Chapter 21
Su Ruo gave up so simply, without any loss at all, it was beyond Chang Shan's expectation.I thought that the girl who was so doted on by the first seat and Bai Qi might be more arrogant than Qi Jingyi, but I didn't think that this little girl was unexpectedly simple, or a little... no, she was very stupid.For the sword, it is very sincere and sincere, which is very good.His expressionless face for many years softened a lot, and he rarely smiled at Su Ruo: "Young junior sister's swordsmanship is pretty good."

Chang Shan belongs to martial arts, and is especially obsessed with swords. He has a firm heart and high understanding. He is the leader among the disciples of the Qi training period in Beikunlun, and he is also the apprentice appointed by the master of Lunjian Peak. He only waits for him to establish a foundation. , Then income under the door.The people in Changshan are sword-crazy, they have nothing in their hearts except the sword, and in North Kunlun, except Bai Qi, they don't have much contact with anyone else, it's rare that they have such a friendly attitude towards Su Ruo today, which fell through the eyes of all the disciples , This is even more surprising than Senior Brother Yan smiling.

The disciples on and off the court involuntarily aimed their eyes at Su Ruo.Well, the delicate little face, the curved crescent eyebrows, the charming phoenix eyes, the straight nose, the small flower-like mouth, the little girl in her teens, her skin is fairer than snow, and she even has some small double chins, she is both beautiful And cute.In a few years, she must be another fairy of Meiguan Kunlun, but right now she is just a cute little girl.Uh, I understand, Senior Brother Chang Shan actually likes little girls!That's right, the pretty little junior sister is indeed much cuter than the mischievous brat.

Su Ruo didn't know about everyone's developmental thinking. She was sitting cross-legged beside Bai Qi, closing her eyes, adjusting her breath, and practicing exercises. The slightly cool aura unique to North Kunlun, once entering her body, turned into a little bit of spiritual energy. Moisturizing the thirsty meridians.Under her guidance, they happily ran in the body, and finally merged into the dantian.The dantian, which was originally empty, slowly filled up, and Su Ruo slowly opened her eyes until she could no longer dissolve a trace of spiritual power.She was pleased to find that the barrier to the eleventh floor of Qi training had become thinner.

Although Bai Qi looked at the two people who were fighting swords in the arena, most of his thoughts were on Su Ruo.The moment she opened her eyes, she noticed it, and she lowered her head and chuckled: "Ah Ruo, can I get something?"

Su Ruo showed a big smile happily, and nodded vigorously, "Yes, there are many. Brother, I'm going to ask Xinya."

"Okay." Bai Qi gently touched Su Ruo's little head, took her hand, and said to Chang Shan, "Senior Brother Chang, I'll take Ah Ruo to see the master."

Su Ruo turned her head and waved at Chang Shan, "Thank you, Senior Brother Chang today, I'll ask Senior Brother Chang for advice when I come out from Wenxin Cliff." La la la, I had a lot of fun playing with him today, as expected I'm still better than myself People fight cool.

Bai Qi understood Su Ruo's mood very well. He leaned over and hugged Su Ruo with a smile, and tapped her little nose casually, "It's better to fight with powerful people, right?"

"Yeah." Su Ruo nodded, "I can learn a lot, no wonder senior brother likes to fight with senior brother."

Mentioning the elder brother Yan Zishen, Bai Qi was a little distressed, his lips that were always smiling were pursed into a straight line, and his voice became much lower: "But the elder brother doesn't like to fight with me."

"It's okay, I'll go find the elder sister and ask her to tell the elder brother that the elder brother listens to the elder sister most." Su Ruo patted Bai Qi's shoulder proudly.

Bai Qi tilted his head and rubbed against Su Ruo's small face, with a smile in his eyes, and a little more excitement in his voice: "Thank you, Ah Ruo, senior brother will go back and make you a thousand-layer cake."

"Ho Ho Ho, senior brother is the best..." Su Ruo put her arms around Bai Qi's neck and cheered happily.

Ji Xiao and Yan Zishen, who were discussed by the two brothers and sisters, felt a cool breeze blowing behind them, and Yan Zishen raised his eyebrows lightly, and said to himself: "Who is talking about me behind my back?"

Ji Xiaomei's eyes widened, and she glared at him: "Be careful, this is a pill for my junior sister."

"Okay, okay..." Yan Zishen responded repeatedly, concentrating on handling the spirit grass in his hand.

Shen Peilan, who was allowed to watch Ji Xiao open the furnace to make alchemy, secretly glanced at Yan Zishen, who confessed his labor and was entrusted by Ji Xiao, and shook his head secretly. But it is still hard to escape the view of beauty and gentleness. How can such a person deserve to be the master of Kunlun? No wonder he was defeated by Zhang Qi.

Ji Xiao, who had just refined a batch of Recovering Spirit Pill, immediately noticed Shen Peilan's distraction, she was a little unhappy, and whispered: "Peilan!"

Shen Peilan was startled, and raised her head with an apologetic smile: "Master, I'm sorry, I was distracted just now."

"I heard that Martial Nephew Shen also signed up for the competition, and wants to go to the Golden Crow Secret Realm?" Ji Xiao's subordinates kept on cleaning the alchemy furnace and sorting out the materials.

"Yes, I want to go, and on the other hand, I also want to exercise myself." Shen Peilan frankly admitted her thoughts.She had a little idea of ​​Ji Xiao's character during this period of contact, and she never liked the kind of person who twisted his mind and spoke half-spoken.

Her confession really added another point to Ji Xiao's affection for her, and he pointed out: "Only in terms of combat power, the same level of swordsmanship is naturally stronger, especially during the Qi training period, when the cultivation base is not enough, you can The spells used are limited. However, there are no absolutes. It depends on who uses the spells more familiarly and flexibly, and whoever has a better chance of winning. You should practice more these days, and let others come to tidy up the alchemy room first."

"Yes, thank you, Uncle Ji." Shen Peilan gave a gentle and grateful smile, got up and saluted Ji Xiao.

"Okay, go on your own." Ji Xiao waved her out.

Yan Zishen didn't speak all the time, and when Shen Peilan walked out of the alchemy room, he frowned and said, "Ah Xiao, why do I think this girl is a bit strange?"

"Too calm and reserved, right?" Ji Xiao smiled, "It's not just her, even Su Xin, the younger sister's cousin. At a young age, she knows how to subdue her nature and show gentleness and calmness. Alas, what should I do?" Are you saying that these girls are too precocious? However, there is nothing wrong with this, calm and self-discipline is better than domineering. "

Yan Zishen thought of Lan Ling, who was doted on lawlessly by the Seven Languages ​​True Monarch, and nodded silently, "I still like a silly little girl like my junior sister."

Ji Xiao glanced at him sideways, "It's no good for you to like her, she's our little junior sister. Hurry up!"


Su Ruo, who was talked about by the two, was talking in front of Master Yunxiao at this moment: "...The way is as simple as it is, and the swordsmanship is also the same. It's just that my cultivation and realm are not enough, so I can't simplify it. Just now When fighting swords with Senior Brother Chang, most of them are suppressed by him, so they can only defend passively, even if they fight back occasionally, they have little effect."

"However, I have a new understanding of Yuqing's swordsmanship, and I want to ask Xinya to practice." Su Ruo's spirit was flying, her phoenix eyes were shining, and her face was ruddy.

Yun Xiao nodded in satisfaction, leaned back, lay down on the bed again, and closed her eyes slightly: "Go, I will ask your senior brother to call you when they compete." Not bad, the little girl didn't have too high aspirations, Learn to run before learning to walk.

(End of this chapter)

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