Chapter 102
Bai Qi and Su Ruo didn't stay in the Sky Eye for too long. After telling each other about the past, they went out together to look for Mingyan.Bai Yan, who was meditating on the jade bed, saw the two people coming out, he stood up and jumped in front of them, he smiled and said heartily: "Congratulations, Xiaoqi, you have found a beautiful woman." Then he turned his head and looked at Su Ruo, couldn't help being stunned for a while, and after a while, he couldn't help laughing and said: "This is the younger brother and sister, right? I'm Xiao Qi's second brother Bai Yu."

Emma, ​​you have to hold back, otherwise Xiao Qi will really get angry and beat someone up.But... "Puff...hahaha...hehehe..." He endured it and turned his head to laugh.It can't be blamed that he couldn't help it. Anyone who saw Su Ruo's current appearance would want to laugh.

Has anyone ever seen a cassock with two furry fox ears on its head and a fox tail hanging behind it.However, the suit that Su Ruo is wearing is, compared with the ears and tail, the white hair around the left and right circles on the body can basically be ignored.

Su Ruo also knew what he was laughing at, she blushed slightly and scratched the pointed ears on her head, the cassock in her storage ring was gone, only the one given by her third uncle was left, it would be hard to wear a broken one Come out.

Just now in the small building, Bai Qi had already laughed once, and had done all the embarrassment he should have made in front of his future husband-in-law, so Su Ruo broke the jar, gritted his teeth and came out with his head upright.

If you want to say what aspect Bai Qi has made the most progress in the past 30 years, it is undoubtedly to protect his shortcomings.Taking a leisurely look at his second brother, he didn't say much, but said gently: "Ah Ruo, it's time for us to bid farewell to Senior Ming Yan."

If Su Ruo has been away from Kunlun for too long, he naturally wants to go back sooner. Hearing Bai Qi's words, he said, "Senior brother, I'm going to look for Mingyan, you guys wait here for me."

She has been in Tianyan for nearly 30 years, but she doesn't actually spend much time with Mingyan, but she also understands that this person is very private and never likes outsiders to disturb his and Xiaojiu's life.The fact that she has been in Tianyan for decades, on the one hand, is because she has rescued Xiaojiu, and on the other hand, she must have something to ask for.

Bai Qi straightened her temple hair, rubbed her ears in a funny way, and reluctantly let go, "Go."

After Su Ruoyuan left, Bai Rong joked, "We'll get along for a long time in the future, so there's no need to be so reluctant."

Bai Qi glanced at him, and slowly broke off a branch, "Second Brother, we brothers haven't discussed each other for a long time."

Bai Sui's face was bitter, he had always been good at talismans, but not proficient in swordsmanship, but the brothers in the family liked to bully him in this regard.Originally, Xiaoqi was relatively good, but unexpectedly, he also learned badly.He accused very sadly and angrily: "Xiaoqi, you have learned badly from the fifth and sixth."

Bai Qi smiled gently, with an indescribably free and easy expression, "Second brother can refuse."

Bai Sui's face was even more bitter, "You clearly know that the family rules stipulate that the children of the clan are not allowed to retreat when they make an appointment to fight."

"Then come on." Bai Qi flicked his wrist, "I don't use a sword, I just fight close to body."

"That's not the same." Even if a branch is broken, it is no different from a sharp blade in the hands of a sword repairer, let alone a genius like Bai Qi.He figured it out, it was obviously because he just laughed at Su Ruo that Bai Qi was upset.Bai Yan pointed at the tip of Bai Qi's nose, "You, you, you value sex and despise brother!"

Bai Qi nodded generously, "There is only one lady, but there are many brothers."

Bai Qi was confused by him, so he could only pick up the flying sword bitterly, and shouted: "You will bully me." He leaned forward and pointed at Bai Qi's chest.

The two brothers didn't move their feet, but the sword moves in their hands changed. You came and went, and hundreds of moves were dismantled in the blink of an eye. Bai Qi shook his head and sighed. Second brother, you still haven't grown up."

Bai Sui was so generous, he put away the flying sword, and spread his hands, "That's it for me, the sword will not improve much in 500 years." He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Bai Qi, "Do you want to vomit? Depressed in my heart, I can't bear to part with your junior sister, but I can't bear to part with your elder brother."

Bai Qi bowed to Bai Rong, "Xiao Qi has nothing to say, he was rude just now."

Bai Yan was just talking, seeing that Bai Qi's face was no longer cold and hard, his eyes were gone, and the spring was blooming again, he was too happy to be happy, so he waved his hand casually, and said with relief: "Our Xiaoqi is back again. "

Bai Qi turned his head to look at the exotic flowers and plants, with a relaxed expression, and said in a low voice: "I made the uncle, the second uncle, and the elders and brothers worry about it before."

Bai Yu didn't want to talk too much about this matter, so he reached out and patted his younger brother's shoulder, and changed the subject with a smile: "I heard that Xiao Qi makes good wine now, when will I ask my brother to taste it?"

"Today." Said, Bai Qi took out a small jar of spirit wine from the storage box, and threw it to Bai Sui.

Bai Yu chuckled, and couldn't wait to slap the seal open. When he mentioned the wine jar, he took a sip into his mouth, and then he stared: "Why is it sweet?"

"A Ruoxi flower wine, honey wine, fruit wine, these are the things I've brewed all these years." The wine was originally brewed for Su Ruo, so naturally it should be made according to her preferences.

Just as Bai Yan wanted to tease his younger brother a few more times, Su Ruo came out in a hurry, "Brother, let's go."

Ming Yan followed behind her, and a white fox was clinging to her side, rubbing against each other non-stop, obviously extremely reluctant.

Seeing Ming Yan, Bai Yan's face flushed a little, but he didn't forget how stupid he was because of a big man.When it came to Ming Yan, he waved his hand casually, and a hole appeared on the mountain wall, "There is a teleportation array inside, which can reach the outer periphery of Jiuwan Dashan."

Su Ruo had already stood beside Bai Qi, and before entering the cave, she said with a serious face: "Ten years later, at the time of the ninth calamity, I will come again."

"Don't lose the token, you won't be able to get it back."

"I'm not you." Su Ruo glanced at Ming Yan, squatted down and hugged the white fox, buried her face in its long fur, and kept dawdling, "Xiao Jiu, I will miss you, you have to work hard Cultivate, after you transform into form, I will take you out to play."

Xiao Jiu couldn't stop rubbing against her, reluctantly trying to persuade her to stay for the last time: "Ah Jiu, why don't you stay?" The charming female voice made Bai Zhen lose his mind for a long time.

"No, master and parents have been worrying about me for a long time." Su Ruo's eyes lit up, and she suggested, "Why don't you come with me, Xiaojiu."

"Okay... um..." Xiao Jiu just responded happily, and Ming Yan hugged her back, covered her mouth, and snorted with a very bad expression: "Hurry up, hurry up."

With nothing in his arms, the white fox was snatched back. Su Ruo, who was very upset, also snorted: "Stingy snake." He shook his head and pulled Bai Qi to the teleportation array first. Before leaving, he still stayed behind. One sentence: "Xiao Jiu, that stinky snake didn't behave well, don't let him take advantage of you again in the future."

These words successfully made Mingyan's face darken, and she gritted her teeth and scolded Xiaojiu, "Stay away from her in the future."

"No." Xiao Jiu finally broke free from his arms, raised her head, and hid aside.

A white light flashed in front of them, and the three of them were already on a hillside outside the Jiuwan Dashan. Looking down, a village was built at the foot of the mountain, with about a hundred families.It was the evening at this time, and the men who were working outside were returning home. Smoke rose from the kitchen, and dogs barked and chickens crowed from time to time. Everything in front of them was so quiet and beautiful.

Su Ruo and Bai Qi looked at each other and smiled, clasping their fingers together. Seeing this scene, Bai Qi suddenly felt that he was superfluous.

"Second brother, let's go." Bai Qi stepped on the flying sword.

Seeing the Kun sword appearing under Su Ruo's feet, Bai Sui also lifted into the air lightly, blinked his eyes twice, and asked strangely: "Xiaoqi, don't you bring your younger siblings?"

Su Ruo was very surprised, "I can also control the sword myself, why should I use my brother to carry it?"

...Aren't young lovers sticking together all the time? You were like this just now. How did you suddenly change? It's really hard to get used to.

Bai Qi smiled lightly, turned around and left without saying much.

Bai Qi was very depressed by Su Ruo's question, so he didn't look at it too much, stepped on the flying sword and followed Bai Qi.

"Senior brother, you are wrong again, that is going to the mountains." Su Ruo carefully identified the direction, raised her voice and called Bai Qi back, and looked at Bai Qi seriously, thinking about it, the attribute of Lu Chi Is it a family inheritance?

Bai Qi turned back very calmly and stopped beside Su Ruo, waiting for her to lead the way.Seeing her staring at her brother in a daze, she asked, "What's wrong with the second brother?"

Su Ruo asked in a low voice: "Does your brother have a bad sense of direction?"

Bai Sui: "..." It doesn't have to be so low, I can hear it all.

Bai Qi tilted his head, thought about it seriously, and shook his head decisively, "I didn't find it."

"You are the only exception in our family." In order to prove that there is no problem with his sense of direction, Bai Rong took the lead first.

As soon as he entered Hanyun City, Bai Ren was taken away by the elders of the Bai family who led the team to Jiuwan Dashan to help.However, the elder greeted Bai Qi with a smile, and said lovingly, "Little Qi, it's fun with Ah Ruo."

Discrimination!Discrimination!Why can Xiaoqi take his daughter-in-law to wander around the city, but he has to take his disciples to practice through exhaustion!With a sad expression on his face, Bai Yan was dragged away by a certain elder who grabbed the back of his neck, leaving behind Su Ruo who stared round in surprise, his small mouth half-opened, and it took him a long time to say: "Your family's elder is so powerful!"

Provoking Bai Qilang to laugh out loud, his brows stretched, and when he laughed out loud, he was like a spring breeze blowing willows, and he was pleasant and pleasant, and he was dumbfounded by the people on the street.

In Hanyun City, there are many Kunlun disciples. When they saw the girl who was following Bai Qi, their eyes widened.Who is that hairy woman from head to toe, how can she be so close to Master Bai, and Master Bai is still smiling at her!

Wait, Master Bai is laughing?That Senior Uncle Bai who has been frozen for many years?Many new disciples rubbed their eyes in disbelief, and looked again, yes, that man with an elegant body and a gentle smile was Master Bai.Could it be that he was taken away?How did it suddenly change from an iceberg to spring water?
"Qiqi, is that Uncle Bai?" The two little girls who were with Shen Peilan just came out of a elixir shop, and happened to meet Bai Qi and Su Ruo head-on.

 Sorry, there is a power outage at home today, so the update is late!
(End of this chapter)

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