Chapter 123
A dense forest on the east side of Wenqu Mountain is shrouded in light yellow smoke, and a winding path can be faintly seen, leading to the depths of the dense forest.

Master Yunxiao hid in midair, as if he didn't see the three men in black quietly walking into the depths of the dense forest.

"Old Liu, do you feel the coolness behind your back?" The man walking in the middle looked back and forth, and asked the person behind him with a guilty conscience.

The one walking at the end, seeing him like this, didn't know what to do, and couldn't help but look back. After finding nothing, he let out a sigh of relief and growled angrily, "How can you Don't scare people!"

"I didn't scare you, I really feel the cold on your back." The man in the middle frowned, "Although every time I come here, I feel cold in my heart, but there has never been that time, like this time, I feel so uneasy. Very, always feel as if something bad is going to happen.”

The woman who walked in the front with her head muffled and kept silent all this time lowered her voice and warned, "Ding 27, Ding 29, if I were you, I wouldn't talk nonsense."

"Yes." As soon as the woman opened her mouth, the two men's hearts trembled, and at the same time they responded with trepidation, not daring to speak again.

Ding 27, who was walking in the middle, felt more and more uneasy. He always felt that something was about to happen. His steps became heavier and heavier, and his speed couldn't help but slow down.

The woman stopped in displeasure, and asked, "Ding 27, what's wrong with you?" Those triangular eyes, more white than black, stared coldly at the man behind him, "Don't play tricks, will be the result..." I know."

"Yes, this subordinate understands." Ding 27 looked down at her. Fear of overcoming the uneasiness in his heart, he followed the woman silently. After turning a corner, he followed her footsteps carefully. The last seven, the left four and the right eight are advancing.I am afraid that if I make a wrong step, I will be lost forever.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, five figures slowly appeared in the thicker and thicker fog. The one walking in the front was a man in a dark red robe. When he saw the three of them, a sharp howl resounded from his mouth. The four corpses walking slowly behind him stopped in response. Four pairs of red eyes were staring fixedly at the three living people in front of them.

Even though Ding 27 and Ding 29 saw these corpses countless times, they couldn't help but feel horrified.

When it came to the woman in the front, she looked at the four living corpses with great interest as if nothing had happened, and discussed with the man in charge of the four living corpses: "It seems to be much more flexible than before, and also a lot more obedient."

The man commanding the living corpse had long eyebrows and wide eyes, and there was no trace of darkness in his body, but his voice sounded extremely strange, and his smile was especially scary, like the cry of a night ghost, "Of course, the archmage has made a lot of changes. , After I tried it, it was really good, even the success rate was much higher."

"Oh? How many can you do successfully?" The woman became interested, and her dark triangular eyes lit up a bit.

"Now more than 60 people can succeed in one." The man is also very excited, "If this continues, and with your poison, the first operation will be possible soon. I hope that the archmage will let me be the first to dispatch , I can't wait any longer." In the man's eyes, there was a flash of hatred that went deep into the marrow.

The woman chuckled a few times: "Sooner or later, your wish will come true. Why are you so anxious, those people will let them live a few more days and accumulate more cultivation, just to feed your little darlings, isn't it good?"

"That's right, what the poisonous lady said is absolutely right." The man laughed, and after laughing, he asked curiously: "By the way, it's not yet time for the poisonous lady to come back, why is it so early?"

"There are some things, you didn't come out to inspect? Then go, let's talk about it later." Poison Maiden thought of the reason why she returned to the sub-chat early, and she felt a little irritated. She quickly greeted the man, and walked behind her The two of them went on.

If you walk further, you will find a gray-green pool. If you look carefully, there are countless snakes and toads floating on the edge and on the water, but they are in peace with each other.

The fog became thicker and thicker. Both Ding 27 and Ding 29 felt a little difficult to breathe, and even felt a little stuffy.

Poison Maiden casually threw out two small pills, "Take it." The poison in the mist was so heavy that the antidote he had taken before was no longer effective.

After Ding 27 and Ding 29 took the pills and put them in their mouths, two maidservants in yellow came out with low eyebrows, holding three one-piece cloaks in their hands.The three of them took it and put it on their bodies directly, covering their eyes and consciousness. Immediately, three people came over, pulled them, and brought them in step by step.

After walking around for two sticks of incense, he finally stopped, took off his cloak, and was in a familiar small dark room.

The guides changed again, this time it was two young maidservants in green clothes who familiarly opened the mechanism of the dark room, turned left and right in the secret passage, and came to a spacious hall.

"Du Niang, why did you come back early?" The black and thin old man sitting in the first place asked, frowning when he saw Du Niang.

"Back to the altar master, my subordinates received an urgent secret letter, saying that Manager Hua of Yunxian City was captured, and even our stronghold in Yunxian City was exposed. No one survived, not even the person who sent me the urgent secret letter to death. , also died."

"What's going on, Yunxian City has been in business for a long time, how can it be exposed?" The altar master was furious, "Is there a traitor?"

Du Niang shook her head, "I don't know, maybe Director Hua and the others got caught because of their indiscretions. You know, it's the time of the Great Competition held every hundred years in the East Pole. There are many old monsters in the team."

Her words made the altar master sitting at the head nod, but he felt uneasy, "Hua Wen was arrested, we are afraid that we will be implicated here, we must withdraw as soon as possible."

"No, those four poisonous corpses are about to succeed, and retreating at this time is tantamount to giving up all efforts!" Just as the altar master finished speaking, someone immediately objected.A man who looked extremely thin slowly came out from a secret passage, saw Du Niang and smiled, "Second Sister."

"Brother." The poisonous lady also laughed, "How is the poisonous corpse going?"

"It's just the most critical step, and it will take another fifteen days at most to succeed." The thin man turned to look at the altar master, "Even if we want to withdraw, we have to wait fifteen days."


Du Niang pondered for a moment, "It's also possible, Huawen was arrested, even if they knew that the sub-altar was set up in Wenqu Mountain, Huawen had never been there, and they don't know where it is. Our sub-altar uses ancient For a while, they still can't find us, and they have enough time to wait for the poisonous corpse to succeed before withdrawing."

The man also said: "Master Ling, we built a sub-altar here just for poisonous corpses. We are about to succeed, so how can we give up halfway. If we leave here, we will have to wait 20 years before we can gather enough poisonous corpses." Refining again, you can think about it."

What he said made the altar owner hesitate, "Is fifteen days enough?"


"Okay, Du Langjun, the altar master will give you another fifteen days, if you still fail, destroy the poisonous corpses and evacuate them all."

"it is good."

"You brothers and sisters haven't seen each other for a long time, let's go get together."

Du Niang thanked the Altar Master Ling with a smile, pointed at Ding 27 and Ding 29 behind her and said, "Both of these conditions are suitable for the Altar Master's needs."

The altar master's eyes lit up, and he stared at Ding 27 and Ding 29 standing below with salivating eyes.

Ding 27 and Ding 29 took a step back subconsciously, and stammered, "Poison lady, what do you mean?"

"Hehe, being able to contribute to the altar master's miraculous skills is considered as your life not in vain." The poisonous lady smiled and took the arm of the poisonous gentleman and walked away, leaving the two of them staring at her back with resentment.

Ding 29 saw Ling Tanzhu walking towards the two of them step by step, and shouted violently: "Brother Wang, it's better to fight!"

"Hey!" The altar master laughed, and the boundless coercion of the Yuan Empress monks attacked the two of them, making them unable to resist, only deep fear.

After two withered palms tapped their bodies a few times, their spiritual power was restrained, their bodies went limp, and they collapsed on the ground, they could only watch him helplessly, put their hands on their dantians, and forcibly pulled out the golden elixirs. He took it out, threw it bloody into his mouth, chewed it creakingly, and showed extremely satisfied smiles as the two screamed.

Two tragic howls sounded in the gloomy hall, Du Langjun frowned, and looked at his sister: "You shouldn't bring someone back."

The poisonous lady said nonchalantly: "They're just two trash, they'll die if they die."

"Ling Ze's way of increasing his cultivation is too radical. If he fails, he will be controlled by resentment. If he loses all reason, we will not be opponents."

The poisonous lady pursed her lips and smiled, then raised her hand.

Du Langjun was shocked, just about to speak, but then he thought of something, his brows were tightly frowned, and he gave her a hard look.

The poisonous lady shook him, smiled coquettishly, and rubbed against him, "Brother, don't you miss him?"

Du Langjun shook his arm vigorously, pushing her away, "I still have something to do, you can go rest by yourself." After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, leaving Poison Lady alone, staring at his back with hatred, and shooting out of her triangular eyes. With vicious eyes, "Brother, my endurance is limited."

The poisonous man turned a corner as if he hadn't heard of it, and disappeared. The poisonous lady also turned away, and she couldn't bear to stay here any longer.After she passed by, there were dead bodies all over the place, especially the beautiful maidservants.

When the poisonous lady was angry, she didn't need anyone to lead the way. The person who intercepted her fell to the ground, rushed out of the protective formation, and turned directly to the dense forest.

But she was directly caught by Master Yun Xiao who was waiting outside the dense forest. The poisonous lady, who could not speak or move, stared at Master Yun Xiao's cold eyes.

Master Yunxiao smiled coldly, raised his hand and put a finger on the center of his eyebrows, directly searched for the soul, and got the way to get out of the battle.

"Master, your hand." Su Ruo pointed to the color-changed finger of Master Yunxiao.

"This woman is really poisonous, she deserves to be called a poisonous lady." He casually threw the poisonous lady on the ground, her spiritual power turned lightly, and the poison was gone. "We can't let her die, or her twin brother will know about it."

Kunlun's disciples have already connected with Master Yunxiao, and are hiding in a mountain depression, with a breath-holding array outside.

For the other two exits, Zhenjun Ziluo and Zhenjun Quanyang have already led the team there, and they will go in together just waiting for noon today.

Master Yunxiao engraved the method of formation on a jade slip and handed it to Wen Yan, "Look, this is the Yin-Yang and Five Elements Mystery Formation in ancient times, which is quite different from the current one."

Wen Yan's eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand to take the jade slip respectfully, and immediately poked his consciousness in, his expression was sometimes puzzled and sometimes serious, he had better let out a sigh of relief, "Master, although the whole group of disciples are not yet Familiar, but safe entry and exit is no problem."

"The more troublesome thing is the living corpses. The living corpses in the Jindan stage can compete with the Nascent Soul stage, and they are also very sensitive to the aura of monks." Yun Xiao himself is not afraid, but these come except Yan Zishen, Wen Yan, and Nangong. Except for Liu, the other 11 people are all his disciples in the North Kunlun, with the cultivation base of Golden Core Stage. "Be careful, Ayan and Aliu, when you encounter living corpses or blood corpses, don't step forward. Let them form a three-talented sword formation to deal with them."

Su Ruo took a step forward, "Master, senior brother has a strange fire, which can cause great damage to blood corpses, and even the sword formation may be useless to blood corpses."

"Alright, if you encounter blood corpses, Jiao Zishen, Ah Qi, and Ah Ruo will be in charge." Master Yunxiao nodded, his face was filled with a murderous look, "Remember, no one will be left behind. "Today they want to kill all the people in this branch. If it's just to kill the leader, they don't need so many people. He can do it by himself.

"Yes." More than a dozen Kunlun disciples responded at the same time.

Master Yunxiao roughly estimated the time, smiled slightly, "Let's go!" After speaking, he walked into the dense forest first.

Yan Zishen and Wen Yan followed closely behind, and it was Su Ruo, Bai Qi and Nangong Liu who walked last.

As Master Yunxiao and the others went deeper, the other two teams of Mingxin Pavilion and Wuji Gate also entered and started their actions.

It has to be said that Shiwai Shuhai's detoxification pills are extremely useful. Along the way, the thicker and thicker poisonous fog did not cause any trouble to the group.

If Zhenjun Yunxiao felt it, a sword energy was swung out soundlessly, and there was a brief scream in the thick fog ahead, and then four swift figures rushed out, screaming strangely at Yan Zishen and the others. People rushed over.

It was also the first time Master Yunxiao saw these living corpses, but he was slightly curious about how they avoided him. Could it be that these things also know who is stronger?

Needless to say, Master Yunxiao, the sword cultivators from North Kunlun stepped out and directly formed the Nine Palaces Sword Formation, trapping four living corpses inside.

I have to say that the living corpse is really difficult to entangle, its body is as hard as iron, and it is as strong as the North Kunlun sword repairer's sturdy attack power, but it can't hurt the bones.Moreover, their actions are extremely fast, all of which are melee attacks, and their weapons are hands, feet and teeth.Even for a monk, seeing a hideous corpse, with its mouth wide open, baring its white teeth, biting at you, is quite a terrifying thing.

Especially when your sword qi hits your body, at most you will make a small opening, without bleeding, and it won't cause much damage. Even if you lose an arm, you still look like a normal person, and then beat you. Very sad.

Master Yunxiao looked at it and frowned, "These are all from the foundation-building stage, so they are already so powerful."

"Master, didn't you say there are still four Golden Core stages?" Su Ruo had just checked that person, and he was already dead.

"Weakness at the Niwan Palace." At first, several people thought that the weakness of the living corpse was in the heart or dantian, but they didn't expect it to be between the eyebrows.Within the Nine Palaces Sword Formation, the four living corpses rushed left and right and couldn't get out. Instead, their limbs were cut off, and finally they were pierced through the Niwan Palace with a sword and died completely.

The group moved forward again, and Master Yunxiao asked, "Xuan Gang, what do you think of these living corpses?"

"Sword cultivators of the same level are very troublesome to fight alone, and one who doesn't pay attention can easily get hurt. But other Taoist cultivators, I'm afraid they can't deal with it." In addition, most of them stand opposite each other and throw spells, or spell spellers.Like this kind of living corpse, the body has been strengthened, it is not easy to break through the defense, and the speed is very fast, if it is close to the body, it is probably a dead end.

"First seat, most of these zombie attacks are concentrated on the head and dantian." Xuan Gang recalled the details of the fight just now, and added.Thinking of those slender claws dangling on the top of his head and lower dantian, Xuan Gang's skin was covered with goosebumps.

Master Yunxiao was thoughtful, but his feet were getting faster and faster. He warned the disciples behind him, "Pay attention to your feet, don't go wrong, there is a formation in this dense fog, and there are poisons everywhere, it is very difficult to get entangled." Get away."

After Master Yunxiao found this place, he has generally changed, and he is very familiar with the surrounding situation.

Soon they arrived at the small gray-green pool, Su Ruo looked at the snakes and toads in the pool and in the water thoughtfully, "Why do I think they are raising poison?"

Bai Qi asked: "What is nourishing poison?"

"I don't know the details, but I heard from my third aunt once when I was a child. However, the poisonous fog here is thick, and it is by no means naturally generated. It should be related to these poisons."

Medicine and poisonous arts are all the specialties of Shiwai Shuhai. If Su is not a descendant of Shiwai Shuhai, she has only heard about it a little bit, so it is normal to not understand the inside story.

Wen Yan had already taken out the compass and other things and was busy for a long time. He pointed to the surface of the pool and said, "Master, enter the battle from here."

"It would be great if the elder sister was here, and I can set the place on fire." Su Ruo looked at the densely packed poisonous snakes and toads on the edge of the pool and on the water surface, and her scalp felt a little numb.

Nangong Liu smiled lazily, and took two steps forward, "It's better if I come."

Yan Zishen stopped Nangong Liu, and said in a deep voice, "I'll do it." With a flick of his finger, a little spark fell into the poison group, instantly ignited a big fire, countless poisonous snakes and toads rolled in the flames, and as the poisonous substances died, Even the fog has dissipated a bit.

Master Yunxiao had already disappeared into the thick fog, and the rest of them followed behind Wen Yan, walking carefully step by step in the formation, Wen Yan said: "Pay attention to the position where I land, and I can't make a mistake in half a step, otherwise the formation will be broken." Change, life becomes dead end, we are all vulnerable to injury."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Zishen raised his hand and struck a few lightning strikes in front of him on the left. After a muffled groan, the smell of burning came.

With a sound of "dang", Su Ruo's sword blocked a short blade stabbing out from nowhere, Bai Qi took advantage of the situation, and one hand fell to the ground accompanied by blood.

Wen Yan frowned tightly, "Be careful, the formation has changed. Everyone moves ten feet to the left at the same time. They must be at the same time, otherwise the one who falls last will be strangled."

"One, two, three, let's go!" Fourteen moved ten feet to the left in a uniform manner, and a huge tornado slid past several people, covering their path just now.

Su Ruo focused slightly, and Kun Jian made a move, and with the flash of red sword light, there was a short scream, and she beheaded a person just now.

The moment Su Ruo made a move, Bai Qi just blocked the stabbing knife at her.Just like when he came in, Wen Yan was at the head, Yan Zishen and Nangong Liuhu were at his sides, Su Ruo and Bai Qi were at the end, and the other nine walked together in groups of three.

The person who attacked Su Ruo originally was because she was the only woman in the team, so out of habit, the attacks all came towards her.Seeing her pricking her hands now, she naturally went towards others.

Being in the formation, no matter how talented Wen Yan is, it is impossible for him to understand this ancient formation clearly. He tried his best to calculate, while avoiding danger, he still had to walk out of the formation.

Yan Zishen and Nangong Liu protected him with all their strength, preventing any attack from falling on him, and the other nine people were also fully focused, always on guard against someone's attack.

"Ah!" A North Kunlun disciple was stabbed in the thigh, and the blood came out immediately. Fortunately, he managed to dodge it, and the knife had to be inserted in the dantian.

"Their knives are extremely sharp and can pierce spiritual power." The injured person immediately expressed his feelings.You must know that they are wearing cassocks and are protected by spiritual power, so they can't be hurt easily.

Wen Yan gave orders faster and faster, to ensure that fourteen people moved at the same time, and to deal with the sneak attackers who would appear at any time, all of them were in a hurry.

A figure silently appeared beside Xuan Gang, and slashed at his neck with two daggers in his hands. Xuan Gang dodged to avoid the person, but was stabbed in the chest by another person. "Hmm!" Xuan Gang put his hands on his chest, took two steps back, and the people around him gave him a hand, so he didn't leave the team.But he was injured unclearly, the knife in his chest was extremely deep, the knife was poisoned, and his face turned blue immediately.

Bai Qi took two steps forward and swung the sword in his palm, just blocking the two daggers glowing blue.

Su Ruo then stood up and stabbed out with a sword, "Ah!" After the scream, a corpse fell to the ground.

"Bang! Boom! Boom!" After a series of loud noises, everyone's eyes suddenly became clear, and even the person who was hiding in the formation and sneak attacking them appeared.

Wen Yan was overjoyed, "It was Uncle Yun who broke the eye."

Nangong Liu smiled lazily, "What did Uncle Yun say, don't keep one." He was the first one to jump out, and the flame knife was thrown out, and two of them were chopped off with one knife.

There were not many people who came to attack them, maybe more than 30, but they all appeared and disappeared. Often people disappeared in an instant, and when they reappeared, they were by their side.

Finally, they reacted quickly, and several people were injured before they were cleaned up.

Su Ruo said: "It's better to be in the formation just now, suddenly watching a big living person disappear, I really don't get used to it. But... can they teleport?" If they don't say it, then they will come out.

Yan Zishen said: "I remember reading it before. It was said that there is a special sect in Kaiyang Continent. They practice assassination skills. People tend to disappear out of thin air and reappear next to the enemy. Speaking of it, The movements of these people are quite similar.”

"Hurry up, Master Master has already passed." Yan Zishen focused a little, and saw the figure of Master Yunxiao Yujian, heading towards the house built by the mountain!

(End of this chapter)

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