The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 108 Goodbye Zhang Qi

Chapter 108 Goodbye Zhang Qi
Su Ruo's eyes followed Ah Li for a moment, and seeing her dumbfounded, she couldn't help giggling.

Her smile was like a hundred flowers blooming, gorgeous and dazzling, Ah Li was about to get angry, but in a blink of an eye, his eyes fell on her face, he froze, and said foolishly: "It's so beautiful." Already fascinated, she came over, and her hand was about to touch Su Ruo's face.

Bai Qi felt displeased, even if she was a woman, she couldn't do anything casually.He hugged Su Ruo into his arms, and changed the table in the blink of an eye, his handsome face sank: "This fellow Taoist, please respect yourself."

"Ah, I'm not heavy." Ah Li looked at Su Ruo bewilderedly, and solemnly assured: "Beauty, I'm really not heavy."

Bai Qijun's face was livid, is this molesting A Ruo in front of him?

But his younger junior sister also replied solemnly: "I can see that you are tall and slender, so you won't be too heavy."

What is this scenario?Bai Qi's hand, which had already been let go, climbed onto Su Ruo's waist again, tightened it tightly, and forced a smile: "Ah Ruo, we've been out for a long time, it's time to go back."

Su Ruo nodded, "Yes, but I have to wait until I finish tasting the wine."

"That's right, our free wine here is definitely the first in Yunxian City. It's a specialty of Langhuan Immortal Mansion, and you can't drink it anywhere else." Ah Li jumped to Su Ruo's side and sat down. , hastily explained.Sitting closer, the more she looked at Su Ruo, the more delicate she became. She stretched out her hand involuntarily, and said obsessively, "It feels so smooth and tender."

Bai Qi's face could no longer be described as blue, it was as simple as the bottom of the pot, he hugged Su Ruo on his lap, gritted his teeth and said in a cold voice: "This fellow Taoist, talk as soon as you speak, Please don't do it casually."

"You are such a wordy man. If it weren't for the fact that you came in with the beauty's sister, I would have kicked you out!" A Li whispered to Su Ruowen with indescribable tenderness. Bai Qi immediately flooded the sky.Seeing her cold eyebrows, I didn't know that I thought Bai Qi had some deep hatred for her!

Before Bai Qi could speak, the three words had already flashed out, grabbed A Li to his side, pinched her deadly, and then smiled and said to Bai Qi: "I'm sorry, fellow daoist, my junior sister too I'm too naughty, I made you laugh. How about it, today's drink, I invite you."

Su Ruoqi was very interested in A Li at the time, and she could feel that A Li's love for her was definitely true, but it was different from Bai Qi's, as if he was looking at a beautiful flower.But how should I explain this to my brother?Said that Ah Li looked at him like a dog's tail grass?
A Li was suppressed by the three languages, and he looked at Bai Qi with extremely unkind eyes.

Bai Qi didn't like to argue with a woman, so he suppressed his anger and said, "No, it's fine for my junior sister to just settle down a bit."

"Definitely, I will take a good look at her." Sanyu smiled softly, holding Ah Li's hand but did not relax at all, and directly dragged her reluctantly into the backyard. After a while, Sanyu came out by himself, holding There is a tray with a jade bottle, two wine glasses, and two small dishes made of different flowers on it. "Please use it slowly."

Su Ruo raised her head to look at Sanyu, and said seriously, "Miss Ah Li is very interesting, I like her very much." So, don't punish her.

Sanyu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, "She is our Palace Master's sweetheart, no one dares to say it."

"Oh." Su Ruo calmed down and focused on the wine.Bai Qi was relieved to see that she was no longer circling around Ah Li, and poured her a glass of wine with the pot, "I heard that the free wine from Langhuan Immortal Mansion is the best in the world. The wine tastes sweet but not intoxicating. It's like entering a fairy mansion."

Su Ruo watched helplessly as Bai Qi filled it up for herself, then picked up the glass again, touched him with frowning eyes, and drank it impatiently.The sweet aroma of wine filled her mouth and nose, she squinted her eyes, and said softly, "Good wine."

Bai Qi stuffed a small red flower into her mouth, "Don't focus on drinking."

The gray-clothed girl from before suddenly turned her head to look at the door, and said indifferently: "Guest outside the door, I watched the sky last night, and you have a bloody disaster today, so you shouldn't go out."

Su Ruo just took a sip of wine into her mouth, smelled this sentence, almost didn't spit it out, coughed, Bai Qi caressed her back with one hand, soft spiritual power penetrated into her body, and said softly: "Be careful. "

Su Ruo finished coughing, opened her eyes wide, and looked towards the door, wondering who was about to suffer another bloody disaster.The gray-clothed girl Ah Mo and Ah Li's interaction just now is still in sight. Could it be that this person will also be stabbed by Ah Mo with a needle?

Surprisingly, both Bai Qi and Su Ruo recognized the person who came in. He was neither tall nor short, with an ordinary appearance, and a sunny smile. Everything was so strange and familiar. He had disappeared for decades Zhang Qi.

He was accompanied by four young girls, all of whom were in the age of cardamom, young and beautiful, Chunlan and Qiuju each had their own victories.

The woman in red has a hot temper, she put her hips on her hips and yelled coquettishly as soon as she entered the door: "Who is cursing our son, I don't want to live anymore!"

Zhang Qi was taken aback when he saw Bai Qi and Su Ruo, and then he opened the folding fan in his hand with a swipe, and smiled slightly, "Senior Brother Bai, Senior Sister Su!"

Bai Qi said coldly: "I don't dare to be a senior brother."

Su Ruo was even more direct, her beautiful eyes turned lightly, Leng Shuang saw it for the first time, and said contemptuously: "Scum, you don't deserve to call me Senior Sister!"

The red-clothed girl's face was livid, she pulled out the long sword behind her back fiercely, and said angrily, "Whoever insults the prince will die!"

Su Ruo raised her head and drank the wine in the glass comfortably. With a flick of her finger, the wine glass went straight to the face of the girl in red.With her attack, there was no wind at all, but there was a deep chill hidden in it.

The red-clothed girl took two steps back and swung her long sword to block it, but Zhang Qi grabbed her slender waist and brought her into her arms. He held the wine glass with three fingers and said with a smile, "Senior Sister Su, come with a maidservant!" ..." Before she could spit out the word "female", the wine glass in her hand shattered violently, and the shards flew across their faces, leaving bloodstains.

Su Ruo sneered and said, "This is just a small lesson."

Bai Qi put his hand on the table, stood up slowly, and pointed to the outside, "Please." Since you met a Kunlun traitor, of course you have to clean up the house.

Su Ruo didn't move, just drinking one cup after another until the pot of wine was finished, then Shi Shiran said: "Why, you dare not fight?"

Zhang Qi suffered a loss in Su Ruo's hands with a single gesture, which made his always smiling face sink, and he was a bit scary, and he pushed the maidservant in his arms, "Siqi, go and accompany Senior Sister Su." present."

The red-clothed girl's eyes turned red, and her voice was full of tears: "My lord, it's obviously her..." Before he finished speaking, Zhang Qi glanced at her, and the sternness in it made her tremble, and she didn't even dare to shed tears. , saddened and aggrieved, stepped forward and bowed down: "The servant girl is rude, please punish the fairy."

Su Ruo and Bai Qi retreated three feet away in an instant, and countless hair-thin needles shining blue were nailed to the place where the two of them were.

Su Ruo smiled faintly, "I haven't seen you for decades, your methods are getting more and more obscene!"

Zhang Qi wasn't annoyed either, he chuckled, "Senior Sister Su, I'm overwhelmed."

Siqi failed in one blow, and immediately retreated to Zhang Qi's side, annoyed: "Young master, I missed."

Zhang Qi caressed her pretty face, "It's not easy to plot against Senior Brother Bai and Senior Sister Su, it's normal for you to miss." He didn't go out, picked a table at random and sat down, and said loudly: "Come on pot!" Good wine!" Looking at the table between Su Ruo and Bai Qi again, he patted his forehead, expressing annoyance: "Look at my memory, bring two jugs of good wine to Senior Brother Bai and Senior Sister Su, for today's junior treat."

Su Ruoji didn't like his style, so he drew the Kun sword and stabbed straight at him.

She has worked hard in the secret room for decades, and her control over spiritual energy is really perfect. The sword energy hit Zhang Qi directly, but it didn't hurt the tables and chairs. Even the orchid pot next to Zhang Qi didn't even move its leaves. .

Zhang Qi has never been in vain in the past few decades, he turned his head casually, and took off the jade hairpin on the head of the pretty maid beside him.The jade hairpin was shattered, and several deep bloody gashes were drawn on the fingers.

The girl in gray sighed, "I told you a long time ago that you have a bloody disaster, so don't go out today, because you didn't listen to me." That tone seemed to mean that the elders would teach the younger ones.

Zhang Qi saw that the girl in gray had a plain face, so he was too lazy to take a second look, his eyes flashed sharply, and he winked at the girl in blue, "Shiqin, you go."

"Yes." Shiqin in blue is a woman with an extremely indifferent temperament. She stood up gracefully, and without making any gestures, she had already arrived at the girl in gray. The gray-clothed girl, Amo, stared into the eyes.

Su Ruo had swung a sword as early as the moment she struck.The girl in blue screamed, and all ten fingers fell to the ground, bleeding profusely from her stool, and her face turned pale.

The girl in gray raised her glass to Su Ruo and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Su Ruo also nodded, "No thanks."

"This woman's poisonous skills are all in these hands. It is considered lucky for girls in the world to be destroyed by you." Sanyu and A Li came out again at some time, leaning against the door, looking at the girl in blue, "she These hands have ruined the beauty of many flowery girls, today is their retribution."

The blue-clothed girl's background was exposed, and her eyes became even more resentful. She reluctantly put away the dropped fingers, returned to Zhang Qi's side, and said in a low voice, "Your maidservant is useless, please punish me."

With pity in Zhang Qi's eyes, "Heal your wounds first, no one can hurt you again with me." He turned his head to look at Sanyu and A Li, and said displeasedly: "This girl, who hasn't made a mistake yet?" What? As long as you change it, why bother to pursue it?"

Sanyu sneered: "You speak so lightly. If she admits her mistake, she can wipe out all the mistakes she made before? Do those girls who were disfigured and committed suicide deserve what they deserve?"

"I said that the sisters in the Fuzhong chased and killed this demon girl for several years, but they returned without success, but you took her away." Sanyu raised her fingers lightly, and her two sleeves suddenly became longer, rolling towards the blue-clothed girl Qin Qin. , "Demon girl, if you step into the store today, you will stay with your life."

(End of this chapter)

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