Chapter 150
A Li still needs to collect some pills or spirits that can help A Mo's injury, and Ling Zhi made an appointment with Su Ruo in Miyun Town, which is located on the east side of Kunlun, in a month's time, and then left first.

Su Ruo had something on his mind, so he no longer cheerfully went around looking for people to fight, leaning on Bai Qi, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Three days passed in a flash, the Yuntian Secret Realm was closed, and those who entered before were teleported out.Disciples from all sects and sects gathered together, Su Ruo looked over, her face darkened, and said angrily, "Qingyu, who hurt you?"

The one named Qingyu was a calm and delicate girl, also wearing the snow-white cassock of North Kunlun.Hearing Su Ruo's question, she held down the red-eyed companion beside her, stepped forward slowly, and said softly: "Returning to Master Uncle, the disciple only suffered a slight injury, and there is nothing serious about it."

Su Ruoxiu frowned, and said coldly, "I'm asking, who hurt you."

"It's just a misunderstanding." Qingyu replied indifferently, and bowed respectfully to Su Ruo, "And the person who hurt the disciple was also hurt."

Su Ruo carefully looked at the girl in front of her from top to bottom, and suddenly she smiled, "Your self-cultivation is really good." Before Qingyu could resign, she lowered her face, and her voice became colder, " It's a pity, but I'm not a good-tempered person. Qi Rong, tell me!"

The young man who was pressed down by Qingyu before was a little hesitant at this moment. He looked at Qingyu carefully, saw her slightly shaking her head at him, and whispered in a embarrassed voice: "Uncle Su, just like Qingyu said, is a Misunderstanding, misunderstanding." The last two words were squeezed out between the teeth, revealing a wave of unwillingness and hatred.

"Oh, when did we in North Kunlun not only cultivate swords, but also cultivate temperament together." Su Ruo was amused, and she pointed at Qi Rong, "Don't dare to be angry, hate or hate, dare not even tell the truth, You can also repair swords!"

When she said this, Qi Rong's face turned red. He has just entered the foundation building period and has not yet become a teacher. When Su Ruo said this, no matter how good his aptitude is, no one would accept him as an apprentice. "Master Uncle..." But caring about the girl beside him, he still didn't say any more.

On the contrary, there was a disapproval expression in Qingyu's eyes, she saluted slightly, and said softly: "Uncle Shi, the person who hurt me has been hurt, this matter..." Before she could finish speaking, one of them had already brought her A somewhat pampered female voice sounded, "Uncle Su, I know about this."

Qingyu turned her head to look, and the beautiful girl in the scarlet cassock stepped out of the crowd, cast a disdainful glance at her, told the story in a concise and concise manner, and finally gave Qingyu and Qi Rong a sidelong glance, "It is obvious that the people in the Temple of the Underworld have evil intentions, To hurt people, to seize treasures and kill people. If the disciples did not happen to pass by, I am afraid that Junior Sister Qingyu and Junior Brother Qi Rong would have fallen."

Temple of the Underworld?Su Ruo reacted for a while before remembering that it was Zhang Qi's new name after integrating Taoxianmen and several small and medium-sized Demonic Taoism sects.Damn, this bastard himself knows how to kill and seize treasures, and he taught his subordinates to be like him, and he dared to snatch Kunlun's head, he was really impatient.

Su Ruo glared at Qingyu and Qi Rong, "I'll talk about it when I come back." Before she finished speaking, she had already landed beside the team of the Temple of the Underworld. Seeing that it was not good, he released a golden seal and threw it on Su Ruo's head. The other two, one holding a pipa in his arms, and the other lightly raising his wrist, released a swarm of poisonous bees.

Su Ruo smiled slightly, "If you dare to fight back, just leave some marks, and let you have a long memory!"

There was a buzzing sound in her ears, and a swarm of poisonous bees the size of a fist was approaching her. She unhurriedly released the flying sword, and the blade soared, glowing red.With just one swipe of the giant sword, the golden seal was cut into two pieces. As soon as the poisonous bees approached Su Ruo, they fell one after another. Those that touched the red light turned into flying ash. After a while, the swarm of poisonous bees were extinct There was not one left, which made Wu Feng's heart ache.

"Fall!" Su Ruo pointed at the same point, and the giant sword came down at the three of them, coming very fast, no one could dodge.

Everyone just felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the group of people in the Temple of the Underworld lay down on the ground, and everyone took them with them. Everyone saw red, Su Ruo raised her chin slightly, and said arrogantly: "Go back and tell Zhang Qi, one of you in the Temple of the Underworld counts as one. In the future, if you see Kunlun disciples, please detour. If you dare to stretch out your claws again, I will destroy you all!" Well, this declaration is really high-end and foreign, and it has the mighty and domineering demeanor of my Great Kunlun.However, from Su Ruo's mouth, why is it so twisted and added three levels!
Bai Qi faced the weird little eyes of the various sects and sects who were watching the excitement, and greeted Su Ruo, who had returned with great enthusiasm, very calmly, and said softly: "Okay, you have played too, We should go back to the mountain."

Play... What a good use of the word!If someone else took pictures of the Temple of the Underworld, everyone would think that Kunlun was not pleasing to the eyes of the Temple of the Underworld, and wanted to be hostile.It's Su Ruo's turn to make a move. This possibility is not impossible, but it must be at least N percentage points lower.

Who doesn't know that this girl has no other pursuits in her life except to find people to fight.Rather than saying that she disliked the Temple of the Underworld, or that she stood up for the Kunlun disciples, it is better to say that she had an excuse to fight again.

Su Ruo didn't know everyone's feelings at all, she really wanted to vent her anger and support the Kunlun disciples!He is also the first disciple of Kunlun, and he is very interested in Kunlun.There is no personal factor at all this time, it is all handled impartially!

Seeing the Kunlun disciples in white, red, and purple cassocks leave with their swords, Wu Fengniang grabbed an unusually handsome young man and said angrily, "Wu Qing, you bastard, it's all because of you!" , and caused my entire colony of armored bees to die, how are you going to compensate me!"

Wu Qing smiled wryly: "Third sister, I just want to be a hero to save the beauty, who knows that I will be seen!"

"Hey, don't provoke Kunlun's female disciples for me in the future, or I will abolish you first!" Wu Fengniang kicked her brother several times, and slapped his wound with a slap on his wound, hearing his ghost roar It makes me feel better.Alas, her younger brother is good at everything, but his flirtatiousness is too worrying.However, the master of his own house appreciates it very much.

Wu Qing clutched his chest and vomited a mouthful of blood, followed behind Wu Fengniang with a sad face, didn't he just fooled an unsightly kid to rob people, and then jumped out to be a hero to save the beauty, who would have thought that the Kunlun disciples would come So fast, before he could make a move, he was surrounded by people, not to mention his injuries, even the effort he had put on that little beauty before was in vain.But... he touched the sword wound on his body, and he bared his teeth for joy. The girl who just slapped someone, hehe, she is so handsome, her little face is white and tender, and her mouth is red. The last kiss... Hiss, he took a sip of saliva, hey, death is worth it.

The little beauty Su Ruo that Wu Qing was thinking about was educating Qingyu and Qi Rong, "Next time you encounter such a situation, hit if you can beat it, run if you can't beat it, and then come back and complain, there will always be someone who can give You vented your anger, don't hold back and say it, that's not our style in Beikunlun."

Qingyu bit her red lips, and asked hesitantly: "Uncle, is this okay, will it cause trouble for the sect!" She was a little disapproving in her heart, and her experience since she was a child told her that she should settle her own affairs , can not point to others.Moreover, no matter what time, you must be low-key and modest, and you will die quickly if you are too prominent.Like Uncle Su, protecting the disciples under his sect and finding people to be unlucky is indeed very heart-warming, but it is easy for Kunlun disciples to develop arrogance and arrogance. If he provokes someone that even Uncle Su can't provoke, what should he do? manage?Could it be possible to go back to Kunlun again and invite out the ancestors and ancestors?

If Su Ruo knew what Qingyu was thinking at the moment, she would definitely tell her that you are right!What I can't solve is my master, and what my master can't solve is my master. If my master can't solve it alone, there are uncles and uncles who can form a group.In our Kunlun secret land, there are many ancestor-level people, and they are very boring!
Su Ruo raised her eyebrows and said: "No, how can my disciple of the Great Kunlun be bullied by others! Don't worry, don't worry about not having support. I can't beat the uncle, so I will fight with my senior brother. There are my masters, uncles, and uncles. If not, there are also ancestors. We have plenty of ancestors in Kunlun, and if you let two of them go out, you can scare a group of people to death!" She probably also saw that Qingyu's character belongs to For the forbearance type, he said pointedly: "Whether it is a sword cultivator or a Taoist cultivator, or a demon cultivator, demon cultivator, or ghost cultivator, everyone is the same. The most important thing is to be honest with yourself. You, do it yourself."

In her opinion, what kind of truth can a person who dare not even face his own nature cultivate?Just like Qingyu, her aptitude should be good, but she probably hides her cultivation because she is afraid of being jealous.It is clearly in the late stage of foundation establishment, but it only shows the early stage of foundation establishment. How can this kind of person who dare not even show his true strength openly, who is afraid of bumps and challenges, cultivate the Dao?If there is no change, forming a golden core will be invincible.

She waved her hand and let Qingyu and Qi Rong, who were startled by her words, back out. She changed her dignity before, and jumped to Bai Qi's side with the pear vortex, and asked eagerly: "How is it, how is it? Brother, I It did well this time."

Bai Qi looked down at Su Ruo, who was leaning on him with sparkling eyes, sighed silently, raised his hand to touch her small face, and nodded to affirm her performance: "Well, very good." The part where Zuer has more, just look at the last part, the performance is really good.

"I just said, isn't it just being a master, I can do very well." With Bai Qi's affirmation, Su Ruo smiled triumphantly, "When I get back to the mountain, I will ask the master for instructions, and I will accept it as well." Two disciples come to play... Uh, no, teach me."

Bai Qi: "..." Even if the master master convulsively agrees, the master will not agree to let you "persecute" the disciples in the sect.

(End of this chapter)

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