The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 19 Beating You Up

Chapter 19 Beating You Up
Su Ruo became the first batch of disciples in North Kunlun to enter the Golden Crow Secret Realm at the age of ten and with ten levels of qi training. Even if she was the first disciple, not everyone was convinced. Among them, the least reconciled was It is Qi Jingyi, the disciple grandson of Zhenjun Daoyan.

Before Su Ruo entered North Kunlun, Qi Jingyi was a very famous female swordsman in North Kunlun.Before her father fell, he was Zhenjun Daoyan's beloved disciple. Twenty years ago, he, who had gone down the mountain to practice, was seriously injured and returned suddenly with his two-year-old daughter. After he entrusted his daughter to Zhenjun Daoyan, But the body disappeared.Out of his pity for the lost disciple, Daoyan Zhenjun Qi Jingyi was very concerned, and personally asked the head and the elders of the sect who lived in seclusion in East Kunlun to keep her by his side.When the gates of Kunlun Mountain were opened and disciples were widely recruited, Qi Jingyi and Bai Qi were selected into North Kunlun at the same time by virtue of her outstanding performance, without the two-year trial of the outer sect.

Miss Qi has good aptitude and savvy, and she is willing to endure hardships. She also has a master who is behind her. Coupled with her beautiful appearance, even if she is cold all year round and does not wear a smile, she is still the goddess admired by young disciples in Beikunlun. The most frequently mentioned woman.Although Qi Jingyi didn't take these things to heart, it was inevitable that she would feel a little bit of complacency.But this situation changed quietly after Su Ruo entered North Kunlun a few years ago.

The ancestor who loves her often thinks about her.Although the young disciples still regarded her as a goddess, the person who talked about her most often became Su Ruo.From time to time, he would compare her with himself. Everyone said that Master Yunxiao's new personal disciple was indeed a genius, and his cultivation speed was even slower than that of her senior brother Bai Qi.Forget all these, the most unbearable thing for her is that Bai Qi, the young man she admires the most in the entire North Kunlun, since Su Ruo entered the gate, he no longer goes to the peaks to compete with others, and spends his time teaching him Enter my little junior sister.

As a proud and arrogant girl, or a girl who is a little bit in love, if she doesn't have any thoughts in her heart, she won't believe in ghosts.The Golden Crow Secret Realm is open, and only disciples in the Qi training period can enter.Qi Jingyi got reliable inside news that nine people from Beikunlun were going to form the Nine Palaces Sword Formation this time. She thought that she was already at the twelfth level of Qi training, her sword qi had already been formed, and her sword intent had just emerged, so what? They could all take a spot.Who knows, the final result made her vomit blood.There are nine people without her, and it's that Su Ruo who occupies a position in the tenth level of Qi training, and is still the eye of the Nine Palace Sword Formation, which is tolerable and unbearable!
"Master Zu, why can Junior Sister Su Ruo be selected, but Jingyi can't?" Angry and unwilling, Qi Jingyi rushed directly in front of Zhenjun Daoyan and asked stubbornly.

Sitting cross-legged on the cloud bed, Zhenjun Daoyan sighed secretly, this disciple is not bad, but his temper is too strong.It should be known that it is not a good thing that steel is easy to break!He had mentioned it to Yun Xiao as early as when he was deciding who would enter North Kunlun.Thinking of Yun Xiao asking him with a half-smile: "Brother, you are sure that this girl Jingyi will follow Ah Ruo wholeheartedly, can't you think of anything else?"

Since forming a sword formation, nine people must be like one, if one of them has an impure mind, the power of the sword formation will be greatly reduced, as the person at the center of the formation, the danger is the greatest.As for Master Daoyan, who knew the thoughts of the youngest daughter of his apprentice, he could only keep silent.

"Jingyi, the Golden Crow Secret Realm is left by the ancients, and there are bound to be many crises in it. If Ah has a divine sword to protect her body, she will be the best as a formation eye." After all, it is my child who has been hurting for 20 years. Daoyan Zhenjun explained gently road.

Qi Jingyi was quite unconvinced, "Master Su, Martial Sister Su is only on the tenth level of Qi training, and she has a divine sword to protect her body. I'm afraid she will be reluctant to do it? Jingyi thinks that I am more suitable than her."

"Only in terms of cultivation, there are many disciples in North Kunlun who practice Qi Dao Consummation. Aren't they more suitable than you? The first seat has his own reasons for making such a decision. If you have nothing to do, go and practice the Bihai Dielangjian for a while." Practice." After speaking, Zhenjun Daoyan closed his eyes and remained silent.

Seeing Qi Jingyi, she didn't dare to say any more, she saluted, turned around and walked out in a fit of anger.On the way back to the residence, she was in a bad mood, her face was frosty, and her body was freezing cold, causing all the young disciples to walk around her.

Turning around an intersection, Qi Jingyi saw at a glance a young man in white with a purple belt and a tough face, who seemed to be walking slowly towards the overpass leading to Jianjian Peak, and asked loudly: "Senior Brother Chang, what are you doing?" What are you going to do?"

The man called Senior Brother Chang stopped in his tracks, nodded slightly to her, and said, "Junior Sister Qi."

"Senior Brother Chang is in a hurry, but is there something urgent?"

"Junior brothers and sisters who want to enter the Golden Crow Secret Realm are practicing the Nine Palaces Sword Formation, I will try the sword for them." Chang Shan went straight to the topic without any wordy words.

It's for Su Ruo again!Qi Jingyi selectively ignores the word "junior brother". She is very sensitive to things related to Su Ruo now, and she feels depressed, so she can't help but blurt out: "Little sister is not talented, and I have studied Jiugong with my seniors before." Sword Formation, you haven’t faced each other before, why don’t you go together?”

Chang Shan glanced at her, with deep black eyes, as if he had read her mind.Qi Jingyi's heart trembled when he saw him, she felt guilty for no reason, she straightened her body, pursed her red lips tightly, just about to open her mouth to repent, she heard Chang Shan say: "It's up to you." After finishing speaking, he He turned around and launched a quick wind step, and rushed towards Jianjian Peak.

Qi Jingyi's face darkened, she didn't want to go, but she couldn't resist the unwillingness in her heart, so she casually pinched the quick wind technique, and also ran to Jianjian Peak.

Su Ruo, who was practicing the Nine Palace Sword Formation with several senior brothers, didn't know that a woman came to trouble her. She was happily forming a sword formation with the senior brothers, and fighting with the two senior brothers in the foundation-building stage of Wenjian Peak. Gotta get up.

Although the Nine Palaces Sword Formation can be used to attack and defend, its main function is to defend. Su Ruo, who is the center of the formation, bears heavier pressure than the other eight senior brothers.

At the same time, the disciples of Bei Kunlun have all learned and practiced Jiugong Sword Formation, so they are very familiar with it.Wan Sheng aimed at the disciple who was in the direction of Jingmen and stabbed slowly with his sword. When the two disciples next to him raised their swords to meet him at the same time, he turned around, and the sword was like a rainbow, and he went straight to the wounded gate.

The sword came very fast, and it came to the front in the blink of an eye. Zhang Yu, who was guarding the goal, took a step back subconsciously, his position shifted, and a flaw appeared in the sword array.Bai Zhan, who was fighting side by side with Wan Sheng, raised his head to the sky and shouted loudly, and slashed straight at him with a sword in his head.

Seeing that the sword array was about to be broken and the person pointed by Bai Zhan's sword energy was about to be injured, Su Ruo took half a step upwards, shouted coquettishly, and the divine sword in his hand flew out, just in time to block Bai Zhan's sword.As her position changed, the other eight stepped forward and changed positions at the same time, the formation changed, and the entire Nine Palaces Sword Formation was once again impenetrable.

Bai Zhan laughed loudly and said: "Little Junior Sister, you've blocked it well! Take another sword." As he said that, the light of the Qingfeng sword in his palm surged, and he went straight to Su Ruo who was in the center of the formation.

Su Ruo felt a little strenuous when he received the sword just now, but now with a strike of [-]% strength from Bai Zhan Ji, the sword energy is overflowing, the cold air is pressing, and the coercion of the foundation cultivator is coming.Instead of retreating, Su Ruo advanced, pinched the sword formula, and shouted: "It's now!" Before the voice finished, the Kun sword took the lead, bursting into a dazzling red light, and went straight to Bai Zhan, and the other eight people also pinched their swords Jue, eight long swords, the sword energy is synthesized and one throw goes straight to Baizhan.

Wan Sheng chuckled, and swung his sword in front of Bai Zhan, "Junior Sister, did you forget that I'm still here, Senior Brother?"

"You are the one who beat you!" Su Ruo replied crisply. The Kun sword was extremely fast. The moment it touched Bai Zhan's sword, it folded in the air, merged with the eight sword qi, and slashed straight. go.

The sword lights intersected and separated at the touch, Bai Zhan and Wan Sheng retreated three steps at the same time, and the nine people who formed the sword formation did not move at the same place, holding the sword formula with their hands, and changed from attack to defense.

Wan Sheng strangely shouted: "No way, little junior sister, you blocked Bai Zhan's sword by yourself?" Then he turned his head and glared, "Bai Zhan, did you play tricks just now?"

Bai Zhanli ignored him, and smiled at Bai Qi who was standing on the side: "Young junior sister can take a blow from me with six successes, and if you want to enter the Golden Crow Secret Realm, you can also guarantee your safety by two points."

Bai Qi nodded with a smile, and said very calmly: "I'm not worried about her safety." Bai Zhan felt very tired instantly, and felt that he would never love again.

Bai Qi praised Su Ruo again: "Ah Ruo, the sword just now was not bad, but he was a little softer, and it could have made Wan Sheng popular."

With a dark face, Wan Sheng said gloomyly: "Why are you seeing red, you know where her sword was slashed!" My sister, the middle and upper thighs, such a dangerous place, can also be seen red!If he made a mistake, he would die.

Su Ruo blinked her eyes twice, and asked very puzzled: "Can't legs be cut off?" She tried hard to recall what her master and senior brother had taught her, and unconsciously pouted, "Master and senior brother didn't I said that you are not allowed to chop off legs, is it possible that Ning and Master Uncle have this rule?" Then she must ask clearly, so as not to break the rules when she fights swords with Wen Jianfeng's brothers in the future.

"..." Wan Sheng was tongue-tied for a long time, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Legs can be chopped off!" After finishing speaking, he ground his teeth, took off with his sword, and was about to go back.

"Senior brother Wan, you can't fly with the sword at Jianjian Peak, the master will beat you!" Before he could finish speaking, Wan Sheng fell to the ground, and it took him a long time to get up on his knees while supporting his waist, and said with a mournful face: "First seat, disciple is wrong!" Already!"

"Huh..." came a cold voice, "Go back." Yun Xiao, who was leaning on the big pillow, pouted and said secretly, letting you think about nothing, and almost spoiling my little apprentice, let you Wrestling is light!

(End of this chapter)

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