy of our plain girl."

Bai Sui was made so uncomfortable by her series of actions, he walked with hands and feet, for the face of his future sister-in-law, and the person in front of him was a man of advanced cultivation, he couldn't afford to offend him for the time being, so he could only She smirked: "That... that... I have a sweetheart." It took a long time to hold back a sentence.

As soon as Chu Xuan heard that he had a sweetheart, she immediately lost face and said nothing, Shi Shi ran forward.

Bai Yan scratched his hair, poked Bai Qi, and asked in a low voice, "Is this considered giving up on me?"

Just as Bai Qi was about to speak, Chu Xuan said, "What's the matter, are you planning to give up your sweetheart to marry?" Her voice was still soft and soft, but for some reason, Bai Yan suddenly felt cool, and he shook his head like a wave drum Yes, desperate denial: "No, no, absolutely no."

As soon as he finished speaking, the coolness on his body disappeared immediately, he took a couple of breaths, and said no more with a bitter face.I sympathize with my brother very much in my heart, there is such a perverted aunt, and I will suffer in the future.

"Ah Ruo, she..." The closer he was to De Su Ruo, the more Bai Qi could sense her state, and he asked in surprise, "Is she forming a pill?"

Chu Xuan has regained her ladylike appearance, her brows and eyes are extremely soft, "Yes."

When the few people came to the valley, the first thing they saw was Mingyan in black clothes and long hair, lazily lying on his side on the jade bed among the flowers, with a snow-white fox lying in front of him, the man's slender hands were light Caressing the fox's fur, looked over with a pair of eyes, black hair, snow skin and red lips, amazingly gorgeous, Bai Yan was obviously mad, staring blankly at Mingyan and couldn't move his eyes.

Bai Qi just glanced at Ming Yan, and put his attention in the small building.Excitement surged in his chest. The person he had been looking for for 30 years was right there, within reach.

"Ah Ruo." whispering her name, the bitterness is gone, only the sweetness remains.

Chu Xuan squinted at Ming Yan, and said coolly: "Can you put away your dead look? I really can't stand you, hook up with someone when you see someone, what's your hobby!"

Ming Yan shrugged indifferently, "Idle is idle, teasing these monks, watching them die or live, is quite interesting."

Chu Xuan snorted coldly, dropped the fat fox in her arms, and stretched out her hand to Xiaojiu on the jade bed to seduce her: "Xiaojiu, come to my sister, we don't want that stinky snake with a romantic debt, my sister will find it for you again." How about a beautiful male fox? Or you can see someone, just this kid, he looks like five or six, so let's go out and change."

(End of this chapter)

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