The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 27 The Secret Realm 2

Chapter 27

No matter what Zhang Qi and the others were planning, the people who initially reached a consensus had already lined up and planned to walk out of the stone platform.

Su Ruo was still in the front, and the remaining eight northern Kunlun disciples, in groups of two, stood on the outermost side, sandwiching the disciples from the western and southern Kunlun. Stay on your own body, and protect each other, forming a barrier to protect the people in the middle.

At the moment when the sword net was formed, Su Ruo made a gesture and jumped out of the stone platform first.The people behind her, one step behind her, maintained their formation and filed out.

Stepping out of the stone platform, the scenery in front of you is changing, the green grass swaying in the wind forms a continuous sea, and unknown flowers bloom in the green sea, and occasionally colorful butterflies fly among them.

From the moment Su Ruo stepped out of the stone platform, she was very uneasy, always feeling that there was some danger approaching her.The moment he stepped into the grass, the divine sword in his hand pierced obliquely, passing through the ears of the Bei Kunlun disciples who followed him, and accurately stabbed a half-meter-long insect.

The worm that was stabbed was green all over and fell on the grass, like green grass, if it weren't for its painful writhing, it would be difficult to distinguish.

"What kind of zerg is this? It looks like beetia, but it doesn't quite match?" Brother Liu, who had just caught the twins back on the stone platform, took two steps forward, carefully looked at the dead worm, and said to himself Talking to myself.

The eldest of the twins, Qi Yi, grinned and said, "If Senior Brother Liu is not sure, just pick it up and show it to Uncle Wang." Xingmin pulled it up, and at the same time he slashed with his flying sword, and five of the same insects writhed and fell to the ground.

"I'm afraid this piece of grass is the home of this bug." Su Xun's expression was serious. He had just killed a dozen of the same bugs. Needless to say, Su Ruo, she was the first to step into the grass. Around his body, there were at least twenty corpses of Zerg.

As the only third girl in the team, Shen Peilan was fine. In her previous life, she had followed Zhang Qi to enter secret realms and forbidden areas, and she had become more courageous. Although she was tired of bugs, she didn't have much psychological barriers.But Su Xin was different. She was an ordinary white-collar worker before, and she had to scream when she saw a cabbage caterpillar.Although I was born in a cultivating family and went to Kunlun in this life, I also killed monsters when I went to the Forbidden Forest for trials, so I was a little bolder, but for molluscs like worms, I haven't completed my mental construction. The insect corpses on the ground only felt numbness in the scalp and cold palms.

She looked at Su Ruo, who was calm and guarded, and sighed: She deserves to be one of the heroines, and she has a good heart.

"Hurry up, take a detoxification pill." Su Ruo raised her voice after her complexion changed.At some point, there was a strange fragrance in the air, and she was keenly aware that her spiritual power was slowly diminishing as the fragrance spread.

The rest of the people also noticed it, quickly took out the detoxification pill, and put it in their mouths.Fortunately, the quality of the products produced by Kunlun Dantang is still guaranteed, the influence of the strange fragrance on them is fading, and the spiritual power is running smoothly.

"Look quickly, the corpses of the bugs are dissipating." Liu Bo from the Beast Hall dispelled the poison pill, and his eyes fell on the Zergs, but he was horrified to find that the dead Zergs were quickly dissipating. "This aroma is probably the poisonous gas emitted by the dead insects." He, who has always been familiar with strange beasts, gave his guess immediately.

Wenxuan from South Kunlun quickly threw fireballs at the bug corpses that hadn't dissipated.Fortunately, these insects are afraid of fire. When touched by a fireball, they immediately turn into fly ash, and the fragrance in the air also dissipates.

"This bug is afraid of fire."

"So, how many of us have fire roots?" Su Xun asked.

"Me." "Me." "Me." The six people in South Kunlun, except for Su Xin, the other five have fire roots, one person in West Kunlun raised his hand, and even three people in North Kunlun raised their voices.

"Senior Brother Su, although we don't have Fire Spirit Root, we can still use some ordinary fireball techniques."

Su Ruo shook her head, "Now that you're new to the secret realm, it's best not to consume too much spiritual power, save as much as you can, so as not to be unable to cope with emergencies. Brother Xun, we are responsible for killing insects in the North Kunlun, and the senior brother in the South Kunlun They burned the corpses and passed through the grass at the fastest speed."

Su Xun nodded and added: "Let Senior Brother Liu bring back some corpses of bugs for the elders to have a look at."

Su Ruo stuffed two more detoxification pills into her mouth, "Although the detoxification pill is effective, it has a time limit. Let's hurry up."

Seeing this, everyone also took the elixir in their mouths, glanced at each other, stepped forward at the same time, and stepped carefully into the grass.

As expected, after a group of people entered the grass, the Zerg worms rushed forward and surrounded them.After all, although there are many Zergs, they are easy to kill, and as long as the Zerg corpses are ignited early, they will not cause too much damage to them.

"No, according to our speed, we should have left this meadow long ago, and there are more and more butterflies flying over." Su Xun frowned after sweeping away a piece of zerg with his sword, feeling extremely uneasy.

The colorful butterflies flying in the grass gathered more and more, and the phosphorous powder on the faint wings fell down. "Use a talisman, kill the butterflies first, they will suck blood." A colorful butterfly ignored the sword energy of Su Ruo's bodyguard, bit her hand, and couldn't leave.

Su Ruo only felt that the spiritual power in her body was draining along with the blood. She flicked the colorful butterfly on her right hand lightly, wiped the wound with her jade hand, and forced the blood to sprinkle on the Kun sword. The spiritual power urged the divine sword, Kunjian suddenly burst into flames, and the red sword glow turned into a fire phoenix, and with a long cry, it rushed straight to the most dense place of the butterfly.As the fire and phoenix passed by, the colorful butterflies turned into flying ash one after another. In a moment, a large gap was exposed by the group of colorful butterflies, and then it was filled again.

"There is a formation here, Senior Brother Su, Junior Sister Su, follow my instructions." Su Yi raised his voice: "Seven steps forward to the left, two steps back, and then turn right..."

The Nine Palaces Sword Formation composed of disciples from the North Kunlun, firmly protected the people in the formation, and the protected people either attacked with fire or used fire talismans to clean up the colorful butterflies and insects in the sky and on the ground.Everyone worked together and finally saw the edge of the grass.

At this moment, Zhang Qi, who was reminded by the system elves, knew that there was a 10-year-old nectar fruit not far away. It looks like being forced by the butterfly dart in the sky, and it seems that it is about to escape from the sword formation.

Su Ruo, who came to the formation, noticed it immediately, and flew out the divine sword in his hand, and quickly helped Zhang Qi kill the colorful butterflies around him, frowned and shouted: "Junior Brother Zhang, pay attention to your footsteps, and don't leave Sword array." After speaking, he took the divine sword in Hui Yuan's hand and started to fight again.

Zhang Qi paused, and under the fierce eyes of the North Kunlun disciples beside him, he moved back to his original position helplessly. Since he was seen by others, he could only wait until the next time.Nima, seeing a good thing is not far away from him, but he can't run to grab it, it's really painful!

(End of this chapter)

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