The cutest swordsman in history

Chapter 31 The Secret Realm 6

Chapter 31

Where the flame lion lives, there are tens of thousands of hexagonal stone pillars, from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, straight into the sky. There is a risk of burns if people get close.

"Xiaohuo, is this here?" Squatting at the entrance of the cave was a little girl in white clothes, with black hair tied into a double bun, black and white phoenix eyes, and a small rosy mouth. She tilted her head and stared curiously at her. The mouth of the hole that is steaming and emitting sparks from time to time.

"Roar!" Beside the little girl was a huge lion. It was too lazy to lie down beside Su Ruo, with its head on its front paws. When it heard Su Ruo's question, it answered slowly, and at the same time raised its head to rub against Su Ruo. like.

A few days ago, a man and a beast who beat you to death, but now they are making friends with their best friend.When the Flame Lion looked at Su Ruo in the scarlet eyes, he no longer saw the bloodthirsty before, and was full of gentleness.

After Su Ruo got an affirmative answer, she stood up and patted the Flaming Lion's head, and said with a smile, "Xiao Huo, wait for me here, I'll go in and take a stroll, if there's nothing interesting, let's go."

The Flaming Lion let out a low growl, and stopped in front of Su Ruo. It was rare to meet someone who was equal to it and did not use insidious tricks. It didn't want the little girl to go down there, because it was very dangerous inside.Even though it is a fire-type monster, it is instinctively afraid of the entrance of the cave. It only dares to wander around the entrance of the cave, and never goes deep.

"Xiaohuo, are you worried about me?" Su Ruo cheered, and rushed straight over, holding the flame lion's neck with both hands, hanging on it, her small face rubbing against its long hair.

The little girl was a fluff lover in her previous life, she couldn't control her star eyes when she saw fluffy things, but after she was reborn, she brought this hobby with her and upgraded her level.She has no special interest in those weak and cute little animals, but prefers tall, dangerous and furry animals like the flame lion.

After seven or eight days of continuous fighting with the flame lion, one man and one beast finally fought evenly, and no one could beat the other.In the final battle, after each exploded their ultimate moves, both of them lost their strength and hid in the ground.Su Ruo ate a spirit pill, stood up staggeringly, the flame lion struggled a few times, and found that he couldn't move at all, knowing that his time was approaching, he closed his eyes decadently.

Su Ruo came to it and murmured to himself, "I don't know if the spirit pill monster can be used or not." While talking, he stuffed two pills into the mouth of the flame lion, and then stepped back to a safe distance, his eyes sparkling staring at it.

Facts have proved that human medicine pills are of limited help to monsters. It can be seen that Su Ruo has been alive and kicking for a long time, and the flame lion is still lying there half dead, too lazy to move.

Looking at the little girl practicing sword not far away, the flame lion's red eyes are full of doubts. Why is this little thing not like the previous monks, after killing it, then skinning and cramping, instead of giving it pills?

The Flame Lion was the first batch of monsters to be imprisoned in the secret realm. Most of the monsters that came in at the same time as it died, either because they died in the battle, or because they were unable to advance, and died at the end of their lifespan.Even if Su Ruo doesn't kill it today, it still feels that it won't live long.After living for so long, there is no way to advance without it, but it has already opened up the wisdom.

Su Ruo slowly retreated, and when she turned around, she met the bewildered eyes of the flame lion, and she showed a big smile: "Hey, I know you can understand me. Do you want to come with me and play outside? "

go outside?It also wanted to go out, but it never found a way. After searching for the past year after year, there was no hope. Now this little girl actually said that she would take it out. Can the monk be trusted?
"Nah, if you don't talk, I'll take it as your agreement. Hohohoho, I'll call you Xiaohuo from now on!" After fighting with this flame lion for several days, Su Ruo really liked the one in front of him. Spiritual lion.

The Flaming Lion turned his head silently. When did I agree, I would really talk to myself.I don't know what kind of wind it was, but it really brought the little girl back to its own territory, and went to pick the flame fruit specially to please her.Alas, if it hadn't picked the flame fruit, the little girl wouldn't have become interested in the dangerous place, so she jumped down.

For the first time, the Flaming Lion felt an emotion similar to regret, and it circled around the entrance of the cave irritably.The little girl has been in for a long time, why can't she come out? Is there any danger? It looked at the entrance of the cave, became ruthless, suppressed the fear imprinted in its soul, and ran inside.

At this moment, Su Ruo has reached the deepest part of the cave, and there is magma all over the ground. Even with spiritual protection, she still feels that she is about to be roasted.In the middle of the magma, there is a small flat land, on which there is actually a small green tree with only two branches and five leaves. It is a thin branch with a small black sign hanging on it.

She roughly recalled the path she had traveled when she came here. It kept going downwards, and it was getting hotter and hotter. Don't you have already reached the ground?

Looking at the small dark sign, Su Ruo's intuition told her that it was a very important thing and she must keep it in her hand.

Silently felt the remaining spiritual power in the body, only two-thirds.After a rough calculation, she got the distance between the small trees.Ling Kongxu crossed over and came back, at least half of the spiritual power in her body had to be consumed, and the remaining half was not enough to support her going back.This is still under the magma, there are no other dangers or monsters.

Su Ruo sighed, took out three spirit pills and put them in her mouth to swallow. In the past few days, how many drugs did she take, more frequently than drugs!No wonder everyone likes to use pills to restore spiritual power, it is faster than meditating by yourself.

Protecting the body with the divine sword, he took a deep breath, lightened his feet, rose into the air, and galloped towards the small tree.Seeing that the little tree was right in front of him, his fingertips had already touched the small sign, and there was a sudden change.

A flaming figure flew out of the magma, opened its mouth with a flame, and went straight to Su Ruo.

Su Ruo twisted her slender waist slightly, dodging the oncoming flames, the divine sword flew out, and nine sharp sword qi slashed straight at Hongying.

Hong Ying seemed to know how powerful it was, and after dodging, he landed on the magma.

Su Ruo stood on a small tree with a horizontal sword on her chest, and looked with fixed eyes, the one who attacked her just now was actually a big lizard, its whole body was red, it fell on the magma, and melted into one with the magma, if you don't look carefully, you will see it not come out.

"Damn it, it's so ugly!" Su Ruo pouted, she didn't like this kind of reptile at all. "Hey, why does the little reptile just look at it, but doesn't dare to breathe fire?" Su Ruo looked down at the small tree she was standing on, and standing around it, she couldn't feel any heat, but felt a sense of coldness instead. The delicate fragrance floats on the tip of the nose.

"What kind of spiritual plant is this? It grows in the magma, but it doesn't have a trace of dryness." Su Ruo understood that she was lucky enough to meet the baby at last, so she casually took out three spirit pills and stuffed them into her small mouth. The three that were put in before serving, the small mouth was stuffed to the brim, and the cheeks bulged.

"Little reptile, look at the sword!" It was still nine sword qi.

The lizard also responded immediately, and sprayed flames on Su Ruo's body like they didn't want money, but carefully avoided the small tree.

Su Ruo crushed the fourth spirit elixir, gasped slightly, sweat dripped from her head, her cassock had been burned, her waist and legs were burned, and she casually peeled off a burning piece of flesh on her left arm , I became more and more calm in my heart.

"It's now!" Su Ruo had already dodged to the best position, and when the lizard had just spewed out a flame, before the second one could exit, the human sword merged into one, like lightning, and stabbed straight out.This sword used [-]% of the spiritual power to penetrate from the lizard's left eye, and the entire body of the divine sword did not enter the lizard's body.The lizard twitched its body twice and stopped moving.Su Ruo gnawed a spirit recovery pill again, forcefully raised her spiritual power, landed on the side of the small tree, and sat down slumped.

"Roar..." The roar of the lion resounded, and the huge figure of the flame lion slowly appeared. Seeing Su Ruo who was in a mess, but his life was intact, An Xin flashed in his red eyes.

Su Ruo raised a smile and waved at the flame lion: "Xiaohuo, look, I found the treasure."

"Oh..." Stupid, what are you saying, hurry up and get your things, let's go out, are you comfortable here!

"Okay, okay, it will be ready soon." Su Ruo felt that her spiritual power had recovered by [-]%, she took off the small plaque and put it in the ring, then took out a jade box, and carefully dug out the little tree.She had just put the little tree into the jade box, and before she could put it into the ring, the whole cave began to shake, and even the magma began to churn.

Su Ruo jumped up, the divine sword flew out, and the small open space just now was engulfed by magma in an instant, her toes just stepped on the flying sword, she used her strength to rise again, and after three times, she landed firmly beside the flame lion , urged anxiously: "Xiao Huo, run quickly, this place is about to collapse."

The flame lion opened its mouth wide and bit Su Ruo...

(End of this chapter)

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