Chapter 133
When Su Zimu and Gu Yuanyuan came down from the phoenix, there was a wonderful music in the air, but the people present were completely silent, watching a pair of Bi people walking hand in hand, on the other side of the long red carpet were two Human parents, step by step, are heading towards the other side of happiness.

When the two finally walked in front of their parents, after three bows, Su Wenche took out a pair of rings and handed them to the newlyweds respectively. The moment the two of them shed their hearts and blood, a dazzling light enveloped the two of them, and the phoenix hovering in the sky screamed in unison , The sky is falling like rain.When the two of them reappeared, they both had strange and shy smiles on their faces.

Su Ruo was amazed, Gu Yuanyuan could understand her shyness, but her eldest brother, who was usually calm, was also shy. The sun didn't jump out of the middle, did he?

She habitually poked Bai Qi, stood on tiptoe, leaned into his ear, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you know what the two rings my father gave to my eldest brother and sister-in-law are for? Why do they have such strange expressions?" ?”

Bai Qi's face was a little weird, and he said vaguely: "I don't really know, it should be concentric rings or something."

There are weird!Su Ruo glanced at Bai Qi, pursed her red lips, and when she wanted to ask again, she was patted on the head by her fourth uncle, and said with a smile: "Little Ajiu, when you get married, you will know that it is a trick. What's the use."

Hmph, if you don't say it, don't say it, Su Ruo turned her face away, and then looked into the field.At this time, Su Wenche had already given Gu Yuanyuan the jade badges representing the members of the Su family, and also sent gifts from himself and his wife to the two of them.

Logically speaking, the elders of the Su family should come on stage next, give blessings and gifts to the newcomers, and accept Gu Yuanyuan, the next patriarch's wife, on behalf of the Su family.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.A muffled sound came from far away from the secret place of the Su family. Su Wenche and his wife suddenly got up, and the guests in the field looked at each other, not knowing what expression to make.

A slender woman walked out of the crowd and slowly walked onto the red carpet. As she walked, the fragrance in the air became stronger, and countless red butterflies flew over and danced around the woman.She suppressed the indifference around her body, with a charming smile on her face, "Yuanyuan, you don't want to see it before I present the gift, what is the wedding gift I gave you?"

Gu Yuanyuan looked at Zhu Qionghua coldly, "I don't want to see it."

Zhu Qionghua brushed her hair with her hands. The low-cut Confucian skirt revealed half of her white breasts. She trembled slightly with her movements. She said in a tired voice, "But what do I want to show you?"

As she spoke, she sang a bewitching melody in tune with the music that had changed in the air at some point. As the song drifted past, all the people present felt their hearts were shaken, they couldn't even scream, and forced their spiritual power to resist.It was only after raising the spiritual power that I realized that at some point, the spiritual power was actually restrained. As soon as I moved it, the meridians in my body would feel like tearing pain.

"What's going on, my spiritual power..." There was chaos in the field.

Su Wenche and Chu Yao's husband and wife looked very bad, and Zhenjun Qingyan even looked livid, asking: "Zhu Qionghua, what do you want!"

Zhu Qionghua turned around lightly, giggling coquettishly: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to give Yuanyuan a wedding gift."

"Miaoli, don't talk nonsense with them, hurry up and kill those who should be killed, and take away those who should be taken away." An impatient old man's voice sounded, and from the group of guests, from within the Su family, dozens of people jumped out one after another. Many figures, even among the disciples of Mingxin Pavilion, jumped out.

Zhenjun Qingyan, Su Wenche and his wife became quiet at this moment, sitting upright on top, their eyes as calm as water.

Seeing them like this, Zhu Qionghua was very dissatisfied in her heart. She smiled coquettishly: "Don't you think I have ulterior motives, and send people to watch me every day to prevent me from getting close to Patriarch Su. Bah, is an old man worthy of my fancy? It was deliberately shown to divert your attention. Aren't you arrogant, thinking that there will be no problem if you send someone to stare at me? Hmph, this forbidden spirit incense, I am exactly the introduction, you didn't expect it!"

Su Ruo really didn't want to hear her confession, so she sneered, "How smart you think you are, you're so stupid."

She and Bai Qi jumped out from the crowd, and the two swords of Qian Kun pierced through her chest at the same time under her surprised gaze.Zhu Qionghua didn't understand until he died, they were obviously the ones who planted the forbidden spirit incense, why they became the weak ones in the end.

Su Ruo stood in front of her and smiled slightly: "Do you think it's strange? If you can't figure it out, you can only say that you are stupid."

Even without human hands, the people who jumped out all fell limply to the ground, their faces full of horror.Chu Yao clapped her hands, and smiled extremely proudly: "You really don't know how to play drugs in front of me."

Zhenjun Qingyan laughed loudly: "That's because they forgot your prestige as the Fairy of Ten Thousand Poisons."

Before the laughter fell, suddenly black clouds overwhelmed the top, and swarms of butterflies the size of a bowl flew over. Chu Yao's face changed slightly, and she raised a voice to warn: "Don't let the Jiuyou butterfly get close, this butterfly is very poisonous. When it touches the skin, the bones will disappear.”

"Hahahaha... There are still people who know the goods." Harsh shrill laughter sounded in the air, and following the swarms of Jiuyou butterflies came three men in black clothes with only two eyes showing. There were about a hundred people, also covered in black, with only their eyes exposed.

The man who spoke before squinted his eyes at the monks of various sects below, and said with a strange smile: "There are so many monks, just enough to feed my babies."

When the group of Nine Nether butterflies flying down from the sky and avoiding the sun, Chu Yao only had time to say: "The Nine Nether butterflies are all on fire!" and took the lead, her target was those people who were paralyzed to the ground.

When Su Ruo and Bai Qi's swords joined forces, the fiery red phoenix appeared, and the nine secluded butterflies fell one after another wherever they passed.Those who can come to watch the ceremony are all well-known monks in the East, and they use their own methods. For a while, the flames in the field are soaring into the sky, and the group of Nine Nether Butterflies slowly opened the gap.

It's a pity that Chu Yao was a step too late. Of the dozens of monks who were poisoned by her, only three were beheaded, and the rest had already recovered. The more than 100 men in black who followed the Nine Nether Butterflies gathered together and began to fight. The guests in the field were desperately attacked, and the light of the magic weapon and the screams came and went one after another for a while.

During the fight, Su Ruo and Bai Qi combined the power of their swords to cut down more than ten people in a row.A giant palm appeared out of thin air and grabbed Su Ruo and Bai Qi. The coercion of the high-ranking monk made the two of them terrified, and even felt that no matter how they tried to hide, they could not escape the giant palm.

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, a tiny silver glow flashed, the giant palm stopped, and then disappeared.A tall slender woman slowly appeared from the sky, she looked straight at the three people in the sky, and said coldly: "Dare to make trouble today, are you bullying my Su family?"

"Grandmother." Su Wenche immediately bowed when he saw the woman appear.

"Fellow daoists, you don't need to do anything, just watch." The woman snorted coldly and ordered, "I've closed the big formation for guarding the house. I'll kill all those who come to make trouble, and leave no one behind!"

"Yes." Su family disciples responded at the same time, every 12 people form a team, there are twelve teams in total, responding to each other, forming a large formation of twelve heavens, all future offenders will be trapped in the formation.Su Yuwan turned her jade palm lightly, the silver needle in her hand flashed lightly, and met one of the men in black.

An old man with white beard and hair and a smile lightly pointed at the man controlling the Nine Nether Butterfly, "Boy who plays poisonous insects, play with my old man."

Another middle-aged man in an ordinary blue cassock had a cold expression and didn't say much. His sharp sword pointed directly at the last person's dantian.

Among the men in black, more than a dozen suddenly rushed out, heading straight for Su Zimu and Gu Yuanyuan, but were stopped by the deacons and elders of the Su family who had been waiting at the side. Su Wenche swept away one of the men in black with an axe. Face towel, surprised and said: "Bai Xiuqing, why is it you!"

Bai Qi was also taken aback, "Uncle Jiu..."

"Hehe, since our identities have been exposed, we don't need to hide them anymore." The person who fought with Su Yuwan took the lead to remove his black clothes and face scarves.It was a very strange face, not familiar to others.

In the formation of the Twelve Heavens, there were men in black who were killed, their disguises were removed, and half of them were from the Bai family.This kind of change made people rub their hands for a while.

The monks from different sects who came to the Su family to observe the ceremony had different expressions: they all speculated, could it be that the Su family and the Bai family are about to collapse?Didn't it mean that after a while, the two families will marry?How is this going?

Su Ruo curled her lips boredly, "Could you do it differently? The trick of sowing discord is too old-fashioned."

Bai Qi laughed loudly: "That's good too, it saves the Bai family from having to work hard to track down the traitors, and we just deal with them together."

Since the Yanan Su family can survive for thousands of years, the family's cards are unknown, and they rushed to the secret place of the Su family. Those who planned to destroy the Su family's protective formation were wiped out, and none of them came back alive.However, the powerful Nether Thunderbolts they brought still caused some damage. In the places swept away by the thunderbolts, not a single blade of grass grew, and there was no vitality at all, so they could only recover slowly.

When it came to the wedding scene, because the scene was chaotic, they had a chance to call it a day. People from various sects and cultivation families who came to watch the ceremony were injured to varying degrees, and some even died in the chaos.Disciples of the Su family, in this incident, the casualties were the most, more than a dozen people were killed alone, let alone injured.

Compared with the loss of the enemy, the enemy is even more unlucky. The monk with the highest cultivation level has been suppressed by Su Yuwan. Alright, so I used the technique of avatars and tried my best to let go of the two avatars, so that I could escape.The person in charge died and escaped, and the rest of the men in black naturally fell into the hands of the Su family. Except for a small number of people who had their cultivation and spiritual roots abolished, the rest died on the spot.

Su Yuwan and the others didn't chase after them, nor did they stay longer, they just nodded to Su Wenche, and then went back to the family's secret place.

It was supposed to be a day of great joy, but it was disturbed by people. The whole wedding scene was filled with bloody smell and dead bodies were everywhere. The Su family was in a very depressed mood. The main messenger caught him and let him taste the pain of soul refining.

(End of this chapter)

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