Chapter 28
When the last person stepped out of the grass, everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and looked at the surrounding environment intently.Ten feet away from them, there is a towering ancient cypress tree with undulating crown, green needles and green leaves, twigs and copper branches, very simple and lush.

The shrubs spread from the edge of the grass to the trees in an orderly manner. Among the dark green branches and leaves, there were little red shadows flickering, and a sweet scent that seemed to be absent from the tip of their noses lifted their tired spirits.

Shen Peilan exclaimed: "It's Hongluo, it's actually Hongluo!"

Several people from South Kunlun also had surprises in their eyes, and Wang Junyan even joked: "Speaking of which, Junior Sister Shen has a lot of knowledge, and she recognized it as Hongluo at a glance."

Shen Peilan blushed a little, but she also smiled generously: "I usually practice alchemy, but I have failed too many times, and I have succeeded occasionally, and most of them are low-grade alchemy. For the legendary manna grass that can improve the quality of elixirs and neutralize erysipelas I covet it endlessly. The red radish and the sweet dew are inseparable, I have talked about it a lot, so I will remember it naturally."

"Everyone is salivating for manna fruit, but it's a pity I haven't seen Dongji for thousands of years. I didn't expect to see a large piece here today." I am so happy!Everyone in South Kunlun stared at Hongluo with green eyes.

"Looking at the height of this piece of red radish and the color of its branches and leaves, it may be more than ten thousand years old. Even if we leave the secret realm immediately, we don't need to make this trip." Su Xun was also a little excited. Red radish is a sixth-grade spiritual fruit. The wine made from it is not only mellow and refreshing, but the most important thing is that the effect of restoring spiritual power is three times stronger than that of Huiling Pill. "Well, dig them all back, and we'll have red wine to drink."

Xing Min glanced at him sideways, and poured a basin of cold water on his pocket: "We just came in. I don't know how many things are left behind. The storage bags are limited, and it is impossible to take them all away."

Su Xun immediately lowered his head, and said in frustration: "Seeing that such a piece of treasure cannot be taken away, I feel really bad."

Without saying a word, Su Ruo stretched out her two small hands. The slender and slender jade hands were carved out of flawless jade, perfect to the extreme. Just these two hands are enough to attract the attention of countless men.It's a pity that everyone is drooling at Su Ruo's little hands now, it's definitely not because of her beautiful little hands, but because each of her slender jade fingers is wearing a ring, made of different materials, such as gold, jade, or wood. There are many, but they are all printed with mysterious patterns, which are the unique patterns of storage rings.Ten fingers are ten storage rings. Considering Su Ruo's background, the ones that can be brought by her are definitely not defective.

Su Xun's eyes were all smiles, he hugged Su Ruo into his arms, and laughed loudly, "As expected, our Ajiu is very thoughtful." This time, even if he dug up the piece of red radish and nectar fruit , and don’t worry about not being able to take it away.

Compared with Su Xun's complacency, Xing Min stared at Su Ruo's white wrist in a daze.Su Xun frowned, raised his leg and kicked him, and glanced at him coldly.Xing Min dodged to dodge his kick, but pointed at Su Ruo's wrist, trembling even in his voice, "Junior Junior Sister, those bracelets on your wrist..."

Su Ruo nodded with a smile, "Brother Xing has really good eyesight, these storage bracelets are given by Master Danhua."

"All...all..." There must be at least a dozen bracelets on her wrist.

"Well, the ten rings are from the master, and the sixteen bracelets are from the master Danhua." After finishing speaking, Su Ruo raised her little feet, "The four anklets are from the master, the belt is from the brother, and the purse is from the master." Eldest Sister's, and these storage bags belong to Elder Brother and Third Senior Brother."

Uh, are you planning to wholesale... Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, silent, what a gap!

Su Xun swallowed quietly, and said dryly: "Then let's do it. We'll pick the ripe fruits and transplant the plants, and we will trouble the brothers, brothers, and sisters in South Kunlun."

Su Ruo added in a timely manner, "There should be no danger here, just don't go to the cypress tree. There are many small birds on the tree, which may peck people." After scanning here, nothing abnormal was found, and the always sensitive intuition did not call the police.

"Everyone should be careful, do it." Su Xun said.

Everyone dispersed on the spot, each chose a direction, and rushed over.Zhang Qi had a good match a long time ago, and headed directly to the northwest.Shen Peilan had been staring at him for a long time, and when she saw him move, she chased after him unintentionally.

When it came to Su Xin, he kept weighing in his heart whether it was worth offending Zhang Qi for a 10-year-old manna fruit.In the original book, Zhang Qi just auctioned off the nectar fruit, not to mention getting a large sum of spirit stones, and exchanged for a ten-thousand-year enlightening spirit grass, which gained the favor of the nine-tailed spirit fox family, and even brought back a fox. Female.Speaking of which, the favorability of the Nine-Tailed Fox is useless. She doesn't lack any spirit stones at the moment, and the nectar fruit is really a good thing. If it can be planted in her space, the quality of the elixir will definitely improve a lot in the future. , Erysipelas also decreased accordingly.

She remembered that she had seen a elixir formula in the bookstore, the main medicine was manna fruit of ten thousand years, together with eight kinds of spiritual herbs such as danmu and jade red grass, it could be used to refine the jade liquid for clearing erysipelas.In this way, she doesn't have to worry about the transitional problems of taking the elixir, and can use the elixir to improve her cultivation level with confidence.

Although Su Xin hesitated, she didn't hesitate in her steps, and after drawing half an arc, she also walked towards Zhang Qi's direction.

Different from Su Xin's idea, of course Shen Peilan also wanted to get the 10-year-old manna fruit.It's just that she doesn't know the exact location of Ganlu, so she will definitely be a step behind Zhang Qi. Instead of letting Zhang Qi get it, it's better to let others get it.Slightly raised his head and glanced around, only Su Xin was relatively close to the two of them.At this moment, she was squatting on the ground, carefully using a jade hoe to transplant a ten-thousand-year manna fruit into the jade basin.

Shen Peilan rolled her eyes, thinking about it.She raised her voice a little, and deliberately strengthened the anxiety in her words, "Zhang Qi, stop it, pick it like you do, red radish and nectar are useless."

Zhang Qi was thinking about the treasure in his heart, but he didn't want others to know what he got, so he naturally pretended to be nonchalant, and went to pick ripe red radishes and nectar like everyone else.It's just that he had something on his mind, so the movements of his hands were unavoidably rough, which gave Shen Peilan a reason to stop him.

Shen Peilan ran to him angrily, "How can manna fruit be picked by hand? It will turn into water when you touch it. Just touch it with the mouth of a jade bottle, and it will fall down by itself! Also, manna The more transparent it is, the more mature it is, and the ones that are still a bit milky cannot be picked, you know!"

Zhang Qi hated in his heart, but he couldn't show it. He could only grit his teeth secretly, nodded vigorously, and smiled. He was about to vomit to death. gone."

"No, I have to watch you, lest you spoil the good things." That Miss Su Ba, hurry up and pick the manna fruit away, I really want to see Zhang Qi's ugly face after the treasure is taken away Face, I really feel happy just thinking about it.

The dispute here was seen by others, and the other four South Kunlun disciples headed by Wang Junyan stared at Su Ruo, Su Xun and the others, fearing that they would ruin the treasure if they did not operate properly.

Su Yi and Su Er raised their hands to beg for forgiveness, "Senior Brother Wang, don't stare at us, Junior Sister Shen just made it very clear, everyone knows."

"Hmph, be gentle with your hands and feet."

"Hehehe, definitely."

The four of Wang Junyan glanced left and right, finally affirming everyone's level, and then proceeded with their own transplantation with peace of mind.

"Ah..." "Squeak... croak..." Accompanied by a scream, there was a piercing cry!
PS: Shanshui may have to break his promise. He is still in the hospital, and he will be home very late today. I don’t know if he can finish coding that day!

(End of this chapter)

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