The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 30 The Secret Realm 5

Chapter 30

For three days in a row, everyone repeated the three items of fighting monsters, picking spiritual herbs, and meditating. The strength of monsters varies. So far, the most powerful ones are those in the Qi Dayuan stage. Thinking about it, it makes a lot of sense.

After Xingmin killed the last coyote with a sword, he casually threw the body into the storage bag, walked to the hidden formation and sat down, "Junior Brother Zhang must be right. The Golden Crow Secret Realm is about the cultivation sect in ancient times The place where the disciples are tested."

Su Xun raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I have long wanted to fly solo. I have been following you for the past few days. My muscles and bones are not loose, and my sword is blunt."

Everyone laughed. In the tradition of North Kunlun, there are many disciples who are aggressive. The monsters encountered in the past few days all attacked in groups, and they were killed in a few hits. It really didn't take much effort. No wonder Su Xun and others A look of boredom.

After laughing, Wang Junyan said with a smile: "So, let's break up here. Let's meet at the gate in a hundred days." When the Golden Crow Secret Realm appeared that day, all the elders and hidden powers in the Kunlun Gate came to see However, confirm that as long as you enter it, it will last for [-] days, and it will be automatically closed when the time comes.These first batch of disciples who came to explore the way naturally knew about it.

"Okay, let's go west." The twin brothers Su Yi and Su Er spoke first.

Zhang Qi also said lightly: "I'm going to the northwest." Finally, he was able to leave alone.

Su Xun looked at Su Ruo and Su Xin, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Ah Jiu, Xinxin, come with me."

Su Ruo shook her head, "I'll go by myself." Such a good exercise opportunity must not be missed.

Su Xin also smiled slightly, "Brother Xun, I'll go by myself too."

The disciples of Bei Kunlun are all sword masters, and their favorite thing is to challenge themselves, and they all expressed that they want to go alone.As for the disciples of South Kunlun and West Kunlun, except for Zhang Qi, Su Xin and Shen Peilan, they all made a companion and took care of each other.

After agreeing, without further words, Su got up crisply, nodded his goodbyes, and headed due east alone.Seeing the direction she was going, Zhang Qi frowned and thought for a moment, then bowed his hands in salute, "Everyone take care, my little brother is leaving too." The system elf told him that in the direction Su Ruo was going, there was something that it could not even call. .After choosing for a long time, he still decided to get the known treasure first.As for the unknown object, it is impossible for Su Ruo to get it.

After Su Ruo left the crowd, she kept heading due east, she always felt that there was something important in that direction.Of course, this is just her intuition, there is no evidence.Usually, this kind of intuition is very good in battle, but it is the first time to use it to explore the secret realm, so I look forward to it.

Su Ruo was walking alone in the woods, the bright red sword circled around Su Ruo playfully, touching her face from time to time, and then floated to the plants not far away, bringing Su Ruo back a piece of Green leaves or a small flower.

I don't know why, when I was with the same sect before, rare spiritual grasses and elixir could be seen everywhere as if they were free of money, but when she left by herself, she saw all the commonly used spiritual plants, the difference is that the age was more .You must know that using spiritual grasses and elixir to make alchemy does not mean that the longer the year, the better. Some common spiritual herbs and elixir have a harvesting period, and after that period, they cannot be used.

Fortunately, Su Ruo didn't care about her own luck, she was still happily jumping around in the woods, her consciousness was always on the outside, and when she sensed any monsters nearby, she jumped over to fight.The monsters in the Golden Crow Secret Territory are all suppressed in the Qi training period, and their unique moves are different, allowing Su Ruo to fight in a unique way, making it very enjoyable to fight.

Not all monsters can be defeated by her at once, just like this one, Su Ruo pursed her mouth tightly to block the eight flame knives flying towards her, narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and the divine sword flew out. Pointed sword glows emerged, arranged in the shape of a plum blossom, and really ran towards the lion-shaped monster on the opposite side.

Since entering the secret realm, her sword moves have been tempered again, and she has been able to emit six sword qi at the same time.

The six-point sword light approached the Flame Lion, and suddenly scattered in all directions, attacking the vital points of the Flame Lion.

The Flame Lion on the opposite side is a fire-type monster. It can use fire-type spells proficiently, and its speed is also fast, which caused Su Ruo a lot of trouble.It rolled on the spot, dodging Su Ruo's five sword lights, one of the swords passed close to the leg, cut a bloody hole, and brought out a string of blood beads.

The flame lion was enraged, and a series of fireballs came over him overwhelmingly. At the same time, it flew in the air, pointing its sharp teeth at Su Ruo's neck.

Su Ruo's figure moved continuously, with mysterious dance steps under her feet, dodging the flames just right, the sword formula changed again, holding the sword in both hands, facing the flaming lion, not defending and counterattacking, and slashing straight with the sword.

The Flame Lion was more jealous of the divine sword in Su Ruo's hand, and turned around reluctantly in the air. Although he dodged the sword, a large part of the hair on his head was plucked.The Flaming Lion leaned down, and the fire-type spiritual energy around him was extremely active. It seemed that he was going to make a big move, so Su Ruo was on guard.

"Roar!" Following the lion's roar, countless flaming arrows flew towards him with long tail feathers, blocking all of Su Ruo's escape routes.

The spiritual power in Su Ruo's body was brought to the extreme, and the divine sword in her palm flew out, while 81 sword energy protected her body, the flaming arrow also arrived.Her heart is like a mirror, and every time she swipes her sword energy, she can block a flaming arrow. The sword energy is getting faster and faster, continuously, and never misses.

When the sword was dancing to its fullest, Su Ruojiao let out a shout, unleashed her sword energy, and chopped off all the remaining flaming arrows.She can only do this, the spiritual power in her body is not much, and when she saw the flame lion who still had enough power, she wrinkled her little nose, and her usual crisp voice was a little hoarse: "Little lion, let's fight again tomorrow!" , I'm tired." After speaking, regardless of whether the other party could understand or not, he used his agility and ran towards his temporary residence in a hurry.

The flame lion was going to die of anger. It was sleeping on the mountain, and suddenly a little thing popped out of thin air. When it saw it, it came up and beat it without saying a word.Just fight, if you can't win, she ran away recklessly, and her speed was about the same as it.The most irritating thing is that the little thing ran into the entrance of the cave, and somehow did something. As soon as she entered, the entrance of the cave sent a message, no matter how much it attacked, it still didn't appear.

As a fire-type monster, the flame lion's temper was not very good. It stood guard at the cave entrance, insisting on waiting for Su Ruo to come out, and wanted to spit fire over her and burn her to death.

Su Ruo returned to the cave, and carefully felt that the already tired flame lion could not break through the formation given by the third senior brother.She took out the futon with a smile, sat down, and began to recover her spiritual power.

After waking up from a night of practice, Su Ruo casually stuffed a Pill of Bigu into her small mouth, stretched her waist, jumped up energetically, and said to herself, "I don't know if that little lion will stay by your side. The entrance of the cave, so I don’t have to look for it.”

When she came out of the cave, the flame lion was guarding the entrance of the cave, not leaving half a step.As soon as it saw Su Ruo appearing, it opened its mouth wide, and a series of fireballs rushed towards Su Ruo.

In this way, the Flame Lion waited for Su Ruo to appear at the entrance of the cave every day. Su Ruo would happily come up to fight every day. If he couldn't fight, he would force the lion back with a big move, and then return to the cave to rest. By the way, he would summarize his today which performed.

After three days, the Flaming Lion understood that this little thing was just harassing it to play.Why is it here to play with her and not give it food.The flame lion, shrouded in gloom, immediately returned to his own territory to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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