Chapter 103
The baby-faced girl rubbed her eyes, and tugged at the sleeves of her friend.

"Xiaoyuan, it seems so." Qiqi wasn't quite sure.Uncle Bai is also far behind three months ago.

"Then shall we go to say hello?" The baby-faced Xiaoyuan stared at Su Ruo who was beside Bai Qi with bright eyes, her face was full of excitement at seeing gossip.

Qiqi shook her head resolutely, "No, when they come over, let's salute." As she spoke, she tightened Xiaoyuan's hand, thinking in her heart, she must not let her rush up, Asking what faux pas is.Nima, she never wants to be shut up in meditation again.

The baby-faced Xiaoyuan was a little disappointed, "I just want to know who the girl in the fox costume is." She held her little face in her hands, her eyes glued to Su Ruo's body, without blinking, "Her clothes look good. Cute, so cute!"

"Anyway, you are not allowed to go there." Qiqi warned her every word.Just in time, Bai Qi and Su Ruo walked six feet in front of them, bowed their heads quickly and saluted, "Uncle Bai."

Xiaoyuan also saluted, "Uncle Bai."

Bai Qi nodded with a smile. Su Ruo looked at the red cassocks on them curiously, and asked, "Are you disciples of that Zhenjun in Nankunlun?" They were all new faces, and they had never seen each other before.

"Family teacher, Zhenjun Hanhai." Qiqi replied respectfully.

"Hey, Senior Brother Hai also gave birth to a baby?" Su Ruo turned her head to look at Bai Qi, her expression was full of joy.

When Xiaoyuan heard this, her eyes widened, and she called their master their senior brother, her tone was intimate, and she seemed to be an acquaintance of the master.However, would such a serious and rigid master know a female cultivator who dressed herself as a vixen?

Su Ruo only felt that Xiaoyuan's eyes were extremely energetic, and they kept turning around, making them look extraordinarily agile.In those black and white pupils, the question mark was written so clearly, she smiled and said, "What do you want to ask me?"

Xiaoyuan was overjoyed, she glanced at her friends around her, she was very eager to try, but she suppressed her curiosity, looked at Bai Qi carefully, and said softly, "Is everything okay?"

As soon as Qiqi heard that it was going to be bad, the girl's curiosity arose again, and she pinched Xiaoyuan vigorously.You idiot, that's Jindan Daoist, he's obviously close to Master Bai, can you ask me casually?

As soon as her body hurt, Xiaoyuan glanced at her friend beside her aggrievedly, swallowed the question that was on her lips, and changed to a safer one, "Senior, are you familiar with the tutor?"

Qiqi rolled her eyes secretly, she really wanted to beat her up!Stupid, don't ask such ambiguous questions, Master Bai will be angry!
Bai Qi smiled kindly, and answered for Su Ruo: "This is my junior sister Su Ruo."

Junior sister?This time, not only Xiaoyuan, but even Qiqi stared at Su Ruo with wide-eyed eyes. The first thing they thought of was: Su Ruo, who was snatched by the big monster in the legend, is the future Taoist companion of Master Bai!Now it is, she is really beautiful and stunning, no wonder Master Bai can't forget it all the time.

The two little girls were both young, and whatever they were thinking in their hearts, it appeared on their faces.

If it was the past, Bai Qi would definitely be annoyed, and he would never let them off lightly.But today, Su Ruo has been found, and he has also recovered the gentle and gentle Bai Qi in the past.Gently pulled Su Ruo's jade hand, and said softly: "Ah Ruo, let's go, the master is still waiting for you in Kunlun."

"Hmm." Su Ruo showed a smile, and took out two jade boxes from the storage box, "This is some special spiritual plant in the [-]-mile mountain, I will give it to you as a meeting gift."

"Thank you, uncle." Qiqi and Xiaoyuan were overjoyed, and quickly took the jade box, saluting and thanking them.When Bai Qi and Su Ruo walked away, Xiao Yuan said: "This Uncle Su looks very nice." Those special eyes are so clear that they are always smiling, which makes people see I feel good about it.

"Well, it's still very pretty." Kiki also nodded.

"Yes, yes, no one in South Kunlun can compare to her except Master Ji. No wonder Master Bai treats her so well."

Qiqi put on a pretty face, "I think Senior Sister Shen is gentle and generous, no worse than Senior Uncle Su."

"Yes yes yes, Senior Sister Shen is the best." Xiaoyuan said hastily.In the hearts of her friends, Senior Sister Shen Peilan is definitely number one, and no one is allowed to say anything bad about her.

"Of course." Qiqi nodded as a matter of course, and pulled her friend to tell the various benefits of Senior Sister Shen, as well as how she took care of her. Xiaoyuan wrinkled her face and had to respond as she walked.

Su Ruo stopped, turned her head to look at the figures of the two girls walking away, and suddenly said with emotion: "I haven't returned to Kunlun for 30 years, and everything is wrong."

Bai Qi was taken aback, raised his hand to rub her hair, and said affectionately: "Kunlun is still the same, and so are people."

"But senior brother Chang is gone." Su Ruo's eyes turned red, thinking of Chang Shan's blood, tears and longing when he was dying, she asked solemnly, "Senior brother, have you ever found out about the blood corpse?"

Bai Qi nodded, then shook his head again, and without waiting for Su Ruo to ask, he pulled her towards Feiyunzhou: "I'll talk about it when I go back." There are many connections and more things involved, and it's not for talking right now. Good place.

"En." Su Ruo responded, and obediently let Baiqi lead her, "Where is Senior Brother Chang buried?"

"Master Daoyan buried him beside the Liucui Pavilion in Lunjian Peak, facing the Sword Luntai." Speaking of Changshan, Bai Qi looked solemn, and even his voice sank.Su Ruo's jade slip simply explained Chang Shan's affairs.Later, he went to the Cangjing Pavilion to look through ancient books, and learned the origin of the blood corpse, and then he understood what happened to Su Ruo, and also what happened to Chang Shan.Especially when he found Fei Luo, he met the evil cultivation altar, saw the blood pool and the dead disciples of various sects with his own eyes, Bai Qi was full of admiration for Chang Shan.How much effort is required to maintain clarity.Ask yourself, if he gets to that point, there's no guarantee he'll be sane. "He will also be received as a personal disciple and engraved into the jade book of Kunlun's personal disciples."

"That's fine." Su Ruo's voice was low and full of sadness, "What senior brother Chang desires most is to worship under Uncle Daoyan, and his long-cherished wish is over."

Arriving in front of the Feiyun boat, Bai Qi stretched his arms around her shoulders and boarded the boat together, coaxing softly, "Don't be sad."

"Don't be sad, I will avenge Senior Brother Chang." Su Ruo looked up at Bai Qi with determination in her eyes, "When the time comes, Senior Brother will join me in extracting the souls of those scumbags, torture them, and let them They're out of their wits."

"it is good!"

"Hey, isn't this Su Ruo who ran away with the demon cultivator, and still has the face to show up in Dongji?" Just after boarding the Feiyun boat, a female voice full of sarcasm sounded, probably hated in her heart, and her voice was particularly sharp and piercing , "Look, what are you wearing? If you don't do good Kunlun disciples, you want to be a vixen!"

Su Ruo, who was already in a low mood, got better under Bai Qi's reassurance, but when she heard such words that obviously slandered her, her pretty face immediately turned frosty.She turned around and looked behind her, a familiar face appeared in front of her eyes.

"Zhao Qianru?" Su Ruo looked her up and down, and was surprised to find: "You have also formed a pill."

Zhao Qianru sneered: "If you form alchemy, I can't do it?" Back then in Wuji Ridge, Su Ruo suppressed her all the way, she lost all face and almost lost her life.Even when she went home and filed a complaint, her father failed to seek justice for her.Under Zhao Qianru's hatred, she vowed to practice hard and trample Su Ruo under her feet.

Her aptitude is already good, she didn't pay much attention before, and her parents cared for her daughter, and she was reluctant to bear her daughter's hardships. Even if she went down the mountain to experience, she also had fellow seniors and senior sisters as companions. It can be said that except for Su Ruo, she has never suffered.This time I made up my mind, and naturally I made great progress. Fifteen years ago, I got a chance by chance and formed a pill in one fell swoop.In recent years, he has been well-known in the East Pole cultivation world.

If Zhao Qianru had any regrets, it would be Bai Qi.He thought that after Su Ruo disappeared, she would be able to replace him, but he didn't expect Bai Qi to be so indifferent, even facing her with swords and swords.Zhao Qianru hated Su Ruo and Bai Qi very much in her heart, and she was very active in spreading the rumors about Su Ruo.

Today, on the Feiyunzhou in Hanyun City, I met Su Ruo again, but she was intimate with Bai Qi again, which hurt Zhao Qianru's eyes.And because of the rumors in the East Pole, if Su was seriously injured by Kunlun Feiluo Yuanjun, even if he recovered from the injury, his cultivation would also be damaged.Seeing that Su Ruo has just formed a pill today, she must show her sharpness, so she uttered evil words.

Su Ruo smiled, like spring flowers blooming, she held down the furious Bai Qi, raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you trying to fight?"

Zhao Qianru has been able to hold the alchemy for longer and has a fairy weapon in her hand, so she is sure to win against Su Ruo.Especially in front of Bai Qi, defeating Su Ruo is so satisfying.

She proudly raised her head and calmly responded, "Okay!"

Bai Qi was so angry at Zhao Qianru's words that he wanted to kill her, but was stopped by Su Ruo.Seeing Su Ruo's words to invite a fight, the anger in his heart gradually dissipated, and his tenderness could not be concealed when he looked into Su Ruo's eyes.That's great, Ah Ruo is still the same Ah Ruo, never changed.

As for who will win and who loses between the two, Bai Qi said that Zhao Qianru is like this, and three more are not enough to beat his junior sister.

Since it is necessary to fight, it is natural to get off the flying cloud boat.In Hanyun City, there is a fighting platform dedicated to martial arts, which is located in Nancheng, not far from the parking place of Feiyunzhou.

Su Ruo didn't know the few monks who were with Zhao Qianru, and they were also disciples of Tianyin Valley from their clothes.She didn't say much, she held hands with Bai Qi, turned around and walked to the fighting platform.

A person from Tianyin Valley frowned, walked up to Zhao Qianru, and reminded softly: "Senior Sister, I think this girl's sword intent is fierce, you'd better be careful."

Zhao Qianru's beautiful eyes were full of affection, she fell on the man's face like jade, she smiled, and her voice was soft and affectionate: "Thank you for reminding me, Junior Brother Yang, I will be careful."

The man's jade-like skin was dyed red, and he hurriedly took two steps back, his eyes unconsciously looked behind Zhao Qianru, and he said repeatedly: "We are all from the same school, senior sister, you are welcome."

"No, thank you." Zhao Qianru smiled more and more softly, walking side by side with him, very intimate.She didn't see it at all, but the girl in scarlet clothes behind her had red eyes and silently lowered her head.

(End of this chapter)

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