The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 22 The Male Lead?

Chapter 22 The Male Lead?

The cold ice and snow on Wenxin Cliff lingers all year round. Looking around, you can see white snow and clear ice everywhere. On the ice and snow, the unique spirit grass and exotic flowers of North Kunlun grow silently.Su Ruo sat cross-legged on a sudden rock, facing a long stream of water pouring down, the sound of rumbling water could be heard all around her.There are many meditation places on Wenxin Cliff, and she specially chose the one facing the waterfall, watching the waterfall flying down with thunderous momentum, hitting the rocks in the water, but the rocks remained motionless.

Su Ruo quietly looked at the rocks in the water, and the previous battle with Chang Shan came to mind.Chang Shan's sword is like a waterfall, but she is not as stable as a rock.Of course, water drops penetrate stones, and after a long period of time, those who are as stable as rocks will also shift, and perhaps one day they will be shattered by water.Senior Brother Chang's sword, the offensive is like a gust of wind and waterfall, continuous, one move is not too old, and the other is coming again, making it impossible for her to fight back, so she is like this rock, no matter how well she defends, she will eventually be pushed away or crushed that day.

Yuqing's swordsmanship flashed across her heart, she jumped lightly, her petite body fluttered in the air like a baby swallow, lightly fell on the rocks in the water, against the current, the sword moved with her heart, and Yuqing's Liangyi swordsmanship unfolded .The first goal is not to wet the clothes by the water; the second goal is to reverse the flow of water with sword energy.

Su Ruo was meditating on Wenxin Cliff, and the competition for the number of places in the secret realm of the Kunlun Qi training period disciples had already begun.The Dou Fa Tai is located in East Kunlun, and all registered disciples participate in the teleportation array leading to East Kunlun from each peak.

There are many disciples under the Kunlun sect, and the western, southern, and northern Kunlun peaks have different skills. Those who dare to sign up will naturally have good strength, so this fight is quite interesting.

I don't know if Su Xin's luck is good or bad. She met her half-sister Su Lin in the first scene.After Su Lin passed the two-day trial of the outer sect, because she didn't want to be in the same place as Su Xin, she went to Cangwu Peak in West Kunlun, concentrated on her cultivation, and got the blue eyes of Qingxia Yuanjun, the master of Cangwu Peak, and accepted her as a disciple. Become a true disciple.Qingxia Yuanjun was one of the three famous fairies in Kunlun's early years. Although he had a single water spirit root, he was the best at ice spells. His martial strength was strong, and he was also well-known in the cultivation world where male cultivators dominated.

Two sisters, Su Lin and Su Xin, stood facing each other. Su Lin's face was frosted, and she held a pair of jade rings in her palm.Su Xin smiled gracefully and bowed lightly, "Long time no see, how is sister?"

Su Lin glanced at her and didn't make a sound. She just bowed to the uncle who was guarding the platform, and then took the lead to control the people. Six water arrows rushed towards Su Xin.Su Xin dodged to dodge, but found that hidden behind the water arrows, there were two transparent ice arrows approaching her body. She bent down, and the ice arrows flew past her body.Before he got up, Yuhuan had arrived with a confusing sound.Su Xin's movements froze, half a beat slow, and was hit by the water arrow in the leg, and the blood was looming.

Su Xin rolled on the spot in embarrassment, only to avoid the two ice arrows following Su Lin, she stood up reluctantly, and pinched the magic formula with her hands, a dirt wall rose to block her, and then the magic spell continued. Change, the entanglement technique was thrown out, and two green vines rolled towards Su Lin. When Su Lin dodged, she quickly threw a swamp technique at her feet, trapping her for a while. The left hand was ready Three water arrows have been thrown out.

Su Lin sneered, "Su Xin, you really don't know how to play with water in front of me." A water shield appeared in front of her. Big move.

To Su Lin's surprise, Su Xin drew out the flying sword with her backhand and stabbed straight in front of her.Her sword was very fast and accurate, stabbing at the same place on the water shield every time. After three blows, the water shield broke, and Su Lin's spell had just been completed, and when she was about to cast it, she was stabbed in the shoulder by Su Xin's sword , the gathered spiritual power dissipated, not to mention that the sign was not sent out, and he was kicked out of the fighting platform by Su Xin.

"Sister, how are you? Is the wound okay? I'm sorry, I'm not very familiar with water arrows. I didn't control it well and hurt you." Su Xin jumped off immediately after the uncle guarding the platform nodded. Dou Fa Tai came to Su Lin and asked with concern.

Su Lin covered the wound with her hands, her pretty face was pale, and her dark eyes stared at Su Xin bitterly. It took a long time before she said coldly: "Today, I am not as skilled as others, and this injury will definitely recover in the future. Su Xin I would like to advise you, don't get complacent too early." Having said that, he used his agility and quickly left.

"Hey, sister..." Su Xin frowned lightly, her face was filled with boredom, coupled with her slightly pale face after losing the snow, she was especially affectionate.

Zhang Qi, who had just watched the sisters fighting, sighed slightly in his heart, how could two good sisters look like enemies.He took two steps forward, pointed at Su Xin's injured leg with a smile: "Junior Sister, you are also injured, hurry up and heal your injury, you will have to fight in a while."

Su Xin heard the reputation and looked at the young man in the purple robe and white belt of the disciple of the Qi training period in West Kunlun, standing in front of him with his back to the light. , the extraordinarily sunny warmth makes people feel good at first sight.Pfft, looking at this, why does it look familiar?Su Xin cupped her hands as a salute, and said with a smile, "Thank you, brother, for your suggestion."

The 13-year-old Su Xin is fresh and refined like a newly opened bud. At this time, she smiles like a magnolia flower that has just bloomed, beautiful and elegant.Zhang Qi was slightly stunned, thinking that although this girl is not as good as Lan Ling, she is still quite beautiful, and the smile on his face deepened, "I am the disciple of Master Mingyu from Chixia Peak in West Kunlun. Zhang Qi, this is wound medicine, junior sister should heal the wound first."

Zhang Qi!hero!Su Xin was secretly surprised, but he has a super cheat, and he knows almost everything about the cultivation world.She has a big secret, so she has to hide from him, and don't let him find out.Wait, this person is a bit useless, so he talked to himself, don't you have discovered the omnipotent space in his body! Su Xin warned himself to be calm, while scrutinizing Zhang Qi's expression without leaving a trace, seeing him His expression was natural, except for a bright smile, there was nothing else to say, and his heart felt more at ease.She stabilized her mind, afraid that her eyesight could not be cultivated properly, she lowered her head slightly, and said softly: "Thank you, Senior Brother Zhang, the medicine for healing, I am here, so I will leave first."

"Ah, Junior Sister, let's go!" Zhang Qi smiled slightly, his eyes filled with splendor, Junior Sister Su, it's going to be normal in the future!

Su Xin, who walked away quickly, only felt a little cold behind her back, and always felt an ominous premonition. It seemed that before she became stronger, she had to walk around the male lead, as far as she could.Wait, Su Xin thought belatedly, Zhang Qi seems to be about the same age as Su Ruo.Su Ruo's little girl still looks like a lolita, why does he look like a ten-year-old Zhengtai at all, he looks older than her!Damn, Bai was taken advantage of by him for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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