Chapter 106
The combination of Su Ruo and Bai Qi's swords is successful, and it's time to start.In front of the spacious mountain gate of Kunlun, a huge flying cloud boat was parked, and the master Xuanyi Zhenjun was giving a lecture to the disciples who were about to set off.Yun Xiao was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, and had already boarded the Feiyun Boat one step earlier, and Zhenjun Danhua stood beside the head Xuanyi with a good temper, listening with a smile.

Su Ruo leaned on Bai Qi's body, bowed her head to play with her handprints, covered her lips and yawned from time to time, looking at Zhenjun Xuan Yi who couldn't stop above, she pulled Bai Qi's sleeve with a bitter face, and muttered in a low voice : "Brother, how long will Senior Uncle Xuan Yi be nagging!"

Bai Qi squeezed her little hand reassuringly, "This is my uncle's hobby, it only happens once every 100 years, let him talk about it for a while."

"At the next hundred-year competition, I will never stand here foolishly, and I must go up ahead of time with the master." Su Ruo suddenly sighed: "Suddenly found that compared with Master Xuanyi at that time, our master It's not bad. Violence is a little bit violent, but there are not many words."

The head of Xuanyi glared at Bai Qi and Su Ruo, who had deserted, with resentment. These two little bastards can't keep their words in their hearts, so they must speak out!When you think your voice is low, others can't hear you!
Zhenjun Danhua's smiling eyes also fell on Su Ruo, with a faint sense of relief, it's really rare that this girl has suffered such a catastrophe, but her heart has not changed.

Ji Xiao, who was standing beside Su Ruo, looked at her and smiled, but Yan Zishen shook his head, "Ah Ruo, Uncle Xuanyi is the head of Kunlun, so please respect him."

Su Ruo stood at attention, and looked at him begging for mercy, "Brother, I know I was wrong, and I will apologize to my uncle in a while." So, after a while on the boat, don't scold me anymore.

Bai Qi hugged her back with a smile, his deep eyes met Yan Zishen's, and he smiled shallowly, with a soft and clear tone, "Eldest brother, Ah Ruoshang is a child at heart, so please take care of me." He said so, Out of the corner of his eye, he landed on a young man in a blue robe beside him.

That person's temperament is similar to that of Bai Qi's, with the same face like a crown jade, and the same gentleness and elegance. If there is any difference, it is that the blue-robed boy has a little more laziness, which makes him look a little lazy and slender. His long eyes are half-closed, as if he can fall asleep all the time.

At this moment, after hearing Bai Qi's words, he suddenly blinked mischievously at Su Ruo who was looking at him, and said very briskly: "I also think my master is too wordy, you only listen to it once in 100 years, pity me Be read by him all the time." After speaking, she made a bitter face, her eyes and nose almost wrinkled together.

"Heh..." Su Ruo could not help but chuckle lightly when she heard what he said was interesting, she had a very strange expression on her face, and she looked curiously at this senior who only knew his name before seeing him, "Senior Nangong, do you like sleeping very much?" ?”

Nangong Liu tried her best to widen her long eyes, and asked, "Isn't sleeping the happiest thing in life?"

"For my master, maybe, I think drinking and fighting are better than sleeping." Su Ruo answered honestly.

Nangong Liu shook her head, "Girls, you should be gentle to be lovable."

Su Ruo said: "It's enough for me to have a brother who likes it. Whether others like it or not is none of my business."

"..." Nangong Liu was silent for a while, then smiled casually, and nodded in agreement: "Little junior sister is right, it is enough to have one person who likes her wholeheartedly, and the rest are superfluous. But..." He suddenly showed a smirk, "As far as I know, there are many people who like junior sisters. For example, Uncle Yun, my master, Senior Brother, Senior Sister Ji... Are these none of your business?"

Su Ruo widened her eyes, "How could this be the same?"

Nangong Liu also widened her eyes, and deliberately asked: "Why is it different, I like you!"

"I can marry a senior brother, but is it possible that I can also marry a master, a senior uncle, a senior senior brother, and a senior senior sister?"

"..." Nangong Liu scratched her hair, "Pretend I didn't say anything."

"Sure enough, it's Master Xuanyi's apprentice, he really looks like him." Su Ruo muttered, ignoring Nangong Liu's wry smile.

"Brother Nangong, Ah Ruo is straightforward, if you say something that makes you unhappy, don't take it to heart." Bai Qi cupped his hands at Nangong Liu.

Nangong Liu also returned the gift, and said with a lazy smile, "No, no, little junior sister is very cute."

Bai Qi was not very familiar with Nangong Liu, but had met once when he entered Kunlun that day.Later, he was directly brought by Master Yunxiao to try the sword peak in North Kunlun, and parted ways with the disciples who entered the mountain gate at the same time.I heard that Nangong Liu only stayed in the outer sect for three months before he was accepted as a direct disciple by Zhenjun Xuanyi and brought back to Yaotai Palace to teach him personally. He practiced mostly in East Kunlun on weekdays and did not appear before the Kunlun disciples.

Anyway, apart from knowing that he is the apprentice of the head of Xuan Yi, few people know what he looks like.

But Bai Qi and Yan Zishen understood a little better. Nangong Liu was the head of the Seven Stars of the Dark Pavilion, and it was normal for the future master of the Dark Pavilion to have no interaction with them.It's just that, he appeared in front of everyone openly and aboveboard, which made several people doubt.You must know that the owner of the dark pavilion cannot show up before taking over the dark pavilion.

Nangong Liu knew the doubts in their hearts, so she just smiled and did not explain.This is something inside their secret cabinet, it's better for them to know less about it.

Zhenjun Xuanyi finally finished his lecture before Zhenjun Danhua ran out of patience.

Zhenjun Danhua said lightly: "Get on the boat." He stretched out his robe sleeves, and he was already flying on the boat, and Zhenjun Xuanyi, who was standing beside him, rubbed the boat with his hands when he turned to leave. chest, muttered: "The attack is really ruthless."

Mr. Miao Yiyuan glanced at him with a half-smile, "You found it yourself." After speaking, he also left.

Along the way, apart from practicing, it was just chatting, not much to do.The friendship between Su Ruo and Nangong Liu is gradually increasing, she said more than once in the afternoon, "Brother Nangong, let's fight."

Under Bai Qi's deep gaze, Nangong Liu touched his nose and smiled wryly, "Senior brother can't beat you."

"You are lying! You have never fought before, how do you know you can't fight!" Su Ruo was very dissatisfied.

Nangong Liu couldn't be bothered by her, and met Bai Qi's eyes, "Bai Er, don't you care about her."

Bai Qi said calmly, "Ah Ruo has always been in charge of me."

"..." Nangong Liu felt that he was about to be vomited blood by the pair of senior brothers and sisters. He slammed the table violently and said ruthlessly, "Okay, hit it, don't cry if you lose!"

Su Ruo's eyes lit up, and she got up excitedly: "I won't cry."

Because the space on Yunzhou is limited and there are Kunlun disciples everywhere, there is not much room for the two of them to use.Su Ruo drew a circle on the ground, stating that whoever is forced out of the circle first will lose.

"Okay." Nangong Liu nodded.

As soon as the two of them got into position, Master Yunxiao walked over with a sullen face, "What are you two doing?"

Nangong Liu saw Zhenjun Yunxiao's expression for the first time, and felt quite stressed, so he hurriedly saluted, "Uncle Yun."

Su Ruo jumped to Yun Xiao's side with bright eyes, ignored his ugly face, and said happily, "We're going to fight."

Master Yunxiao poked her forehead in hatred, "You can't be honest for a while!"

Su Ruo hid behind Bai Qi, "Don't fight itchy hands!"

"I think your skin is itchy!" Master Yunxiao glared at her, and warned: "Be honest with me, don't fight privately, otherwise..."

"Otherwise you'll beat me up, won't you?" Su Ruo's eyes were full of expectation, she really wanted to fight with the master again, even if she was beaten by him.

Master Yunxiao smiled faintly, "You are so beautiful, if you are dishonest, I will ban your cultivation, and let Fei Yunzhou take you back to Kunlun, and you will not be allowed to fight."

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Master!" Su Ruo pointed at Immortal Master Yunxiao and stomped his feet in refusal.

"Hmph..." Master Yunxiao turned around, leaving Su Ruo with a chic back again.Let you always say, I am not as good as your Uncle Danhua!

"Master, this is revenge!" Su Ruo chased after him, thinking nonstop.

True Monarch Yunxiao didn't bother to maintain his image as the chief seat, he had been disliked enough during this time.He said maliciously: "You are right."

"How can you do this!" Su Ruo screamed twice, the Kunlun disciples in the boat are full of good candidates for fighting, but if she is not allowed to do it, it will suffocate people!
Thrown down by Su Ruo and Yun Xiao to Nangong Liu, she was stunned, and it took a long time to shout at Bai Qi who had already gone: "Is this the end?"

Bai Qi turned around and smiled, "Why, senior brother Nangong wants to fight?" He tilted his head and thought for a while, then walked back Shi Shiran, smiling elegantly, "I can sacrifice a little time to accompany senior brother through the next trick. "

Nangong Liu saw the same green light as Su Ruo's in Bai Qi's eyes, he covered his face and moaned, "Why didn't you make a sound just now."

"If Ah Ruo likes it, of course we have to let her do it first." Bai Qiqian sword was already in his hand, and with a strong fighting spirit, he sipped lightly: "Senior brother, please."

Nangong Liu said: "Is it okay if I don't fight?"

"No, it was my brother who asked me to come back." Bai Qi was very serious.

"I'm just asking, asking..." Nangong Liu dodged to avoid Bai Qi's sword.

Bai Qi's eyes brightened, "You have delayed me for a long time, of course you have to fight to pay me." I chop, I chop, I stab, one move after another, and Nangong Liu will not regret it at all. time.

Nangong Liu was really crushed by this pair of senior brothers and sisters, took out a big knife, and seriously fought against Bai Qi.

Yan Zishen and Wen Yan who stood far away subconsciously let out a sigh of relief, and said in unison: "There is also Nangong Liu who caught Bai Er's eyes, or I am the one who is being beaten now."

"Hey, you are out of the circle, you can stop." Nangong Liu took a breath, pointed at Bai Qi's foothold and shouted.

Bai Qi stabbed nine swords again, and said indifferently: "That is the rule set by you and Ah Ruo, not by me!"

"Ah, how can you be such a rascal!"

"It's not easy to fight, of course you have to fight to your heart's content." With Su Ruo at the front, she basically beat all opponents, Bai Qi managed to catch an opponent with great difficulty, of course we can't waste it, let's do it for Nangong Liu 3 minutes of silence.

(End of this chapter)

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