The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 29 The Secret Realm 4

Chapter 29

In the distance, a gigantic snake jumped out from nowhere. The snake was as thick as a bucket and looked up high. The most peculiar thing was that the head of this snake actually looked like an old woman. A cry like a frog.

Standing in front of the giant snake, the girl who was on alert, her shoulders were stained red with blood, probably injured by the giant snake.

"Su Xin?" Everyone in the "human-faced python" exclaimed in unison, especially Su Ruo. She just swept across the area with her spiritual sense and found no trace of the giant snake, but it suddenly appeared and attacked Su Xin. ,How is this going?Could it be that it can avoid divine consciousness?

Su Ruo rushed to Su Xin's side in a few steps, and blocked her with a horizontal sword, "Where did this thing come from?"

Su Xin pursed her red lips tightly. She just discovered a 10-year-old manna fruit and a cluster of red radishes that grew with it. Overjoyed, she dug it quietly and threw it into the space.After doing all this, in order to cover up her behavior, she wandered around again, and was caught by the human-faced python who came back from looking for food.

The cultivation level of the human-faced python is equivalent to that of a human monk practicing qi training. It is only because of the suppression of the secret realm that it cannot break through the foundation-building stage, but it does not prevent it from possessing the treasured mood.He has been the boss of this territory for many years, all the beasts big and small within a hundred miles know that this manna fruit is his treasure, and they usually avoid it, lest the human-faced python will eat it. As it grows longer, the human-faced python will loosen its supervision on the manna grass. Who would have thought that someone would poach its treasure today, and it would really burn with anger.

Seeing dozens of figures running straight towards this side, the one who arrived the fastest looked like a thief, although the sword in her hand made it fearful, but the revenge of taking the baby made it ignore the rising Feeling uneasy, there was only one thought, to eat up that thief and people like her.

"Gah..." The snake's mouth opened wide, revealing its sharp fangs, and the human-faced python fiercely bit Su Ruo and the others.

Su Ruo dodged and dodged, the long sword in her palm slashed out, and went straight to the seven inches of the human-faced python.

The human-faced python moved swiftly, and after dodging Su Ruo's sword, it opened its mouth and sprayed out a cloud of poisonous mist.Su Xin took a step back, took a detoxification pill in his mouth, couldn't pinch it with his hands, and even shot out a entanglement technique, the protruding ivy, entangled around the mouth of the human-faced python.

When Su Ruo and Su Xin wrestled with the human-faced python, the rest of the people also rushed to them. Those who used swords used swords, and those who used spells used spells. They resolutely encircled and beat them.Although the human-faced python has a perfect cultivation of Qi refining, after all, it has not yet reached the foundation building period, and within half a moment, Su Ruo's sword pierced through the brain from the left eye, the body twitched a few times, and then died completely.

Su Xun came forward with a smile and split the head of the human-faced python, trying to pick out the demon pill, but found that the demon pill was actually smashed by Su Ruo's sword energy. He looked depressed, "Ah Jiu , the monster pill of the human-faced python is a good material for refining the detoxification pill, and it was destroyed by you just like that."

After Su Ruo picked the human-faced python, she went to meditate to recover her spiritual power, and opened her eyes when she heard the words: "It's just a little monster in the Qi training period, isn't it a pity?"

"Hmph, prodigal." Su Xun gave Su Ruo a sideways glance, and went over to put the human-faced python into the storage bag.After receiving the human-faced python, he looked thoughtfully at Su Xin, who was also sitting cross-legged, and after pondering for a moment, he still asked, "Xinxin, what did you dig up before to provoke this human?" face python."

Su Xin's heart tightened, but she said blankly: "It's nothing special, I just dug up two ten thousand-year-old red radishes and one nectar fruit."

Zhang Qi, who was standing with folded arms, had already known that the 10-year-old nectar fruit had been taken away. He slightly lowered his eyelids to block the dark and unclear light in his eyes.That nectar fruit must have been taken by Su Xin, and he dared to snatch something from Lao Tzu, he was really impatient.Seeing that Su Xin was born beautiful, plus the omnipotent space on her body, Zhang Qi hesitated whether to abandon Su Ruo and take Su Xin down.After all, the entire Dongji cultivation world knew about the marriage between Su Ruo and Bai Qi, and it was imperative for them to get married.When he was not full-fledged, neither the Bai family nor the Su family could afford to offend him.Originally, he planned to develop a pure love affair with Su Ruo, so that there would be a rift between her and Bai Qi, and the dual cultivation would fail.No matter how beautiful and talented a woman is, if she can't eat it, it's not worth spending too much energy.It's not as good as Su Xin, who has cheats, is good-looking, and has a good background, so it should be pretty good to be a couple of dual cultivators.

As soon as today's incident happened, Zhang Qi held a grudge against Su Xin in his heart. After asking the elves, he knew that after he had formed an alchemy, he could use the secret method and snatch the space from Su Xin, he secretly remembered this.Hmph, let you be beautiful for two days first, after I form the alchemy, the universal space will be mine, and the elixir fruit will naturally be mine too.

Sensing Zhang Qi's fleeting evil thoughts, Su Ruo glanced over.

Zhang Qi smiled, walked over casually, squatted beside Su Ruo, and teased with a drawn-out voice: "Senior Sister Su, have you recovered?"

Su Ruo nodded lightly, "Thank you, Junior Brother Zhang, for your concern."

"Senior Sister Su!" He deliberately emphasized the word "Senior Sister", with a smile in his eyes: "I don't know if you have noticed that the Golden Crow Secret Realm is like those spiritual realms specially built in Kunlun for our disciples to practice. It can be dealt with." He decided to make it clear that he would never follow the large army in the following itinerary.If this goes on like this, no matter how many good things there are, there will be countless ones that fall into his hands.

"We have only been here for less than a day, and we only crossed a piece of grass and killed a human-faced python. How do you know that this is the same spiritual realm as the spiritual realm used by our disciples for training?"

Zhang Qi shrugged coolly, "This is my intuition." It can't be said that the system wizard told him.

"Well, Junior Brother Zhang's words make some sense. The phantom formation just now has no murderous intent. Even those who don't know the formation method can at most make a big circle, and finally return to the starting point." The eldest brother Su Yi heard the words Speak up and express your opinion.

Su Xun was silent for a moment, "It's better for us to be safe and go more places. If it turns out to be what the two junior brothers guessed, we will act separately."

Among this group of people, Su Xun was the oldest and had the highest cultivation level, so he became the temporary leader.When he opened his mouth, everyone else nodded.Only Zhang Qi felt bored, but he could only agree with Su Xun's opinion.

Everyone worked together to sweep up the red radishes and manna fruits, and poached away all but the untouched ones under 5000 years old.The tidying up here is complete, the spiritual power is full, and we are on the road again.

When passing by the ancient cypress, everyone couldn't help but feel nervous. There are thousands of birds perched on this ancient cypress. If they attack in groups, it will be really difficult to deal with.Fortunately, these little birds were just hovering over their heads curiously, and did not attack anyone. They left the range of the ancient cypress, and their hearts were slightly relaxed, and they were in the mood to mention such a strange cypress.

Su Yi: "The ancient cypress just now should be the legendary Jiulong cypress!"

Su Er: "That's right, there's really a dragon coiled on top of the tree trunk.!"

Su Yi: "Those birds are black-billed sparrows? So, the ones who attacked us on the grass just now were really Bisi and Bisi Die!"

Su Er: "Emma, ​​the grass on the grass can't be urora grass! It's the material for making urora robes!"

Su One, Su Two: "Aww... Senior Brother, Senior Brother, let's go back, let's go back..."

Brother Liu, who had a headache from the quarrel, couldn't bear it anymore and shot: "Shut up! Keep making noise and pinch J|J..."

"Crack..." "Ouch!"

"Pay attention to your words, you'll spoil Ah Jiu, hehe..." Su Xun snorted coldly, his eyes swept over someone's lower body.

Brother Liu only felt the cold sweat dripping from his back, subconsciously blocked a certain place with his sleeve, and rushed to the front immediately to explore the way.

Su Ruo blinked, and sincerely suggested: "Kicking is better. Of course, if it's an enemy, it's better to use a sword."

"..." Everyone burst into tears, Nima, we don't need to teach this girl badly!

(End of this chapter)

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