Chapter 151
The peak of Jianjian in North Kunlun is surrounded by snow and clouds all the year round, like a fairyland.Yuheng Palace, carved with jade railings and cornices and bucket arches, stands quietly on the top of Jianjian Peak. This is the sacred place in the hearts of all the disciples who have just entered North Kunlun.Here is the No. 1 seat of Kunlun, Bai Qi, one of the four gentlemen of Kunlun, and Su Ruo, who is the most beautiful in Kunlun. In short, the people who live here are all characters in Kunlun legends.

Every time I stand at the foot of Jianjian Peak and look up at the Yuheng Palace surrounded by clouds and mist, I always wonder in my heart what kind of fairy and jade quality the three masters and apprentices living in it should be.Unfortunately, all this is just conjecture.

"Master, what's the matter, can I accept apprentices?" In Meilun Meiyang's Yuheng Palace, the clear and delicate voice was full of five points of flattery, three points of satisfaction, and two points of joy, lobbying the man lying sideways on the cloud bed.

Zhenjun Yunxiao, who had been harassed by Su Ruo for a long time, finally opened his eyes and yelled unbearably: "I want to take my apprentice down the mountain to find it by myself, but you are not allowed to harm the disciples in the Kunlun Sect!" For three days, he kept repeating a few words over and over again, which really annoyed him to death.I don't know if her master is still a sick person, can't stand her torture like this!

Su Ruo's eyes lit up, and she moved a little closer: "Really? I went down the mountain and found it myself, so you let me keep it!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" A series of "yes" words popped out of Zhenjun Yunxiao's mouth, he squinted at Su Ruo, "Now, go as far as you want, don't bother me!"

"Hmph!" Su Ruo wrinkled her nose at Master Yunxiao, turned around arrogantly, and said, "When I have a cute little apprentice, I won't care about you anymore!" Swaying out, Tuliu Master Yunxiao shot at her luck behind, and just about to release the flying sword, the girl turned around and warned solemnly: "The master said, if you dare to use the natal sword before your injury is healed, he I will retreat with you!"

"Get out without stopping!" Zhenjun Yunxiao casually shot out a burst of stellar energy.

Su Ruo dexterously jumped and dodged, just in time to jump to the door. Before going out, she turned her head and smiled coquettishly: "Master, this word is a bit old!" Master Yunxiao threw it up forcefully, making a loud noise.

Under the marigold tree in the courtyard, a gentle man in a white robe and jade belt stood with his hands behind his back. Hearing the sound, he raised his head and asked with a smile to the girl who was already standing in front of him, "Master agrees?"

"Of course." The girl raised her chin delicately, the dimples on her lips were intoxicating, causing the man to lean over and kiss her lightly, "Then, shall we go down the mountain?"

Su Ruo nodded: "Well! The Seven Stars Refining Shenmu and Yangshen Pill are ready, after we send them to Ah Li, let's go find an apprentice." Obedient, soft little loli, you can play soon .

Bai Qi was dragged by Su Ruo to walk down the peak, and he felt a little sympathy for the two future apprentices. With a master like Ah Ruo and a master like his own master, his future life must be a mess , very lively.

At that time, it was Bai Qi who should sympathize most with himself. According to Su Ruo's aesthetics, she would definitely get back a little lolita with a lot of water, without a real one.As a man, if he wants to teach a group of little lolita what to do, just look at his master and you will know, it is absolutely sad.

The fact that Su Ruo wanted to recruit disciples was known to the Kunlun disciples shortly after she and Bai Qi left the mountain.Those who were fortunate enough to be taught by her definitely fear more than like them, and those who have not been taught by her are lucky to be redundant and have more entanglements-do you want to risk your life to sign up?The only ones who are excited are probably the outer disciples who are in the outer sect and do not understand the situation.

"Yun Xiao, you actually dared to let that girl accept you as an apprentice? Do you think Bei Kunlun is not lively enough?" Upon receiving the news, the head of Xuanyi rushed to Jianjian Peak immediately, and kicked the hall open. door, reached out to grab Master Yunxiao who was lying on the cloud bed.

Yun Xiao didn't even bother to open his eyes, Xuan Yixin made him vigilant, just as he was about to stop, it was already too late.The waist tightened, the spiritual power was sealed, and the whole person was suspended in the air. A child's voice sounded like a baby's voice, "Little Xuanzi, are you itchy again?"

It's over!Not saying when did the uncle come back! Xuan Yi's eyes went dark, and he managed to force a smile: "Hi, uncle."

"What a fool!" Fen Tuanzi changed into a bright red dress, stood in front of him with his hands on his hips, reached out and tapped his forehead and asked, "What's wrong if Ah Ruo wants to take in an apprentice, can't she teach?"

"I can teach it, I can teach it." Xuan Yi nodded repeatedly. In front of Fen Tuanzi, the majesty of the head of Kunlun is useless, "If Ah Ruo can't teach, who else in North Kunlun can accept disciples!"

Fen Tuanzi knocked him a few more times, and said with a sneer: "Duplicity! Hang you for three days first, as a warning!" After speaking, he finally patted Xuan Yi on the forehead, silenced his voice, and bouncing closer to Yun Xiao , stretched out his hand to grab it, and put it directly on his shoulder, "Boy, you dare not use the medicine that I found for you!"

Xuan Yi wanted to cry without tears as he watched Fen Tuanzi go to the secret room against Yun Xiao, who was also stiff like him, he only had one thought now, three days later, will Uncle Buyu remember to put him down!Such a tortoise paddling posture is really not a suitable shape for the head of Kunlun.If the head of Xuanyi knew that Fen Tuanzi didn't quite agree with Su Ruo's acceptance of his apprentice before, and was training his apprentice, but when he came, he changed his mind in an instant, would he spit out a mouthful of old blood to support his disciple and grandson? Regret death.

Not to mention the turmoil in the Kunlun Gate because of her wanting to accept disciples, Su Ruo and Bai Qi were extremely fast, but within a day, they had already arrived at the place they had agreed with Ah Li.The two of them came a little earlier and wandered around the square city of Xicheng with great interest.Lu met countless Kunlun disciples, and Su Ruo put some of the snacks he bought back into the ring, unable to take them out to eat, feeling depressed...

In the evening, after tasting tea in Taibailou, he went back to the inn to rest.

In the middle of the night, sitting opposite each other, the two people who were cultivating opened their eyes at the same time, just jumped out of bed, a person broke through the window and stumbled to the table, his blood-red eyes stared at Su Ruo blankly, turning into purple. The black lips opened and closed, and the air was like gossamer, "Ah Ruo, go!"

"A Li!" Su Ruo cried out in shock, she rushed forward, stuffed the pill into A Li's mouth, and asked anxiously, "How did you get hurt like this!"

That's right, there are knife marks all over Ah Li's body, the marks go deep into the bones, especially bloodshot.

"Uncle Wu is the great mage of the Blood Shadow Sect. I was controlled by him before, so I escaped. You two, go back to Kunlun, and don't go down the mountain for a hundred years." Ah Li gained some strength after taking the elixir.A look of determination flashed in her eyes, her hands flew up, and she made a series of complicated handprints, a little golden light appeared between her eyebrows, Ah Li couldn't wait for all the golden beads to surface, so she dug them out with her hands, endured the great pain, and directly Slapping it into Su Ruo's palm, "Everything happened within the golden bead, my life is not long, you don't need to worry about me, go quickly."

A Li sacrificed his life to report that Su Ruo and Bai Qi could really let her go. The two looked at each other, and Su Ruo helped A Li up. The two released their flying swords at the same time and flew out of the city.

A hundred miles away from the city, a chuckle sounded in his ear: "A Li, I really underestimated you, and actually let you escape."

Bai and Su were startled and increased their speed at the same time.It's a pity that the strength gap between them and the great mage of the Blood Shadow Sect is too great, and they have not been caught up for a moment.

In the golden light of the sky, the two people who were forced to the ground stood side by side with swords in hand, looking at the tall man who slowly landed from the sky.At this moment, he no longer had the aura of majesty he had before, and his body was full of evil spirits. Even when he smiled, it made people look very uncomfortable.

"Don't struggle, follow me obediently." Ke Wu smiled lightly, "I don't want to hurt you two."

Ah Li took two steps forward and looked at the man in front of him with deep-seated hatred in her eyes. She moved her fingers lightly, and a pair of short knives appeared in her hands. The body of pure yang is advanced, I will pester him, you can escape as far as you can."

"A Li, come here, come to Uncle." Ke Wu stretched out his hand and smiled at A Li, with a strange gleam in his eyes, and even his voice was ambiguous.

Ah Li bit his lower lip hard, lowered his eyes, not daring to look at him, his tense body was trembling slightly.

"A Li, come." Ke Wu's voice became softer, and the brilliance in his eyes became even stronger, "We agreed that we will ascend together. With them, ascension will be easier without any danger. Isn't that what you think? ?”

A Li took two steps forward uncontrollably, she stopped abruptly, raised the short knife, and slashed hard on her thigh, blood gushing out.

Ke Wu's eyes sharpened, and he sighed, "You child, you are really disobedient."

Su Ruo and Bai Qi had already prepared, taking advantage of this slight slack, the two swords joined together, one style of ten thousand swords courted the sect, and the two swords of Qiankun turned into ten thousand sword lights, enclosing Ke Wu.

Because of Su Ruo and Bai Qi's attack, Ah Li temporarily escaped from Ke Wu's control. After she turned her head and showed a gorgeous smile, she merged with her sword and rushed towards Ke Wu.

Facing the strongest stance of Su Ruo and Bai Qi, Ke Wu still had a smile on his face, without the slightest nervousness, and even just waved his hand lightly, swiping his wide sleeves, all the lights of thousands of swords fell into his palm, and the universe The two swords were forced to stop in mid-air, unable to advance or retreat, Su Ruo and Bai Qi's hearts were greatly shaken, and the corners of their lips were already bleeding red.

A Li jumped on him, and finally Ke Wu's face changed, and he said sharply: "A Li, for these two bastards, you actually want to die with me!"

Su Ruo also sensed at this moment that an extremely violent spiritual power erupted from Ah Li.No, she wants to rape herself!But at this moment, she was completely focused on the divine sword, unable to speak a word, and could only watch Ah Li die with bloodshot eyes.

The Qiankun Shuangjian also seemed to detect the spiritual power that could cause fatal damage to Su Ruo and Bai Qi, and the red light shone brightly, surrounding the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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