Chapter 122
Bai Qi didn't move at all, and let the man yell outside the door, but he didn't respond.Zhenjun Yunxiao has already left for five days, he and Su Ruo have been waiting for Zhenjun Yunxiao's flying sword to pass on the letter, and they will set off immediately.Su Ruo went out with Ah Li today, and it was also a farewell.If Su is not here, if a woman comes to the door, of course she will be turned away.

Ma Hui and Zhang Lanlan took Qi Qing and stood outside the door, calling for a stick of incense, but no one responded.Ma Hui asked uncertainly, "Master Bai isn't here, is he?"

Qi Qing squinted his eyes, suppressed the desire in his heart, and said with a coquettish smile: "Fellow Daoist Su is not here, and fellow Daoist Bai probably doesn't want to see us."

Ma Hui's face turned blue, no matter how ordinary she was, she was still a girl, how could she save face when she was rejected by a man she admired.Originally it was embarrassing in front of Qi Qing, but now she said it to her face, it was even more embarrassing to death.

Zhang Lanlan was about to die of anger, she had cooperated with Qi Qing once, and more or less figured out some of her temperament, this woman, when she fell in love with that man and couldn't ask for it, she was a lunatic.Last time, if she hadn't taken a fancy to an inner sect disciple of Mingxin Pavilion and insisted on drugging him, and was found out in the end, they wouldn't have to try to kill all the people in that team, and finally annoyed the sect Suspect.

"Uncle Bai should be practicing, let's not bother him." Zhang Lanlan smoothed things over with a smile.

Ma Hui also returned to normal, "Gently, since Master Bai is practicing, let's come back later."

Qi Qing pursed his lips and smiled, raised his hand to brush his hair like a cloud, swayed his waist lightly, took two steps forward, and raised his voice slightly: "Bai Daoyou, I am Qi Qing, a disciple of Mingxin Pavilion, and I am dedicated to Master Zhuge I am here to send you an invitation to fight. I would like to invite Fellow Daoist Bai to meet you face to face." The voice is sweet and moving, and the attitude is neither humble nor overbearing. If the spring in the eyes can be less, it will be more convincing.

Qi Qing has also studied Bai Qi's character, and knows that he is a gentle man on the surface, but he is also aggressive at the bottom, if he takes out Zhuge Rui's letter of challenge, he will definitely open the door.Qi Qing stood in front of Bai Qi's door with a confident smile.

Nangong Liu and Lan Ling who were hiding in the dark were almost dying of laughter. Does this woman really think everyone is as stupid as her?It would be nice if that kid Zhuge Rui didn't walk around seeing Bai Qi, and he could still rush to fight with Bai Qi?It's not like he's having a brain twitch, he's looking for abuse by himself.

However, after laughing, Nangong Liu was a little worried. If Bai Qi didn't open the door, some of the woman's moves would be useless, and they couldn't catch the disciples of Mingxin Pavilion for interrogation.He glanced at Lan Ling, and said silently, "Go out and get Bai Qi out."

Lan Ling rolled his eyes at him: why don't you go.

Nangong Liu: I'm not stupid. If you use him as bait, you will be beaten to death by him and that violent little girl.

Lan Ling: Thank you, I'm not stupid either.

Nangong Liu was a little dumbfounded: Then what should I do, Bai Qi will never take the initiative to come out, so wasted? ,

The smile on Qi Qingqiao's face who was waiting in front of Bai Qi's door couldn't hold back anymore, and madness appeared in her eyes: "Fellow Daoist Bai, don't you dare to accept the challenge letter from my uncle Mingxin Pavilion!"

Zhang Lanlan had nothing to do with Qi Qing, she moved her body impatiently, and saw a person out of the corner of her eye, her eyes widened in disbelief, and then she wanted to cover Qi Qing's mouth, but she couldn't.Looking at the beautiful girl standing quietly behind the three of them, her face was full of ashes.

"What challenge book, bring me to read." A crisp voice sounded behind them, Qi Qing was taken aback, and quickly turned around, at some point Su Ruo was standing behind them, looking at them with a smile in her phoenix eyes.

Qi Qing took a step back unconsciously, and said flatly: "The challenge letter is from Master Zhuge to Fellow Daoist Bai."

"Senior brother's is mine, there is no difference."

"Of course there is a difference?"

"You don't want to give it to me, do you?" Su Ruo was not annoyed, and jumped onto Feijian directly, "I'm going to find Zhuge Rui, if you want to fight, just come directly, and send me a challenge letter, it's not too much trouble!"

Your sister, what's the situation... not only Qi Qingmu, but also Nangong Liu and Lan Ling who were hiding.When did this girl come back?How much did you hear again?Have you noticed that the two of them are hiding here?Have you guessed their plan?Nangong Liu was really scratching his head, he suddenly realized that he shouldn't use Bai Qi as bait, he would really die.

"Junior Sister Lan, I'm going to change it now, can Junior Sister let me go?" Nangong Liu asked pitifully.

Lan Ling secretly rolled her eyes in her heart, and spit out two words: "No." Su Ruo is more belligerent than Bai Qi, so can she let go of such an honest reason to fight.

Qi Qing was so frightened by Su Ruo, her rationality came back, and she realized that she was in a very dangerous situation, so she wanted to run away immediately.

Zhang Lanlan was also very frightened, she didn't agree with Qi Qing's idea, this time, if one is not careful, both of them will fall into it.She forced a calm smile and said: "Since Uncle Su has gone to invite Fellow Daoist Zhuge, we probably won't need us anymore, why don't we go back first."

"Okay." Qi Qing nodded, and his steps were a little hasty.

After the three of them turned around and walked a few steps, the door opened without a sound. Bai Qi stood inside the door with his hands behind his back, dressed in white to win snow, and said indifferently: "Take out the challenge book."

Depend on!Qi Qing wanted to scold someone, but she called you just now, you pretended to be dead, now you have come out.But Mingxin Pavilion is not far from Kunlun, maybe Su Ruo will bring Zhuge Rui over in a while, if she wants to go crazy, she has to take care of her own life first.

Qi Qing didn't have any challenge letter at all, she just wanted to use this reason to enter the house, and took the opportunity to prescribe medicine to Bai Qi and Ma Hui, if she could take advantage of it, she would take advantage of it, if she couldn't, see It's good to see Su Ruo's sad and desperate face.

Thinking there, Bai Qi didn't pay attention to them at all, even if Su Ruo unexpectedly came back and didn't say anything, he went straight to Zhuge Rui, just when Qi Qing was about to retreat, okay, Bai Qi came out Come on, isn't this just a joke?Qi Qing squinted her eyes, she probably knew that her identity was being suspected.

Thinking about it this way, Qi Qingfan calmed down, raised her hand to caress her red lips, and smiled charmingly, a faint red cloud floated on her pink cheeks, her watery eyes were full of spring, and she stared closely at Bai Qi, her sweet and soft voice Even more confusing: "Brother Bai, my family has always admired you, so I pretended to have a letter of challenge from Master Zhuge, just to meet you and say a few words. I, I... I'm sorry..." Saying, She lowered her head shyly, rubbing the corners of her clothes lightly with white jade-like hands, looking extremely nervous.

Bai Qi looked at Nangong Liu and Lan Ling's hiding place indifferently, "Not coming out yet."

Nangong Liu appeared with a wry smile, "It seems that after I return to Kunlun, I really have to go to special training."

Bai Qi glanced at Zhang Lanlan and Qi Qing, and pointed lightly with one hand: "She is Ruan Ruan, her appearance has changed, but her smile is hard to change. As for her..." Zhang Lanlan: "You can figure it out."

Nangong Liu Daqi: "Why are you so sure?"

"Her smile just now, isn't that familiar to you!" Bai Qi said coldly, "I'm [-]% sure that I can do it. As for whether it's true or not, you can find out by searching the bracelet on her wrist."

Nangong Liu laughed and stepped forward, his moves were like lightning, and he still had the time to tease: "Is it someone who has a Taoist companion, who is familiar with female cultivators?"

Qi Qingna was willing to catch her with his hands up, and with a wave of both hands, the pink mist floated towards Nangong Liu, and the person also took the opportunity to sweep towards the wall.Nangong Liu smiled lazily, the flames flashing blue light passed by, and the light mist dispersed.Qi Qing was also pinned to the ground by Lan's four ice picks, unable to move, staring at them with a pair of watery eyes full of resentment.

Nangong Liu shook his head and sighed, "Junior Sister Lan, it's better for my daughter to be more gentle." How can one attack be more ruthless than the other, it makes us men feel ashamed.

"Hey, I caught it." Su Ruo's surprised voice sounded, "I thought you guys had to dawdle for a while." She jumped off the flying sword and circled around Qi Qing.

When Bai Qi saw Su Ruo, he smiled softly, "Ah Ruo, did you find brother Zhuge?"

"Well, no one is here." Su Ruo replied casually, but still focused on Qi Qing, "Is this Qi Qing a disciple of Mingxin Pavilion, do you want to tell Mingxin Pavilion?"

Bai Qi smiled slightly: "What is Qi Qing? This is Ruan Ruan, the witch who killed and escaped."

Nangong Liu also laughed, "That's right, she is Ruan Ruan, Qi Qing must have been killed by her too."

Su Ruo walked back without much interest, "It's fine to be whoever you say. By the way..." Su Ruo turned to look at Bai Qi, "I heard from A Li that the biggest sect on Kaiyang Continent is The Blood Shadow Cult, most of the women in this sect practice the technique of internal fascination, after practicing the technique of internal fascination, a red crescent moon will appear on their body, I don’t know if it’s true.”

Bai Qi was taken aback, "This is not very clear."

"You'll know if you look at it now." Su Ruo stepped in front of Zhang Lanlan and directly sealed her spiritual power. With a sword strike, her collar was split, and a red crescent moon suddenly disappeared in the middle of her chest. Appeared in front of everyone.

Zhang Lanlan's eyes were full of horror, Su Ruo smiled, "Sure enough, what Ah Li said is true."

Lan Ling asked curiously, "How would she know?"

Su Ruo frowned, "She refuses to say."

Three black lines appeared on Lan Ling's head, "Then how dare you believe it!"

Su Ruo said: "That's why I asked for proof."

Lan Ling's eyes were burning with anger: "What if it's not? What you did just now was to insult your fellow disciples!"

Su Ruo looked at Lan Ling very puzzled: "Didn't you arrest Ruan Ruan, didn't she just come to find Zhang Lanlan, there are suspicions and Ah Li's words, how could something go wrong?" She pouted, "I'm not an idiot, so I've figured it out before I do it. Besides..." She twisted Zhang Lanlan's finger, and there was a simple ring on her white finger. Su Ruo smiled coldly: "She has a ring on her body." The storage ring of the disciple of the Su family is here, how could I wrong her!"

Zhang Lanlan's eyes flicked to Ruan Ruan who was held by Nangong Liu, this ring was given to her by Ruan Ruan.

Ruan Ruan suddenly smiled coquettishly at Su Ruo, not caring about her crippled limbs, "Don't you want to know who that Su family disciple is? How did he end up?" After asking, she didn't know Su Ruo's reaction, He smiled proudly: "That idiot is called Su Ziyu, but I just met him by chance..."

Nangong Liu quickly sealed her mouth, and Ruan Ruan fell silent after half of what she said.

Su Ruo looked at Nangong Liu expressionlessly, without any emotion in her pitch-black eyes, "Senior Brother Nangong, let her finish."

Nangong Liu paused for a moment, but followed Su Ruo's words.

Ruan Ruan laughed presumptuously, "Do you still dare to listen? Hahaha..." After laughing wildly, her voice was extremely sweet, like a lover whispering in her ear: "We walked for a while, and he surrounded me He is so attentive. I thought he was so capable, he didn’t even pass the first stage of turning a corpse, he was so painful that he died, what a waste!”

Su Ruo passively listened to Ruan Ruan's words, Chang Shan's blood and tears were in front of her eyes, her dark eyes were full of storms, her fine white teeth clenched her lower lip unconsciously, her expression tensed, she stared at Ruan Ruan.Seeing her like this, Ruan Ruan smiled sweeter and sweeter, "Speaking of which, your eleventh brother is really good in bed, and I am very comfortable serving me. Even the elders in our teaching said that the taste is very good , no worse than women."

"Do you want to die happily?" Su Ruo suddenly smiled and asked, "Don't you just want to provoke me and let me kill you directly? I don't..." She turned to look at Nangong Liu, "Nangong Brother, don't mind if I vent my anger."

"Of course." Nangong Liu directly threw Ruan Ruan on the ground, and took two steps back.

Lan Ling frowned, and looked up, only to realize that Bai Qi had set up a defensive formation for the entire courtyard at some point, so that outsiders could not find out what was going on in the courtyard.

Ma Hui shrank to the side tightly, she was completely frightened, the best sister in the past was actually a traitor, and she even recruited a witch to live with her.Thinking that she went in and out with Ruan Ruan these few days, and volunteered to bring her to see Bai Qi, I really regret it.Then there is fear, whether she will be involved, whether she will be expelled from Kunlun... The more she thought about it, the more afraid she became, her body was so stiff that she couldn't even move, her eyes widened as she stared at the matter in front of her.

Lan Ling noticed her, sighed in her heart, walked over lightly, and patted her on the shoulder: "Just pretend you didn't see what happened today, and don't tell anyone if you ask."

"Yeah." Ma Hui nodded again and again, tears could no longer be held back, but she didn't dare to cry out loud, so she could only choke up and say, "Senior Sister Lan, I..."

"It's okay." After Lan Ling comforted her, her eyes once again fell on Su Ruo who was squatting next to Ruan Ruan. Seeing her holding a three-inch short blade, she said with a smile: "You must like yours very much. The face is right, but I don’t like it. Mingyue said that what I don’t like ruins the best, I thought her habit was bad, but today, I think her habit is very good.”

Looking at the blade as bright as autumn water and the unopened blade, Ruan Ruan finally couldn't help screaming in horror: "You, you, what are you going to do..."

"It's just to repay the means you used on my eleventh brother." After Su Ruo finished speaking, the cold blade was placed on Ruan Ruan's face, and her hand was a little bit harder.The blood flowed out slowly, and uneven wounds appeared on that beautiful face. Hearing the screams, watching her eyes from panic to despair to collapse, I suddenly felt extremely happy, "You I want to die faster, but I want you to be tortured and die, animals like you don't deserve human mercy, let alone live in this world."

Zhang Lanlan closed her eyes, Ruan Ruan's screams and cursing could be heard in her ears, her heart shrank into a ball, she didn't dare to look at Su Ruo's expression at this time.

"You know Ling Chi, maybe it can't compare to the pain of turning into a corpse, it won't hurt you to death, but it's not bad for you to taste it." Every time Su Ruo uttered a word, he slashed, and Ruan Ruan's face was completely scratched. 120 knives, long gone.

Su Ruo turned her head suddenly, and said with a sweet smile, "Senior Sister Lan, please make a water mirror and let her see if she is satisfied with her appearance."

Bai Qi closed his eyes, walked up to Su Ruo in a few steps, and hugged her: "Ah Ruo, cry if you want to, don't hold it in your heart."

"Even if I want to cry, I will wait until I shave her thousands of times before crying." Su Ruo's eyes are extremely clear, full of hatred, she never hides her emotions, love or hate, but never once Emotions are so intense.Bai Qi was very worried, fearing that if he didn't handle it well, Su Ruo would go into a rut due to his over-excited emotions.

He tightened his arms, and finally let her go. If torturing Ruan Ruan could reduce the hatred in her heart, he would let her do it.

Lan Ling had also stayed in the Dark Pavilion for a long time, and felt that her heart was as hard as iron, but the current admiration still shocked her, and then her hands and feet became weak. "Junior Junior Sister, don't let hatred blind your eyes."

Su Ruo turned her head and smiled, "Senior Sister Lan, I've always been sober."

I'm afraid you are sober!Lan Ling was extremely depressed, she turned her head to look at Nangong Liu, "Senior Brother Nangong!"

Nangong Liu's head was also as big as a bucket at this time, looking at Su Ruo's appearance, and then thinking of Chang Shan's bones being sent back and forth, she simply gritted her teeth, "As long as it doesn't make you die, it's frightening, let her go."

When Su Ruo heard this, she stopped, threw the dagger directly on the ground, cast a few dust-cleaning spells at will, removed the blood on her hands, and said in a low voice, "Senior Brother Nangong, go search your soul."

"Why, you are angry." Nangong Liugan said with a smile.

Su Ruo raised her head and glanced at him, making Nangong Liu feel cold, "She will go crazy after I vent my anger."

Nangong Liu glanced at Ruan Ruan, who couldn't even scream, and murmured to herself that she was already half-crazy now.

He stepped forward and used the soul search technique neatly, and got all the information in Ruan Ruan's brain. He couldn't help but see a murderous look in his eyes, and he squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "If I knew it earlier, I should let it go." Let's talk after the little junior sister has vented her anger."

When Lan Ling saw him like this, a very bad premonition flashed through her mind, and she asked in a heavy tone, "Why, what did you see?"

Nangong Liu took Ruan Ruan's life casually, walked to Zhang Lanlan's side, and also searched for her soul. After killing her, her expression eased slightly, "I can probably confirm the address of the sub-altar in Wenqu Mountain, report it immediately. Let Senior Uncle Danhua know, Junior Brother Bai and Junior Junior Sister, you should also make preparations, but tomorrow will be the latest, so you have to set off to meet Uncle Yun."

Lan Ling stepped forward to put away Ruan Ruan and Zhang Lanlan's corpses, "I have to tell my uncle and Mingxin Pavilion, after all, Ruan Ruan came to Kunlun under the name of Qi Qing, a disciple of Mingxin Pavilion."

Nangong Liu looked at Ma Hui with a smile: "Senior nephew, you and Junior Sister Lan are here to ask Junior Brother Bai to ask about the distribution of several special spiritual herbs in the Nine Thousand Mountains and the things that need to be paid attention to in the mountains."

Ma Hui shook her body and nodded, "Yes."

As soon as the defensive formation opened, Lan Ling pulled Ma Hui, turned her head and smiled at Bai Qi and said, "Brother Bai, thank you."

Bai Qi nodded slightly: "You're welcome."

The small courtyard of Bai Qi and Su Ruo was quiet and far away from the place where ordinary disciples lived, so they didn't meet many people along the way.Lan Ling sent Ma Hui to her residence, and smiled slightly: "Junior Sister Ma, let's meditate indoors recently."

"Yes." Ma Hui thought, I would do the same if you didn't say so.

Nangong Liu came to Zhenjun Danhua's room alone. Before he could speak, the door opened, and Zhenjun Danhua's calm and mellow voice rang in his ears: "Come in."

Nangong Liu bowed first, and then told the useful information in Ruan Ruan's mind.

"The altar in Wenqu Mountain is not big, but there are six blood corpses, eight living corpses, dozens of corpses, plus the altar master of the Nascent Soul Stage, the steward of the Golden Core Stage, and hundreds of people from the Foundation Establishment Stage. Among the subordinates, only Senior Uncle Yunxiao, Junior Brother Bai and Junior Sister Su will go, will there be fewer people?"

Zhenjun Danhua smiled slightly, "It's enough to have you, Uncle Yunxiao, but, there are too many people, it is inevitable that there will be fish caught in the net, this is not good..." He pondered for a moment, "This kind of thing is not good. Okay, let’s do it with the Kunlun family, I will inform the leaders of Mingxin Pavilion and Wuji Gate to let them send people there too.”

"The hundred-year contest?" Nangong Liu asked hesitantly.

Zhenjun Danhua waved his hand lightly: "This is not important." Kunlun's tens of thousands of years of foundation have already seen through this false name.Participating every time is just to give the disciples a chance to communicate with other sects openly and aboveboard.

In Wenqu Mountain, there are many strange rocks and poisonous mist. It is a famous place where poisonous insects gather in the East. Among the top ten poisons known in the cultivation world, five of them can be found here.In addition to being famous for poisons, it is also rich in antidote medicines, which are often accompanied by poisons.

Generally speaking, the cultivators who major in the way of poison like to come here, and those who major in the way of medicine will also go to Wenqu Mountain to learn more.Except for these two types of people, there were very few monks in and out of Wenqu Mountain.

On this day, in Zhaotong Town at the foot of Wenqu Mountain, more than 20 monks dressed in various robes came, all of them were high-powered, they came out of the town, set up various flying magic weapons, and went straight to Wenqu Mountain come.

"Master Wu Feng, Elder Mu, here are Jiedu Pills and Quchong Pills, and a map of Wenqu Mountain." Yan Zishen respectfully sent the things that Su Ruo had given him to two people in Mingxin Pavilion and Wuji Gate. In front of the monk after the bit.

Zhenjun Quanyang took out a bottle of detoxification pills, looked at it, and said with a smile, "It's from the sea of ​​books outside the world."


"Let's divide it up." Zhenjun Quanyang threw it to Ke Xuan.

Zhenjun Ziluo of Mingxin Pavilion also threw the things to Zhuge Rui, and he turned his head to look at Zhenjun Quanyang: "Why is nephew Shangguan missing?"

"If he had realized some fighting skills the day before yesterday, he has already gone back to the mountain to retreat." Zhenjun Quanyang smiled.

"As expected of being the No.1 of the young generation of East Pole, this kind of understanding is above the rest." Zhenjun Zi Luo praised a few words.

"Where is that? Let's split up, brother Yun is still waiting for us." Zhenjun Quanyang was polite, and took the disciples under his door, and left first, heading for the predetermined location.

When Zhenjun Zi Luo saw it, he also smiled and said to Yan Zishen: "Be careful."

"Elder Mu, go slowly."

 Uh, today's two updates have been combined into one chapter. I can't break the chapter, so I just write a big chapter of [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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