Chapter 107
They fought and made noise along the way, but it was very peaceful, and soon they arrived at the largest city of cultivation in the East Pole—Yunxian City.

Yunxian City is located in the center of the entire East Pole. Outside the city is the Lianyun Mountains with the largest number of Lingshi mines. All sects and factions have their own bases here, and the centennial competition is also held here.

There is no city lord's mansion in Yunxian City, and the elders have always been composed of three people from Dongji Taoist, Demon, Ghost, and Demon sects, who are in charge of the affairs of Yunxian City and the preparations for the Hundred Years Competition.At that time, in the Presbyterian Church in Yunxian City, the largest number of people were not the disciples of various sects, but casual cultivators.

The headquarters of the Sanxiu Alliance is in Lianyun Mountain outside the city. They have developed here for thousands of years, and their roots are extremely deep.

Kunlun's Feiyun boat stopped at Kunlun's station, and after the group got off the boat, Zhenjun Danhua said: "There is still half a month before the Centennial Competition, there are mixed fish and dragons in the city, you should be more careful in your actions. "

"Yes, I would like to respect the order of the chief seat." All the disciples respectfully saluted, and after Zhenjun Danhua and Zhenjun Yunxiao left, they also dispersed.

In this century-old contest, 170 nine people came from Kunlun. Fortunately, the residence is huge, and Su Ruo was even allocated a small courtyard with its own gate.

Speechless all night, when Su Ruo and Bai Qi woke up the next morning after their routine sword practice, they planned to go out for a walk.They haven't been to Yunxian City yet.

Yan Zishen was a little worried, he had heard a lot of those rumors before, no one in Kunlun dared to say it, it doesn't mean that people from other sects dared not say it, if Su Ruo heard about it, it would be a minor incident, if the attack was too severe , Hurt others, I am afraid that the master and uncle will not be able to explain to the elders in the city, and may even permanently deprive Su Ruo of the qualification to participate in the war.

This kind of thing has not happened before, and one or several people were seriously injured, and the most powerful person in that world was dragged into the water.Well, Master Uncle Yunxiao was calculated like this back then.

"Bai Er, you know everything about Uncle Yun, right?" Yan Zishen thought about it, but he still had to remind the two of them, lest when they saw someone provoking and felt that there was a fight, they would get excited and put themselves in it .

Bai Qi was confused for a moment, "What's the matter with the master?" What made the elder brother show such a serious expression?

"Hey, it's about the fact that my uncle wrongly injured a disciple of the Promise Sect and was disqualified from participating in the war." Yan Zishen gritted his teeth and said everything.

"Oh, both A Ruo and I know." Not only are they clear, but they also know that this is one of the few things their master is most proud of in his life.

Yan Zishen coughed lightly, "It's good to know, my uncle was plotted against by others back then. You can go out for a while, but you have to control your temper, especially Bai Er's." Usually Bai Qi has a good temper, But you can't hook up with Su Ruo, otherwise it will be doubled by thousands.

Su Ruo corrected: "Brother has the best temper."

Bai Qi smiled and stroked her hair, "Don't worry, brother." They tried their best to control it, but if they couldn't control it, there was nothing they could do.You can't fight back when you hit, or fight back when you scold.Besides, even if the qualification is disqualified, it would be good to come back to seek the elders' bad luck when the cultivation base is high in the future.Just like what their master had done, half of Yunxian City was demolished.

Yan Zishen really wanted to say that he was not worried at all, so Ji Xiao gave him a hand, "If someone is presumptuous, he should be beaten up, and we must swallow it? Even if we don't participate in the Hundred Years Competition, who can say that we are not as good as you?" Who?"

"Okay, you guys go quickly." Ji Xiao waved his hands, "If you meet someone who is short-sighted, hit him if you need to, don't think too much."

"" Yan Zishen never got tough with Ji Xiao.

Ji Xiao raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, "How about me."

"It's nothing, nothing." He said very spinelessly, "Let's go out for a walk too." Unlike Bai Qi and Su Ruo, he, Ji Xiao, Wen Yan, and Sang Qiao have all been to Yunxian City, and not just once , still staying here for a long time, it can be said that he is very familiar with it.

Ji Xiao turned around and walked into his room, and said two words neatly: "No."

Yan Zishen watched her straighten her spine, sighed and persuaded: "Xiaoxiao, your alchemy skills are already very good, so you don't need to be so tense."

Ji Xiao paused and didn't turn his head, "My alchemy rate is much lower than that of Martial Nephew Su, there are even those in Kunlun who can beat me, not to mention the entire Dongji monks gathered together. She clenched her fists tightly and said in a low voice: "Zi Shen, I don't want to weaken the name of the master. Even if I don't take the first place, I still have to do my best to be the best."

"Oh, okay, I'll accompany you." Yan Zishen knew how strong Ji Xiao's self-esteem was, so he didn't say much anymore, and silently accompanied her into the alchemy room, starting from getting familiar with the flame, then getting familiar with the alchemy furnace, and testing the properties of the medicine , do it step by step carefully.

Like Ji Xiao, Sang Qiao and Wen Yan were also doing the final penance in the room.They did not study too advanced or exquisite things, but practiced the basics over and over again, and the strength was perfect every time.

Only Su Ruo and Bai Qi, as long as they go up to fight, wander around in Yunxian City with nothing to do every day, leaving early in the morning and returning late at night, it's not easy to play.

Yun Xiao knew it too, so he didn't care about them, and let them run around the city.

Zhenjun Danhua also persuaded him in private, let him restrain Bai Qi and Su Ruo, just meditate more, don't go out and wander around, the two of them have offended many people, don't be calculated by others.

Master Yunxiao said nonchalantly: "No matter how bad it is, it will be the same as I was back then. What's the matter? When the time comes, the cultivation base will be high, and then it will be revenge."

He half-closed his eyes and leaned on the cloud bed, "No matter how good those prizes are, the two little ones won't be needed, and they may not be attractive to them. They're just here for fun, why not? Just be happy .”

Zhenjun Danhua was so angry that he almost cursed, "Just pamper them."

"I'm just two apprentices, I don't spoil anyone."

"...I'm too lazy to talk to you." Zhenjun Danhua left in a huff.

Yun Xiao muttered: "I'm finally gone, I can sleep well." Saying this, he turned over and fell into a dream.

For Su Ruo and Bai Qi, nothing they worry about is a problem. She likes to drill into alleys and find small shops hidden deep in the alleys, and she is not very interested in those on the bright side.Besides, taverns and teahouses are not necessary places to go, they don't even need to eat Bigu Dan now, let alone refreshments and meals.

"Guan Zizai." Su Ruo stood in front of a small shop, looked up at the plaque hanging on the door, she pulled Bai Qi and said with a smile: "The name is comfortable, and the characters are also comfortable, let's go in and have a look, senior brother." .”

"Okay." Bai Qi agreed, and led Su Ruo into the small shop.

Unexpectedly, the small shop with an inconspicuous appearance has an unusually exquisite interior layout, especially all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, not only spirits, but also several kinds, which neither of them knew.

Su Ruo regained her energy, pulled Bai Qi to stop in front of a green grass like jade, lowered her head and looked carefully, "Brother, do you know this?"

Bai Qi looked at it for a long time, then shook his head, "I've never seen it before."

"This is PY Grass, from Langhuan Immortal Mansion." An extremely magnetic but indisputable voice sounded behind the two of them.

Su Ruo turned her head, but when she entered the shop, at the table on the left, there was the boy who poured himself a drink.He had already stood up facing them at this moment, leaning against the wall, holding the wine glass in his hand, and raised his hands and feet in an indescribably chic way.

"This sister, you've been taught." Su Ruo smiled. She felt very good about this girl who disguised herself as a man but didn't show her girlishness.

The boy's eyes widened, as if he was extremely surprised, he pointed at himself, "You, you, how do you know my sister?" She didn't deny it.

Su Ruo blinked and swallowed two words: "Intuition."

"Hee hee hee, Ah Li, I would like to bet and admit defeat." Silver-like laughter rang out, and a light blue figure came out from behind the store, walked up to Ah Li, stretched out his snow-white jade hand, and said crisply: "Bring it."

A Li reluctantly untied a beautifully embroidered purse from her waist, and put it into the visitor's hand sadly, but she couldn't bear to let go of her fingers for a long time, and she begged softly: "Sanyu, you can change it." Okay, Junior Sister Ling specially made this for me."

The woman who was called a trilingual shook her head, snatched the purse with her hands, hung it back around her waist, then patted her skirt, and said with great satisfaction: "That's right, Ling'er's craftsmanship is really good."

Ah Li was almost about to cry, seeing that Sanyu didn't intend to return the purse to her, he sat down angrily and sat back in his seat, no longer needed the wine glass, and just grabbed the bottle to drink.

Sanyu ignored her, and after appreciating the purse at his waist, he turned to face Su Ruo and Bai Qi, and said with a gentle smile, "You two, what do you want to use?"

Su Ruo pointed to Ah Li, "It's the same wine as her."

Sanyu bowed slightly, turned and left.

Ah Li was so angry that he patted the table, and suddenly rushed to a corner, where a girl in gray clothes was sitting, thin and small, with an extremely ordinary appearance, but when he looked closely, his eyes were as deep as the night sky, like a sky full of stars. In those long and narrow eyes.

"Liar Amo, didn't you say that I had a bloody disaster today? How come I'm still fine now." Standing in front of the thin girl, Ah Li asked angrily.

The girl in gray was drinking tea, her hands were carved like jade, extremely crystal clear and beautiful.She didn't lift her eyelids, she just pretended she didn't see the angry Ah Li.

Ah Li sat sideways beside her and sat down. His hands were like lightning, and he snatched the teacup from the girl in gray clothes. He puffed his cheeks and said, "I don't care. You miscalculated. You need to get the purse for me just now." return."

A Mo finally glanced at her, and then his eyes fell on A Li's hand.

Ah Li roguely smiled: "It doesn't matter, if you make a mistake, you will have to pay!"

A Mo's speed was also very fast, she grabbed Ah Li's hand with one hand, and with a flash of silver light in the other hand, she pricked all five of her fingers, and blood beads came out all of a sudden, she said, The voice was a little hoarse: "It's bleeding now."


(End of this chapter)

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