Chapter 105

Qingxia Yuanjun pulled his daughter to sit down, nodded her forehead, and sighed: "Aren't you very shrewd outside, why are you so stupid when you come back?"

Lan Ling grinned and posted, "What do you have to do shrewdly in front of your mother."

"You!" Qingxia Yuanjun smoothed his daughter's hair, looked at her appearance, finally put Yan Zishen down, and she also settled down in her heart. "Zhang Lanlan didn't come back alive alone, there are others in the same company who also came back, and I know that they really fell when they encountered a monster."


Qingxia Yuanjun patted his daughter, "Since the cleaning, these people have been hiding more secretly and acting more cautiously. I tell you about this today to ask you to be more careful." The matter of her daughter entering the secret cabinet, apart from No one in West Kunlun knows about their husband and wife.Moreover, when the members of the dark cabinet meet, they will not reveal their true colors. They have their own way of tracking people, and it is safe to leave this matter in the hands of their daughter.

"I know what to do." Lan Ling nodded, chatted with Qingxia Yuanjun for a while, then got up and left.

Qiyu Zhenjun came out from the back hall, looked at his wife and said with a smile: "You never forget to train Ah Ling."

Qingxia Yuanjun smiled faintly, "Ah Ling has to walk alone, we parents can still protect her for the rest of our lives."

Zhenjun Qiyu sat down beside Qingxia Yuanjun, was silent for a long while, and then asked, "Aling, how is she...?"

Qingxia Yuanjun glanced at him with a smile, "Are you asking if she still thinks about Yan Zishen?"

"..." Seven Languages ​​True Monarch coughed lightly, but did not speak.

"I think she seems to have let go, and she laughed a lot during this time, and she is no longer the gloomy and reticent look she used to be all day long."

"That's good."

Qingxia Yuanjun glanced at him with a half-smile, "You don't think I'm distracting A Ling by asking Zhang Lanlan to look at her? But, you're right to think so."


Parents in this world always have endless worries for their children. Chu Yao received a letter from her younger sister, saying that Ah Ruo had already formed the alchemy and would come out of the mountain soon.She was really surprised and delighted, with her cultivation base, she couldn't hold back and shed a few tears.

Even Su Wenche, who has always been mature and prudent, took a long time to calm down his excitement, "Ma'am, Ah Ruo is safe, it's a good thing to improve your cultivation, you should be happy."

Chu Yao wiped away her tears, "That's right, this girl is frightening to death. When she comes back, she must be taught a good lesson."

"Hey, I can't blame her for this." Su Wenche protects his daughter, "Who would have thought that Fei Luo would actually..." The words stopped here, Fei Luo is dead, and everything is in the past, so it's not easy to talk about it .

"Just protect her." Chu Yao gave her husband an angry look, "By the way, this time the century-old competition, do you want Zimu to lead the team?"

"Yes, he's getting married too, and some things in the family should be picked up." Su Wenche said with a smile. He was very satisfied with his eldest son and the daughter-in-law he picked. If Su Ruo hadn't disappeared, their double cultivation ceremony would have ended soon It should be held. "When the Hundred Years Competition is over, marry Zimu."

"Well, everything is almost ready, but the post has to be posted in advance." Chu Yao also looks forward to her son getting married. The family of cultivating immortals is no different from other sects, and the inheritance of children is still very important. "By the way, Ah Ruo will go to the century-old competition, right?" Chu Yao frowned thinking of her little daughter, "You have heard those rumors, Ah Ruo heard..."

Su Wenche didn't take it seriously at all, "Your daughter, you don't know that besides practicing swords and fighting, there is nothing else that can win her heart." He rubbed his chin and added: "Well , if you want to add Ah Qi."

"..." Chu Yao glared at him, "It was you who taught A Ruo to be bad." A girl from that family wants to fight when she has nothing to do.

"Uh..." Su Wenche got up and walked out, "I just remembered that I have something to tell Zimu." After speaking, he quickly slipped out.When he walked outside the door, he even wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and muttered softly: "Aruo's nature is like this, how can I teach you!"

Dozens of silver needles shot out from the room, and Chu Yao's extremely gentle voice came: "Who is it that picks out disciples from all schools after getting married, who is holding his daughter to show off his past deeds every day, who is still I will disguise myself and go out to fight..."

Su Wenche froze, and quickly dodged the silver needle, and a dodger was outside the gate. He didn't look at the faces of the maids who were holding back their laughter, and tried hard to look for his son with a straight face.

"Hey, wait..." Thinking of her daughter's marriage, Chu Yao called out to her husband, who would have long since disappeared.Chu Yao shook her head helplessly, and said to the maid on the side: "Go and invite the second young lady." Yes, the peony flower demon Yao Huang has been approved by the entire Su family, and even changed her name.

Although Chu Yao was still a little unwilling to think about it, after being scolded by her sister, she accepted the reality and tried her best to correct her attitude towards Yao Huang.

After a while, Yao Huang, who was becoming more and more charming and charming, came in. When he came in, he saluted Chu Yao first, and said softly: "Aniang, you are looking for me."

Chu Yao smiled gently, pointed to her side and said, "Come and sit."

Yao Huang's eyes lit up, and he sat beside Chu Yao excitedly, "Yao Huang, you must have heard that Ah Ruo has come out."

"Yeah." In the entire Su family, apart from Su Zimu, Yao Huang's favorite person is Su Ruo. Su Ruo's whereabouts were unknown that day, and she cried for several days. "When will Ah Ruo come home?"

"The Hundred Years Competition is about to begin. Ah Ruo will definitely represent Kunlun in the battle. After the Hundred Years Competition is over and when Zimu gets married, she will come back." Chu Yao looked at Yao Huang beside her, and stretched out her hand to shake it. Confused her, "For so many years, we have seen all kinds of things between you and Ziqian. It's just that you are a demon cultivator..."

Upon hearing these words, Yao Huang's face turned pale, she pursed her lips, said nothing, and lowered her bright eyes.

Seeing that she was haggard like rain, Chu Yao felt sore, and said with a smile: "Where did you think you were, I mean, Ah Ruo has returned, and the marriage of the three of them should be done. It's just that Compared with Zimu and A Ruo, your marriage with Ziqian will be much simpler. The Su family has the Su family's last resort, and it is also for your safety. After Zimu gets married, A Ruo will be at home to arrange your marriage with Ziqian Let’s do it together too.”

Yao Huang suddenly raised his head, looked at Chu Yao in surprise, and said with a choked voice, "Aniang, thank you, as long as I can be with Ziqian, anything is fine."

"Okay, let's tell the outside world that your marriage with Ziqian will be held in Shiwaishuhai. Anyway, Ziqian entered Shiwaishuhai early in the morning to practice with his grandfather, so he can be regarded as a disciple of Shiwaishuhai." Chu Yao solved the second son's problem. Thinking of her little daughter who left home since she was a child, her marriage cannot be held in Kunlun, and she must go home.If it was placed in Kunlun, she could have imagined that it would be just to invite the parents of the two families to gather in Kunlun, and then swear an oath in public, pay homage to their parents and master, and then the ceremony will be completed.At most, elders of Kunlun, colleagues and so on will send some gifts!Nima, she is such a daughter, that can make her marriage so simple.

Bai Qi is also discussing with Master Yunxiao that the double cultivation ceremony between him and Su Ruo should be held.

Yun Xiao squinted his eyes, took a sip of the gourd from time to time, and smiled after listening to Bai Qi's words: "You two have completed the golden core, and it is indeed time to hold a double cultivation Daqu, or the lonely yin will not be born, and the lonely yang It’s not long, it’s a hindrance to your cultivation.”

Master Yunxiao agreed, Bai Qi heaved a sigh of relief, and suddenly thought of Su Ruo's depression when she talked about this issue, and what she explained when she asked Xinya.He moved his body, struggled for a long time, and then said: "Master, can the double cultivation ceremony be held in Kunlun? It's better to keep everything simple." As for those who are cultivators, they don't care much about these secular etiquettes.It happened that both of them came from the top immortal cultivating families in the Eastern Pole, and they were both masters of the Excalibur. The ceremony of dual cultivation was too simple, and the families refused to agree.

Master Yunxiao glared at him, "You just listen to A Ruo, that old monster of your two families is more difficult than the other, and wants to kill your master!"

"This..." Bai Qi rubbed his hands, "The elders of the clan have been indifferent for a long time, and the Su family is the same. They are all meditating in the secret place of the family. The fact that our juniors get married can't alarm them." .”

"Hmph..." Master Yunxiao snorted, it was impossible to even think about it with his toes.It's not that the divine swords of the Bai and Su families have not worshiped in Kunlun. The double cultivation ceremony was held in the Zongmen?What's more, this time it's two swords at the same time, it's no wonder that the two of them can be spared.He squinted at Bai Qi, and said threateningly: "After the Hundred Years Competition is over, you two will go back to your respective homes honestly, waiting to get married, don't cause trouble for me! Otherwise, I will beat you two to death A little brat."

"Eldest brother and elder sister are held in Kunlun. Uncle Danhua can persuade people from the Yan family, so can you. Master, you are one of the three chief seats in Kunlun, and you have always been known as Kunlun No.1. , what can trouble you!" Bai Qi praised his master so much for the first time, causing Master Yunxiao to turn over and sit up, staring at him dead-eyed.

Bai Qi felt uncomfortable, moved his body again, subconsciously looked at his clothes and sitting posture, and saw that there was nothing wrong with it, so he bullied Ai Ai and said, "Master, master, what do you think I am doing like this? "

"Stop pretending to be an iceberg?" Master Yunxiao teased his apprentice.

Bai Qi chuckled, a little silly, since Su Ruo came back, his smile has been like this.

"Damn, don't pretend to be an iceberg, and don't be like A Ruo, can you do it!" Zhenjun Yunxiao raised his eyes, pointing at him with hatred: "This is not your daughter-in-law, you are so obedient, wait If you are married, you still have to confess her every day!"

Bai Qi lowered his head, and said honestly, "I don't listen to Ah Ruo, the first one to beat me up is Master."

Yun Xiao: "..." This is really true!

(End of this chapter)

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