Chapter 152
"Okay, okay, okay, since you want to die, I will grant you." Ke Wu laughed strangely, and grabbed Ah Li's neck casually, a black and red light flashed in his hand, and the spirit on Ah Li's body The power fluctuation was cut off immediately, and the person hung down limply.

Su Ruo saw that his eyes were about to burst, and he raised his spiritual power violently. The Kun Sword had turned into a huge sword, and cut off at Ke Wu's head.

Ke Wu didn't even look at it, he flicked his finger upward lightly, and said with a touch of sarcasm in his mouth: "Is this the only skill that the famous swordsman and fairy couple in the East... Humph! Looking for death!" The sword was extremely flexible, turning a straight cut into a slanted stroke, just passing through the hand that was pinching Ah Li, the sharp blade easily broke Ke Wu's protective spiritual power, leaving a deep sword mark on his arm , purple-black blood spurted out, and the phoenix flame on the sword made him feel a great pain, and also made Ke Wu's eyes glow fiercely.

Bai Qi turned back his sword to protect each other, and at the same time retreated sharply with Su Ruo. However, the two were still hit by Ke Wuhua's giant palm, their meridians were broken, and the dantian was also hit hard. Not broken.

The two minds are connected, hands are held, the two spiritual forces of pure yin and pure yang go hand in hand, the two swords of heaven and earth merge into one again, and the red sword light turns into a phoenix bird, and it rushes towards Ke Wu with a long cry.

The phoenix is ​​a divine beast. Even if it is a sword spirit, its might is enough to make an evil cultivator like Ke Wu, who has stepped into the catastrophe period, awe-inspiring.However, Su Ruo and Bai Qi's cultivation must be much different from Ke Wu's, and the dual swords of Qiankun cannot exert their maximum power.Even so, Ke Wu also carefully took out a small blood-red jade ring, threw it into the air, and walked away looking up at the phoenix.

The blood jade ring is a magic weapon conceived and bred in the blood of a virgin with a full yin character, its color is like fresh blood, and it exudes a bloody and evil aura.The ring swords collided, and in the end Bai and Su were defeated, the phoenix shattered, the twin swords of Qian Kun were knocked into the air, and the blood jade ring hit their chests heavily, with two small silver bells adorned on the blood jade ring. Automatically without wind, the sound waves hit the primordial spirit.The body and soul were severely injured at the same time. Su Ruo and Bai Qi flew upside down for more than ten feet, fell to the ground, and passed out.

The master was seriously injured, and the dual swords of Qian Kun automatically protected the master, which happened to block another blow from the blood jade ring, just like when Su Ruo was seriously injured and died that day, even if he was as powerful and evil as Ke Wu, he used all kinds of methods, but he couldn't break the gap between the two swords. Defense, on the contrary, is almost unable to suppress the cultivation base, attracting catastrophe.

A cultivator like Ke Wu who has done all kinds of evil things in the world will never dare to bring about a catastrophe. Once the catastrophe comes, he will definitely die.Therefore, over the years, on the one hand, he suppressed his own cultivation, and on the other hand, he thought hard about how to escape the catastrophe and advance himself.

In the hands of the leader of the Blood Shadow Cult, he got a part of the secret array of A Li's grandparents. He devoted himself to studying it, and searched everywhere for the caves of ancient and ancient monks. Finally, he came up with a perfect plan. It was only the core part of the formation that needed A Li. For the inheritance of his grandparents, he has been lying to Ah Li for many years, and even when the whole plan was about to succeed, he controlled her and wanted to use her to catch Su Ruo and Bai Qi.

Ke Wu's original idea was to use A Li to give Su Ruo and Bai Qi medicine and plant secret techniques. He didn't expect that A Li would rely on himself and get out of control. He warned the two of them in advance, and he had to be seriously injured. Killed two people, but there is nothing to do with the dual swords of Qiankun who protect the Lord by themselves.

Looking at the two people who were protected by the sword light, even though they were unconscious, their hands were still firmly held together, and then turned their eyes to A Li who was thrown on the ground by him, Ke Wu felt a violent emotion.He has already pulled out that Amo's soul and used it as the main soul of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Refining Banner, and his body has also been penetrated into the Nether Sea and Sea Eye by him, and there is no possibility of survival.Didn't Ah Li like that girl, why would he abandon her to save Su Ruo and Bai Qi?Could it be... She lied to him about everything before, and she still likes a man, this is Bai Qi!Ke Wu stared at Bai Qi with bloody eyes. Isn't he good enough for Ah Li? He would rather betray him for a man who has a Taoist partner, and finally even wanted to hurt him by violently destroying his golden core!
At that time, Ke Wu didn't know what kind of feelings he had for A Li, he only knew that it had become a habit to hold himself up to A Li for so many years, he wanted A Li to smile at him, think He wants to hug her, even wants to eat her directly, so that she can really melt into one with himself.

Uh... this way, if you eat her, she will be his alone!

Ke Wu smiled with indescribable warmth, leaned over and caressed A Li's pale face, and said softly: "A Li, I have thought of a good way, and you will never leave me again."

This place is too close to Kunlun, Ke Wu picked up Ah Li, and the blood jade ring magnified, supporting Su Ruo and Bai Qi, he drew a random picture, a black hole appeared in the sky, and stepped into it, when it reappeared, it was already the seaside.

Su Ruo and Bai Qi were captured by Ke Wu, and Kunlun got the news almost immediately, representing the two people's natal lamps, with only a glimmer of light left, which was more critical than Su Ruo's day.

Zhenjun Yunxiao was frightened and angry, his spiritual power went bad, and he almost lost his temper. Fen Tuanzi threw him into the secret place of East Kunlun and locked him up coldly. Before leaving, he said: "Ah Qi and Ah Ruo have Laozi Take care of your injury!" After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

The disappearance of Bai Qi and Su Ruo shocked the entire Kunlun, and also the entire East Pole.Su Xin, who was pregnant, was stunned by the news and tried to recall the plot in the book, only to find that everything had changed except that the time of the accident was about the same.It is precisely because the plot of the original book deviates too much that Su Xin has not recalled that book for a long time, but when she almost forgot, something happened to Su Ruo and Bai Qi, and the time was exactly when the two people in the original book When the way of death disappears.This made Su Xin terrified, thinking of her own ending in the original book, it seemed that she was killed by Zhang Qi not long after Su Ruo died.Could it be that she can't escape the ending in the original book?

Shen Peilan was also in the same worry as her. Over the years, Shen Peilan had already let go of her resentment towards Zhang Qi, and firmly walked her own path of cultivation step by step. Her hard work has brought about the greatest results. One's own strength, foundation building, and alchemy have won the favor of the master, the attention of the teacher, the sincere love of the brothers and sisters, and the respect of the younger disciples.If it wasn't for Su Ruo and Bai Qi's accident this time, she almost forgot that the time for her downfall in her previous life was so close. Will she survive this time safely?
The ancestors in the Kunlun secret land, the elders of the Bai and Su families dispatched more than a dozen people in a row, and they appeared at the place where the accident happened almost at the same time.The middle-aged man from the Bai family, seeing the people gathered, without saying a word, threw up a mirror, played a few hand tricks, and there was a slight ripple on the mirror surface. The relationship between Bai Qi and Su Ruo and Ke Wu The fighting, and even their being seriously injured and captured, showed it clearly.It's just because of the similar cultivation, Ke Wu's face is a little blurry and not very clear.

After the original scene reappeared, the man put away the mirror, sat down on the spot, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. The hand just now almost exhausted his whole body's cultivation.

"That man looks so strange? Does anyone know him?" Fen Tuanzi spoke first.

"I don't know, it shouldn't be from our generation, or I should have some impression."

"No, he's not from Dongji." Su Ruo's aunt narrowed her eyes, "That Huan'er is quite famous!"

"It looks similar to the talisman of the leader of the Blood Shadow Sect." Fen Tuanzi frowned. He was the one who killed the leader of the Blood Shadow Sect back then, so he is naturally more familiar with his methods. "Could it be that it's a remnant of the Blood Shadow Cult?"


An old man with white beard and hair stood out from the Su family. He tossed the compass in his palm, felt it carefully, and stretched out his finger to the east. "The temporary teleportation place is the Nether Sea."

Before the words fell, there was no one on the ground or in the air.

In the end, the tracked target only reached a certain small island in the Nether Sea, and disappeared without a trace.Also, the most important skills of the Blood Shadow Cult over the years are not those crooked sorcerers, but their concealment techniques, which have been developed secretly in the East Pole for so many years, but no one has discovered it, which is absolutely unusual.

For nearly a year, the Nether Sea was extremely lively. Kunlun, the Bai family, and Su Ruo sent people over in batches. They searched the sea surface and the bottom of the sea several times, but they couldn't find the two of them. Finally, the powder dumpling was found in the eyes of the Nether Sea. They found a girl's body, and Ji Xiao and Sang Qiao knew it was A Mo at the first sight.Although I knew earlier that the accident between Bai Qi and Su Ruo was not unrelated to Ah Li, seeing A Mo still made Ji Xiao and Sang Qiao look serious, and secretly gritted their teeth.

I have searched countless times, and even the forbidden places in the Nether Sea have been walked by the ancestors of Kunlun several times, but there is no trace.Occasionally someone mentioned whether they were taken to Kaiyang Continent.

Zhang Qi happened to be gathering people, wanted to go to Kaiyang Continent, and copied the old lair of the Blood Shadow Cult.Of course Kunlun would not follow Zhang Qi, but he also sent people to Kaiyang Continent with Bai and Su.People in the magic way also thought about whether they could take the opportunity to get the dual swords of heaven and earth, so many people went there.However, Zhang Qi thought that because of his strong appeal, he would respond to all calls, and he was extremely proud of it. He couldn't help but be extremely flamboyant in his actions.

The Kaiyang Cultivation Realm was already plagued by the Blood Shadow Sect, and the leader of the Blood Shadow Sect and the Archmage Ke Wu drained the entire Kaiyang Continent of spiritual energy in order to let him practice.

As soon as everyone in the East Pole Cultivation Realm set foot on Kaiyang, they were all surprised. The aura was too thin, almost non-existent.The spiritual veins were exhausted, and the orthodoxy of each family was almost extinct, and the ones that survived were all small families. The highest cultivation they encountered was only a monk at the early stage of Golden Core, and his lifespan was approaching, and there was no possibility of advancement.

Even if we found the main altar of the Blood Shadow Sect, the aura here is no more than that in ordinary towns. No wonder the Blood Shadow Sect has to move to the East Pole.Kaiyang Continent has reached the Dharma-ending period. In a few hundred years, it will become a secular world. No matter how difficult it is for cultivators to appear, all the monks in the East Pole don't know what it feels like in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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