Chapter 134
Su Xin was chatting with Tian Caiying, listening to her talk about what happened between herself and her mother over the years, Su Xin would occasionally talk about herself.It's just that she was very defensive, and she only said some irrelevant trifles, and there was nothing really useful.

Tian Caiying didn't seem to react at all, and poured out all the annoyance of her family to Su Xin.While chatting, Su Ruo came to Su Ruo, resentment flashed in her eyes, and she slightly raised her voice: "Although our Tian family is not as good as the Yanan Su family, we can still speak in the Wuji Gate. Bullying me, I must go to Su's house and let them give me an explanation."

The little girl who glanced at her was also the daughter of the Tian family. Seeing her like this, her eyes were red with anxiety, but she didn't dare to speak out to persuade her. She could only look at Su Xin, hoping that she could persuade her.

In the store just now, she had already suffered a loss. Su Ruo's three palms prevented her from absorbing spiritual energy for at least nine years, and she couldn't even use her spiritual consciousness, otherwise it would damage her spiritual consciousness and meridians.If this kind of restriction is to be lifted, one must be the person who imposed the restriction, and then a monk who is three realms higher than the person who placed the restriction and who is familiar with the restriction can be lifted.

Su Ruo is already at the golden core stage, and the monks who are three realms higher than her must be at the distraction stage.Only in the entire East Pole can there be so many people who are capable of being distracted, and they are neither relatives nor relatives, so how could they care about a little girl.Even in the Wuji Sect, there are so many ordinary disciples like them, and their masters are only Jindan Daoist.Besides, it was Tian Caiying who offended Su Ruo first and was punished by others, so the elders of the Wuji Sect would not have the nerve to ask for an explanation.

It's just that she knew all of this, but Tian Caiying was banned, and she must be the one who was unlucky in the end.Thinking of Tian Caiying's mother, the stepwife of the third wife of the Tian family, Tian Caizhu couldn't help but tremble, her methods were too powerful, and she couldn't resist.

Su Xin frowned when she heard this, "Yingying, you were the one who slandered Ah Jiu out of nothing, even if she hurt you, she should have hurt you."

"Where there is no wind, there is no wave. If she is not guilty, why did she kill me!" Tian Caiying is not a fool. When she scolded someone behind her back, she found that the person being scolded was nearby and could hear it clearly. She would not be afraid.Later, when I recognized Su Xin, I felt that my life was a bit safe. I thought, Su Ruo would be so ruthless, and directly put a restraint on her. Nine years were wasted. How many people will the Tian family and Wuji sect surpass she.Her mediocrity is not obvious in the Tian family's generation. If it wasn't for her beauty and her mother's strength, she wouldn't know what it would be like to be bullied.Thinking that people who are not as good as her tomorrow will surpass her in these nine years, Tian Caiying gritted her teeth and hated her.

Su Xin said sternly: "Ah Jiu was not captured by the big monster, but rescued by him. And that big monster is her third uncle's friend, just entrusted by others, not as bad as you said. There was a hint of warning in her tone: "Don't believe in such rumors in the future, and don't spread them any more. If you still behave like this next time, don't call me sister. At that time, even if Ah Ruo doesn't act, I won't either." Be merciful." She is a real person, her face turned cold, and her coercion immediately appeared, which made the two girls' faces pale and crumbling.

Seeing this, Su Xin slowed down her expression: "I'm doing this for your own good. Neither the Su family nor the Kunlun is something you can offend now. To put it bluntly, even if Ah Jiu kills you, no one will give you the money. To report injustice, I will only praise her for killing well. If those words you said were put on others, it would be enough for you to die a hundred and eighty times, but Ah Jiu just imposed a restraint, which is already very kind."

Tian Caiying lowered her head at what she said, her face was full of unwillingness, and she just said lightly: "It can be seen that cousins ​​are closer than cousins."

"What are you talking about? Ah Jiu and I grew up together and entered Kunlun together, so our relationship is naturally closer than yours." Su Xin was also a little tired of the so-called cousin in front of her, she and Su Ruo's sister for many years. How long have you recognized it? Can you compare it?

For Su Ruo, she feels guilty in her heart, because she didn't investigate for a while, those rumors came out, she is sorry for Su Ruo.In the store just now, she would stop Yu Mingyue, but she didn't want Yu Mingyue to hurt others, but she still let Su Ruo take the blame.Thinking of Yu Mingyue, Su Xin gritted her teeth. As expected of a demon girl, she has such a good way to win over people, it made Su Ruo and her sisters feel alienated.

Seeing that Tian Caiying still wanted to speak, Su Xin waved her hand, "That's all I've said, cousin, think about it." She looked at Tian Caiying with her head down, and finally added a sentence with some reluctance: "Work hard!" Cultivation, only the cultivation base is your own, and the rest are empty.”

Tian Caiying lowered her head until Su Xin came out of the yard, then raised her head and straightened her hair, then turned to look at Tian Caizhu, and asked with a proud smile, "Tell me, does my cousin really believe that the person I like is Bai Qi?"

Tian Caizhu squirmed her lips and said in a low voice after a long time: "I, I don't know."

Tian Caiying slapped her casually, "If you want you to be of any use, you'll make things difficult for me."

Tian Caizhu's face was turned to one side by this slap, but she kept her head down, not daring to speak a word.Fortunately, Tian Caiying has been tossing and calculating for a whole day today, plus she couldn't practice, so she felt tired, got up and yawned, and went to the room, leaving only Tian Caizhu sitting there with a blank face , froze, motionless.It wasn't until Tian Caiying's coquettish voice came from the room: "What are you doing outside, get me water and wash my feet!" Then she stood up slowly and moved to Tian Caiying's room step by step.

Su Ruo decided not to embarrass herself anymore, she had to ask Su Xin to clarify.When I came in a hurry, I just heard the last sentence.She glanced suspiciously at Tian Caizhu's thin and small figure, and wondered, could these two be masters and servants, not teachers and sisters?

A question flashed across her mind, but Su Ruo didn't take it to heart. She released her consciousness, found Su Xin's location, and went there.

On the way back to Su Xin's room, Su Ruo stopped her. Under Su Xin's questioning gaze, Su Ruo said, "Eighth Sister, I have something to ask you."

Seeing Su Ruo's cold and distant attitude, Su Xin's nose was sore, and an inexplicable feeling came to her heart.These years, the relationship between her and Su Ruo is neither far nor close, and the intersection between the two is also rare, but when Su Ruo faces her, she always smiles like a flower, and she has never treated her so coldly.It was all because of Yu Mingyue that Su Xin fell in love with little Lolita again.

"Let's go." Su Xin glanced at Su Ruo with mixed feelings, and followed her silently.

The two came to a remote bamboo forest in the mansion one after the other, Su Ruo casually set up a formation to surround the two of them.Su Xin instinctively started to be on guard. She carefully and cautiously looked at Su Ruo in front of her. Seeing that her pretty face was covered with frost, she was no longer as delicate and sweet as before, and her doubts deepened.Isn't this the fake Su Ruo, who brought her here to harm himself?A high-level talisman slipped quietly into his hand, and even the purple and blue swords in his body were ready to go.

Su Xin was so secretly on guard, but Su Ruo smiled, and her bright phoenix eyes swept over her hand holding the high-level talisman, and said lightly: "Eighth sister, don't be like this, I am Su Ruo." Out of the Kun sword, it flashed in front of her eyes.

Su Xin let out a long breath, feeling a little cold behind her back, "Scare me, Ah Jiu, you are not the same as before, I thought someone was pretending to be you."

Su Ruo looked at Su Xin with complicated eyes, and sighed after a while, "How does Eighth Sister know that someone is going to pretend to be me?"

"Ah!" Su Xin was startled, and then laughed, "I just said that casually, we have all seen the methods of the Blood Shadow Sect, and they still can't do anything."

"That's right, the Blood Shadow Cult's methods are vicious, with ulterior motives, and all kinds of conspiracies and tricks are played smoothly. It is indeed possible to find someone to pretend to be me." Su Ruo nodded, "Eighth sister is smart, I must have guessed many things in advance. " Su Ruo spoke slowly, and almost finished the last sentence word by word, her eyes fixed on Su Xin, and she refused to let go of the slightest expression on her face.

Su Xin was taken aback for a moment, in Su Ruo's clear eyes, she suddenly felt guilty.She came here through time travel and is familiar with the plot. Although many things are not recorded, she knows about the blood shadow sect hiding in the East Pole cultivation world and plotting evil things.Even the interruption of the Su family's eldest son's double cultivation ceremony was written in detail in the book.The only difference is that in the book, it was the Su family who suffered heavy losses, and it was Zhang Qi who showed his supernatural power and fought for the damage of a divine weapon, hurting the person with the highest cultivation level, and turned defeat into victory.But now the plot master is completely unreliable. Zhang Qi, who was supposed to advance to the Nascent Soul stage, is not only still in the Jindan stage, but even hurt Su Ruo and Bai Qi again, and ran for his life in embarrassment.

Since Su Xin returned to Su's house, she has been distracted.She wanted to tell Su Wenche, but how did she, an ordinary Kunlun disciple, get detailed information that even the Patriarch of the Su family and the head of Kunlun didn't have?And she was with Shangguan Xuan all the time, even if she wanted to make up what she heard occasionally.If she was vague, who would believe her?Could it be that she wants to say that she is born with the ability to know the future?Having said that, what awaits her is imprisonment.It was precisely because she didn't know how to justify herself that Su Wenche's ensuing suspicion could be dispelled. What's more, the plot had changed, and who knew if what she knew would change. With no way to guarantee her own safety, she chose Keep it secret.

But, after all, she was worried about her younger brother and mother, after thinking about it, she handed over the elixir to disperse Jiuyoudie to her younger brother and mother, and gave them thousands of instructions not to say anything about it.On the day of the double cultivation pawn, when the invading enemy was exactly as written in the book, she already felt a little regretful, but the matter has come to this point, so she can only continue to hide it, and it will not do her, her mother, or her brother any good to speak out .

Su Xin consciously acted in a secretive way, and it was impossible for a fourth person to know about it, after all, she didn't even tell her own father.Therefore, when Su Ruo asked her: "Eighth sister, did you already know that among the invading enemies, there is someone who can control the Jiuyou butterfly, so you gave Ziyan the elixir to avoid poisonous insects in advance!"

Su Xin was stunned at the moment, and then there was a little panic. She stabilized her emotions and flatly denied: "How is it possible! If I knew beforehand, I would definitely tell uncle."

"Really?" Su Ruo threw out two words lightly, "On the day when eldest brother got married, when I passed by Jingting, I heard the conversation between you and Ziyan."

Su Xin's face turned pale all of a sudden, and she bit her lip fiercely, trying to recall what she said to her brother that night?Or what her brother said to her.The more she thought about it, the more flustered she became, she hurriedly said, "Ah Jiu, I..." She stopped in the middle of her sentence, how could she explain it?

"Can't explain it?" Su Ruo looked at her coldly, "Eighth Sister, all cultivators have their own cards, and it's normal not to tell even close relatives except yourself. But when the family is in trouble, you It's too much to hide it for your own selfishness."

"The Su family has the most disciples who died above Jiuyoudie. If you had explained earlier, maybe they would not have died. Faced with so many lost Su family disciples, wouldn't you feel guilty!"

"Ah Jiu... I, I didn't know that among the invading enemies, there would be someone who sent Jiuyoudie. I was very restless those days. I always felt that something bad would happen. On the first night of my eldest brother's marriage, what happened? This feeling is particularly strong, so I gave my brother some self-defense pills." After Su Xin panicked, she calmed down and defended herself methodically. "At that time, there were already arrangements at home, so I didn't say much."

Su Ruo's clear eyes fell on her, and she still said two words lightly: "Really?"

"If you don't believe it, forget it." Su Xin turned around forcefully, not daring to meet Su Ruo's eyes.

"Su Xin, if you don't tell me, I can guess. You have been with Shangguanxuan all this year except for retreat in Kunlun. It is unlikely that you will get news in private. Otherwise, even Shangguanxuan will say it. This one is eliminated, and there is a second one. You should have the ability to predict the future, but you are always afraid that people will find out that it is not good for you, so you hide it. There is nothing wrong with this, it is just for self-protection, no one What will you say. But you should never, never should, when the family is in trouble, you still keep silent, only care about your mother, younger brother, and even your old father, it is too chilling." Su Ruo took two steps forward, with a sneer on the corner of his lips, "It's ridiculous that you used your own selfishness to save others' belly. If you told the truth that day, even if my father and clan elders doubted the source of your news, you If you insist on not telling, they will not press you. Because, you are the daughter of the Su family, and the methods of the Su family have never been used on their own people."

At this point, Su Ruo felt that there was no need to continue, as she had already confirmed her conjecture.You closed your eyes with a tuan, "Bajie, this is the last time I call you Bajie. From now on, bridges return to bridges, roads return to roads, there is no relationship between you and me! When we see you again, remember to call me Sue." Uncle Master." After she finished speaking, she withdrew the formation, turned and left, leaving only Su Xin, who was a little lost, standing there, motionless.

"Ah Ruo..." Bai Qi saw Su Ruo coming in with a lonely face, and hugged her distressedly, "Since ancient times, people's hearts have been unpredictable. At a critical moment, there are too many people who only care about themselves. You already knew."

"I know, I know, I still feel uncomfortable when I face it." Su Ruo buried her face in Bai Qi's arms, and said sullenly after a long time: "I broke the relationship with Su Xin, she is no longer my eighth girl." sister."

Bai Qi was taken aback, "You are really straightforward."

Su Ruo sneered: "The way is different, so we don't conspire with each other. She and I are on two different paths."

"That's fine." Bai Qi patted her reassuringly, threw Su Xin aside, and changed the subject: "Ah Ruo, the master wrote and said, let's go back to the mountain as soon as possible. That great mage is in the distraction period." Great power is not something we can fight against."

"Since it is a great power in the distraction stage, who in our sect has gone?" The head of Kunlun and the three chiefs are all in the out-of-body stage, one level behind him, and the opponent is not injured or killed.But in East Kunlun, there are countless elders of Kunlun who are hidden. If Su Ruo knows about it alone, there will be two periods of surviving the catastrophe. Just wait for the Mahayana, and they will be able to ascend directly.Well, there are quite a few old monsters in the fusion stage, and anyone who makes a move can knock people off.

Bai Qi shook his head, "I don't know which elder has gone." In Kunlun, there are many old monsters who are aggressive and ruthless, but who knows that one has gone down the mountain.

"Uh, it's good for them to have some entertainment, so as not to toss us in different ways." Su Ruo stuck out her tongue. She and Bai Qi were often trained by the old monsters in East Kunlun. It's really hard to say!In contrast, the education that her master loves is really nothing.

"Su Ruo, get the hell out of here, what did you say to my cousin, it made her lose her mind and go mad!" Tian Caiying cursed loudly outside the house, her voice was to seek justice for Su Xin, telling everyone clearly , Su Xin was bullied by Su Ruo.

Su Ruo's eyes turned cold, and her temperament changed, like a sharp sword, which could hurt people if touched.

Bai Qi dragged her slowly out of the room, and saw Shangguan Xuan standing straight in the courtyard, his gaze on Su Ruo was as sharp as a knife's edge.Tian Caiying was wearing a silver-red cassock, standing beside Shangguan Xuan, with one hand on his hip, pointing at Su Ruo, very domineering.

"If you point your hand at Ah Ruo again, I will abolish it." Bai Qi glanced at her indifferently, and met Shangguan Xuan's eyes, only to hear him say coldly: "Students of the Wuji Sect, don't bother you to teach me. .”

"Then you teach her how to speak human language!" Su Ruo immediately turned her face back, facing Shangguan Xuan's murderous gaze, she was not afraid at all: "I have already severed my sisterhood with Su Xin, her matter , you don't look for me in the future."

Shangguan Xuan's eyebrows were tightly frowned, and his eyes were full of disdain, "Just because she prevented you from killing people, you want to sever your sisterhood? Su Ruo, who do you think you are!"

Su Ruo grinned, and said as a matter of course: "I am Su Ruo."

"You..." Shangguanxuan thought of Su Xin's private relationship with Su Ruo and Yu Mingyue, and was worried. The sarcasm that he wanted to blurt out turned around twice, and he swallowed it again, trying to calm his face: "Xinxin today The only reason she will take action is because she doesn't want to see Yu Mingyue kill people, but you will be the one to take the blame in the end. You are her younger sister, and she wholeheartedly cares for you. I have good intentions for you, my words and tone may be inappropriate, you should be considerate, how can you say willfully that you want to sever the sisterhood and hurt her heart!" At the end of the sentence, Shangguan Xuan's voice became agitated with emotion.

"If you don't know why I broke up my sisterly relationship with her, you can ask her yourself!" Su Ruo was upset when she saw the people related to Su Xin, her tone was naturally bad, she raised her chin slightly, and said arrogantly : "Don't come in front of me to ask questions, are you qualified!"

Shangguan Xuan was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and with a movement of his left hand, the wind blade was completed.

Su Ruo sensed the fluctuating spiritual energy, and took out the long sword as usual, pinched the sword formula, and snorted coldly: "If you want to fight, come here, I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Well, she can't do anything to Su Xin yet, It would be nice to beat Shangguan Xuan once, at least let her feel the pain.

Bai Qi didn't stop Su Ruo, but just stopped Tian Caiying casually, threw her out of the yard, and deliberately used two points of strength to make her face down, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, and then she twisted her fingers, feeling depressed in her heart. I got a little angry.

After he finished these things, Shangguan Xuan and Su Ruo had already started fighting.In order to vent his anger, Su Ruo opened and closed his moves until he got excited, and even used his sword as a knife, slashing left, right, up and down at Shangguan Xuan.Her moves were simple and extremely fast, one move after another, the sky filled with sword shadows surrounded Shangguan Xuan.

Shangguan Xuan is the root of wind spirit, speed is his strength, in the sword shadows all over the sky, he is like a fallen leaf, light and nimble, wandering between the sword energy, with both hands open, countless wind blades also cover Su Ruo.

Different from Shangguan Xuanqingling's elegant figure, Su Ruo dodges neatly, never making unnecessary movements.Compared with her penance in the secret room, Shangguan Xuan's little practice is not enough.

Later, she simply called back the Kun sword, got close to Shangguan Xuan's side, swung the sword and slashed.

I chop, I chop, I chop, I stab, I stab, I stab...

Shangguan Xuan didn't put Su Ruo in his eyes. His opponents were always limited to Bai Qi, Yan Zishen, etc. Even though he had joined forces with Su Ruo to defeat the enemy before, he thought she responded well at the time, but he never regarded her as his own. opponents have seen.Now being forced to draw out the Kunwu sword by a girl he didn't pay attention to, the expression on Shangguan Xuan's face was extremely vivid.

He was originally the No.1 of the younger generation in the Wuji Sect. Among the younger generation of Daoist cultivators, he was the first to advance to the Jindan rank, fighting with others, and almost never failed.Now that Su Ruo forced him to use his natal sword, he naturally became serious.He was good at speed, but at this moment, he was moving around Su Ruo, and gradually controlled the rhythm.

Seeing this, Bai Qi frowned slightly, and looked at Su Ruo's petite figure with some worry.

Compared to Shangguan Xuan's speed, Su Ruo slowed down, Bai Qi was startled, and then laughed.Su Ruo no longer followed Shangguan Xuan's movement, and stood firmly in place. The sword in his palm became extremely tricky in his moves, and often crossed strange solitudes and appeared in unexpected corners.

Shangguan Xuan's speed was partially suppressed, even forced by Su Ruo several times to give up the attack and defend with all his strength.

Su Ruo snorted coldly, and pushed Shangguanxuan to the front of him again, "Wanjian returns to the sect!" Nine scarlet giant swords fell from the sky, slashing straight at Shangguanxuan!

(End of this chapter)

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