Chapter 20 Lost
Bai Zhan, whose liver ached from Bai Qi's words, looked at his brother, half-bent to the left, and withdrew from Jianjian Peak at a speed rarely seen in his life. He was speechless, and it took a while before he handed over to Bai Qi. As a courtesy, "Second Senior Brother, Junior Brothers and Junior Sisters are almost proficient in Jiugong Sword Formation, so let's go first."

Bai Qi nodded with a smile, and also saluted: "Thank you two juniors for your help. Talk too much to remind Bai juniors that it is more appropriate to walk back when the master is here." He pointedly glanced at Wan Sheng's leaving back, reminded One sentence.

Bai Zhan grinned, his face was a bit bitter, even if the chief seat was not there, he didn't dare to break the rules of Jianfeng.Just now Wan Sheng was choked by the words of the little junior sister, and left in a hurry, otherwise he would not have committed the crime knowingly.

Wan Sheng and Bai Zhan were the last of the foundation-building disciples that Bai Qi recruited to accompany Su Ruo and the others to train. The rest were disciples in the Qi training period, and most of them were above the twelfth level of Qi training. .

"Ah Ruo, you are already familiar with the coordination of the sword formation. It is enough to close it a few times a day. Next is the time to refine your sword skills. As a swordsman, there is nothing better than actual combat to improve one's body. Strength, mastering your own swordsmanship. From now on, apart from your daily practice, you will come here to compete swords with your brothers."

Su Ruo raised her little hand and asked, "Don't you need to go to the hidden forest? It's also good to fight with monsters?"

Bai Qi raised his eyebrows, and explained gently: "Recently, you have been going too frequently, they are all hiding, and it is too troublesome and time-consuming to find them." It's much easier than monsters.

"Oh." Su Ruo nodded, she squinted her watery phoenix eyes, and saw the brothers standing in twos and threes one by one, eager to try.

Qi Jingyi, who has been watching the battle for a long time, has long been displeased with Su Ruo for a long time. Although Su Ruo and Bai Qi stand at a certain distance, and their words and deeds are not particularly intimate, she just looks depressed and always feels that Bai Qi treats Su Ruo If you laugh the most, your words are gentle.

Walking a few steps casually, Qi Jingyi kept a cold face and said in a icy tone, "Junior Sister Su, please."

Seeing that someone offered to practice against him, Su Ruo took two steps with great interest and then stopped.She pursed her lips, and looked up and down the beautiful senior sister in white with a purple belt across her waist. She couldn't help but puff her cheeks, and said two words sullenly: "Don't hit me."

Qi Jingyi was already very angry when Su Ruo sized her up. Seeing her refusing to compete with him, she said coldly: "Junior Sister Su thinks that Jingyi is not worthy of competing with her first lover?" This hat The buckle is a bit big, and the radiating area is also a bit wide. The disciples who came to accompany the Qi training period in the field did not show it on the surface, but they were also muttering in their hearts.

There are also those who have a relatively good relationship with Su Ruo and Bai Qi, who look worriedly at their expressionless faces.

"Senior Sister's heart is not calm, I won't fight with you." Although Su Ruo often made two mistakes, her senses were extremely keen, and she noticed that Qi Jingyi's aura was getting more and more anxious, so she explained.

Restless?Qi Jingyi laughed out of breath, "Junior Sister Su, don't be afraid of losing under Jingyi's hands, she doesn't look good, does she?"

Uh, why are you angry?Su Ruo controlled her little paws that were about to move, and didn't grab her own hair.Alas, people's thinking is really strange, they get angry when they say they are angry.Forget it, don’t worry if you don’t understand.She smiled at Qi Jingyi with a good temper, "Sister Qi is whatever she says." After finishing speaking, her bright phoenix eyes turned to Chang Shan, "Senior Brother Chang, can you fight with me?"

Qi Jingyi just felt that her lungs were going to explode, this is Chi Guoguo's contempt!She had never been treated like this in her life.Immediately, the long sword was out of its sheath, and one move chased the wind and waves towards Su Ruo's chest.

This move came very quickly, the sword light was shining, and it reached Su Ruo's chest in an instant.

Su Ruo frowned and stepped back, looking at Qi Jingyi who was full of anger, she was not very happy.People have made it very clear that if your heart is not calm, the sword will be affected, so I don't want to fight with you, how can you be stronger!

Qi Jingyi made three sword strikes in a row, Su Ruo stepped back three times, seeing that she didn't have the slightest intention to give up, pouting, puffing her cheeks, turning her slender waist lightly, the sword in her palm received Qi Jing's sword, and she didn't wait for her to change moves, the sword was light Shaking, nine sword shadows appeared, divided into upper, middle and lower, and went straight to Qi Jingyi.

Bai Qi sighed slightly, no wonder A Ruo was too lazy to compete swords with Junior Sister Qi, so impetuous, he would definitely be defeated by A Ruo's sword within seven moves.

As he expected, Su Ruo's sword moves are exquisite, his footwork is nimble, and his speed is fast. After the two of them passed five moves, Su Ruo jumped out of the battle circle, with a flower-shaped earring on the tip of the sword, crisp and crisp. He said: "Senior sister, I have accepted it!"

It is said that the victory and defeat have already been decided, and Qi Jingyi shouldn't entangle her anymore, but she was defeated by a young rival with low cultivation level in front of Bai Qi, how could she live with face.Not much to say, the whole body's spiritual power reached its limit, and he swung his sword obliquely, with killing intent, and slashed at Su Ruo.

The gentle smile that had been hanging on Bai Qi's face all the year round was gone at this time. His sword eyebrows were slightly furrowed, his eyes were icy, and he was staring at the two people in the field, but his body didn't move, and he didn't have any intention to rescue them. the meaning of.

Qi Jingyi's cultivation base was two levels higher than Su Ruo's, and her spiritual power was also deeper. At this time, she swung a sword with hatred, and the sword energy locked on Su Ruo, preventing her from escaping.

The fierce sword energy enveloped Su Ruo's petite body, and the Frost Sword turned into four beams of sword light. The light was overwhelming, and the chill was overwhelming. It seemed that as long as it touched the edge of the light, it would be smashed to pieces by the sword energy.The Beikunlun disciples watching the battle looked at each other and felt that Qi Jingyi's approach was a little too much.She had obviously lost just now, and it's okay to fight again, but against her fellow apprentice, should she use a killer move!

Chang Shan stood a few steps away from Bai Qi, watching the two people in the arena calmly, "Aren't you going to stop Junior Sister Qi?"

Bai Qi stood with his hands behind his back, and the faint smile returned to his face, "Ah Ruo can handle it."

Su Ruo stood quietly in the arena, and the bright red sword flew up, but it was not as powerful as Qi Jingyi's, but it was extremely fast. After a series of crisp sounds of "Ding Ding Dang Dang", unexpectedly, Qiu Shuang's sword was lifted flying, and Su Ruo's petite The figure of Qi Jingyi flashed, followed by the long sword, and landed in front of Qi Jingyi. The red long sword hit Qi Jingyi's chest straight, "Senior Sister, you lost." The plain five words made Qi Jingyi's delicate face pale instantly. Qi Jingyi clenched her red lips tightly, staring at that petite figure bitterly, Su Ruo, who was walking lightly towards Bai Qi, with her sword drawn and left the field, turned around suddenly, and ran away.

Su Ruo, who had won a match, jumped back to Bai Qi's side briskly, and said with crooked eyes, "Brother, I won."

Bai Qi reached out and rubbed her little head, smiled and praised, "Our Ah Ruo is the best."

Chang Shan looked at the pair of smirking senior brothers and sisters with black lines all over his head, and really wanted to growl, if Su didn't see it, didn't you Bai Qi either, Qi Jingyi's hateful eyes just now are very telling.

"Senior Brother Chang, can you fight with me!" After Su Ruo reported the result to Bai Qi, she once again set her expectant eyes on Chang Shan.

"Junior Sister, let's adjust your breath first." After the game just now, don't you need to rest?

"It's okay, I'm not tired at all." As long as there is a fight, Su Ruo is always in high spirits.

Bai Qi tilted his head slightly, and said with a calm smile, "Senior Brother Lao Chang is here."

Chang Shan is slightly embarrassed, Bai Qi really asked him to compete with his junior sister!Really don't need to take a break, he has a feeling of taking advantage of his little sister, will he be cleaned up by the first seat!
Su Ruoyue stood still in the middle of the field, held a sword flower, and saluted, "Please give me your advice, Senior Brother Chang."

Chang Shan returned the salute and unsheathed the long sword.His sword was three inches longer than normal swords, and it was blue all over. The whole blade was very thin, as if he could see the blade trembling slightly in the wind.

Su Ruo was the first to attack, she came very fast, the long sword swayed lightly, and nine sword shadows struck.Chang Shan's sword is also fast, and his swordsmanship is weird, often stabbing out from impossible corners.Qi Jingyi's Dzogchen cultivation base during the qi training period is really the same as Qi Jingyi's [-]th floor. Even though Chang Shan tried his best, Su Ruo was forced to give up attack and defend instead.

The disciples on the sidelines couldn't take their eyes off the sky. Both of them were fast swords, and they used them like a storm, but Chang Shan's sword was determined to force people.Su Ruo, on the other hand, is light and ethereal, with a mixture of fiction and reality.

The swords of the two are getting faster and faster, and their body skills are also used to the extreme.Su Ruoling's platform was clear, with only the sword in his heart in mind, while trying his best to block Chang Shan's attack, he found the right opportunity to counterattack.Gradually, her sword's lightness, spirit, and elegance remained unchanged, but the transition between virtual and real was much less. From the most 81 sword shadows, it slowly condensed into 27, nine, and finally the last three. You can only defend with all your strength, and you can return one or two moves within ten moves.

Bai Qi smiled in satisfaction, and he knew that the little junior sister was very smart, and she realized the truth of simplifying things so quickly.

The difference in cultivation makes the spiritual power in Su Ruo's body far inferior to that of Chang Shan. If she wants to fight Chang Shan for a longer time, she must save her spiritual power. Guarantee the power of swordsmanship, and it cannot be wasted.It's a pity that the spiritual power is still limited after all. Sensing that the spiritual power is about to be exhausted, Su Ruo gave a soft drink, struck the head with a sword, and slashed down hard.

After a crisp sound, Su Ruo quickly backed up more than ten steps, and just now she stood still, her smile was like a flower, and her sharp little tiger teeth poked her head out quietly, "I lost, thank you, Senior Brother Chang."

"Hmm..." The crowd who watched made a big embarrassment in their hearts.Junior sister, everyone knows that you lost, but whether you want to be so happy, you are actually happier than you just won Qi Jingyi, this is unscientific!
(End of this chapter)

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